InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Are All That We Have Left ❯ Surprises ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kagome didn’t understand what she was feeling. She felt angry and confused, but she also felt like she wasn’t the one feeling these things at all. She wanted to see Inuyasha, but then again, she was glad that she couldn’t see him. The emotions kept flying at her, and she could hardly ward them off.

Collapsing on her bed, Kagome glared at the ceiling for a long time, not thinking or moving, except to breathe. Shifting to her stomach and glaring at the wall in front of her with her pillow propping her up, an idea flashed into her mind.

I could go visit him.

She allowed a stab of hope to slash through her stomach, before crushing it with the fact that Sesshoumaru probably wouldn’t allow her to trespass on his property after the last time she had done so.

Glaring at her fist, she wished she could take back wandering into his mother’s room. Then maybe he would be more open to her visiting Inuyasha.

Her heart was pounding wildly in her chest, and her temples began to ache. Closing her eyes, she leaned her forehead on her arms.

She must have fallen asleep, because the next thing she knew, it was dusk out, and her mother was banging on her door. “Kagome, dinner’s ready.”

“I’m not really hungry, mom. Could you save some for me?”

“Of course, dear. Just don’t forget to eat later. We don’t want you to starve yourself, you know.”
“Okay, mom.”

Sighing, Kagome stood and stretched. Maybe going to visit Inuyasha wouldn’t be such a bad idea.

Completely ignoring the hour of the night that it was, Kagome rushed around her room, dressing in a pair of jeans and a red form-fitting sweater. Stomping down the stairs, Kagome slipped on a pair of sandals.

“I’m going out, mom. Don’t wait up for me.”

Without waiting for her mother’s answer, she ran out the door and to the street, where she hailed a taxi.

As the taxi pulled up to Sesshoumaru’s residence, Kagome started feeling butterflies in the pit of her stomach. How long had it been since she had seen Inuyasha last? How long had it been since the funeral?

Too long…

It had already been almost two months since Inuyasha had died…

Sesshoumaru saw the cab approaching his home. Standing in his mother’s old room, looking out the window, hiding behind the curtain, he watched as Kagome stepped from the taxi. When she was half-way up the walk, it started raining. When she got to the steps, she was completely drenched. Sesshoumaru watched her as she stood at the door hesitantly. What was she waiting for? What was she here for?

The doorbell rang throughout the whole house, echoing eerily through the halls, making his sensitive ears twitch. Quickly, he strode out of the room and down the hall, down the stairs, through the entrance hall, and to the foyer. As he stepped up to the door, the bell chimed again, this time making him wince at the volume of it. His eyes slitted, and he threw the door open, allowing an angry grimace to dawn on his features.

“What do you want?”

Kagome looked up at Sesshoumaru and blinked. He could see the fear, the nervousness in her eyes. This did nothing to soften his expression. Kagome, seeing that Sesshoumaru wasn’t about to invite her in, sighed softly and cleared her throat, avoiding his eyes.

“Sesshoumaru…I was…”

Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes impatiently. “What? You were what?”

“I was wondering if…”

Sesshoumaru allowed the silence to drag on until Kagome got tired of it and chanced speaking again.

“I was wondering if I could come and visit Inuyasha.” She said, holding her breath hopefully as she glanced into his eyes, trying to decipher what he was thinking.

Sesshoumaru was quiet for a while, then he stepped aside and motioned for Kagome to enter. Thoughts were being flung back and forth in his head.

She said she wants to visit Inuyasha. She said nothing about Inuyasha’s grave. Just Inuyasha. Is she perhaps starting to believe that she is just imagining his death? Or has she finally gotten over it?

Sesshoumaru led Kagome into the sitting room and motioned for her to have a seat. He sat across from her and glanced at her fidgeting hands. “Would you like some tea?” He questioned.

Kagome looked startled. “Uh…no thanks. I’m not that hungry.”

“I didn’t say anything about hunger. I was merely implying that perhaps you would be thirsty.”

“Oh. Uh, no. I’m not that thirsty, either.”

The silence stretched on, Kagome avoiding Sesshoumaru’s gaze, and Sesshoumaru staring at her relentlessly. Finally, it was him that broke it. “You said you would like to visit Inuyasha?”

Kagome nodded mutely, looking at her feet as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.

“Well, what’s stopping you? I don’t believe you have to ask permission to visit one’s grave.”

