InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Us ❯ Meeting Us ( Chapter 1 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or a club named Sex Pistols. Other people do

Warning: no warning for now cuz its not NAUGHTY, yet.

Summary: well for this chapter the summary is we are just getting to meet the people.

My name is Kalika. My mother is an angel and my father is an artist of a kind. I'm trouble and an only child. We have a lot of money. We are rich because of my father. I'm part Hindu, but live in Japan. My name is that of an ancient goddess of chaos and destruction.

I say my mother is an angel because everyone falls in love with her. But she only loves my father. She is a perfect cook, and gardener. She is so beautiful, though she does not believe in make- up. She says that make- up only hides the real you. Her hair is a light blonde and long, down to her knees. She is almost 6 feet tall.

I am nothing like my perfect mother. I can't cook or do anything. The thing I can do is party, smoke, and kiss. I am only 16, but I go to clubs with fake I.D. I am clinically depressed. I am barely "5'2", and my skin is pale. My hair is the only thing that kind of looks like my mothers. It's below my knees, almost to my feet and almost gray looking. I have never cut it.

Sesshamoru sat at his desk drawing. He thought of how lonely he was and of how long it had been since he had a girlfriend or a date for that matter.

His younger brother, Inuyasha, was always at parties and everyday had a different girl with him. He just slept with them and then never called them or saw them again.

Sesshomaru decided to go to a club that night. It wouldn't hurt to go have some fun.

I took my car keys and left my house at 11:00 P.M. The night was hot and so was I. I wanted to dance and drink my life away.

I got to the club. It was called Sex Pistols. Which I thought was a weird name.

Once inside, my first stop was the drink bar. A white haired man sat there drinking. His hair was long. Down to his waist. He was gorgeous. Another living angel around this world. He seemed bored.

After a quick drink I headed for the dance floor. "Baby Boy" was playing. Instantly I started to dance. Making circles with my hips and arms above my head. I shook my whole body. Men started to get near me. I got my wicked smile on. Men were easily entertained in Japan and everywhere for that matter.

Sesshomaru saw a small girl come in to Sex Pistols. `hum… probably got in with fake I.D.' he thought. Her hair was so long and sort of gray looking. She looked like a small angel that drank the strongest drink in the club quickly.

She headed toward the dance floor. She started to make circles with her hips and her arms were above her head. Her hair swooshed as she shook her whole body. The man started to move toward her, at least men who did not have dates, though they would have liked to head over too.

Sesshomaru was mesmerized by this young woman. He felt the need to go over to her just as the other men did.

He got up and started to walk toward her. She was dancing in front of the men, but had a bored look on her face. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

Her eyes were a dark blue that fiercely pierced yours. Suddenly there was no one, but just Kalika and Sesshomaru.

Maybe he wanted her just for fun or there was really something about her that attracted him to her……

*Joey is sipping her fave drink- margarita. Turns around in a Tinnie Martini bathing suit made by: herself*

So what you think???? Please leave your reviews cause I want to see if I should show the second chapter. It'll start to get naughty soon. xD