InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meddling with a Miko and Taiyoukai ❯ Escape and Goodbyes ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.
“words” speaking
`words' thoughts
Chapter Eighteen: Escapeand Goodbyes
In Kohana's mind…
Darkness surrounded Kohana no matter how far she ran. “Why can't I get out of here?” she asked herself. She sat down and hugged her knees to herself. “I don't want to be here. I miss Tigara and Kaori. Heck, I even miss Sesshoumaru-sama. Is this my punishment? I don't like it,” she whispered as tears slid down her cheeks.
“Kohana? Kohana, can you hear me?” Kaori called through the darkness. Kohana raised her head and yelled, “Kaori!! Kaori!! Help me please.”
“Kohana? Where are you?” Kaori's voice echoed. “Here, Kaori. Right here!” Kohana called and waved her arms around. Kaori's form appeared in front of her and smiled, “There you are. I thought I'd lost you for a second.”
Kaori knelt in front of Kohana's huddled form. “Kohana, listen carefully. I can't stay long. I need to know what happened to Inuyasha and Tsuwamono. Where are they?” Kaori questioned as she placed a hand on Kohana's arm.
Kohana looked at Kaori's face and desperately tried to wipe the tears away from hers. “I…I don't know…” Kohana whispered. Kaori shook her head.
“You do know, Kohana. Think. Think really hard. Where are they?” Kaori questioned softly. An image of a castle formed in the darkness.
“They're probably there, but where am I?” Kohana asked her cousin.
Kaori smiled gently, “You are unconscious right now, Kohana. Until you're body heals, you will have to stay here. Now, I believe that's Sesshoumaru's old castle. Is it not?”
Kohana nodded, “Nariko and Matsu probably took them there. They intend to resurrect Kioko, but they needed a newborn pup of pure blood in order to do so.”
“That explains why they took Tsuwamono, but why'd they take Inuyasha?” Kaori questioned thoughtfully.
“I don't know, Kaori. The deal I made with them didn't include Inuyasha originally. I don't know why they needed him. I only made the deal so that Tigara would be alright. They would've killed her otherwise,” Kohana stated tearfully.
Kaori nodded and smiled, “Well, I'll talk to Sesshoumaru about it. Maybe he won't hold you fully responsible for this. For now, you concentrate on getting better. Don't worry. Everything will be alright. I have to go now though. Thank you.”
Kaori faded from Kohana's view and she was once again incased in darkness. “I'll get better. I promise that,” Kohana stated before she lay down in the dark.
Kaori gasped as she slumped on the floor, “Ow. That hurt.”
“Are you alright, Kaori-san?” Kagome asked as she knelt next to the cat demoness. Kaori nodded, “I will be in a few minutes, Kagome-chan.”
Sesshoumaru walked up to her then, “Well?” Kaori sat against the leg of the bed, and looked up at him, “I found out where Nariko and Matsu took them, but I'm not sure you want to know.” Sesshoumaru growled at her, “Why wouldn't I want to know, mangy cat?”
Kaori glared at him and hissed, “Don't go growling at me, ya damn mutt. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't find out anything and your pup would be dead. So shut up and let's get going to rescue them.”
“Fine,” Sesshoumaru stated pointedly as he followed Kaori from the room. Kagome, Miroku, and Sango looked at one another.
“Umm…Did we miss something?” Sango asked curiously, “Those two are acting like enemies instead of friends.” Kagome and Miroku shrugged. Tigara giggled as she walked with the group down the hall, “Those two do that a lot. No need to worry.”
With Inuyasha…
“You know…I could probably help you get outta here, but you'd have to help me,” Kouga stated quietly. Inuyasha ears perked up and he raised an eyebrow at the wolf, “What do you mean exactly?”
“Well, you talk to Kaori and explain to her that I'm not killing humans anymore and I'll help you get the pup and escape from here. Deal?” Kouga asked as he looked at the half-demon. Inuyasha looked around the dungeon for a moment and nodded, “Deal.”
“Alright then,” Kouga stated as he grabbed the keys off the hook by the door of Inuyasha's cell. He found the correct key and unlocked the door.
“Let's see what we can do about these chains, dog shit,” Kouga stated as he pulled on the chain binding Inuyasha's neck to the wall. The chain crackled and Kouga was thrown backwards onto the floor.
“Damn it, ya fucking wolf! You nearly choked me to death!” Inuyasha screamed at Kouga.
Kouga jumped up and screamed, “Shut up, dog shit! I've never dealt with this before!” Inuyasha huffed and slumped against the wall, “Now what?” Kouga thought for a moment, “You worked for Kaori-sama for a bit, right?”
“Yeah, so what?” Inuyasha replied.
“Well, when she needed you for something, how did she call you?” Kouga asked. “Mentally…Wait a minute. Do you think she would hear me if I called for her?” Inuyasha asked as he sat up straight. “Worth a shot,” Kouga shrugged, “Maybe she could figure out how to get these chains undone.”
Inuyasha shrugged and closed his eyes. `KAORI!! CALLING KAORI!!' he screamed inside his mind.
Kaori, Sesshoumaru, Kagome, Tigara, and Kirara were running across a field towards Sesshoumaru's old castle when Kaori froze suddenly. The group stopped and looked at the cat demoness. “Why'd you stop, Kaori-sama?” Miroku asked from atop Kirara. Kaori looked at him and tapped her chin, “I thought I heard Inuyasha for a minute there.” “Well find out if you did or not. We're wasting time,” Sesshoumaru commented.
