InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Road Untraveled ❯ Cherished days, Short cut nights ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Memoirs of a Road Untraveled
By: SublimeMagnolia
Warning: It may get a bit graphic towards the end. No lemon, but there is some touchy feelyness going on. You have been warned.
Chapter: Cherished days, Short cut nights.
Ok….so the day started out weird. Yeah, but she did not expect it to end in the way it did; Strung up by chains against a cold, cavern wall deep within the Northern Wolf clan's mountains by yet another wolf who claims her as his woman. But this idiot has gone too far. Did that idiot really think she was going to bend over and just allow him to make her his, “woman with enough power to pup him children that will someday rule all of Japan”? First things first, let's tell the day from the beginning.
The day started…with a dream. Well, more like a serious nightmare that could jar the hell out of a pair of clean underwear, that's for sure.
She was standing on a cliff, her bow in hand. Her clothes felt ragged and torn, as though she had battled many before coming to the point that she stood. She looked out over the cliff and stared across a red sky to a battlefield full of carnage. There was blood everywhere. Even the scorched trees that were charred black from random fires caused by demons and other various possibilities were stained red. It was a red wasteland.
She took a deep sigh. It felt as though the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Suddenly a presence behind her approached. She knew he was demon. She had no fear, only felt a weightless calm and comfort from his presence. Her dream body never turned to face him, nor did she ever see his face. But, in her dream, she knew him. They both stared across the horizon as the sun drifted below the earth and watched as an army of thousands came into focus…being led by one that she knew and recognized. Strangely, though, she only felt pity and a great desire for things to be different…
Then there was blinding pain within her mind as though someone had placed a hook on each side of her head and was slowly pulling her skull apart. There was a pink flash of light, a sadistic smile, and…
Then she woke up. She stayed in a comfortable spot for what felt like an eternity, watching the pre-dawn hours drift by with the lighting of the sky. Finally, she sat up. Looking over to Kaito, she noticed that he was still dead to the world. A snot bubble blowing from his nose and bursting with a tangible `pop'.
She busied herself with her morning routine, all the while thinking of the dream. That was the craziest and realist thing I have dreamed in a long time. I might have to take a detour soon and see Sango and Miroku. Maybe Miroku can help me with this new dream. Then again, maybe I'm just over reacting! She wouldn't think too much on it unless she had another crazy dream, nevertheless, she would still go and see Miroku. Not just because of the dream though, but more so because she absolutely wanted to see those kids of theirs.
Deep thinking on weird dreams aside, Kagome focused on what she did know. There was something brewing in the south. She was headed towards the Northern wolf clan with a southern wolf tribe kit in order to either gather allies or gather information…hopefully both. They were also seeking shippo who has been off the radar screen for a couple of months. But above all these, the top most priority this morning was to find a hot spring.
She smiled at that thought, and smoothly walked over to the sleeping pup. She knelt down beside him and placed her hand gently on his forehead.
“Kaito, please wake up.”
He didn't even open his eyes, but instead called out, “No five more minutes Momma.” When those words fell from his lips, the full demon ears on the side of his head twitched and his eyes shot open before Kagome watched him bolt across the clearing away from her with the reddest face she had ever seen on a person…aside from herself of course.
“S-S-SORRY! I didn't mean to call you-I mean- I just-and then-“She shushed his stuttering with a raised hand.
“Calm down Kaito. I understand, there is nothing for you to get worked up over, ok.” He looked at her with wide and admiring eyes before they narrowed into wariness and suspicion. Kagome was a little taken back at the sudden glare.
“Why are you being so nice to me? No one is that nice!” Kagome blinked a couple times at the frustration clearly written on the pups face.
“Kaito, I'm just being me. If you feel better and believe that you can get to the wolf tribe faster without me, you are free to leave. I'm not holding you here. I must admit I would be a bit lonelier without you, but you're free to go anytime you like.” Kagome stared him down with a mother's look, one she picked up from her own mother, she realized, that clearly said `you're welcome to stay or you're welcome to go, your choice.'
She really did like Kaito. He reminded her so much of Shippo that it was almost painful. But she never forced Shippo to stay with her, he wanted to. So she wasn't going to force this child to stay with her either. He was welcome to if he wanted to, however.
She watched him sniffle and then looked down. Clearly, he didn't want to leave.
