InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melodies ❯ Mikuri ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Inuyasha related material!! Cuz if I did, everyone would love Sesshomaru, and Naraku wouldn't be so hated!!
Okay, so this is chapter two…R&R…
Chapter Two
One hundred years passed slowly for the Great Dog Demon. He had long since forgotten the human girl by the name of Rin, but every once in a while, he felt drawn to a balcony that over-looked a large area of dirt, that was once a breathtaking garden.
H was patrolling his borders when he heard the soft, sad melody from long ago. He followed the sound and leapt into a tree to observe its source.
Looking down, he saw a girl with midnight black hair, sitting by a clear stream. She was playing on a bamboo flute, and when she finished her melody, another girl appeared. Only, this girl was dead, Sesshomaru could smell the scent of decayed flesh, even though the girl looked wholly alive.
“Mikuri, do you think he remembers Rin?” The living girl asked.
“No, I do not…You meant nothing to him, sister…” the dead girl replied.
“Yes, Rin thinks so too…Rin has good news, Mikuri…She has finally learned the song! Soon, she will be able to bring you and your beloved back for good!”
“Rin, why do you waste your time on us? You should think about you and your future…”
“Rin has no future to look forward to…And she needs to repay you…” she said, and the unseen observer finally recognized her, “You took over Rin's body every time Lord Sesshomaru hurt her…If it weren't for Rin, your beloved Kai would be with you and you two would be happy…”
“Rin…Do not blame yourself, sister…I never once blamed you…neither did Kai…I owe you everything…You've kept me harbored in your body since I died…I am dead, yet you let me live through you…Thank you, baby sister…”
“Mikuri…Rin wants to play her melody now…”
Rin played her flute and summoned Kai, waiting for him to appear beside Mikuri. They shared a hug and kiss, before turning their attention to Rin, who began playing another melody.
Sesshomaru watched as their bodies returned to their living states, and he was impressed to say the least. He understood now…All those years ago, he had spoken to Mikuri; he had killed her love, not Rin's…
“Thank you…” He heard the cat whisper.
“Rin has another song to play…Are you ready?”
“Yes…” they murmured in unison.
“Then listen to Rin's melody, and feel its magic…” and she began to play again.
She was lifted into the air, hovering as the magic consumed her. Sesshomaru watched as Kai and Mikuri gasped, and a large black, black-clouded orb emerged from each or their chests, only to be absorbed into Rin's body.
He heard Mikuri explaining to Kai as they kept their eyes on Rin, “Senri taught her this song…He uses it on her every few months…It suck away the pain of whoever it is used on…It makes it seem like nothing bad ever happened to that person…It seems good right?” Kai made a sound of agreement and she continued, “Yes…Good for whoever it's used on…But bad for whoever uses it…”
“What do you mean?”
“Whoever uses it absorbs the pain…They feel it as their own…They re-experience it…You will see…” As soon as the words left her lips, the music stopped.
Everything around them shivered and changed into a scene of the past.
“She is seeing my death…” she said, watching as bandit demons attacked her, “Now she is seeing the first time Sesshomaru hurt her...Meeting you…”
“Why did that bring her pain?”
“She felt my love for you…And your love for me…I was in control of her body, so I felt that pain instead…Her heart was hurting because she knew that she would never have the one she loved…”
As the scenes changed, Mikuri stayed quiet, unless Kai asked about something.
“She will be stuck in this, reliving it until she's strong enough to play her Forgiveness Melody…”
“Forgiveness Melody?”
“Yes…It's a song she created that will erase the memories of pain from our minds…It's called the `Forgiveness Melody' because, in a way, it forgives those that caused us pain…” she sighed, “She thinks everyone deserves forgiveness, even those that hurt her the most…But she will not forgive herself…She blames herself for Misu and Miruki's deaths…”
“Misu and Miruki?”
“Her children…”
“Children? But she's still pure…”
“They were created by her songs…Songs she doesn't play anymore…Misu was the Son of Sorrow, and Miruki was the Daughter born from Death…Misu thrived on pain…he would simply touch someone and suck away their pain…Miruki thrived on souls…When someone would be near death, she would suck away their soul, putting them to rest before they felt the pain of death…She created them because she knew that she would never have a child with the one she loved…”
“How did they die?”
