InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meet Trent : The Demon Slayer ❯ Hotspring Love! ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

>>The Mystery Man

Inu-yasha was walking towards the hotspring to blow off some steam. Yep another fight, but as usual Kagome won by the common word 'sit'. He hated her so much when she used it... but despite his hate he shows her... he loved her and wanted to be with her.

He looked up into the clear blue sky. She'll never want to be with me, he thought I'm just a hanyou(half-demon) who loves a mortal very much, she hates me. But why can't I be nice to her?

He finally reached the hotspring and sniffed the air to make sure no one was in the area to see him without any clothes. He no one was near, then took off his clothes and laid them in a pile by a rock. He slid in and relaxed after a moment

"Mmmm...feels good" he mumbled in chin high water (i know, sounds good right about now!). After about an 15 minuates he got out ,put on his loincloth, and laid on the grass. He closed him eyes and let sleep overcome him, thinking about Kagome. Later he awoke to a shaking and opened his eyes to see Kagome crouched by him with her arms on his shoulders.

"Hey, Inu-yasha...wake up" she said in a soft tone. He closed his eyes and rubbed them to get the sleepiness out. When he opened them he noticed it was nightime.

"Wow, nightime already" he said looking up at the sky.

"Yeah, I got worried so I came looking for you, and I wanted to apologize for fighting and slamming you. The others are back at camp." She said looking at his face.

"Feh." was his only reply. Then she said something that made his heart speed up a little.

"Would you like to go into the hotspring with me?" she asked solemnly staring into his eyes. His heartbeat was a little over normal but it didn't matter

"I-I.....Fine." was all he said then he slipped into the nice warm water and into the spring.

"Inu-yasha can you close your eyes for a second?" His heartrate sped up faster at the thought of her naked.

"S-Sure" he said shakily. Kagome noticed the little scaredness in is voice and grinned as he turned around. She stripped her clothing and went into the calm..relaxing water.

"Ahh... feels good" she said aloud. Inu-yasha heard her sigh and felt a little ach in his loins. He looked to see a little erection through the water and jumped out of his wits when a hand was placed on his bare shoulder.

"You ok Inu-yasha?" she said questionably.

"U-Umm yeah, i'm fine" he said. Little did he know that Kagome caught a glimpse of it before he turned. Wow, he's big....oh well the bigger the better and the more pleasure she thought smugly. She then reached a hand down and grabbed his manhood from behind him. At her touch he jumped forwar two feet. He turned around to see Kagome giggling.

"Holy shit Kagome! What's got into you?!"

"Nothing silly puppy, I just love you" she said while her hand reached down again for his shaft. Yet he was still quite shocked from her words.

"Ughh" he groaned as she stroked him in a familiar rythm. Could this be happening? Is this for real? He then stopped her because of one thing. She snapped her head up and looked at him with question and hope in her eyes. After a moment his breathing became normal and that's when he talked.

"Kagome, we shouldn't do this.. your human and im just isn't right" he said sadly looking at her face. "I love you too but where not alike, you and me." his gaze continued lower till it got to the ground.

"Inu-yasha, I love you no matter what you are." she said while she tilted his face up and gave him a reassuring smile.

"No you dont, and I know it!" he yelled and then lept away into the trees. When he got three feet on shore she said two words.

"Inu-yasha! SIT!" His encounter with the ground was like any other, but he was anxious for the rosary spell to wear off. He then looked to Kagome coming at him with a towel around her body. When she reached him she crouched on his side, looking at him.

"I told you Inu-yasha, I love you no matter what you are." she said in a soothing voice that maid Inu-yasha tingle all over. He then realized the spell had worn off and backed as far as he could only, into a tree. He then looked at Kagome then her figure wrapped in the towel, he could see every perfect curve, and that made him lose a bit of his nervousness. His back against the trunk, he looked at Kagome with a little frightfulness on his face. She then grinned ear to ear which made Inu-yasha have a audible *gulp*. She started giggiling and crawled to him.

"Now, let me show you how much I love you, you silly puppy. Hmmm.... lets start with that tongue of yours." she said warmly as she crawled on top of him.

"But Kag- mff!" he was cut of by her sweet and tender kiss which made him feel like he was in heaven. Without realizing it he kissed her back as, well battling her tongue and wrapping her arms around her waist. Thats when he realized her towel was on and knowing that was her only one.... Oh well. He seperated the kiss and looked her in the eyes, those dark beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm sorry Kagome"

"For what?"

"For this!" he said as he tore her towel to shreds with his claws, making sure not to scratch her. Instead of being yelled at like he thought he would she said something else that made his erection grow harder.

"Take off your cloths you silly puppy" she said with a devilish grin.

"As you say, my beautiful sweet Kagome" he said as he lightly scratched her back, sending tingles up her spine. She could tell he was getting aroused as he took off his inner and outer robe and she untied his sash. Once the sash was untied she pulled off his pants and threw them beside them. When she looked up she came face to face with his well-muscled tan chest.