“Do you want breakfast?” He immediately brightened and smiled at her before running over and sitting beside her as she ruffled in her bag. Sadly, Kagome had only brought ramen and a couple can of various foods. Maybe she snuck some sweets into her bag too, but those were not for breakfast. She'd have to either hunt or forage. Hunt down a rabbit or rob a bird of its eggs? Which sadistic action will I attempt first? It's not like she didn't know how to hunt. Living with Inuyasha…who just so happen to like to sneak off on some nights and hang with a creepy dead girl…you had to learn to live out here. She just wasn't one for killing things.
But looking at Kaito's hungry expression and hearing the growls from her own stomach, she knew what she had to do.
“Let's Hunt.” Kaito's eyes gleamed like a hunters. Kagome had to remind herself that he was, no matter how young he was. She packed her bag and hung it up in a tree, and carried only her bow and some arrows. Kaito became the scout since he was quieter. They ventured further from the campsite and just when Kagome was getting impatient a rather big rabbit jumped out of his hole and stood motionless, listening for any sound. She stayed motionless, never taking her eyes off of it. He moved further out, she strung her bow a little bit tighter. He moved even further and she aimed. He moved enough away from the hole that he wouldn't be able to get quickly back in. and Just when the emotions that told her she was about to kill a living being rose up inside her, she released the arrow. The poor rabbit didn't know what hit him. One moment he was standing on his hind legs, sniffing the air and the next he was pinned to the ground with an arrow strait through the heart. She knelt on her knees and said a small prayer with tears in her eyes for the `Mr. Rabbit' before she lifted him up by his hind legs.
“Kaito, I've caught something.”
No response.
“Kaito…?” There was still no answer. She knew he had gone to scout up ahead, but with his hearing he should still be able to hear her. Her heart began to race. She moved in the direction she saw him go all the while calling out his name.
She was about to start crying, knowing in her mind that any number of things could have happened to the pup, when she heard it.
“Help! Someone please help!” It was Kaito's voice mixed with that of someone else. She ran as quickly as she could toward the sound, relief slowly gathering in her heart as the voices became louder and she knew without a doubt that one of them was Kaito.
She burst out of the woods, rabbit in hand, to almost go over a cliff. There at the edge was Kaito, talking in hurried tones to someone who was gripping the edge.
“Please Kagome,” He said as he turned towards her, “Help her! She slipping!” Without a second thought, Kagome dropped the rabbit and dove towards the edge, her hands grabbing those that were death gripping the cut off ground. She pulled the girl up, realizing as she was pulling that the young girl was familiar. She smiled, out of breath at the tear stricken girl in front of her.
“Hello, Rin-chan.” Kagome watched as the young girl, now ten years old, wiped her face and looked at her in confusion.
“Does Rin know you?” Clearly the young girl was still using third person. She looked almost exactly the same, except her height had grown and her hair was longer.
“I'm hurt that you do not remember me Rin-chan.” Kagome continued to smile, even through her faked hurt moment.
She watched as the young girl continued to stare at her until she could literally see a light come on.
“Kagome-sama?” She asked warily.
“Of course it's me Rin-chan.” Tears were all but forgotten, as Rin broke into a full grin and flung herself at Kagome.
“Where have you been Kagome-sama? Where's Shippo-chan? What happened to Inuyasha no baka? Do you have any of those sugary treats you had last time? Will you keep Rin company while Sesshoumaru-sama is gone? …” a hundred questions a minute fell from the young girls mouth and Kagome found herself getting dizzy with just trying to keep up with them all.
“Calm down, Rin. One thing at a time. By the way, this is Kaito. He is my new friend.” He looked at Rin and nodded shyly before running to hide behind Kagome. Who knew demons could be so bashful, even if their young?
“Thank you so much Kaito-san, for helping me. Rin was surly going to fall off the cliff had you not come saved her.” Rin smiled widely at Kaito, who only nodded behind Kagome.
“Rin, how did you get to be hanging off a cliff?”
“Last night, Sesshoumaru-sama left and put Jaken-sama in charge of Rin. This morning Ah-Un went to go eat some food in a nearby clearing, while Jaken-sama fixed Rin `human food'. I asked if Jaken-sama if Rin could go pick some flowers like Rin always does. He said yes but be quick about it. So I came out here to pick the pretty purple and yellow flowers. Then Rin saw that there was a beautiful river below the cliff with orange fish that look like orange stars from here. Rin bent to far over the cliff and fell over. I held on as tight as I could. Rin knew she was going to fall, but then Kaito-san came and tried to help me. But Rin was too heavy for him. Then Kagome-sama came and she helped Rin.” Kagome watched Rin take a deep breath after her tale.
