InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ Growing up ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A fourteen year old Kagome smiled up at a sixteen year old Inuyasha. They were sitting in a tree house that was two sizes too small for them, and they had to hunch their shoulders and cross their legs so they could fit in it. But they didn't care. Having been best friends since Kagome was four and Inuyasha six, being in a cramped space and inches apart didn't bother them in the least. So they still used the tree house Kagome's father had helped them build two years before he died when Kagome was ten, when they needed to talk or just wanted to hang out.
“We should have made the roof higher years ago.” Inuyasha grumbled. “We're too tall for this damn Place.”
“Inuyasha! Don't swear!” Inuyasha grunted and rolled his eyes, but Kagome didn't see because his bangs covered them. Kagome's playful scolding rolled off Inuyasha like water, and smirking, he muttered all of the foul words he could think of, being sure that Kagome could hear.
This spanned on for many minutes (Inuyasha had a language bank fuller than Donald Trump's checking account), and when he was done, Kagome's face was bright red, and she was practically rolling on the splintery wood floor in a fit of giggles.
Smirking smugly, Inuyasha grunted again. “I'll do whatever I damn well please.” He made sure to put an emphasis on damn.
A new burst of energy latched on to Kagome's giggles, making them louder and more melodic. Inuyasha couldn't help but let the twitch of his smirk turn into a full-blown smile, and soon, he was laughing with her.
Then, their laugher died down, and they sat there, staring at each other with solemn expressions, in silence. Kagome's eyes filled with thoughtfulness.
Inuyasha eyed her, her plump cheeks that still had that cute, pudgy baby fat. Her slender body hunched over so far that her tight white spaghetti-strap top was stating to ride up; showing off her newly pierced belly-button. Her stomach held a bit of baby-fat too, and her whole body was tanned and glowing from the hot summer sun. Her short denim cut-off's were riding up too, and Inuyasha could see a bit of her tanned, fleshy butt.
Suddenly, a thought sprung into his mind. Why am I not attracted to her? His eyes flew up to hers guiltily, certain that she would catch him staring; her eyes were still unfocused. She looked so innocent, her cherry lips pursed in contemplation and her stormy eyes looking at nothing. Thank Kami I'm not attracted to her. He thought.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome came out of her musings.
“What do you think it's going to be like when we get older?”
Inuyasha was silent for a few moments as he stared out of one of the glassless windows. “Well,” he said finally, dragging out the word. “I think you'll be a blonde lawyer, with those sexy glasses and tight little outfits.”
“Inuyasha! I was being serious! Besides, my hair is immune to any hair dye, so being blonde is out of the question.”
Inuyasha raised his eyebrows in question, and Kagome sighed and rolled her eyes. “Guys are so stupid.” She muttered. Smiling, she looked Inuyasha in the eyes and explained it to him. “Remember last year, when my hair got all frizzy and turned that ugly orangish color and I told you it was because of the chlorine in your pool, so you made your dad get the pool checked and switch water companies?”
Inuyasha scratched the back of his head as something clicked. He glared at her open-mouthed as she continued.
“Yeah, heh…” she let out a nervous chuckle. “It was really because I tried to dye my hair red.”
Inuyasha looked completely and utterly confused. “Why?” he asked, stunned at this new piece of information.
“Well, you know how Yuka always says red-heads have more fun?” Inuyasha groaned. Two years ago, Yuka had gotten her hair dyed red professionally. It looked really good, and all the girls envied her. Her family was one of the richest in town, so they could afford anything. Most of the girls couldn't afford to get their hair done professionally, so they either did it themselves and ended up with fake, tacky hair, or they just suffered with their natural hair color. Now, almost 1/3 of the school's girls had red hair.
“You tried to dye your hair red?” Inuyasha couldn't seem to grasp that Kagome dying her hair red was the whole point of the conversation. “At least be original! You should have tried to dye it purple!”
They laughed lightly, but Kagome stopped it first this time. “Seriously. What if we aren't friends?”
Inuyasha eyebrows furrowed and he looked at her scornfully. “Don't be stupid,” He said. “We'll always be friends.”
Fast-forward two years
A loud scream echoed through the room, and Kagome pressed herself against Inuyasha's hard chest. Her body molded to his so closely, as she held on tightly to his black tee-shirt, wrinkling and stretching it with her vise-like grip.
Inuyasha smiled slightly and looked down at her, pulling her closer to him and wrapping her in a tight embrace. Her wide eyes stared at the TV screen in shock and horror, but Inuyasha was too distracted to enjoy the movie. Kagome's soft, silky hair rubbed against his arm sensually, and his fingers itched to run through her raven locks. All of a sudden, everywhere their bodies made contact was burning, and for some reason, Inuyasha found his eyes mesmerized by her lips. He wondered what it would be like to kiss them. They looked so soft and inviting, and her mouth probably tasted like honey.
Another scream erupted from the TV set, and Kagome's body tensed, her fingers gripping the front of Inuyasha's shirt so tightly she ripped a tiny hole in it. Inuyasha's eyes remained riveted to her lips. They were probably petal soft, and worm enough to melt butter. A soft groan escaped his lips, just as the climax of the movie ended and Kagome sighed in relief, her soft body relaxing against his solid one. Her tongue darted out and unconsciously licked her lips, not even noticing Inuyasha's molten gaze as it followed the pink weasel that returned to her mouth seconds after leaving it.
Inuyasha was so distracted that he didn't notice that Kagome's alluring lips were moving. “Inuyasha, what did you think of the mov- Inuyasha? Inuyasha, are you okay?”
The urge was becoming too strong. Inuyasha could feel himself being pulled to those lips. Instinctively, Inuyasha's eyes fluttered shut, as he leaned closer and closer to Kagome's warmth. Her breath was fanning across his face, it smelled like mint and chocolate. He was just inches from his goal…
Kagome's eyes widened in surprise and panic. Her breath started coming in pants. Wasn't this what she had wanted for nearly two years? Her mind flashed back to that hot, sticky day in July when they had been sitting in the stuffy tree house; Kagome had just come out of her thoughts, and she found that Inuyasha was staring at her mouth. His gaze was so intense, she had wanted nothing more than to jump into his mind and see what he was thinking. Instead, she asked the first question that popped into her head, and the moment was broken.
If she had wanted this for so long, then why did it feel so wrong? “Inuyasha? Inuyasha, no!” Kagome yanked away from Inuyasha, seconds before their lips would have collided. Inuyasha's eyes sprang open, and he glared at Kagome heatedly. Her eyes were glassy, and her lower lip was trembling uncontrollably.
Inuyasha's eyes softened as he gazed at her, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Kagome, what's wrong?”
Kagome shook her head and sniffed. “Nothing.” She said, her voice shaking slightly. But the single tear that slipped from her glowing orbs told him different.
“Kagome, you can tell me. What's wrong?” Inuyasha tried to soothe her.
Kagome just shook her head and ran down the hall. Inuyasha moved to follow her, but stopped when she said “I've got to go to the bathroom.” over her shoulder.
Inuyasha stared at her retreating back, mouth open as if he were going to say something.
A/N: Please review! Sorry the chapter's so short, next time it'll be longer, I seem to be having this problem a lot lately.