"Wow, nice tan Inu- mff!" she was cut off this time by his kiss and felt she was melting into him. When they seperated she looked him in the eyes with her brows furrowed

"Ohh, i get it, now it's your turn to cut me off now isn- mff" but yet again he cut her off. Damn him..oh he'll pay she thought with a wide grin on her face that made Inu-yasha smirk. With her on top of him she didnt have to worry about one thing.. getting crushed.

"Oh Inu-yasha...SIT!"


"What the hell was that for wench!?" he asked angrily while still in the ground. She just smiled coyly and got onto his chest and looked in his eyes.. those eyes get her lost everytime. She snapped back out of it with a jerk and ran her tongue along his chest. She told him not to move or she will say it till his back broke.

"You better not be raping me Kagome" he said with a twisted smile upon his face. She looked at his lips.. those hungry, demanding lips.

"Oh.. but what if i am? Hmmm? What are you gonna do about it?" She gave him a wicked grin before sucking his pulse point on his neck. She enjoyed his gasp before he embrace her with his strong arms. Kagome..your gonna pay, sooner or later when you least expect it. She then did something that made him ache. Before he had a chance to protest about raping, she put her head lower and closed her lips on the tips of his hardened manhood which made Inu-yasha's hips bucked wildly. He then gave a tight gasp and when she started the rythm of lovers, up and down her head bobbed trying to make his come. She enjoyed his moans when she went down over his essential part and licked him up and down. Suddenly a hot liquid poured into her mouth, but she knew it was him coming and swallowed it all. When he released his seed into her mouth he went limp for a minuate before regaining his strength.

"That.Was.Wonderful Kagome..." he still panted which made her smile. He brought his mouth up to her ear and whispered something that made Kagome feel the wetness running down her legs.

"Im gonna repay you for that wonderful feeling" he whispered in her ear before lowering his head to her clit. She laid on the grouind on her back with her elbows propping her up.She felt his tongue dart into her womanhood and suck on her gently. He heard her moans and pleas for more so he grabbed her waist and crushed her into his mouth, sucking up her juices. He then took his tongue out and licked over her clit causing another soft moan to escape her. He smiled while doing his handing work and darted into her again. When he was done he lifted his head to look at her and saw her gasping for breath witch made him smile even more. He crawled on top of her and and her hungrily.

"Did that feel good my Kagome?" he asked while his lips were still on hers. Kagome gave him a look in the eyes that made him kiss her harder.

"Hell ya!" she yelled into his mouth while rubbing her tongue against his. She felt his hand go up her thigh and reach her womanhood, cupping her heat. He decided to get her ready, so he slipped in a finger and started pumping her.

"Ohh gods Inu-yasha!" she moaned sexily while wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled warmly and added a second finger into her tight cunt. When she was ready he took his fingers out and licked them clean.

"You ready to do this Kagome? It might hurt at first but the pain will die down when i...well you know" he said looking at her eyes. She nodded and gave him a warm smile before crushing her lips against him. When they seperated they stared at eachothers eyes for awhile before coming back. Suddenly a thought hit him and he asked her willingly.

"Can our first time b-be uhh..doggie style Kagome?" he said looking away. She smiled kissed his collar bone. "Whatever you want Inu-yasha...whatever you want." she gave him one last kiss before she rolled over and got on her hands and knees. The sight of that made Inu-yasha shiver but grin. She closed her eyes as he mounted her and said one thing to him.

"I love you Inu-yasha, I always will" she said with her eyes still closed. He smiled and said something that made tears spring to her eyes.

"I love you too Kagome, no matter what" he said still behind her. "You ready?" She nodded her head and waited for pain to come. He dove in, breaking her barrier, then came back out waiting for her pain. Indeed, she felt pain but it wasn't as bad because her loved was there.

"Im sorry Kagome, im sorry" he repeated till she said she was ready to go on. He started at small thrusts to make sure not to hurt her, but hearing all of the moans and pleas for faster he obeyed. He pounded into her making her moan a little loud but not much. He pulled out and slammed into her which made her scream in ecstacy . Moments later he pounded into her and they were lost in a screaming orgasm.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~

"Hey Miroku, did ya hear that?" Shippou asked tilting his head.

"Yeah I thought I heard something" Sango asked looking at where the noise came from.

"No, Shippou, Sango I don't know wh-" he stopped dead when he noticed Inu-yasha and Kagome were the only ones gone. Holy Shit! He did it!...Hmmph he's so lucky. But hey you gotta admit he's good he thought with a grin. Sango noticed it and went over to him.

"Hey you lech, what you grinning at?" Sango asked looking at Miroku who was sitting on a log grinnig like a pumpkin. Miroku looked up at her and motioned her to come down by him.

"Oh no you lech, you ain't groping me!"

"Well, do you wanna no or not. I'm just telling you what im smiling at" he said still grinning. Sango hesitated but got onto the log. He leaned into her ear and whispered something that made her eyes wide and jaw drop.

"Oh.My.God." she said still wide eyed looking in the forest. (hehe)

I know it was sorta short but it's my ******* fic! Next chapter title says it all... Who is he?? Send me a email to tell me what you think of it plz!

Next Chapter: Evening Greeting
