InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a heart of ice ❯ Chapter Four: Why is he so cold? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Four: Why is he so cold?

Kagome closed the door to Sesshoumaru's room, but she remained staring at it. She absentminded rubbed her right arm and thought back to the moment earlier, when he broke it. She was not angry, she just wondered why he had looked so furious back then. She only wanted to help him! She shuddered as she remembered how his aura had flared up, and with her keen senses, she was amazed at how powerful it was.

She jumped as someone laid a hand on her shoulder. Turning, she saw it was one of the guards.

"Kagome-sama, did he hurt you?"

She smiled at him, as it was an elf, he had heared her bone break, she was sure of that. "No, he did not." The elf looked doubtful, but apparently he choose to ignore it. "You may leave now," she added.

He and the other guard looked surprised at her. "Are you sure my Lady? He is a prisoner…"

"Oh, I put a spell on the door, don't worry, there is no need for you to stay here."

The guards hesitantly left, and she knew she would have to deal with Kikyou and her mother about this later, but first she decided to look at their wounded soldiers.


Sesshoumaru couldn't really relax. He had noticed that both his swords were still at his side, and he inwardly grinned.

Rule number one: never leave a prisoner with weapons. Apparently, the elves never heard of that one. Rule number two: lock said prisoner safely away and DEFENITELY not next to ones room.

He silently shook his head as he thought about how stupid this girl was, letting him near her. Did she want to commit suicide?

He thought she would have defended herself as he broke her arm, but she didn't. And he had heard how she send the guards away.

Rule number three: never stay close to an armed prisoner, alone and without protection.

His thoughts drifted from Kagome to Naraku. He hoped Naraku would loose the battle, but it was likely Kikyou pulled her army back. All this was set up just so they could get him, and Kikyou would be a fool to risk anymore lives in a battle that was of no importance further.

But he still hoped Naraku would loose a lot of his men, because he didn't like him, and also it would cost some time before Naraku would come nagging about a new battle.

That he was a prisoner now didn't mean Naraku would keep quiet. He would probably go to Inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru shuddered as he thought about that. Inuyasha had a lot to learn, and he would rather not have his army lead by his brother.

But why was he even worrying? Inuyasha couldn't stand both Naraku and Kouga, and considering his manners (or the lack of them) he would rather kick them out of the castle before even considering going to war with them…

His thoughts went to Kagome again, as he kept seeing her face before him, smiling sadly. He sat up and rubbed his temple in frustration. Was there nothing he could do?

At home, he would spend the whole day in his study, signing documents and making decisions regarding his lands. Sometimes, when there was a more important problem, like for instance the troublesome youkai last week, he would go out and exterminate it himself. Also, he would make sure his soldiers (and he himself) were in perfect condition.

But he was locked in this room, so there was no chance he could go and practice a bit with his sword now. Not even to slice some elven heads off. What a pity.

It went against all his principles, he was Lord Sesshoumaru, and nobody could ever harm him, let alone CAPTURE him. His pride was hurt, but he could do nothing about it now. There was nobody to listen to his orders, no servant or slave to punish, no one he had power over. Instead, he was the one now that had to listen. And he had to listen to that girl none the less.

But there was something he could do, he realised. The girl trusted him somehow, or something like that, and it would be fun to scare her, to humiliate her. That was the least he could do.

He stood and decided to explore the room a bit. If you walked trough the door, the bed on which he sat, stood to the right. To the left stood a wardrobe and a table with a view chairs. There was not much in the room, but it was still impressive. There were paintings on the walls, of all kinds of landscapes, and the ceiling was high and also painted with birds. Opposite the door was a window, and he walked towards it.

He stopped dead in his tracks as he noticed a small door in the wall next to the window. "Well well, he whispered, "I wonder if our little princess put a spell on this one as well…"

He reached with one clawed hand at the door, and when he didn't sense anything, he touched the door and opened it.

Behind the door was a balcony, and he stepped onto it, walking towards the edge to look down. He was at a tower that lay to the south, and it was pretty high. From the tower, you could clearly see the courtyard, in which now lay the wounded soldiers. He grinned evilly as he noticed there were pretty much of them. He noticed a blue light, and looking more carefully, he recognised Kagome as she was probably healing someone.

Why would she even bother? Didn't they have other people to do that? She was a princess, and still she walked around normal soldiers, and with his sharp eyes he could see she was even talking to them. He never talked to his soldiers, if it wasn't necessary. They were just ordinary youkai, and he thought them to be of no importance. As long as they fought and were loyal, it was alright. Here, it looked more like some big family.

