InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Pup's Arrival ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own it.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Fourteen: Pup's Arrival
Kagome placed a hand over her stomach as the pup started kicking furiously. “You're hungry too, huh?” she whispered as she walked down the hall towards the kitchen. Kagome paused as she came to the large glass doors that led to the gardens. She looked out and sighed, “It's beautiful tonight. Too bad Sesshoumaru's not here to enjoy it.” A grumble and a kick told Kagome that she needed to get something to eat. “Alright. You win,” she stated as she continued on. `Why'd Yukio have to declare war on us?'
Flashback… (seven months earlier)
Sesshoumaru glared at the lord in front of him. “You are no longer welcome in my home. Leave now, Yukio” he demanded. Yukio rose from the bench he'd been sitting on. “What if I don't want to, pup?” Yukio spat. “Then I'll have to remove you by force,” Sesshoumaru countered. “Actually, I'd rather remove you,” Yukio stated as he looked over at Kaori. “Kaori, get your troops ready to storm the castle,” Yukio ordered.
Kaori glared at him from the tree branch she was laying on. “Think about what you just said. You said `get YOUR troops' meaning the troops are mine. As for getting them ready, I'll get them ready to return to the East. Our alliance is over, Yukio,” the demoness replied. “So is ours,” Kin chimed in. “Ours as well,” Kagome added. Yukio glared at all of them.
“Then I declare war on all of you!” he announced. Seiko laughed, “You're declaring war on the East, West, and South? You don't stand a snowball's chance in hell against the three armies.”
“We'll see about that. Kouga, Michiko, We're leaving!” Yukio exclaimed before taking off for the gate. Kouga and his mother shook their heads as they followed him.
-------------End Flashback------------
Six and half months of war planning later, Sesshoumaru and his troops set out to fight against Yukio's troops. Kagome hadn't heard a word from him in nearly two weeks. `I hope he's alright,' she thought as she grabbed some bread off the counter. Kagome walked down the hall towards the study, but stopped when a gust of wind blew her candle out.
The hallway went dark for a moment before the moonlight streamed through the windows and illuminated a painting Kagome hadn't seen before. “That's odd. I must not have noticed that painting before,” she whispered quietly. She approached the painting and gasped in awe.
The painting was of a young female demon with long golden hair that reminded Kagome of the sun. Emerald colored eyes stared at her with what appeared to be a very lonely look. Three black stripes adorned each cheek of the demoness and a blue crescent moon rested on her forehead. The painting actually seemed to be alive as the moonlight glinted off the eye color. Kagome's gaze traveled over the painting and she smiled as she noticed two small pups clutching onto the bottom of the woman's kimono.
The little girl had golden eyes like Sesshoumaru, but golden hair like the demoness and one black stripe on each cheek. The boy had a mixture of gold and silver in his hair, emerald colored eyes, and two magenta stripes on each cheek. Both pups had blue crescent moons adorning their foreheads.
Kagome eyes caught sight of a passage at the bottom of the painting.
It read: `In remembrance of Lady Kioko, wife and mate to Lord Sesshoumaru of the Western Lands. May the Lady of the West rest in peace and may her children grow to respect their heritage.'
“So that's what Kioko looked like,” Kagome muttered as she took a bite out of the bread. “That's weird,” a voice said. Kagome jumped and turned her head to see Tigara standing next to her. “That painting was taken down nearly two hundred years ago. It wasn't hanging there an hour ago,” Tigara stated thoughtfully.
“Was it in storage?” Kagome asked.
“No. Sesshoumaru-sama had it burned. It supposedly had a curse on it or something,” Tigara replied. “Curse? What kind of curse?” Kagome questioned.
Tigara shrugged, “I'm not sure, but this isn't the only spot where it's been seen. It was seen in a sitting room that caught on fire two days later. It's also been seen in the soldiers' barracks, a kitchen, a bedroom, and the old study. It showed up in the barracks a week before some sort of virus killed three hundred of the soldiers. In the kitchen two hours before a cook was murdered there. In the bedroom a day before one of the servants was raped there. In the old study the day it burned down and Sesshoumaru-sama lost all his father's documents.”