Kagome winced at his wording. “Well, Sesshoumaru…I just figured…It’s on your property, after all…”

“Hmmm, yes. So it is.”

Sesshoumaru picked up a cup of tea and sipped, Kagome watching greedily as she licked her lips.

Sesshoumaru smirked. So. She is denying her mortal feelings of hunger. What shall come of this?

Then the voice of his brother echoed in his mind. “She’s not handling this so well…she’s not as strong as she thinks she is.”

A pang of guilt stabbed Sesshoumaru in the side, and without further acknowledgement, he offered Kagome a cup. Though she shook her head, he forced it into her hands. “You haven’t eaten since this morning. Drink it.”

Kagome looked up at him in shock. “How…How’d you know that?”

Sesshoumaru shrugged (very uncharacteristically, as Kagome had never once in her life seen Sesshoumaru shrug before) and took a long swallow of his own tea.

It had stopped raining, but the ground was soggy and squished and squelched under her feet as she walked on it. They were almost there, and Kagome felt an odd sense of excitement fill her as she caught sight of Inuyasha’s headstone. A grin broke out on her face, and she broke into a run, falling to her knees when she reached his grave and clutching the stone close to her body. “Inuyasha. Oh, I’ve missed you. I’m sorry. So sorry.”

She closed her eyes and clutched the stone tighter to her body, ignoring the frigid wetness soaking through her now-dry clothes. She let out a shaky breath and allowed her head to fall upon the top of the grave marker. She rubbed her cheek softly on it, and she could almost imagine it being Inuyasha that she was snuggling up against.

Sesshoumaru watched her from afar. He had followed her here, thinking she wouldn’t remember the way and would possibly get lost. The display of emotions she was showing almost told him that she was slowly going crazy. Jus as he was about to intervene, Kagome stood unexpectedly and brushed her pant legs off with her hands. A small smile was creeping onto her lips as she slowly walked back to greet him.

They were silent the rest of the way back to Sesshoumaru’s home, and when they got there, Kagome called a cab right away. There was no use staying where she was unwelcome. She had done what she had come to do, and she probably wouldn’t be back again.

As they were waiting for the cab to come, Sesshoumaru eyed her silently. She seemed to be much better off than she had been when she had first come here. Her eyes held a little more light, a little more luster was added to her smile. It no longer looked empty and fake. It was making him wonder just what exactly had happened back at the grave.

Right as the taxi was pulling into the driveway, Sesshoumaru said, “You can come back and visit any time.” He was probably more surprised than she had been . The invitation had seemed to pop from no where. Did he really want her here again, snooping around where she was unwanted?

But the look of pure joy on her face as she left his home that night told him the answer right then and there. If she was going to leave this much better off than when she arrived every day, he would allow her to come into his bedroom each night if that was what it was going to take.

The taxi driver was the same one who had dropped her off. He was a plump man with graying hair and kind features. His eyes were slightly crinkled in the corners, from what Kagome supposed was smiling. He grinned at her as she got into the cab, and she readily returned his smile.

“Back to where you came from then, little lady?”

“Yes, sir.” Kagome agreed. There was a lilt to her voice when she said it. A happy lilt. One that hadn’t been there for almost five weeks, since she had first received the life-altering news that Inuyasha had left them all for good.

The man nodded and pulled from the driveway. As they pulled onto the highway, he began humming a song quietly under his breath. Kagome caught on and noticed the song right away. Softly, she began humming along with him.

Five minutes later, when they pulled into Kagome’s driveway, they were both singing the words to the song at the tops of their voices, Kagome’s eyes closed heartily as she belted out the chorus. When the cab came to a halt, they both stopped singing, and the man winked at Kagome. “You have a very pretty voice, young lady. May I ask what your name is?”

Kagome looked at him, gape-mouthed. No one had ever told her that before. Of course, her voice had never been as good as it had been just now as she sang one of her favorite songs with one of the friendliest people she had met in the past year. All the same, she answered his question with a shakily uttered, “K-kagome.”

“Aaah, Kagome. You’d do well in the music industry.”

Kagome grinned at him. “You’re just pulling my leg.” She said teasingly.

“No, miss Kagome, I most certainly am not.”