His gaze shifted to the rest of the castle and its lands. He had been here before, he had fought several times next to Naraku, but he never got the time to look around properly. He noticed the lands were beautiful, and he could see the castle had several large gardens in which people were working. It all looked so peaceful…

Turning, he noticed another door next to the one he just exited. Curious, he opened it and glanced inside. He grinned as he noticed a room similar to his, but it was obvious it was more inhabited than his. So this must be Kagome's room…

That girl really was a fool. She only put a spell on the door leading from his room outside, but she forgot the door leading to the balcony. And from the balcony, he could easily get into her room, and go to the door there, to set of into the castle…

He shook his head, and shut the door close. No. Despite the fact he hated these elves, he still had his honour. He was a prisoner, and this was just how it went. He would wait until he could speak with their queen, and see what they planned to do with him. He wouldn't run away like that. He had his pride. Besides, he could make fun of the girl; pointing out to her how she forgot this. She would be standing there like a fool…

He remained standing on the balcony, watching the queue below, and waited for Kagome to turn up.


Kagome was talking animated to a soldier, trying to cheer the guy a bit up, when Kikyou came walking towards her. She had lifted the spell, so that her sister could speak now, and apparently, that was just what she intended to do.

"Kagome, I just spoke to the guards…" Great. "… and they told me you sent them away. Now what is this supposed to mean?"

`Well I worked myself into this, didn't I?'

«Right you are. You knew they would be angry about that one…»

"It means nothing, Kikyou," her sister raised her eyebrows at this. "No, really, I just don't think it would be necessary to place some guards there. I can handle it by myself."

"Well, I heard something else from one of the guards, an elf I believe…" SHIT. "He said he heard a suspicious sound, like a bone breaking or something. I know YOU wouldn't break HIS bone, so it had to be him doing that, isn't it?"

Kagome quickly stood and waved with her hands. "Hehe, it was nothing, really, just a misunderstanding."

"A misunderstanding, yeah right. Anyway, mother wishes to see us, and you should bring the prisoner with you. We will decide on what to do with him. And if it depends on me, I'll get him out of that tower."

"But that's mother's decision."

"I don't care. He's dangerous."

Kagome sighed as her sister stalked away, and her eyes drifted towards the southern tower. She stiffened as she saw a certain silver haired person standing out on the balcony. Oops, she forgot to put a spell on the other door in his room.

`Stupid, stupid Kagome,' was the thing she kept repeating in her mind as she stormed off to get him.


Sesshoumaru inwardly smiled as he catched the scent of that princess. He saw how she looked up at him earlier, down on the ground, and she must have realised her mistake by now. She came running trough his room and he didn't even bother to look behind him as he spoke.

"Has your queen decided she could see me yet?"

"You…" pant cough "didn't run away"

He turned to see Kagome staring at him with big eyes and he chuckled. "No, why should I?"

"But… but you are a prisoner, and … and…"

"And you forget to put a spell on that little door, didn't you?"

He saw how she blushed and began stammering out of embarrassment. "Yeah, w-well I-I… I forgot and I will admit it honestly, it was stupid…"

He raised his brow, as he expected her to come with some lame excuse or something like that, but she admitted it was a stupid mistake.

"Tell me, girl, do you always threat prisoners like this? You are really naive, you know."

"Well we usually don't have any prisoners, it is against our laws and moral to take people's freedom. That's why I'm mad at Kikyou, but well, she's an exception. She always acted strange, different from what we do. But what would you do with prisoners then?"

He moved so he stood right before her, and because she was so small, and he rather tall, he towered over her. He looked satisfied when she backed away a bit, apparently impressed by his high. "I…" he began slowly. "…usually don't use the term `prisoner'."

She frowned, clearly not understanding where this led to. "Why?"

He chuckled evilly. "Because I wouldn't bother housing someone. When I capture somebody, he's dead within the next twenty four hours."

She gasped, and her jaw dropped. "You can't mean that…"

"Why not?"

"That's, that's evil…"

"If you say so…"

A silence fell, and he enjoyed himself with sending the girl one of his iciest glares, and he silently cheered as she began to look a bit uncomfortable.

"Well… eh… my mother wishes to see you…"

"About time."

She glared at him, and then turned briskly. "Just follow me."

He followed her as she opened the door for him, and they walked down the stairs. They came into a wide corridor, and as they walked all the way down, trough several other corridors, he watched amazed at how Kagome greeted every servant they passed by. He wondered if she had no dignity, she was a highborn princess; she shouldn't talk to lower servants.

At the moment, he was waiting patiently for her to finish speaking to some old, ugly woman who she called `Kaede'. They talked about the gardens, and healing herbs and that stuff, but it didn't really interest him. He tuned their talking out, and leaned against the wall, watching Kagome as she laughed and made gestures with her hands.

He remembered the words that Sango girl had spoken when he was half unconscious.


Kikyou snorted. "She is a fool! If she could, she would even become friends with this one. That's why I say, we throw him in the lowest dungeon. Kagome would give him too much freedom. Imagine what he could do if nobody watched after him!"