“Misu found a man, one who he sensed pain in, and asked him if he could take away his pain…The man agreed and Misu went to work…But, this man had once been a great mercenary, and held so much pain, that the pain consumed Misu, and he died in Miruki's arms…Miruki, having been holding a dying body, absorbed his soul…Nobody that knew of Miruki's creation, knew that to absorb a created soul would be to take it in place of your own…Since Misu's soul was a dead soul, Miruki too died…It was horrible having to watch Rin go through so much pain…She was hurting, but she always wore a smile, so that no one she love would hurt, by knowing that she was hurting…”
“Who did she love?”
“Her children…Me…You…But mostly Sesshomaru…Loving him is what hurts her the most…”
“I have asked her many times if she loves him, and she always denies it…”
“I have been inside her heart and mind…She loves him more than anything, and it's causing her so much pain…That's why Senri has to use that song so much…She refuses all love, except from the ones she loves…She doesn't want false affection, that's why she denies the love of her intended…”
“Does loving someone really hurt that much?” Kai asked, cupping Mikuri's cheek to turn her face to his.
“No…But loving someone that despises your very being, like Sesshomaru despises Rin, can cause so much pain that it is hard to simply breathe…When Senri moves on to the spirit world, Rin will be stuck with that pain…”
“She hasn't stopped thinking of him, has she?”
“No…She will not even step foot in his land, because she fears that he won't remember her…”
She stopped talking as music started to once more play. They looked up to find Rin playing her Forgiveness Melody, tears streaming down her cheeks. She slowly floated back to the ground, collapsing as she reached that dirt below. Kai caught her against him as her body shook with sobs.
“He really hates Rin, doesn't he?” She asked, sobbing into Kai's kimono.
“Why do you ask that?” He asked, and she pointed to the tree that Sesshomaru was in.
“He came to kill her…He is angry that it had been Mikuri he hurt…He wanted it to be Rin…He wanted only Rin to feel all that pain…And he wants to do it again…He wants her dead…But she cannot die…She, too, wishes for death…but death never comes…” she pulled away and played on her flute, commanding Sesshomaru down.
“Kai, we should go…” Mikuri said and Kai grabbed her, vanishing.
Once Sesshomaru was down, she formed a barrier around him, much like Mikuri had done so many years ago…
“Rin has a few questions…Once they are answered, she will release you…” She said, unable to look at her previous lord, “Do you want Rin dead?”
Have you forgotten this Rin?”
“Do you…Love Rin?”
Rin smiled sadly, painfully, and played her flute, releasing him, “Forgive Rin, but this is for the best…” she began playing again, and orbs began leaving his chest, “Rin will her memories from you…She will change the past, and ultimately the future…she will make it to where you were never injured, so that you would never have met her…”
Sesshomaru saw the orbs as they left him; Rin as a little girl, clutching his fur; Rin in her garden; Rin looking at him with so much love. All of his memories leaving him. He discreetly kept one; Rin confessing her love to him.
“You will never have my love…” he said quietly, using the same words he had used back then.
“Because Rin does not deserve your love,” she finished for him, “But no one else will have Rin's love…She has already been promised to Riku…There is no love, but there will be children to carry on Rin's blood…” She turned away, flute raised to her lips, “She will be mated by the next sunset…Goodbye, beloved Lord Sesshomaru…If you see Rin again, you will not recognize her…She hopes that makes you happy…” and then she was gone…
Sesshomaru stared at the spot she had just stood as the memory overtook him…
Many years ago
“Lord Sesshomaru?” Rin inquired at age fourteen.
“Yes?” Was his cold reply.
“Rin…Rin loves you…” she said softly, knowing that it was wrong.
“You will never have my love, Rin…” he said as he continued to walk.
“Why not, Lord Sesshomaru?” She asked, hurt consuming her young body.
“Because you do not deserve my love. You are nothing but a pathetic human. I am Sesshomaru. That is reason enough…”
After that, she was banned from his company, unless he sent for her…
“She loves you with all she has…” he heard Mikuri say behind him, but he did not turn around, “And because you will not admit that you, too, love her, she will be forced to give herself to a man that she does not love…You deny her because she is human…It hurts her to love you, but that is all she knows to feel for you…When the pain gets to be too much, Senri will erase you from her memories, as she attempted to do for you…”
“She means nothing to me…” he said in his emotionless voice.
“Then why were you so protective of her when she was around other males?”
“She did not belong to them! She was mine!” He growled at her.
“Yet you would not claim her as yours…”
Sesshomaru turned to face her, only to find her gone. His eyes flashed red for only a moment, before returning to their golden color. Needing to think, he returned to his castle…