InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs Of A Girl In Love ❯ I Am Trying ( Chapter 4 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kagome sighed, her leg's ached from walking and not stopping because of InuYasha's orders and from other thing's. Since Sango blew up at her Kagome hadn't talked to her since then and kept every little detail about her and InuYasha out of the mix of her. Sango didn't seem to care though which kind of bothered Kagome because she wanted Sango to care that she wasn't talking to her.
Kagome and InuYasha stood side by side together, when they were a couple or when they were a couple before they broke up InuYasha never was really that compassionate around other people as in he wouldn't hold her hand or anything, the most he would do around the group was let her lay in his lap and hold her there. She was content with that though, she didn't really want a guy that was going to totally act like she was his world every second of every day.
Kagome put two hand's on her stomach and started wondering… she did want them but she already defied the rules placed on her body and the outcome was the miscarriage that broke her and InuYasha apart for a good year. Oh heck who cares its her body and she should be able to do what she wants with it.
InuYasha's and Kagome's eyes met for a moment and then she sighed and told him her idea.
“InuYasha I think we should try just one more time and if nothing work's then we can adopt Shippo as if he was our own. Please InuYasha it would mean the world to me.”
InuYasha looked up at the sky again and took in a deep breath. Not that he didn't want a baby it's just he didn't feel like loosing Kagome again after the trauma. He then thought what about what she wanted, she obviously wanted a family and if he didn't give her one then she would find someone else who could. So if he wanted a baby and she wanted a baby how come he want saying anything to her?? And how come he ad this feeling in the pit of his stomach??? But there was something that was holding them back, Naraku hadn't yet been vanquished and they had a lot of demon's in this tie but Kagome has never been put in terrible harm's way so with one last thought InuYasha said yes.
“If it would mean the world to you then it shall be done, just try to stay out of naraku's way, not that you do but just to be safe alright??”
Kagome squealed and nodded then jumped on her husband and toppled to the ground with him. She was so happy, she just hoped that she wouldn't have to go through what they did before with their little baby girl. It broke her and InuYasha apart and every time she thought of her she always longed for another one but now she wouldn't have to hope because InuYasha was willing to have a baby with her!! She smiled and then joined him in a kiss then ran back to the hut to tell everybody.
After she cooked ramen for everyone and then got her self situated with Shippo in bed and herself ready for bed in Kaede's hut everyone sat near her and listened intently for the big news.
“Well everyone you know that after me and InuYasha had our little escapade that we swore to never elope again after our daughter. Well InuYasha and I talked about it and…. We decided we're having another baby!!”
Miroku and Kaede both cheered for her but she noticed that Sango just sat there like she didn't care.
“Sango, aren't you happy for us?? We're doing what we have always wanted, your gonna be an auntie??”
Sango let out a loud Humph and that shocked everyone to the point of insanity.
“Why would I feel happy for you when you haven't done anything to support me and miroku?? All the time through out this whole pregnancy all you have done is say oh Sango you're so lucky, oh Sango I wish I could have babies like you… I'll tell you what I don't want to here that you and the half demon want to have kid's alright beside's didn't you say that you can't have kid's because you were thrown around from naraku too many times??”
Kagome was sick and tired of Sango's attitude she wasn't going to walk away crying until Sango was taught a lesson.
“Now you listen here Sango, I have been nothing but supportive to you and your husband and for what?? To get a slap in the face when I say that it's my turn to be the shining star in this group. While everyone else decides that there life is so bad because of something then you don't want to be in my shoes. Count yourself lucky Sango that you even have that child right now and in a fit of jealousy because I had just lost mine that I didn't fight you to the death of that baby. And what are you trying to say about HALF DEMON?!?! Yes you are correct he is a half demon but I bet that he could kick your wannabe pregnant butt right out of here!!”
Sango just turned her head and uttered a couple word's that made Kagome break down and cry.
“I bet Kikyou wouldn't have lost his child the first time.”
Kagome ran out of the hut in a rush and ran to some place before she fell down with tear's streaming down her face and dirt on her face from falling and scratches on her leg's from the scratching twigs on the ground. InuYasha came running up to her after a while and almost didn't notice her there on the ground until she murmured his name. He gasped and picked her off the ground and dusted the dirt off of her face and then licked at the scars on her face and leg's.
“Do you think she would have lost her InuYasha?? Do you think that Kikyou would have been better then me?? I'm sorry I didn't mean to loose her I'm so sorry.”
Kagome sobbed into his chest. InuYasha knew there was only one way that they could do this and it was a drastic measure but one they had to take.
“Kagome, pack your bag's. We're leaving at dawn.”
InuYasha murmured to her. She nodded and then grasped his neck tightly as he got ready to pick her up and leave.
That night Kagome slept with one eye open for Sango after she fell asleep and then saw InuYasha packing and putting food in a rucksack for them to take with them. He woke up Miroku after and then told him that they were leaving Sango behind because she was pregnant and needed rest and not to fight. Miroku nodded and then grabbed his things and kissed his wife one last time then moved with Kagome and InuYasha and Shippo off to go and fight Naraku.