InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ pick one, Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

^_^ I don't feel heartsick any more. A bit of footsie and some cuddling made the jealous feelings go away! As a result, Kag and Inu shall not be suffering because of my own stupid life…much, anyway… ^_~

Kagome stared at her computer blankly, and then turned and stared at Sango for a moment.

"You want me to…what?" she demanded, frowning and turning back to stare at the list of links in her inbox.

"Click one," Sango said with a sigh.

Kagome hesitated before clicking on the first link. She blinked when a picture popped up, her dial-up connection taking a long time to load the page.

"Oh my God," Kagome muttered, eyes quickly scanning the guy's info. "He's…weird."

"What's his name?" Sango asked curiously.

"Kouga Wolf," Kagome replied. "I don't like him, what do I do?"

"Go back," Sango said with a shrug. "For such a brainiac, you really don't spend a lot of time online, do you?"

"No," Kagome admitted. "Only what I had to in order to pass Tech Ed."

Sango shook her head. "Do you see any interesting names on the list?"

Kagome scanned them. "Not really. Should I just look at them all, then?"

"Why don't we go from bottom to top?" Sango suggested. Kagome scrolled down the page and clicked the bottom link.

The picture that popped up caught Kagome's eye immediately. He was leaning back against a brick wall, looking away from the camera. What appeared to be silver hair hung down his back and shaggy bangs hid his eyes. Kagome licked her lips thoughtfully-would he have brown or green or blue eyes with the silver hair? She was always attracted to people because of their eyes, and not being able to see the hottie's eyes filled her with curiosity and a sort of adventurous spirit.

Satisfied with the looks of the canidate, she read his info slowly in order to absorb some of the facts.

Well, he's eighteen and he can drive, that's good…Senior in High School, plus as well…silver hair, amber eyes…

At this she blinked and looked back up at the picture. Amber…? Would they be yellow and unnatural, or a sort of off-brown natural color? She wasn't sure that she could stand it if her potential boyfriend's eyes glowed in the dark.

The rest of the page informed her that his name was Inuyasha, and he played guitar and sung in a local band. Kagome was sure that she had heard the name before, but she couldn't place it. Sei-Teki Suri… ah, that was right. They were the band from her school that she had turned down in favor of a DJ at the last year's senior prom. Kagome couldn't remember her exact reasons, but she was sure that there had been good ones other than the name.

"Ah, I know that look. Who did you find?" Sango asked curiously, getting up to peek at the screen.

Kagome gasped slightly and minimized the window, glaring at her friend. "No one. This is stupid, Sango."

"…" she frowned, putting her hands on her hips. "If that's the way that you feel…you can just walk home."

"Sango," Kagome whined. "I live on the other side of town!"

The other girl gave her a `hmph' and turned away. "Doesn't matter to me. Unless…you'd make a deal with me."

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I finish this list and you take me home."

"If you want to get home at all you'll finish the list regardless," Sango threatened, cracking her knuckles. "But if you'd like to spare us both some heartache-in your case, feetache-you'll just agree straight off."

"What is it?" Kagome asked with an inward moan.

"This is probably never going to happen, but…"


Inuyasha stared at the phone number written on his hand. Sango had scrawled it there with a sharpie the day before, and it refused to come off no matter how much scrubbing he put into it. Deciding that the sharpie-induced tattoo was cool enough that his fellow band members wouldn't tease him, he left the numbers there.

867-5309 he read off. Catchy enough. Isn't that a song somewhere?

Unbidden, lyrics rose to his mind. He smirked slightly. Only an idiot wouldn't change that number, he decided. There's no point in calling her.

Then again, as his amber eyes surveyed the back of his brother's neon-blue Focus, he discovered that there was nothing to do. Sess was dropping off Rin and then he and his brother were going to get some much-needed picks and strings for their guitars.

Inuyasha yawned and streched widely, reaching out his arms as far as he could in the compact car. He stopped when his hand bumped against something cold and plasticy.

He stared at the cell phone in his hand and then at the number on the other. Inu had never been one for karma, but even he had to admit-it must be a sign.


"…when one of the guys on the list calls and asks you out over your cell phone, you have to say yes no matter who they are."

Kagome snorted. "Hell yeah, I'll take that deal." None of them are ever going to get my number from anywhere, so I'm safe.

She scrolled down the rest of the page and clicked on ultimately all the icons. By far, though, the second had been her favorite and the first link her second favorite. Givin a choice, she would probably choose number one on the list, because he seemed more respectable and proper than number two.

Just as she reached this conclusion, the phone at her side vibrated like crazy.

On a hunch, she opened Inu's page and stared at his picutre for a moment before answering the phone. Sango grinned like an insane person and skipped about a little bit before settling down to eavesdrop on half the conversation.

Sorry it's so short compared to chap three. Opening night for the play is next week and I was busy dancing and singing all night long. *moans* my feeeeeett….

(Oh yeah-eight six seven five three oh nine is an old song about a girl named Jenny. I have no idea if the number still works, but hey. You feel like trying it, go right ahead. No, I'll not be putting anyone's real telephone numbers in here, unless I say so. Sorry, all you stalkers-at-heart out there!)

*skips off to play footsie and cuddle some more* ^_^ <3 <3 <3

(pppsssttt…you know what will happen in the next chapter if you're a smart cookie!)