InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ Sei-Teki Suri ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm back, after my extended `break'. I've had a small brain-child that has to do with this fic, and I shall be writing with a renewed plot interest! Never fear! Nuff said, on to the chapter…

Inuyasha yawned, putting his hands to his scalp and mussing up his own silver hair. A bleary-eyed Sesshoumaru glanced up at him when he entered the kitchen to scrounge for breakfast. Disregarding his brother, the sleepy teen grabbed a granola bar and crashed at the table.

"Miroku here yet?" he asked, using the least ammount of words that he possibly could. Sess shrugged, beating Inuyasha on the word count. Marvelling at how the older twin could manage to contine looking the same degree of sleepiness all day long, Inuyasha wandered into the living room.

He was happily drifting back to sleep in wait of his best friend when there came several giggles from above him. He opened one eye and was met with a level brown stare, filled with a dangerous degree of mischeviousness.


Sitting up, Inuyasha wasn't able to fully comprehend the situation. Why was Kagome in his living room this early in the morning? Added to the fact that he was clad in an old t-shirt and his boxers, he felt rather confused and exposed at the same time. However, it would have been girly to reach for a blanket and he didn't want to question his manhood this early in the morning.

Mumbling an incoherent form of greeting, he yawned again. "Sesshoumaru!" he called, voice borderlining on a whine.

"What?" his brother's voice drifted back.

"Did you leave the door unlocked? We seem to have a girl problem."

"Good morning to you too, Inuyasha," Sango said in the doorway, hands on her hips. "I personally dragged the late-sleeper Kagome out of bed this morning and made sure she was awake. I can easily bribe Miroku to do the same to you."

"No, ma'am, I'm awake, ma'am," Inuyasha said quickly, sitting up straighter. "Keep your perverted boyfriend away from me, please."

Sango nodded, fighting a grin. "Can do. Now, were we going to watch you three sleep, or are you going to record something while we do our homework?"


Kagome was definitely jarred awake by the sudden incessent roar of the dual base guitars and the drums. Slightly less cheerful than usual since she had been dragged off without her morning ritual of coffe and MTV, she was nevertheless impressed by Sei-Teki Suri. Deciding that it wasn't all in the name, she grew slightly accustomed to the wordless chord fluctuations.

The recording was to happen in the Makahoto's basement, which was currently serving as a lair for the band as well. One wall of the square basement was devoted to recording equipment, amplifiers, and basically any other technilogical thing that you could think of that a band would require. Opposite this was obviously the band set up, drum set and guitar stands sitting forlornly on the tile floor, begging to be picked up and played with. On the wall between these, a couch and a loveseat were pushed next to each other to make a sort of continous cushioned space. The floor in this area was carpeted, and that went all the way to the opposite wall excepting the tiled area that the band was set up on. Lastly, one entire side of the basement was devoted to the stairs, some boxes, and several lonely posters.

She had just settled into a silent rythem of music, homework, and non-verbal communication when the guitars ground to a halt.

"Cut," Sango said, pulling off the bulky headphones that had previously wired her into the recording devices. "Are we on to track two, or going to finish track one?"

"Finish?" Kagome asked curiously.

"We'll need you three," Inuyasha said softly, sleep not yet completely gone from his voice. "Do you want to sing this early?"

"I don't," Sesshoumaru told his brother.

"It'd still be too early for you if we were recording at midnight, baka," Inuyasha grumbled.

"We'll sing," Rin decided. "Only if you want to finish the first track now, though."

Miroku rolled his eyes. "You're very helpful, Rin."

"You act like my preschool class, guys," she replied in the same tone of voice. "So what's it going to be? Are we singing now or later?"

"I don't even know what it is I'm singing," Kagome told Rin.

"Neither do I," the younger girl replied with a shrug.

"We'll teach you in a minute. Sango, let's record the accoustic lines and the main lyrics since we're going to have to teach them how to sing."

"Okay," she agreed, putting the headphones back on.