"I agree with you," Sango sighed. "Kagome is far too kind for this world…"

~End Flashback~

He could see what that girl had meant now. This girl before him was foolish. She put him in a room, next to hers, without a guard, and now, she was walking down the halls with him! The woman who she talked to now ignored him, but there were other servants who had all but run away, looking scared at him. And they had all reason to do just that. Who said he wouldn't start slaying all the elves in this castle here at once? He was armed, and probably only Kikyou or Kagome could stop him. They could be happy that it was against his principles, but still…

He followed Kagome as she continued to walk, and he settled back at looking out of the windows. He could tell the girl before him was still nervous about his statement `he would kill prisoners' earlier, and it amused him. But now he was looking forward to the meeting he would have with their queen.

He never really met the woman, as she wouldn't turn up at the battlefield, and there were no other contacts between him and elves other than exactly at that place. He crinkled his nose as several human and elven servants came passing by. Really, the stench was unbearable!

They came into a great hall, and Kagome walked towards a set of great oaken doors. She opened them, and he followed her into a sort of reception-room.

It was stunning, and clearly there to impress possible visitors. Just like in his room, there were drawings everywhere, of landscapes, animals, ancestors, everything. But there were a lot of differences between this room and the one he had in his castle.

The room in which he greeted his visitors was cold and large. This one was smaller, and it looked almost, dare he say it, cosy.

Sitting by a low table, was the elven queen. He held his breath as he saw her. He instantly knew where Kagome and Kikyou got their looks from. The woman was beautiful, really stunning. She had dark hair, just like her daughters, and dark eyes, who looked more like Kagome then Kikyou because of the warmth in them.

She nodded at him, and pointed at a view cushions opposite her. "Why don't you sit down, Lord Sesshoumaru?"

He bowed, after all, she was still a queen, and sat. It was then that he noticed Kikyou was sitting next to her other, glaring at him. He bared his fangs at her, but kept quiet.

His revenge would come later.


Kagome went to sit next to her mother. Kikyou was sitting on the other side, and she stiffened as she heard a growl coming from Sesshoumaru. All day, he had looked impassive, without any emotion, but she could tell he was pissed at the way he looked at Kikyou.

She turned her head towards her mother as she began speaking. "Now Lord Sesshoumaru, I must apologise about the treatment you received earlier today." Sesshoumaru raised one brow. "And I must tell you that my beloved daughter Kikyou suggested locking you away in a dungeon."

Kagome opened her mouth to protest, but her mother cut her off. "However, I don't think we should threat you that way…" Now it was Kagome's turn to grin at Kikyou, whose jaw dropped.

"Mother! You can't do this! Listen to me, we…"

"No Kikyou. Now Kagome, my child, didn't you told me you could put a barrier around this castle?"

"Yes mother"

"Than, Lord Sesshoumaru, you will be threaded as a guest, and you can go in this castle wherever you want. But you will not be able to leave it, once Kagome cast the barrier."

Sesshoumaru coughed and began talking. "I have but one thing to ask, my Lady, and that is, what are you planning to do with me further? Will there be any negotiations?"

"Yes there will. And please, call me Lady Aglaia*."

"May I inquire what you will ask for my release, Lady Aglaia*?"

"I have not decided that yet. Now would you please be so kind to eat with us?"

"It would be an honour."

Kagome let a sigh once the talk was over. He didn't got that furious as back then, when he broke her arm. He growled once at Kikyou, but nothing more. She had the feeling, that if he could go on, he would kill them all, but he kept back, controlling his emotions, acting like a Lord should. She was impressed; she could never keep her emotions in check. But she also wondered if he could ever show any emotion, it was as if he had a mask on, and nobody was allowed to see the real Sesshoumaru, with emotions and all.

`That's really a shame…' she thought.


He was walking back to his room, together with the girl. After dinner, he had claimed he would go back to his room, and Kagome immediately said she would walk with him, or else he would get lost. He scoffed at the idea, but he wanted to get away from there, so why not?

He stiffened and could barely suppress a growl when he noticed Kikyou was following them. Sure enough, the girl catched up with them and tugged on Kagome's sleeve.

"Kagome, I have to speak to you."

Kagome sighed and looked at him. "Just wait a second, will you?"

He said nothing as he continued to stare Kikyou to death, but she just laughed. "What? Did I hurt your pride or something?" How right you are. "Are you mad because I fought you and won?"

He couldn't hold it anymore, and with one swift move, he had his claws at Kikyou's throat, his eyes red, but further he was dead calm. "Do not mug with me, bitch! You didn't win from me. In a fair fight, I would've killed you." He pressed his claws somewhat more in her skin, until some blood appeared. "You cheated me, and you will pay for that one day. I will keep my word for now, and will do nothing while I am here, but once I got free, be prepared. I will not forget this."

