InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Place ❯ the English teacher ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well, the streets are all flooded past the sidewalks and there are trees down all over everyone's cars…but here's the best part-our football field is underwater! ^_^ *dances* not only will I possibly get out of school tomorrow, but I'll also manage to evade gym completely!!! So happy…

Kagome sighed as Mr. Naraku started off class with yet another lecture on the structure of American newspaper techniques. She found herself drifting off once again, elbow on her desk and head on her hand.

Inuyasha stuck a piece of notepaper under her elbow.

Grinning absently, Kagome unfolded the artful little note (it had been a sort of bomb, which was undoubtedly at one point in time actually used by the creator) and read over the little letter quickly. Inuyasha's handwriting was sloppy and spiky at the same time, making it hard for the prep to decipher about half of the letters. She got the message, though.


Meeting at Sango's and going to carnival. Coming?


She scrawled her reply back, writing sharply contrasting the troublemaker's. Hers was loopy and neat, with little circles dotting the I's.




He frowned and scrawled some more.

You're busy?

Meeting with Kouga to brainstorm for activities throughout the year.

Kouga? You actually work with him?

Yeah. He's a pretty nice guy when you get past the caveman. Speaking of, why are you so awake this morning?

Rin made coffee. Sess put in the milk and sugar. He put in waaaaayyy too much sugar.


Don't change topics. We can help you theme a few parties today. And then we'll go to the carnival.

Sounds good. I have to meet with Kouga though, he said that he wants in on this year's plans.

Makes sense. Last year he got beat up at prom for coming in sophomore's theme, didn't he?

Only a few people know that.

Let's say I'm a minority.

Kagome shot him a wry look and shoved the paper into her notebook. She had already collected several other conversations there, but didn't want many people to see that they were conversing either. She had never really realized it before, but if she got caught being nice to Inuyasha, her reputation would die. Also, she would most likely end up with more than one detention before she graduated.

Realizing that she could keep him out of trouble as well, he had agreed that they couldn't be seen together for too long. To prove that he was serious, he later pranked her in the hall and they indulged in a prolonged screaming-fest.

Over the phone, they had made up and laughed about it.

Kagome had memorized Inuyasha's phone number.

This was disturbing to the class president, about as much as her growing friendship was. The latter could be worked around, but the former…the only other numbers she knew were Sango and Rin.

"There is going to be a test this Thursday on the list of prepositions I handed out yesterday." Mr. Naraku announced, earning himself several groans from the class.

"Yesterday was Monday," Inuyasha muttered. "Sadistic moron, he wants us to memorize eight hundred words in less than a week,"

"Lyrics," Kagome reminded him. "Write them into a song. You'll remember them."

"I ain't singing no fucking song about eight hundred prepositions."

"Ain't is not an English word, Mr. Makahoto. And if you have a problem with my teaching methods, perhaps you would like a detention."

Inuyasha snorted and crossed his arms, glaring darkly at the offensive teacher. Macaze was right about him, Kagome thought. Inuyasha had told her about the Principal's ultimatum after Sango had told her about the car later that day. As a whole, the six friends were trying to build up enough money for the two guys to keep them out of jail. Detentions were one thing, but messing with the local police could possibly destroy all of their futures in one quick go. Kagome had thus far been helping out because she liked being part of the group and enjoyed spending time with her girlfriends and the guys too.

"Make sure you spell my name right this time," Inuyasha said. "It's I-N-U-Y-A-S-H-A, none of the W's you were throwing in there the last pass."

"I'll count that as insubordination as well," Naraku said absently, continuing to write. "Maybe your girlfriend would like to spend some time with you as well."

Kagome froze.

"You've been quite busy passing notes since day one. If I might have them, please?"

She leaned over to get the papers, but Inuyasha stopped her. "It's my detention. She hasn't done anything wrong since the first day of school. There are no grounds for punishment here."

"…failure to participate in class and follow directions."

"What?!" Kagome burst. "I've done everything!"

