InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ Recognizing Love ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warning: This chapter contains a lemon. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
***Two Years Later***
Kagome stared at the dark, starry sky. She was lying on her back in the grass of her front yard, her dark hair fanned around her face, while she waited for Inuyasha to pick her up. They were supposed to go to a party at Sango's house tonight, but Inuyasha was running late. She heard the crackle of gravel under tires, and headlights flashed over her still form. She turned her head slightly to look at the car that was pulling up her driveway. It was Inuyasha.
Inuyasha saw Kagome lying in the grass, and he thought that she might be sleeping. Damn, he thought. I really am late this time. He had been late before, but never this late. He was almost a half an hour behind schedule. No wonder why she was asleep, she had probably been waiting out her for over forty-five minutes. She was always early, always ready for anything, and rarely needed an extra ten minutes to get ready. She wasn't the type of girl who would sit up in her room until her date came, just to make sure that he would wait five minutes before they left. She was the kind that went outside fifteen minutes before you were supposed to be there, just in case you showed up early.
Inuyasha smiled when he saw her head turn. So, she wasn't asleep. Good. Kagome smiled brightly and leapt to her feet, brushing off her butt and legs, before approaching Inuyasha's car. Inuyasha watched her do so intently, and was almost sad to see her stop. Seeing her brush herself off, it made him think of his hands being there instead of hers. He knew he shouldn't be thinking these things, especially before the party, but hell, she was just so damn sexy.
Dammit. Inuyasha cursed under his breath when he felt an uncomfortable pressure in the front of his pants. Not now!
The passenger door opened, and Kagome sat next to Inuyasha. After she slammed the door closed with a huff and crossed her arms, Inuyasha deeply regretted being late. She was pissed.
He was surprised when Kagome launched herself into his arms and squealed in his ear. “Oh, Inuyasha! I was worried! Never do that to me again!” Inuyasha hugged her back tightly, savoring the feeling of her in his arms, before she pulled away, and he pulled out of her driveway.
When they got to Sango's house, it was already crowded. People were shouting at one another over loud music, some were holding hands as they went up the stairs to bedrooms, grinning mischievously at each other, and others were just standing around drinking alcohol from red plastic cups, or lounging on Sango's couch, staring at nothing. Sango was no where in sight, and neither was Miroku. A sure sign that they were up to something in someone's bedroom. Neither Kagome or Inuyasha wanted to think about it.
Kagome went on her own way, promising to meet up with Inuyasha in an hour because he wanted to talk to her about something; she was swallowed by the crowd as soon as she stepped away from Inuyasha. Sighing, Inuyasha went towards the kitchen to grab a drink. It was going to be a long night. He could still feel the pressure at the front of his pants, and it was increasing with every step he took.
As soon as Kagome stepped away from Inuyasha, she collided with a hard chest. She looked up to meet icy blue eyes, the man she had bumped into was grinning widely, showing almost all of his teeth. “Kagome, I didn't expect to see you here.” Kouga stated, taking a sip of his drink and reaching out to steady her. Kagome knew he was lying, she had told him yesterday that she would be here, but she said nothing about that. “Yes, Kouga, and I didn't expect to see you.” Her words were sugar coated, but she smiled nonetheless. “And how are you tonight?”
“I'm doing especially well, how about you?”
Kagome shrugged. “Same old, same old.” She said in a bored tone. She moved to walk away from him, but he gripped her wrist tightly, pulling her into his hard body.
“Do you have any plans for this evening?” he asked, a slight threat in his voice.
Kagome raised a brow and disengaged her wrist from his tight grip. “Yes, actually, I was just supposed to go meet Inuyasha.” She said. She saw Kouga's face fall slightly, before he grinned again.
“Oh?” he asked. “Do you think that maybe we could meet later than?”
“I don't know, Kouga. I'll have to see. How about I call you later, and if you're not busy, we can go out for a bite to eat, okay?”
Kouga smiled triumphantly. “Of course.” He said, before turning his back to her and walking away.
Kagome sighed in relief and made her way to the kitchen, where she knew Inuyasha would be. She didn't want to bump into Kouga alone again, he had always given her the chills. She could have sworn that this man stalked her.
Inuyasha was surprised when Kagome walked up to him and grabbed his arm tightly, looking around as if she were searching for someone. Cocking a brow curiously, he looked at her. Usually if they promised on a time to meet up, he didn't see her until then. “What's up?” he asked.
“Oh, nothing.” Kagome said, still glancing around. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “It's a little loud in here, how about we go upstairs.” He suggested, pulling her along behind him as he made his way through the crowd of people. Kagome smirked.
“Upstairs? Why, Inuyasha, what do you take me for?” she asked in an innocent voice. Smiling, Inuyasha pulled her closer to him as he started up the stairs.