“I see, well how about we go back to our camp. Then Kaito and I can take you back to your camp?” Kagome didn't want to leave her bag in a tree for too long, there was no telling what would get into it.
“Sure Kagome-sama!” Kaito led the way back to camp and Kagome was pleased to find that her back was still in one piece. After a breakfast of roasted rabbit for Rin and herself, and raw rabbit legs for Kaito, they headed over to Rin's camp.
“Rin, you wretched girl, where have you been?!” Jaken's voice was heard well before his ugly face was seen. He peeked out behind a bush as Kagome and the children became visible within the camp.
“So sorry master Jaken. Rin fell off a cliff and Kagome-sama saved her. She also fed Rin.” Rin seemed to glow with pride as she looked up at the beautiful woman beside her. Jaken went into a squawking fit.
“Well what am supposed to do with this human food I made for you?!” Kagome chanced a glance into the pot which he spoke of and almost gagged. It looked like a very nasty version of oatmeal. It was white with bubbles still popping beneath its surface. Rin looked at it as well.
“I'm not hungry, Jaken-sama. You can throw it away.” Kagome tried not to laugh, although she was failing miserably, at the fit Jaken was having. Ah-un, who was back from his own breakfast, merely shook both of its heads and curled into a ball.
Kagome sat down with Rin, but noticed that Kaito was looking anxious. She called him over.
“What is the matter Kaito?” She watched his shoulder slump as he looked her in the face.
“We're sitting around in a forest doing nothing while my family is hurting. I don't feel good about it.”
“I understand. But look at it this way. You're setting out on a dangerous mission,” his ears tuned in; just like a boy to like being the super hero, “and this moment may be the last moment you have to be a kid for a long time. Perhaps you should enjoy it. We will continue on our journey soon.” He closed his mouth and nodded, although clearly his fears were not completely run away by the look in his eyes.
To his credit, though, he did try to enjoy this moment. Rin and Kaito became fast friends. And Kagome smiled out how it seemed that Kaito had developed a small crush on Rin; everytime she'd say something nice he'd blush and look away. It was too cute and Kagome held it close to her heart with the joy of never forgetting it.
The night came quickly, even with Jaken's none too silent urges for them to leave. Kagome had filled the day with games and stories that fascinated Kaito and Rin; Stories of celestial maidens and samurais who fought battles for the desire of honor. The night had grown cool and Jaken was charged with the duty of creating a fire. Kagome gathered about 6 eggs, all from a rather big bird that she had shot down, and a shirt full of raspberries from a bush nearby. The overgrown chicken roasted on the fire while she stirred some eggs with a few spices she had brought from home. As the children ate their fill, Kagome had pulled out her journal and began to write.
Dear Journal,
The day seems like one rose petal amidst a field of endless green and is something I will cherish until this growing unease in my soul departs. Who knows what the future holds? But I will enjoy this moment.
They are neither demon nor human, but children in my eyes and are equally beautiful.
As she neatly scribbled down the last words she noticed Rin watching over her shoulder. The young girl looked up at her with great longing that seemed well beyond her years.
“Rin does not know how to write or how to read.” Her eyes drifted to the ground.
“I will teach you, if you want.” Rin looked back up at her, a joyful smile on her face.
“Really Kagome-sama? You would teach Rin how to read and write?” Kagome smile back at her.
“I'll teach you more than that Rin.” And so began Rin's first lesson in reading and writing, and some arithmetic. Kaito soon came over and joined the bunch. Both of the children, especially Kaito, were awed at how much the young woman knew. She knew math, reading, writing, history, and something that Kagome called `Science'. In such a small time as a couple of hours, Kaito and Rin, found themselves reading small words and writing them too, as well as learning small bits of math. Dare it be said that even Jaken was impressed as the small imp found his eyes looking at the scribbling in the dirt more than once.
Kagome smiled at her students. Rin smiled back and watched as Kagome moved to put her book back in her bag when a small paper fell out. Rin picked it up and almost jumped out of her skin. A smiling woman was trapped in the piece of paper. Kagome just smirked as she laid the book behind the log she was sitting on.
