InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Medley ❯ Normal ( Chapter 2 )

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It never occurred to her that one day, she would consider finding a boy, let alone a demon boy asleep in her bed a normal occurrence.
Kagome gently eased her bedroom door a couple of inches wider, allowing her slim form and gigantic backpack to slip soundlessly into the room. Just a few minutes ago, she had rushed into the house with a breathless `Tadaima' while anticipating the speech about tardiness from a certain impatient hanyou. Mama had welcomed her home and told her casually that Inuyasha was asleep in her room. For Mama and the rest of the Higurashi household, dog demons snoozing on a young teenage girl's bed was no biggie; nothing to be surprised about. After all, said dog-boy frequently traipsed around the shrine searching for the girl anyway.
Kagome tiptoed lightly across the expanse of her room to her desk, while sliding the thick straps of her bag silently off her shoulder and onto the thick carpet. It was then she turned around to observe the sight that awaited her. A demon boy was curled comfortably on top of her pink covers. His red-clad arms were wrapped securely around his precious sword that resembled a rusty old katana at the moment. Opalescent strands of silky hair fanned out beside his head, spilling across her pillows and sheets in a gleaming waterfall. His expression was one of peaceful contentment, facial features relaxed and one white fang peeking out of his mouth. At the slight movement of the mattress as Kagome sat down beside him, Inuyasha shifted slightly. The pair of furry silver ears swiveled on his head, searching for the source of the rustling sounds and his nose twitched a few times to aid his other senses. After a couple of sniffs and an incoherent mumble, Inuyasha turned to face Kagome and went back to sleep, seemingly content with the identity of his intruder.
A gentle, adoring smile pulled at the girl's soft lips as she continued to watch the boy she loved. Impulsively, her dainty hand reached out to thread the long silvery tresses between her fingers. Equally without thought, Kagome bent down to trace the furry tips of his ears with her lips, slowly caressing the soft appendages.
Inuyasha opened one golden eye lazily to gaze at her in amusement.
“Oi.” He greeted groggily, his voice husky with sleep, watching with a knowing half smirk.
“I didn't know puppies liked afternoon naps too.” She replied unfazed because kissing her half-demon was quite a normal thing to do.