He turned into the closest room to them, and shut the door after he pulled Kagome in behind him. Running his hand through his long silver hair, Inuyasha started pacing. Kagome stood by the door and watched him. “Kagome,” he started, and then stopped.
“I…” he trailed off.
“What, Inuyasha?”
Taking a deep breath, he let the words out in a rush. “We've known each other a long time. I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Will you go out with me?” As an after-thought, he added, “I'm sorry for being late today.”
Kagome was speechless. She had been waiting for him to ask her this question for years, and here it was. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. Inuyasha's face looked pained. “I…yes, Inuyasha! Yes!” she forced. Somehow, she didn't feel like she meant it, but with those words, she thrust herself into his arms for the second time that night, this time sending him toppling over onto the bed that was behind him.
Inuyasha held Kagome tightly to his body, his nose buried deeply in her soft hair, inhaling her beautiful scent. His hands trailed down her back, and all of a sudden, his hands were under her shirt, his lips connected with hers. Kagome's eyes closed as she responded to his kiss. When his tongue came out to ask for entrance, she willingly accepted his offer and opened her mouth to him. His tongue trailed along the top of her mouth first, and then explored her teeth. Finally, his tongue touched hers, and an ongoing battle began between them, each seeking for dominance. Kagome rolled over, and Inuyasha was on top of her, their mouths still connected. Her shirt was gone and she was left wearing only her bra and pants. She didn't know how it had happened, but she didn't care. Inuyasha's fingers were racing up and down her sides, cupping her breasts, then going down to her pants, trying to remove them as well.
Kagome's fingers disentangled themselves from Inuyasha's hair, where they had found their way when he had begun the assault with his mouth and hands, and delved under his shirt, pulling it up, trying to take it off of his body. This made him frenzied, and his hands raced up to rip off his shirt. Almost violently, Inuyasha tore away from her lips and leaned back on his haunches, pulling her pants off. She was left with just her bra and panties, her sandals had fallen off when she had pushed him onto the bed. Kagome gazed up at him with half closed eyes, taking in his well toned chest and abs, eyes lingering where the top of his pants met his bare skin.
Desire filled her, and her fingers tore at his pants. Inuyasha's body was on fire from her fingers, and he too tore at his pants, finally succeeding in removing them from his body. Beneath them, he was naked. He was thankful that he had decided to go commando today. He leaned down so that his hot flesh touched Kagome's, and she gasped at the contact, her eyes closing completely. A half smile took over Inuyasha's lips, and he attacked her neck with them, gently rubbing against her flimsily covered core with his length, before he took over her lips with his own. Kagome's eyes opened wide at the contact, and she was immediately grinding against him.
Pleasure shot through Inuyasha like wildfire, and he had to pull away, it was becoming too intense. Looking down at Kagome's scantily clad form, he asked in a gruff voice. “Are you sure you want this?” He had to ask before he lost control and did something with her that she would regret later.
With a low moan, Kagome nodded her head vigorously, and Inuyasha tore her undergarments from her body. He braced both hands on either side of her face, and pushed the tip of himself into her as far as he could go before he met her maiden's barrier. Closing his eyes, he whispered softly into her ear, “This will hurt, but only for a little bit. I'm sorry.” With that, he thrust completely into her, up to the hilt. Kagome gasped in pain and pleasure, and Inuyasha stayed completely still inside of her, giving her time to adjust.
The pain that shot through her was overwhelming, but it was dying down to a dull throb, and her need began to overtake it. She undulated her hips experimentally, and a frenzied Inuyasha drew out of her, only to push back in. Kagome gasped again at the wonder feeling that was winding like a spring in her lower abdomen. Again, Inuyasha's lips connected with hers, and he began a slow, torturous rhythm that Kagome could keep up with. Soon, Kagome was begging for more.
“Harder, Inuyasha!” She gasped out. “Faster!” Inuyasha was all too happy to comply.
Soon, he was going at a rate that not even he knew that he was capable of. Kagome shuddered hard as an orgasm overtook her, and Inuyasha wasn't far behind. Panting, Inuyasha collapsed on top of Kagome, his head resting in the crook of her neck. Kagome put her lips to Inuyasha's ear, and whispered the words that he had always wanted to hear. “I love you, Inuyasha.”
Their bodies were both covered in a thin sheet of sweat, both of their eyes closed. Kagome's fingers idly ran through Inuyasha's hair, traced the chiseled muscles in his back. She smiled when they jumped under her touch.
After lying on top of Kagome for a few minutes and enjoying the swell of her breasts as the rose and fell with her breathing pressing against his chest, Inuyasha sat up and withdrew from her body. A soft sigh escaped her lips at the loss of contact, and Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her naked form tightly, before releasing her. “Come on, Kagome. It's getting late; I need to take you home.”
A/N: Yes, I know, I'm great…lol, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!!!