“No Rin. Where I come from there are these things called cameras that can take a moment in time and print it on paper. The person is fine, but the moment that was drawn on a piece of paper is forever there. It's like a very advanced way of painting.” Rin only nodded, her heart still beating quickly.
“Who is she?” The woman in the picture was very pretty and looked kind. Kagome resembled her a lot.
“That's my mother Rin-chan.” Rin nodded in amazement.
“She is a very happy woman?” The question was almost a statement, clearly the woman in the photo was happy. Rin looked up at Kagome and was amazed in a sad way at the longing on the older girls face.
“Yes, Rin-chan. She was a very a happy woman.” Kagome felt as though she was on the brink of tears, but she took a swallow and a deep breath; those traitorous tears receded back.
“Yes, Rin-chan. Was.” Kagome could not bear to say that her mother was dead, not to such a young girl who had already lost so much. Rin looked up at the older girl with understanding. Rin had felt that pain before,…before she had met Sesshoumaru-sama. Maybe Kagome needed a sesshoumaru-sama to make her feel better.
“Kagome-sama…Rin understand.” With that, Rin gave Kagome the most heartfelt hug a ten year old could muster and Kagome welcomed it. No one had hugged her or offered her comfort when her mother had died. No one except this little girl and Kagome cherished it.
“Thank you so much Rin-chan.” That night, Rin had held onto Kagome until the young girl had fallen asleep in the elder's arms. Kaito kept close watch on both of them, his heart aching for the older woman and his mind in awe of the younger girl. Were humans really so bad?
Sleep finally claimed the miko, and she too fell asleep around the fire with everyone else, human and demon alike.
The day broke quickly for Kagome. Everyone at the camp awoke at the break of dawn and busied themselves with getting ready for the day's progress. Kagome felt great relief with the fact that there was no repeating or new dream and so, with great enthusiasm, pushed the previous dream into a closet in the back of her mind. No need worrying over something that doesn't matter.
“Kaito.” The young pup, his black hair blowing in the breeze and his black tail wrapped snuggly around his waist, stood at attention from the sound of her voice.
“Make sure you have everything you need. We're leaving soon.” He nodded, but Rin was another matter entirely.
“Why do you have to leave so soon, Kagome-sama?” Kagome looked at the puppy dog eyes the young girl threw at her. Good thing she was immune to those eyes…usually.
“I'm sorry Rin, but Kaito and I have to complete something. Plus, I would hate for Sesshoumaru-sama to stumble across us imposing on his territory without permission.” Rin nodded. She didn't like it, but she knew the older girl was right, at least where Sesshoumaru-sama was concerned.
“Don't worry Rin. I'm sure we'll meet sooner than you think. But I want you to practice what I've taught you every day until I see you again, ok. Hopefully, then I can teach you some more!” The young girl beamed up at Kagome.
“Alright, Rin will practice!” She watched the young girl fist her hand close to her chest in a motion that showed determination. Rin was always a very exuberant girl.
Kagome and Kaito said their last goodbyes and continued in the direction towards the North. They walked all day and well into the evening, taking only a couple of bathroom breaks and a lunch break where Kaito chose to eat a squirrel and Kagome preferred a granola bar. Soon though, Kagome was becoming increasingly aware of the fact that she never did find that hot spring she was so focused on the morning before. Of course, with all that had happened, who could blame her for losing track of priorities?
Yet, there must have been a god up there that was looking down on her at that precise moment and chose to allow the duet to stumble across a hot spring big enough for them to both bathe in. Kagome looked up towards the darkening sky and could see in the distance the mountains of the north. I would know those mountains anywhere.
“Kaito. Let us rest. We'll reach the northern wolf tribe by noon tomorrow.” He smiled at that and quickly undressed before jumping into the spring. Kagome followed. She laid out a sleeping yukata and her bathing supplies before undressing and then submerging completely under the water. She watched as Kaito took one look at her, blushed a deep crimson, and turned away.
Hmmm, I wonder?
“How old are you, Kaito?” The boy did not turn to face her, but continued to look in the opposite direction. She had assumed that he was nothing but a pup, and she was sure he was. Yet at the same time, he was taller than Shippo.
“In demon years I'm 23 and a half…In human years, I'm twelve.” He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. He's a lot older than I assumed and definitely too old for me to be bathing with him. No wonder he had a crush on Rin, she's actually closer to his age.