The grin felt like it would be permanent from this day on. Her eyes glistening, she pulled her wallet from her back pocket, intent on giving the driver a hefty tip. “Ah-ah-ah, miss Kagome. Not today. It’s on me. You look so much happier than you did when I first gave you a ride down there. And I’m glad you’ve opened up with me. I believe I’ll pay for this one, young lady. You just keep up with that wonderful voice of yours. I’ll be your first fan if you ever become famous.”

Kagome grinned at him and pulled a big wad of money out of her wallet, not counting it, but throwing it on the seat beside her. Standing, she leaned down and said “Thank you, sir. You’ve been very generous to me.” before quickly slamming the door and running up the steps leading to her home. He would probably find the money when he was well on his way, and Kagome decided she wouldn’t worry about it quite now.

Kagome felt like she was floating on air for the next five days. Sango and Miroku seemed to be lifted by her upbeat attitude, and together, they visited Inuyasha almost daily. Sesshoumaru was sure to keep in the shadows whenever they came over, but he was always sure to keep an eye on Kagome. He was glad she was feeling so much better.

It really made everyone curious about what exactly had happened that night nearly a week ago when she had first visited Inuyasha’s grave.

Their (Sango and Miroku’s, of course) confusion was swiftly wiped away when Kagome began complaining about stomach cramps and began getting sick in the morning. Sango was surprised, knowing right away what the meaning of this was. Miroku, on the other hand, took a while to catch on.

Kagome sighed and flopped down onto the couch. “Kagome?” Sango asked wonderingly.

“Hmm?” Kagome asked through the arm that was flung over her face. Her head was pounding and she was sweating slightly, just about to drift to sleep.

“Are you…are you…pregnant?

Kagome was sitting up in a heartbeat. “WHAT?!?” Both she and Miroku cried in unison.

“Well, Kagome, think about it. You gave yourself to Inuyasha nearly two months ago. You mentioned nothing about protection. Do you think it’s possible that you could be pregnant with his baby?”

Kagome stared in awe down at her slim belly. “Could I be?” She asked in wonder. Sango’s eyes widened and she stared at Kagome slack-jawed.

“Oh, Kagome! This is wonderful! It’ll be just like having a little piece of Inuyasha here with us even after he’s passed away!” Without another word, Sango lunged herself into Kagome’s arms. Miroku stood off to the side, mouth gaping open as he rolled the thoughts over in his head.

Kagome? Pregnant? But she’s only eighteen! Well, okay…nineteen in a couple of weeks, but that’s not the point. She can’t be pregnant! She was going to go to college, get a good education! But then again, having a piece of Inuyasha would be great, and we wouldn’t be so mournful all the time with a little one on the way. Miroku just couldn’t imagine Kagome being pregnant. Out of all of the girls he had gone to school with, Kagome was the last one he expected to get pregnant before marriage.

“Kagome…how come you never told me about losing your virginity?” Miroku questioned, a slightly hurt look coming into his eyes.

“Oh, Miroku,” Kagome sighed. A grin found it’s way to her lips and she punched him playfully in the arm. “You would have made one of your comments, like ‘Ah, Kagome! You promised to bear me a child! Now you’re bearing one for him?! How could you?!’”

They all laughed at Kagome’s impression of Miroku, forgetting for the rest of the afternoon that they were missing one of the most important people in their happy little group.

The next day, Kagome went by herself once again to visit Inuyasha. She and Sango had rushed to the store yesterday and bought five different brands of pregnancy tests, just to make sure the results were final.

They all turned out ‘Pregnant’. Kagome was going to have a baby………

“Oh, Inuyasha! This is the best thing that you could have done before you left!” Kagome cried as joyful tears ran down her cheeks and she threw herself on top of the grass that had freshly grown over the not-so-new grave. The grass was moist, and the sun was shining brightly, another sign that summer was almost in full swing.

Sesshoumaru hid in his post, unknown to the visitor, as he eaves-dropped on her.

“Inuyasha, thank you. Thank you, so much!” Kagome cradled her stomach lovingly, though her pregnancy hadn’t even begun to show and probably wouldn’t for at least another few months.

Sesshoumaru wondered what Kagome was saying ‘thank you’ for, when he noticed her holding her belly gently. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he watched Kagome hug the grave marker and stand up. He almost revealed himself watching, but caught himself in time and swiftly ducked behind the large tree he had been hiding behind.