"Insubordination. I'll see you this afternoon, Ms. Hiragushi."

Inuyasha was really worried about Kagome. Not only had she failed to come to lunch, but Sango and Rin couldn't find her and she wasn't answering her cell phone. Either she was taking an early detention or she was in trouble somewhere. And when he said trouble, he meant emotionally.

Geez Kagome, where did you go?

Sesshoumaru watched his brother debate internally over what to do. He knew what had happened, having gotten the cliff notes from Miroku. Rin and Sango were gone looking for Kagome already, so there was no way that he could sleep in the lunchroom with all of his bodyguards gone. It was a real pain to get food coloring out of his hair, as tested with mustard in his Sophomore year.

Regardless, the girl was missing and they had to find her. The brothers had been left here on the slim chance that she would return to the lunchroom after she did whatever it was she was doing.

Inuyasha finally sat down next to Sesshoumaru. "Sess, stay here. I'm going to go talk with my Freshies and see if they've seen her."

"Your gang?" Sess asked, raising one eyebrow. "I thought Macaze threatened to expel them all if they joined league with you."

"Obviously that's not too important to them, or they're stupid. Either way, there are a lot of them and I need to find someone in a crowd…"

"I'm here," Sess said simply. "Go, get Rin back in here."

Inuyasha nodded and left the cafeteria, heading straight for the ISS (In-School Suspension) room.

"Shippou," he said, greeting the scrawny punker. "I need to find someone. You in on the job?"

"Talk," the kid said, folding his arms. "What's in it for me?"

"I get you out of ISS."

"Right." The young brunette rolled his eyes. "Macaze is on us like a hawk."

"Macaze happens to be quite friendly with me." Inuyasha confessed.

Shippou stared levelly at him. "Listen, if you can get all of my guys out of here, I'll find anyone you want me to. One more math assignment and I'm going to shove it down Macaze's throat."

"I know the feeling. Give me five minutes and leave, got it?" Inuyasha instructed. "I already have today's detention, but I'll take another if I have to."

Shippou saluted him and turned, speaking softly with about a dozen other Freshmen. Without waiting to see that they all agreed, Inuyasha walked back out into the hall.

Kagome wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, getting a hold of herself. She was sitting in Principal Macaze's office, waiting to talk with her and see if she couldn't get the detention revoked on grounds of unfair charges. She was sure that the principal would listen to her-she had never caused trouble in her life!

She wasn't aware that her five friends were looking for her, or that Inuyasha was going to make an ISS break to find her. She didn't really think that they would do anything that stupid when she didn't come to lunch.

Macaze had said just about a `hello' to her when she suddenly took off down the hall, leaving the vague directions to wait in her office. Kagome was scared and upset and crying, and knew that she had to get a hold of herself before the principal came back. She had gone towards the ISS room, and she probably wouldn't be taking that long.

Curiosity was what finally stemmed the flow, since the teen had never been in this particular office before. She found interesting signs of the time Inu and Miroku had spent there, such as initials on chair arms and the desk and pictures on the walls. The boys appeared to be saying truthfully that they knew Macaze well. There were not only the customary school photos on the desk, but also snapshots of the troublemakers posing for the camera and causing mass havoc amongst the unsuspecting student body.

Kagome pulled a picture of a Freshman Inuyasha off the wall. His cheeks were still chubby and his hair was slightly shorter. He was grinning widely, holding up what appeared to be someone's pigtail braid in one hand, and had a pair of scissors in the other hand. Kagome looked closer, and she realized that it was her hair. Smirking in spite of herself, she pocketed the photo. Later she could rub it in his nose and complain about the two years it took to grow her hair back to its original length.

Principal Macaze's voice made its way into the office before the woman herself did. Kagome realized that the second and protesting voice belonged to the guy she had been thinking fond thoughts about and scowled.

What has the idiot done now?