“You are way too old for me to be bathing with you, “She watched the face that was slowly paling go crimson again, “but I'm already in here. I'm going to bathe and then get out, ok. No need to freak out, Kaito, you look like you're about to have a nose bleed.” His face was as red as a tomato, and it only made her laugh harder. She quickly washed and rinsed her body and hair, pleased with the feeling of cleanness.
She got out and put the yukata on, making sure to put all her supplies in the bag. It happened so fast she didn't have time to react. Suddenly, demonic auras were close enough to her for her miko powers to pick up and raise the prickly hair on the back of her neck.
“Kagome, watch out!” Before she could turn around, something hard hit the back of her head and everything went black.
This was where she found herself; awaking, chained against the cold stone of, what she could only assume to be a cave. There was no light, nothing but darkness. She couldn't tell whether her eyes were open, and often had to blink in succession just to prove that she wasn't dreaming. She still wasn't sure whether she was or not.
“Who are you? Why have you been found on the Northern Wolf tribe's lands?” The voice came so suddenly it nearly made her heart jump clear out of her head. I really need to get better at feeling and reading auras.
“Where is Kouga?” The voice seemed to get quiet a moment with surprise. Then the air seemed to change with his frustrated wariness.
“I'm the one who asked questions, not you. Now answer my questions!” Did he really think that was going to work? He clearly did not know her.
“Where is Kouga?” A hand slammed beside her head and a body pushed heavily against her. She could feel him breathe her in, tasting her scent, and devouring her with his eyes that, she knew, could easily see in the dark.
“I am the leader's general. You will answer my questions or you will be punished.” Venom dripped from his words as he breathed into her ear. Oh hell no. She kneed him where it hurt for any male, both human and demon. He hissed and jumped away from her.
“I don't give a fudge nut brownie who you are. If you don't answer my questions I will purify your ass starting with that thing between your legs that marks you as male.”
She heard him stand up and come back closer to her again, this time he made sure to stay out of direct contact of her knees.
“You have fire and are beautiful, I like that. You have enough power to birth me pups that could someday be great. You will be my woman.” Oh, where have I heard this before? That's right! Kouga! I must be in the northern tribes because clearly they act all the sa-her inner voice was cut off by the actions of said demon which was clearly different
She could feel a warm and calloused hand play across the thin membrane of her yukata around the area of her abdomen before slowly sinking down towards a place that no one had ever touched her…anger and fear rose like a high and mighty river bursting a dam within her that she didn't know she had.
Her eyes began to glow as she gritted her teeth in rage at the idea that this demon thought he could do whatever he wanted. She turned her head and faced where she knew his face would be and felt his hand still at the sight of her.
“Move it or lose it, buddy.” She spit out. He must have been frozen in either fear or awe because he refused to remove his hand. Kagome let out a very wolf like growl before her power broke the chains holding her and her hand came down in arch to slap said demon across the cave.
A light was suddenly lit somewhere as the darkness was suddenly illuminated in dim warmth. A tall wolf demon with a high pony tail, blue eyes, and a brown tail stared at her, then down at his fallen comrade who was comatose, and then back at her again.
“Kouga!” She launched herself into his arms, so glad to see a familiar face after the forwardness of the stranger on the floor.
“Kouga I've missed you dearly.” He clamped his arms around her tightly and hugged her back.
“I've missed you too Kagome. Are you ok?”
“No. I'm going to kill that wolf on the floor when he wakes up.” She said bitterly.
He looked a bit stricken at her seriousness.
“Kagome, I can't let you do that.”
“And why is that Kouga?” She looked up at him then, noticing that he looked a bit tired and worried.
“He's my brother, Hayato.” Kagome looked back down at the sleeping demon and exploded with laughter at the irony of it all. He's worst than Kouga and Miroku put together. She stared hard at the evil molester who was so serenely snoring enough to cause a land slide and thought, I don't care who he is, if he puts his hands on me like that again, I'm going to kill him. That last thought in mind she followed Kouga out of the cave, wondering to herself with growing apprehension, Where is Kaito?
A/N: Yes. Kouga has a brother. Yes he does want Kagome. But what will happen in the future with him, only I know! MUHAHAHAHAHA…evil cackle.
Please, guys, review. The more you review, the more I'm likely to update sooner. Thanks so much to those who reviewed the first couple of chapters, your reviews inspired me to write this chapter.
<3 Sublime Magnolia