Kaori nodded and receded into her mind. `Inuyasha? Is that you?' Kaori called mentally. `Kaori? Yeah, it's me. I need a favor. Listen carefully, k?' Inuyasha responded. `Alright.' Kaori replied. `Okay. Kouga is here and is willing to help me and Tsuwamono get outta here. The only problem is the chains I'm tied up with. They've got some kinda spell on `em or something cause every time I struggle, they crackle and tighten around me. What'd you think?' Inuyasha asked. `Black miko energy most likely. Hold on. Let me get Kagome. She can help.' Kaori replied.
Kaori looked at Kagome, “I need a favor, Kagome-chan. Can you gather some of your purifying energy into your hand for me?” “Ummm…Okay, but won't you get hurt?” Kagome asked as her hand started glowing purple. “A little bit, but not to worry. It's for Inuyasha, so I can handle it,” Kaori responded as she grabbed Kagome's hand.
`Inuyasha, I need you to focus on breaking the chains. Mind you, this is going to hurt.' Kaori stated as she was enveloped in a purple light. Kaori screamed as the energy was transferred through her to Inuyasha.
With Inuyasha…
Inuyasha screamed as he was surrounded by purple light. He focused on breaking the chains and fell to the floor as the chains broke. `Damn, you weren't kidding. That hurts. Thanks. Now, where are you?' Inuyasha asked as he stood and stretched.
`We're about half an hour from the palace. I take it you're in the dungeon and since Kouga is there, I assume his father is too. Where's Tsuwamono?' Kaori replied.
`Upstairs. That's all I know except that they're preparing him for some ritual.' Inuyasha responded.
`Alright. We'll see you when we get there. Be careful. Nariko and Matsu aren't the easiest of opponents. So watch yourselves.' Kaori replied before fading from Inuyasha's mind completely.
“Ya know, I would've thought somebody would've heard you scream. Odd…” Kouga commented as he opened the door to the dungeon. “They probably thought you were torturing me or something. Hell, my body is still shaking from that jolt,” Inuyasha whispered quietly as the two climbed the stairs toward the main palace.
“What'd she do anyway?” Kouga asked quietly as the two reached the top of the stairs. “She sent some of Kagome's miko energy to me through our linked minds. I'm sure she's still sore too,” Inuyasha replied as Kouga poked his head into the hallway and sniffed.
“It smells like the pup is closer to us than to them. They're on one of the upper levels. The pup's on this one, probably asleep. Let's get him and go,” Kouga whispered as they dashed as quietly as possible down the corridor. They reached the door where Tsuwamono's scent was the strongest and eased the door open.
Tsuwamono lay on an altar in front of a gigantic oak tree where a demoness was pinned. Inuyasha closed the door as Kouga whispered, “Kioko-sama…”
“Kioko?” Inuyasha asked as he approached the altar. As soon as the name fell from Inuyasha's lips, the demoness stirred.
Emerald eyes opened and stared at the amber eyes of Inuyasha. Kioko's gaze shifted from Inuyasha to Tsuwamono and back again. “Take him away from here or he will die,” Kioko whispered. “What do you mean?” Kouga asked as he walked up to the tree. “My children wish to resurrect me, but I do not wish to be in this world again. Please take that pup and get out of here. There's a door that leads to the gardens behind this tree. Go now before all his blood is lost,” Kioko pleaded with them.
Inuyasha nodded as he gathered his nephew into his arms.
“What about Nariko and Matsu?” Kouga asked as he followed Inuyasha.
“They're coming with me. Tell Sesshoumaru good luck with his new family and that I wish them the best,” Kioko whispered as the palace suddenly burst into flames. Inuyasha and Kouga rushed into the gardens and nearly ran into Kagome in their haste. Sesshoumaru began to run inside, but Kouga stopped him.
“Wait Sesshoumaru! Tsuwamono's right here,” Kouga stated as Inuyasha handed the pup to Kagome. Sesshoumaru turned and walked over to them. “What of Nariko and Matsu?” he asked just as the palace collapsed. “Look!” Kagome cried as she pointed to the still burning remains.
Through the flames, the group spotted two children running toward a golden haired demoness with emerald colored eyes who had her arms held out to the children. They watched as the children leapt into the woman's arms and hugged her fiercely. The woman smiled to each of them before turning to look at the group.
“Kioko…” Sesshoumaru whispered.
Kioko smiled to him, “I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru. For everything.”
“We are too, daddy. Sorry,” Nariko and Matsu chimed. Kioko walked forward and stopped in front of Kagome and Tsuwamono. She smiled to Kagome before turning back to Sesshoumaru.
“You have a lovely new family, Sess. Take care of them and good luck,” Kioko stated and smiled as she, Nariko, and Matsu faded away to the afterlife.
“Goodbye Kioko and thank you,” Sesshoumaru whispered before turning to the rest of the group. “Let's go home,” he stated as he wrapped his arm around Kagome. Inuyasha nodded and wrapped an arm around Tigara. Miroku wrapped an arm around Sango.
The group headed back to the Western Palace to begin a new life as a somewhat unusual family. They lived happily ever after.
The End. Or is it?
JMK425: Wow! Took me long enough. Story's done! Complete…for now. I may do a sequel to this one if I get enough requests for one. Now, as for why it took so long, I retyped this chapter three or four times before I was satisfied. The chapter still isn't as exciting as I thought it would be, but I still think it's good. Anyway, thanks to everyone who reviewed. I honestly did not expect so many. Thank you. Read and Review please. Bye Bye.