Kagome gazed at the painting again, “You know I could've sworn that Kioko was looking right at me. Now she's looking off to the right.” Tigara raised an eyebrow, “What? Kioko's eyes were always looking that direction.” Kagome gulped.
“What're you two doing out of your rooms this late?” Kohana asked as she approached her sister and Kagome. “We were looking at this pain…” Tigara trailed off.
Kagome looked up at the wall, but the painting was no longer there. “Where'd it go?” she asked as she and Tigara looked up and down the hallway.
Kohana looked at the wall then at the women in front of her. “You were looking at the wall?” she asked suspiciously.
“No, there was a painting there a minute ago,” Kagome told her.
Kohana shook her head, “There hasn't been a painting hanging here in nearly two hundred years now, milady. I think you need to get back to bed, Tigara. Now, MARCH!” Kohana pointed down the hallway and watched as Tigara walked past her.
“Goodnight, Kagome-sama,” Kohana stated as she followed her sister. “Goodnight you two,” Kagome replied as she headed for the study again.
Two hours later, Kagome awoke with a start. For a moment, she couldn't figure out why she wasn't in bed. The thought left her mind when she realized the cushion was soaked indicating her water had broken. She carefully stood from the cushion and moved to a different one. As soon as she got into what would've been a comfortable position normally, she felt her stomach cramp slightly. She winced slightly and jumped as the study door flew open.
“For the last time, I'm not gonna do…” Sesshoumaru froze as he spotted Kagome sprawled out on a cushion in the study. Kaori walked around him and approached her with a worried expression.
“You alright, Kagome-chan?” Kaori questioned as Kagome winced again.
Kaori eyed the girl for a moment before turning around and screaming, “WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASSES! WE'VE GOT A DEMONESS IN LABOR IN HERE!!!” Kaori's voice was so loud the castle itself seemed to rattle with the sound.
Sesshoumaru, Kin, Seiko, Kaemon, Makoto, and Kiyoshi rushed into the room to avoid the onslaught of servants that came running in with hot water, towels, blankets, pillows, and various other things.
Tigara, Kohana, and the midwife, Inari, were the last ones to enter the room. By this time, Kagome was already stripped and propped up on several pillows. Seiko and Kaori were knelt on either side of her while the men stood off to one side of the room. Kaori placed a blanket over Kagome to keep her from being embarrassed.
Forty-five minutes later, an ear-piercing cry filled the room as Inari held the baby up for Kagome to see. “Congratulations. It's a boy,” she announced before handing the pup to Sesshoumaru. Sesshoumaru stared at his son for a moment before the pup grabbed his tail and bit it. “Ow! Let go of my tail, pup,” Sesshoumaru stated as he looked into his son's baby blue eyes that were trimmed in gold. The pup had a head full of silver hair with a few dark blue highlights here and there. Two magenta stripes colored each cheek and a blue crescent moon rested on his forehead.
Sesshoumaru took a deep breath to commit his son's scent to memory and smiled at him before handing him to his mother. “He's perfectly healthy, love. It seems he already knows who his father is too,” Sesshoumaru stated as he knelt down to her. Kagome smiled and held her arms out to take her son. The pup immediately attacked Kagome's breast and started suckling.
“What are you going to name him, Kagome-chan?” Kaori asked curiously as she helped clean up the mess.
Kagome smiled and looked at Sesshoumaru, “How about Tsuwamono?”
Sesshoumaru nodded, “It fits him.”
“Finally, that damn pup's born,” Nariko grumbled as she watched the images in the bowl of blood. “Tsuwamono? What the hell kinda name is that?” Matsu asked. Nariko shrugged, “Who knows. Anyway, get a hold of Kohana tonight after she falls asleep. It's time to put the plan into action.”
Matsu smiled, “It's convenient that Inuyasha was injured during that battle, eh?”
“Yes. Good job, by the way. It'll be easier for Kohana to control him,” Nariko replied.
JMK425: Chapter fourteen is done!!! YAY!! The pup was born…FINALLY!! Now, you don't keep asking about it. Just to let you know, Tsuwamono means warrior in Japanese. That's the reason I used that name. ^_^ And thanks to everyone for the reviews, I LOVE THEM!!!! Well, Read and Review please. Bye Bye!!