InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ first day of school ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We've passed some time since the last chapter. About…oh, say, Kagome went home and slept for about twelve hours. So now it's the start of the first day of school. What great joy for our happy peppy characters! Let's see what befalls the Inu…(lay off, I'm tired and I have ideas. Deal with my pathetic excuse for an author's note.)

Just grab her arm in the hallway. No one will even see or care. Just say thanks. One quick word. She'll understand and no one else will even see it.

"Are you okay? You seem to be…thinking," Miroku commented, glancing at his friend from the steering wheel.

"Shut it, Houshi. I don't need you today. If I can go for a whole week without seeing Macaze's office, I'll be a lot better off than if I do. Learn from my logic."

Miroku gave him a wry look. "Sango says that she'll go to Homecoming with Kouga if I get in trouble today. She also said that she would gang beat me with Kagome and Rin if I did it anyway."

"A triple catfight. Sounds…dirty," Inuyasha commented, picturing the beautiful Kagome and her two friends going she-devil and beating up Miroku. Did I just say beautiful? Got to lay off the coffee in the morning. Getting sappy like my brother. Have. To. Stop. Thinking.

They whipped into a parking spot and flung the doors open, bashing the car on either side of them. Both boys cursed simultaneously and hurried away from the scene of the crime.

The car on Miroku's side had been Principal Macaze's prized blue Jaguar. The boy caught his silver-haired friend and gave him an imploring look.

"I don't want to die, Inuyasha," he whined.

"Fine," Inuyasha sighed. "She pins us, it's my fault. God, on the first day too."

"Thank you much, I see Sango-bye!" Miroku said, turning and walking off towards three girls.

Kagome was wearing a light blue miniskirt with a darker blue rose print in the corner, and a white tank top with a short sleeved navy button up shirt over top of it, only the top button done. She looked like a prep, she was a prep, and there was nothing on her that provoked any dirty thoughts or suggested anything.

So she's really as innocent as she seemed over the weekend.

Cute the way everything on her matches somehow. I wonder if she's wearing blue underwear too.

He stared at her for a moment more before following Miroku towards the girls. Rin was holding a map of the school under Sesshy's nose, apparently trying to find her classes. Kagome was being nice like usual and offering assistance to the young freshman, explaining some of the shortest routes from one class to the next.

Miroku immediately latched onto Sango, spinning her around and giving her a good morning kiss. They continued on with more mushy stuff, leaving Inuyasha with no choice but to approach Kagome.

"Hey," she said, glancing up at him. "Good morning,"

"Yeah," he replied.

"In the morning, Inu speaks caveman only. You'll have to grunt out your sentences for him to fully comprehend you," Sesshoumaru explained to Kagome. She giggled, biting her lip.

"Sorry, I can't speak fluent caveman Inuyasha. But I'm sure you'll be okay," she apologized, grinning widely.

"Yeah I will. Thanks for your help yesterday, Kagome," he managed to get out, trying not to jumble his words together too badly.

"It was nothing. Your mom's very nice. I hope the CD turns out for Sei-Teki Suri."

At mention of the band, the heads of the other two members snapped out of their previous occupations.

"What about Sei-Teki?" Miroku asked curiously.

"I said I hope the CD turns out. You know, because you're good and all, and you could make some money when you play at Coming Home."

A slow grin spread across Sesshoumaru's face. "You set us up for Coming Home?"

Kagome nodded.

All three boys began to do a tribal dance in celebration and victory, circling the confused class president and whooping with joy.

"What?" Kagome asked in confusion.

"They hate Coming Home," Sango explained. "It's the couple-to-couple Valentine's Day Dance every year. This year, they won't have to play boyfriend to anyone."

"Boyfriend?" Kagome asked quietly. "I'm sorry, that means I've ruined your time."

"Better than Homecoming. At least I know I won't get crushed at Coming Home." Sango replied. "Cheer up, what are your classes? Are you in mine?"

She started to reply, but just then the morning bell rang. Shrugging and turning, she said instead, "See you later Sango."

Inuyasha glanced at his schedule and made to follow Kagome into the building. Unbeknownst to him, the chains hooked to his pants had managed to get hooked to the fire hydrant that was sitting innocently on the pavement. Inuyasha took one step forward and fell flat on his face, flipping backwards over the offensive city hydrant.

"Damn!" he exclaimed. Miroku laughed evilly at him, offering a hand to help him up.


Inuyasha stared up at the offensive PA box and swore, putting his head back down on the pavement.

"I'm dead," he muttered. When he looked up to find Miroku, the other boy had vanished. Well, off to die…

Kagome walked into the AP English classroom, finding a desk near the front and pulling out her notebook and pen. She was used to note taking by now and had heard that this was a tough class to pass.

Watching while people filtered into the room and took seats in the back, she hummed the song from yesterday and tapped her shoes on the floor in time to the guitars. The second late bell rang just as the last student skidded into the classroom.

A certain silver-haired student.


He took the last desk available (conveniently next to Kagome, putting her anti-social-ness at an unignorable high), as the teacher closed the door, chains on his pants sliding across the desk with an unpleasant noise. His face was sort of scratched up, from what Kagome couldn't possibly begin to guess.

The teacher of the class turned and introduced himself. He then began to write rapidly across the board, causing half the class to frantically scramble for paper and pencils.

"Hey, can I have a piece of paper?" Inuyasha asked.

"Sure," Kagome said, ripping a piece out of the back of the notebook.

"You!" Inuyasha exclaimed, realizing who she was. "Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing,"

"Lyrics," he said simply. "Someone has to write them."

"I thought all three of you were in on that,"

"Sess failed English Three and Miroku's down at Macaze's."