He growled once at her, before he released her and dropped her on the floor. Without looking back, he continued to walk to his room.


It was night, stars were at the sky, and the whole castle was fast asleep. But not Kagome…

She had frozen to the spot when Sesshoumaru suddenly decided to strangle Kikyou; it was what she had been waiting for to happen during dinner. Kikyou had hurt his pride, and he must be furious.

She had checked if Kikyou was alright, but as she could perfectly heal herself, she had gone to bed, lost in thought. She had been turning over and over, but she kept wondering, why the stoic youkai lord was so cold…


Unbeknownst to Kagome, Sesshoumaru wasn't asleep either. He stood at the balcony, gazing into the distance, much like he always did when he was at home. He wondered what sort of barrier Kagome would cast, but he knew one thing, it would be one that would make it impossible for him to escape.

He turned when he heard a door open, and saw it was Kagome. She stepped onto the balcony, and sat down on the edge, sighing.

He remained hidden in the shadows, and stared at her for a long time. The moon shone on her face, and he could see she was smiling sadly. He wondered why she always looked a bit sad, but he shrugged it aside and decided to show himself.

He coughed once, and stepped out of the shadows. The girl gasped, and spun around, but once she saw it was him, she smiled at him. "Oh hello Sesshoumaru! I didn't notice you were there!"

Always so kind. Always. But why? Why smile at a youkai? Why smile at an enemy? Why smile at him?

She looked before her again, and continued to speak to him. "I couldn't sleep, and I always like it out here, so I went outside. Couldn't you sleep either?"

So that was why her room was all the way up in a tower, instead of close to her mother and sister who presumably slept somewhere else. And apparently, she did the same thing as he always did when he couldn't sleep, namely, walking out onto the balcony.

The girl grew nervous as he didn't answer her, and she fidgeted somewhat around. Her next question startled him. "Why are you always so cold?"

He quirked a brow at her. "Pardon me?"

She frowned at him, but then looked to the side. "You show no emotion, it is as if everything is insignificant to you."

"I am not cold," he stated, and ignored the way she looked sad at him. "It is you who are sentimental."

"I am not sentimental," she shot back. "I am a person with feelings, I have a heart! But it is as if you have none. Or else it is made of ice…"

He kept ignoring her, and as a bird came sitting down a bit too close to him, his arm shot out and he grasped it. He held it out before him, so the girl could see it, and she gasped as he slowly dug his claws in its body, killing it.

A tear fell from her eyes, and she shook with anger. "How could you! That was just a little bird, it has done nothing to you!

He dropped it to the floor and snorted. "Think again of what you say; look at who is sentimental now."

"You jerk!" she sheeted, lifting her hand and bringing it close to his face, as if to slap him. He caught it easily, and turned it.

"Tell me girl, do I have to break your arm again?"

She was crying now, and looked at him with sad eyes. "Why do you hate us elves so? Why are you so rude?"

He turned her arm a bit more and she cried when she felt pain. "I don't think I have to tell you that, but well, why not? I hate you all, because you are dirt. You elves killed my father, and I will not let such a thing pass. I swore to take revenge, and I will do so."

"We…" she sniffled. "We didn't kill your father."

"Don't lie to me!" he growled, grasping her chin with his other hand and turning her head so she would face him. "I know you did!"

But she didn't answer him and he frowned as her eyes turned all glassy. It was as if she was looking at something only she could see, and by the look of it, she didn't like it. It continued for a few seconds, until she cried "No!" and then collapsed against him.

He stiffened, and crinkled his nose before shaking her back and forth. She moaned softly, until she met his gaze, and to his relief, she looked normal again. It was really scary how she looked a minute ago.

Then she whispered something, and he tensed as he heard it. "You found your father… He was beheaded, just like my father. And there was blood, blood everywhere…"

He angrily flung her off him and she hit the floor hard. "You stupid elven whore! Now try and tell me again you elves didn't kill him! No one but me, my brother and a few guards knew how he was killed!"

She remained lying on the ground, softly crying. "We didn't…" she managed to whisper.

He snorted and turned, walking to the door to enter his room. He paused before the door, and looked back once. "Let me tell you something, I can't stand people who lie, and I know you lie. And one day, I will get my revenge and kill you all."

At that, he opened the door and slammed it shut behind him, leaving a crying Kagome on the balcony, and he lay down on his bed.

But he couldn't forget the way she looked so sad at him.

Her words kept ringing trough his head. `We didn't… we didn't… we didn't…' And somewhere inside his head, a tiny little voice kept speaking, insinuating that maybe, just maybe she told the truth…

Question was, if the elves didn't kill his father, than who else could have done it?

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* Aglaia: I don't really know Japanese names, this one is Greek, and if I am right, it means `beauty'

Tsukiyo_Kitsune_tears: Thanks for reviewing!