Aside from Sango and Miroku (and now Inuyasha, though Kagome was sure that somehow, he already knew), no one else knew about Kagome’s pregnancy. She wasn’t quite sure how her mother was going to handle the news, but Kagome had decided early this morning that she was going to break it gently to everyone this evening at the dinner table after everyone was finished eating. That way, they’d all be content and half-asleep, and no one would freak out. Or at least she hoped…

Humming softly to herself, Kagome was pondering on whether or not she would tell Sesshoumaru about her pregnancy. She and he had come to an understanding of sorts, but they were hardly friends. Kagome wasn’t sure if Sesshoumaru would take the news lightly. He might be offended that his brother had bedded a mortal, but then again, he too might be elated that part of Inuyasha would be here to stay. She was just about to go up to Sesshoumaru’s home for a visit and possibly some tea (her stomach was rumbling loudly), when she bumped into a hard chest.

“Ooof! Oh, hi, Sesshoumaru!” Kagome smiled happily and looked up at Sesshoumaru’s expressionless features. “How are you doing this morning?” Kagome asked cheerily, not noticing the thin line that his lips were formed into.

Sesshoumaru let out a snort much like his younger brother’s “feh”, and abruptly turned on his heal, stalking silently to his home. He ignored Kagome as she followed him closely, not noticing that he seemed extremely annoyed at something. Sesshoumaru could hardly understand the display of emotions he was showing.

I should be happy. She is pregnant with my little brother’s seed, and yet…am I jealous? Sesshoumaru was shocked, to say the least. He, an upper demon, jealous of his half-brother and a nigen whom would soon be bearing his fruit? This is just absurd. Sesshoumaru thought, utterly annoyed at himself. He didn’t notice that he had stopped, until Kagome roughly bumped into his back. Obviously she was happy that she would be having Inuyasha’s baby. Why can’t I be? Sesshoumaru asked himself.

Kagome grinned up at Sesshoumaru, and decided that she would tell him. He looked so cross for some reason, Kagome just wanted for him to be happy like she now was. “Sesshoumaru,” Kagome started, her eyes sparkling with joy. “I am pregnant.”

Sesshoumaru had completely forgotten that she didn’t know he had been listening in on her private moment. “Oh…” He said, at an utter loss for words. He couldn’t think of something to say that would not indicate the fact that he already knew. He decided to settle with a half-hearted compliment. “You certainly do have a…motherly glow to you…”

Kagome beamed, her smile lighting up the whole world around them. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru. I’m just so happy that Inuyasha hasn’t left me completely.”

“Ah, Kagome, he would never leave us completely.” Sesshoumaru said on impulse. Again, his lips formed into a tight line as Kagome looked at him suspiciously, before beaming at him again.

“I’m sure that was meant to be comforting, Sesshoumaru. But I assure you, I don’t need to be comforted right now,” Looking down at her stomach, Kagome rubbed it softly, something that was becoming an instant habit for her now. “This little boy is all I need right now.”

Sesshoumaru looked astonished. “How…how do you know it is a boy?” He could barely tell the sex of the baby, though she smelled of young boy-child. It could have just as easily been a girl. These things went undecided for at least three months before the males (youkai, that was) could tell the gender. And at least three and a half before the mother or any other female (youkai) could as well.

Kagome shot him a look that clearly said “Duh, haven’t you got instincts?” and rolled her eyes.

The changes must already be occurring. Sesshoumaru thought.

Usually, when a youkai or half-youkai mated (or rutted with a female and got her pregnant, mate or not), with a human, the child within her passed on some traits to the mother. And along with Kagome’s miko abilities (that were clearly hidden from Kagome herself; she had never used them as of yet, and Sesshoumaru wondered if she knew she had them), Kagome must be getting the traits faster than most normal humans would. She could already tell the sex of her baby; soon she would be able to see better, hear better, and smell better, if she couldn‘t already. And if she got these traits quickly, more things would begin happening to her, physically and otherwise, and not a lot of people (mortal or not) would be able to tell how she would change.

For the first time in his life, Sesshoumaru had a reason to fear the pregnancy of a female.

A/N: And so the chapter ends. Sorry it’s been so long since my last post, but I could have SWORN that I had already posted this chapter ^.^’. So I have taken the liberty of making it longer and revealing more than I originally planned to. Am I forgiven?

P.S.Yay, so far this has been my longest chapter! I feel oh so very accomplished! ( .^_^. )