InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ we're gonna go to the beach! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Feeling rather unloved at the moment *sniffle* aw…no more footsie for a while, because the play is over…now there's just…school *shudders* `nyway, here's the next chapter. This is going rather slowly, based on my initial idea…

Inuyasha hummed softly under his breath, glaring at the back of Miroku's head. There was no way that his deranged best friend could drag him out of the house on a day that he was going to practice to…womanize. He refused to have any fun, point-blank.

Glancing at Kagome, however, he noticed that she was as pretty as her picture made her out to be. If it weren't for the whole prep-issue at stake, he would have gladly asked her out right there. There was also the small issue that he didn't know a thing about her, and the first time he had ever heard her speak directly to him she had simply said his name.

Bored out of his mind, angry at his friends, and rather curious about the girl sitting next to him, he decided that a conversation would at least keep him from going crazy.

"So, you're class president right? What's that like?" Inuyasha asked.

Kagome sighed. "Tedious. Prom is coming up and we have several fundraisers to organize, plus all of the end-of-the-year things we have planned for our class. I've got to turn in finalized plans by the end of this week,"

Inuyasha nodded, not really caring. "Do you like being so busy or something?"

"No," Kagome made a face. "But everyone always nominates me anyway."

"Can't you…turn it down or something, then?"

"Rules," Kagome sighed. "I've always been stuck with it."

Odd, I thought she wanted to do all of that. Well…it's not so bad, knowing that she's stuck with it…

"That sounds just like us and Sei-Teki Suri." Miroku commented off-handedly.

"For being the lucky guy that came up with the name, you sure are negative," Inuyasha growled.

"Calm, Inu. It was just a statement. We're sorta stuck with the band regardless, right? That's all I was trying to say."

"Sei-Teki Suri…" Kagome trailed off in thought. "Oh, yeah!" she said, remembering where she had heard the name before. "That's you guys? Why didn't you say something, Sango?"

"I did, if you recall,"

"She was too busy moping around and trying to do my homework for me," Rin supplied, smiling slightly.

"Kag, you'll have to come with me some time when they're rehersing," Sango told her. "They're great!"

Kagome nodded. "I've never heard a band live before."

At this all the mouths in the car fell open. Inuyasha blinked. She was in her last year of High School and she had never been to a concert? What was wrong with this girl?

"I'll have to take you to one then," he heard himself say. "What bands do you usually listen to?"

"I…um…just 29X usually. Sometimes too much music gives me a headache."

Sango sighed in the front seat. "Kagome, you're so boring. You can never have too much music."

"Well, I'm not an addict like you, so we'll leave the conversation like that okay?"

Sango stuck out her tongue and turned back to the front of the road.

It was getting darker out, and they still hadn't reached the beach. "Just how long are we going to be here?" Inuyasha asked at the same time as Kagome. They stared at each other for a few moments before turning to the nearest other occupants of the vehicle.

"Well, since it's a Saturday night, we're going to stay out until someone's parents call. All of us have cell phones, right?"

Everyone nodded or consented somehow, causing Miroku to grin smugly.

"Miroku…" Sango trailed off. "You know my cerfew is eleven,"

"Well, it's taken us an hour to get here, and it's about six, so…"

"We leave at ten, got it?" Sango told him. He gulped and nodded.

"Si, senorita. I would never dream of angering your parents,"

"Thought so," Sango replied.

"Sango…" Kagome whined. "You know that I have homework. You said we were going for an hour and a half,"

"I lied," Sango said bluntly. "And you're stuck with us, Kagome. Do it tomorrow afternoon."

"She's doing Rin's homework then too," the girl piped up from Sess' lap. "That's after my kiddies are gone for the day."

Inuyasha stared at Rin for a moment, surprised at how little he really knew about his brother's girlfriend. Sure, the two of them had been dating for years, but Inuyasha had basically disregarded them after they started going out. He hadn't known anything about her part-time job until just earlier that day, after all.

"Are you all going to be at our house?" Sesshoumaru asked sleepily, opening one eye.

"No," Rin ruffled her hand through his hair. "We're probably going to be at Kagome's. Why? Is there something happening tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Miroku replied. "We're pulling an all-day rehersal and cutting the first three tracks on our CD, remember girls?"

"Oh!" Sango exclaimed, her eyes wide. "That was what I forgot!"

Kagome sighed. "I suppose that I'm homeworking on my own, then?"

"No, silly," Rin replied. "Just come with us."

"We need female vocals anyway," Sesshoumaru told her.

Kagome paled. "I can't…can't sing," she muttered. "Ask Sango, she has a pretty clear voice,"

"No way," Sango told her friend. "I'm working the recording equipment. Inu needs to play in the band, and besides him no one else knows how any of it works."

Kagome sighed. "Great," she said under her breath. Inuyasha tried to fight back a smile. She was probably pretty good at singing, even though he had never heard her. Just by the tone of her voice he could tell she would be a rather mellow second soprano.

"Here!" Sango exclaimed suddenly, turning around and grinning at her friends. "Get the stuff out of the trunk, we brought everything!"

The three guys opened the trunk to discover that there really was everything there. The girls had brought a tent, blankets and towels, a bag of sunblock and makeup, first aid, lighters, and pratically anything else you would need to go camping.

"We didn't really trust Miroku when he called," Sango admitted. "So we planned for the worst. After all, it is the weekend."

Miroku shot her a hurt look before he burst out laughing, picking up a bag and a volleyball. "Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of being in that car. How about a game?"

Today was interesting…hmm…well, in the next chapter or so Kagome will A) hear them sing B) go home and C) crash at Inuyasha and Sessy's. you'll see, it's all here in my head. Toodles!