"Really, Yuri, I had no idea. I've never tried this before, how was I supposed to know-"

"My skin is covered in HIVES thanks to you, Makahoto. You're lucky I haven't expelled your butt yet. Why on earth would you dump raspberry shampoo all over the floor? I'm dead allergic to raspberries! You weren't trying anything with ISS, were you?"

"No. Honestly, Yuri, you think I'm that stupid? After everything we've done, we KNOW not to mess with those ISS kids."

They burst into the office. Macaze was pink like a half-ripe strawberry and furious, dumping herself into her office chair and staring levelly at Inuyasha. The latter sat down next to Kagome with a frustrated sort of resolve, running a hand through his raspberry-scented silver hair.

"You!" he exclaimed when he saw Kagome.

"Me. What the hell did you do? I'm not in trouble for it, am I?"

Macaze looked between the two of them before smiling slightly. "Oh, Inuyasha, is this your girlfriend? She's really nice, you should take people lessons from her."

"She's not my girlfriend Yuri, and I don't need people lessons."

"Well, you need humanity lessons then, because you act like an animal in this damn school!"

Macaze leaned back, taking deep breaths and getting her temper in check. Didn't want to be swearing all over the place, never mind that it was Inuyasha and he had heard her swear plenty before, mostly on his account.

"Principal Macaze, before you kill Inuyasha, could I talk with you for a minute?"

The older woman sweetened considerably. "Certainly, Kagome. What's going on?"

"I have a detention later this afternoon that I don't really deserve. Naraku gave it to me for apparent insubordination, but he tricked me into being insubordinate in the first place. I've never had a detention before and I wanted to graduate without one, but…"

Macaze whistled, looking over at Inuyasha. "And you're friends with her? God, why didn't any of that rub off on you?"

"Exact opposites, sorry," Inuyasha offered. "And her problem is mostly my problem, too. It was me being insubordinate, as I'm sure you'll find in today's referrals."

"Well, I don't see why I can't have a small talk with Naraku this afternoon Ms. Kagome. Consider yourself free of punishment. Inuyasha, however…I don't really want to do this, but I'm afraid that you have to be suspended. You collective detentions and today's commando actions call only for that. I'm calling your mother, go and get your things."

"I can drive," Inuyasha remarked. "I'm not frickin fifteen any more. You don't have to call my mother."

"Oh, but I think she'd like to know anyway." Macaze replied sweetly. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wash the raspberry off my skin and ingest half a bottle of anti-allergy drugs. Good day, Inuyasha."

"I had it coming," Inuyasha remarked quietly after Macaze had left. Kagome was giving him this sweet wide-eyed look, like you got in trouble for me. "I'll text you. Have a whole text conference with Kouga last block, because I'm kidnapping you as soon as school lets out."

"Okay," she agreed. "I know you came in Miroku's car this morning. Do you want my keys?"

"You're lending me your car?"

"You're kidnapping me, aren't you? I'll get it back," she stood up with him and opened her purse, pulling out an obviously feminine key chain and handing it to him. Without warning or hesitation, she hugged him tightly. "Thanks, Inuyasha."

"No problem," he replied, hugging her back. "Just calm, Kag. I'll see you later, okay?"


Releasing her, he flipped the keys around and caught them, walking out the door of Macaze's office. Kagome took that pretty lightly. It was my fault. But she didn't get angry or yell at me…Suppose I should be grateful. Feh, I don't know why I'm wasting this much time on her. She's obviously a prep, she's stuck up, she's too perfect. There's no way that we could ever stay together for very long.

When did I start considering it?

Damn you Miroku. Damn you and your radio station both to the darkest corner of hell…

Yes, dilemma. And where will they go when he kidnaps Kagome? Have no fear, my idea taco was here! And I already have a plan, so don't worry. It stopped raining! ^_^ *thunder* damn, spoke too soon. `Nyway, the year will speed right along and I hope to have this done before I leave for summer camp. However…my schedule and exam studying says no. so hang in there, mi hopefuls. *hops off to recite things in Spanish* ^_~