Kagome settled once again into the rythem of the tripple accoustic guitars and the sound of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru singing simoultaneously. Actually, she decided then and there that she would get a copy of their CD. She liked the thought of being in a band, it made her feel daring and rather dangerous. Kept from the wild side of High School by the obligations her classmates left to her, she decided that getting to know the lead singer of the band couldn't really hurt…


Inuyasha licked his lips, not happy with the general morning stickiness of his own mouth. It would screw up the sound of his voice on the CD, but it couldn't be helped. In addition to that, he was sure that there was still sand on him from the beach the day before and he regretted missing the all-day rehersal they had skipped off on to go.

Also, he was for some reason nervous to have Kagome listening to them this way. She would be one of the only people who knew how the band produced the sound of eight people when there were only three members. For some reason, that made him nervous. He wanted to talk to her more as well, since he had discovered the day before that she was a whole person behind her President title.

Slamming his guitar, he brought the song to a close. They wouldn't know if they had been on time with each other until all the parts were put together on the CD. Ultimately, there would have to be another day of recording in the near future.


Yawning even though he was more than awake at this point, Inuyasha put down his guitar and crashed on the couch next to Kagome. It had been the only available space, since Sess immediately curled up on Rin and fell asleep. The prep glanced at him warily, tapping her pen on her open book.

"You're really good," she commented.

"Thanks," he said automatically. "Sei-Teki Suri needs more publicity, though."

She blinked. "Do you…I still have to write out this year's schedule. Do you want to play at the school some time?"

"We wanted to play at the school last year," he said, slightly annoyed. "A bit late, but we'll take the offer,"

Kagome nodded. "I was going to have Sango go over everything with me later…"

"I refuse to succumb to your evil school-spirity mind!" Sango called from the other side of the room, giggling and trying to hold back Miroku's hands. "Stop tickling me," she commanded sternly.

"We have to get back to work you guys," Inuyasha announced, boping his brother over the head.

"I hate you," Sesshoumaru said wearily, sitting up. Rin ruffled his hair like he was a little kid.

"Don't fight, okay?"

"Rin," Sess said dangerously, "I am not a preschool kid." To prove this fact, he pulled her closer and began the make-out fest that ensued.

"Why do I even bother?!" Inuyasha exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

"Get yourself a girl!" both of the other males in the room snapped at him.

"Don't make me say it Kagome," Sango threatened.

"What?" the prep asked innocently, her eyes wide.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and picked up his guitar. "I'll have to show you then, and you can just tell Rin later."

"But…" she shrugged. "Okay, then."

Better than watching the four of them suck face, Inuyasha decided. Yeah, a lot better. Kagome's actually kind of nice, but…I can never let anyone else know that I know her.


I can never let anyone else know that I know him.

Catching onto the song quickly, Kagome had no troubles putting on a headset and listening to the initial base guitars play. Inuyasha signaled to her every time she was supposed to come in with her little vocals, and she liked them. They sounded vaugely Egyptian and sent a little thrill through her. She was actually in a band, singing and going to be heard by possibly hundreds of people. The thought of that made her smile for the week to come.

"Cut," Inuyasha said unnecessarily. "Thanks," he added.

"No problem," Kagome replied softly. "Are you going to keep recording the other songs?"

"We'll take a lunch break in a few hours," Inuyasha explained.

Kagome tensed suddenly, sixth sense pre-warning her that this could potentally become something she didn't want it to.

"Are we eating here?" she asked, her mouth going dry.

"If you want, we can leave these four here and go get something. Though…it'd have to be a cheap something, because I have all of ten dollars right now."

She nodded. At least he didn't directly ask me out to lunch. Sango would have killed me if I had turned him down. Inuyasha's nice, but I want to know him better, she told herself. However, she knew in the depths of her mind that if he had asked her out to lunch right then she would have said yes without a moment's hesitation.

That good for you? Thank you all so much for waiting so long for this chapter! I've been reading Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles lately and scouring about for fanfiction, sorry about the delay/distraction. Also, this story is no longer progressing based upon myself. It now owns its very own plot line, so never fear! ^_^ as always, R&R!