"What did you do?" Kagome asked curiously.

Inuyasha didn't reply, because the teacher had walked over and cleared his throat.

"If the two of you are done talking," he stated.

Kagome stared at the man. He was tall, with dark wavy hair that was pulled into a ponytail. The tail reached his waist, which Kagome found disturbing and intriguing at the same time.

"Yeah, the thing with that is that I wasn't." Inuyasha said. Kagome blinked-she had forgotten that this was how he acted in every class. She had been in the same class as him before, but had always written him off as a troublemaker, which he was. That came back to her now, causing her to pale and scoot away from him slightly. She had never had a detention and didn't want one now!

"Repeat that please," the teacher said. Kagome looked on the board to see if he had by chance written his name up there. He hadn't.

"Excuse me, sir," she managed to squeak before Inuyasha could repeat himself. "He was just asking me for a piece of paper. We're sorry we interrupted the class."

"Apology accepted, Ms. Hiragushi. I would like to hear the same from your boyfriend here."

"She's not my…"

"He's not my…"

They stared at each other for a moment before Inuyasha crossed his arms over his chest. "Feh."

The teacher stared.

"In his language, that means `sorry'." Kagome said quickly, starting to get irritated with Inuyasha and his reluctantly to get her out of trouble.

"What language would this be, Mr. Makahoto?"

"Caveman," he said with a smirk.

The teacher stared at them for a moment before returning to his desk. Kagome's heart sped up and she shot a glare at Inuyasha.

"I can let Ms. Hiragushi off with nothing but a detention for the insubordination," the teacher told the class. "But Mr. Makahoto was not only rude and insubordinate, I got a phone call from Principal Macaze before class explaining his…situation. Makahoto, you are to report to Macaze's office at the start of your lunch hour and immediately after school."

Inuyasha appeared outraged. "Macaze called around already?!"

The teacher shot him a wry look. "Unless you'd like for me to arrange a detention for you as well?"

"Go ahead, it will only help the record along." Inuyasha said moodily, slouching back in his chair.

"I wish you luck working at Subway the rest of your life, Makahoto."

Inuyasha was fuming as he shoved his way through the crowds to Macaze's office. He had a long history with the Principal, starting on his first day of Freshman year. In a simple prank meant for-Kagome, actually, her being the Class President-he had managed to dump a bucket of black paint over Macaze's head.

Ever since then, he had gotten a detention every day. However, he had never been suspended, since everything he did was usually in some form a harmless prank.

Today, he had vandalized her car. Today would not be a good day.

He entered the office and looked around. Nothing had changed, down to the last drop of bleach on the carpet. That had been Miroku's mistake, two years before. Macaze had hired several various services but there was no way to restore the carpet without replacing it.

A picture of Inuyasha and Miroku posing for the camera was tacked to her wall on an odd angle. Inu was grinning and had an arm thrown over Miroku's shoulders and Miroku was giving the photographer a peace sign. Written in her handwriting across the bottom in black sharpie was `most detentions ever'.

Inuyasha grinned slightly and leaned back in the chair, waiting for the principal to make her appearance.

She came in a moment later, gray hair frizzed slightly on one side and bags under her eyes. "Inuyasha,"

"Yuki," he replied.

She sighed and sat down behind her desk, putting on her glasses to see the pink detention slip that his English teacher had written out. Suddenly realizing that he didn't know the man's name, he glanced at his schedule.

"You were giving Naraku a hard time, eh? I can't really blame you for that, the man has the personality of a perpetually PMSing stone."

"Intriguing analogy. Freshies giving you a hard time?"

"Yeah," she said, looking up at the troublemaker. "You in on it? An entire gang of them has rigged the north stairs with grease and paint bombs."

"Sounds like my kind of people. I'm sure they'll live up to their reputations for you." Inuyasha leaned forward, glancing at the picture again. "Do me a favor and suspend them right off. It'll keep my record untouched, how's that?"

"No," she said. "I don't cut deals with you. You know that. However…I do know that my car has been damaged. I was wondering just who would have done that when I realized whose car was next to it."

"Whose?" Inuyasha asked innocently.

"Miroku's," she sighed. "And I wanted you to know that no one came when I called over the PA…"

"I can't imagine why not. Perhaps the PA wasn't working?"

"Why wouldn't the PA be working, Inuyasha?" she asked flatly.

"Maybe if someone cut the wires…hey, you said there's a gang of Freshies. I would talk to their leader."

"You probably will, they're impossible to miss. If you get into a fight, I'm kicking you out of here for three days. And…I want you and Miroku to pay me back the money it will take for me to fix my car."

"How much?" Inuyasha asked curiously.

"Two hundred, and that's if I don't involve the police."

"Two hundred? We don't make that much combined in a year."

"I suggest you start job hunting then, because I'm giving you three months to get the money to me. After that I'll call the police."

"Right," Inuyasha agreed. "It really was an accident."


Out in the hallway, there were suddenly hundreds of girly screams. Inuyasha grinned widely, turning to see what was going on. Yuki Macaze jumped up and ran out the door.

Inuyasha made a quick escape, hearing her hoarse voice even from the cafeteria. Yes, he would have to recruit these Freshies. Anything that POed Macaze was worth having as an ally. He had a reputation to keep up, after all.

23 days in May, 19 have been raining.

Horary for Michigan weather. *twirls finger in air*

If I'm awake through ONE MORE thunderstorm, I may just board up my windows and buy myself earplugs. Not only would this block out the lightening and the thunder, but it would also make me late for school. *sighs* there no way to win, I hate this stupid state. Nyway, I have ideas and you're going to get them. And I'm NOT using my idea taco for this, they are my own ideas once again. So be happy, and rejoice.