InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Us ❯ Seeing You Again ( Chapter 3 )

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Damn it!!!!!! How many times must I say it? I own absolutely nothing.

Warning: NO Warning this time.

Summary: Hurray. They get to see each other again.

Chapter 3

I sat on my bed. I had not gone out in a week. I felt too depressed after the fun I had had with Sesshomaru.

I was painting a picture inspired by an Emily Dickinson poem. She was such an inspiration to me when it came to drawing. Suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up quickly.


"Hey babe! Where have you been?"

"Thorn, I haven't felt like going out."

"Well you will tonight. Where going to an abandoned warehouse for a rave. You have to come."


"I'll come pick you up at 10. BYE!"

He could have let me finished talking, but I need to get out of the house, anyways. I have been so bored I have agreed to go to a museum show case or something like that for my Father's teaching class or the other. I don't even know what it's about. While I have been drawing my life away, I have also been helping my mother cook. I haven't gotten high in 2 weeks and I have only drank a beer and not smoked at all.


Thorn came in his 1970 Mustang with Ice Queen, Samara, Smoke, and Drano. I sat in the back with Ice Queen, Smoke, and Drano, smoking pot. I instantly got the bolt of energy I needed.

I was hyped by the time we got to the club, got me ready to party. I think the pot was home made or something cause it was so weak I barely got the jolt, but it was just enough for me to be happy, but conscious about everything and everyone.

We were dancing around, touching each other and drinking. The drinks were so weak here that I felt nothing. But it felt good to drink. I was sweating from the dancing, so I had to take a seat near the drink bar. I looked to my right and a young man with white hair and big yellow eyes sat there. He raised his cup to me and I nodded my head slightly. He was gorgeous. I saw his eyes one more time and his hair, both reminded me of Sesshomaru. I gazed at him one more time before turning around and going of to dance with Thorn.

Blink 182's new song was playing. And we were all jumping and pushing against each other. I was wearing all black and looked like I usually do, like a true gothic. I was wearing my 5 inch platform combat boots, which made me look pretty tall. Only to Sex Pistol's and such clubs did I dress all slutty and preppy. Only way I could get guys there.

My hair was in a bun, but it was beginning fall apart. The few bits that had already done so were sticking to my neck. Thorn said he was already bored, I said me too. That I wanted to go home, I had something to do next morning, which was a Saturday. He said alright lets gather the gang up.

Before we headed out I again saw the- almost- but- not- really- Sesshomaru look alike. He was dancing with 3 punk chicks and they were all over him. He was going to get a lot tonight.


It was Saturday. I was ready to go. I was wearing a black dress which was open from the back, showing of my tattoo of the Japanese word for truth. In fact you could see all my tattoos the cross on the chain, the bar code on my neck, and the empty circle on my wrist which had my name on the outside of it with a small heart next to it. I had my hair up in a ponytail that was folded in half. My shoes were the kind that you tie, but are all going up your leg and shit. I looked surprisingly normal.


The place was packed when I got there. People were crowding around the mini buffet table I had helped my mother cook and set up. While they did that others were looking at the paintings. I headed toward the one that first caught my eye. It was a replica of Vermeer's Girl with the Pearl Earring. This painting did not hold the light that Vermeer used. It was dull compared to the original. On the bottom of it said "by: Kiuta Hinsonton". Fucking Japanese names always were so long.

The next painting was of a dragon on the edge of a cliff. It's saliva falling onto the ground and burning it. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was made by Sesshomaru Hetigora. My mouth dropped when I read it.

"Do you like it?"

I turned around to see who had said that. It was the angle man. Sesshomaru.


Sesshomaru was getting ready to go to his Museum showing. He had many paintings being shown. He got his khaki cargo pants and a red shirt. It hugged his muscle just enough to show he worked out. And a black jacket over that. He looked at himself in the mirror, when suddenly the phone rang.

"Sesshomaru look I won't be able to make it to that museum shit of yours."

Sesshomaru heard a woman laugh and moan a bit. He didn't even remember inviting Inuyasha to his showing.

"Whatever". He hung up the phone quickly. He sprayed some cologne on, grabbed his keys, and left.


When he got there, he saw a bunch of people crowding over a table with food.

`Damn bastards! They are just here for the food. The teacher's wife probably made it, though.' His teacher's wife was an angel, he thought. Apparently they only had a daughter, but he had never seen her.

He looked to his right, a saw a young woman with a black dress stood there looking at his painting. He decided to go over and talk. Her hair reminded him of someone.

"Do you like it?"

She turned around, and it was Kalika. His mouth almost opened, but thank God he managed to control it. She looked at him in amazement.

She looked beautiful. Her hair pulled back and light make- up. Very natural looking. Her blue gaze never leaving Sesshomau's face she asked, "Since when do you paint for my father?"

"Kalika I didn't expect to see you… wait. Did you just say your father? Is your father Mr. Hannigh?"