InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Forgotten ❯ Epilogue ( Epilogue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Rumiko Takahashi does. I am not making any money from this.

Author's Note: So much for this one being complete when I first posted it. There was one scene that I had wanted to include but never found a way when I first wrote and posted this fic. But while working on a few other fics recently an idea came to me on how I could work it in. So here we are, one final chapter to this story. Let me know what you think.

Inuyasha sighed from his place beneath a tree. Not too far away Kagome and Sango were cooing over Jomei, with Sango's three children playing quietly nearby. A rustle next to him drew his attention and he glanced over as Miroku seated himself next to him and gave him a knowing smile. “They make everything worth it, don't they?”

“Keh.” But he couldn't help the smile that came over his face as he once more gazed at his family. A family, he had a family now. Miroku was right, that did make all of the trouble and hard times he had been through worth it. And nothing was going to take it away from him again. Not even a bump to the head.

“So” Miroku began as he gave his companion a sly look. “Just how did you get your memories back anyway?”“Feh! Not the way you're thinking bouzu.” Inuyasha glared at the lecherous smile that appeared on his friend's face. “Images just began to appear in my mind while I slept but then the pup was coming and I didn't have time to think about them. Then when things calmed down I realized that they were back.”

Miroku gave him a disappointed look. “So it wasn't because of certain actions that triggered your memory?”

Inuyasha glared again, raising a threatening fist. “No! Now drop it.”

Miroku merely sighed. “I can't imagine how hard it must have been for you. Still, I can't help but wonder. What would it be like to go back to the way things were, to re-experience things for the first time again?” Miroku gazed contemplatively at his wife as he spoke. Slowly an idea began to form. But how to get his friend to play along. Asking wouldn't work. His face lit up as the plan solidified.

“Are you sure you didn't do anything to regain your memories?” He asked his companion again.

“Didn't I tell you to drop this?”

But Miroku persisted. “Are you absolutely sure? Perhaps a caress of a certain body part, a kiss, an embrace?”

“I'm warning you bouzu” Inuyasha growled.

“Or in the heat of passion-”

“That does it!” Inuyasha interrupted, slamming his fist down on the monk's head. He frowned as he heard a quiet “thank you” from the downed monk.

“Inuyasha!” He gulped as he saw his wife approaching, an angry look on her face and Sango not far behind. “What did you do that for?”

“Keh! He was asking for it, asking me all kinds of perverted things and not shutting up when I told him to! It was almost like he wanted me to hit him.” He wasn't about to get punished for punishing the pervert.

The two women exchanged glances and rolled their eyes as Sango went to her husband and helped him up.

“Thank you my dear” Miroku said once he stood, clasping her hands between his own. “I must say, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Would you do me the honor of bearing my child?” Once hand stealthily crept behind her to caress her rear.

Sango's eyes narrowed at his actions. She peered closely into his face and saw the sly look he tried to hide. Well if he wants to play things that way... Slap! “Hentai!” She turned and stomped away.

“Sango, wait my love! It was just a joke! Sango!” Miroku quickly chased after his angry wife.

“When is he going to learn?” Kagome shook her head and moved Jomei to her other arm. Suddenly she felt his weight disappear and looked to see Inuyasha cradling him, a soft, tender smile upon his face. She smiled and snuggled into his other side, sighing happily as his arm draped over her to pull her closer.

“Keh, I don't know and I don't care. All I know is that I've definitely learned my lesson. And that is to grab on to happiness with both hands and never let go.” He gently kissed the top of Jomei's head before turning and giving Kagome a loving kiss. No he was never going to forget what was important ever again.

The end. (For real this time)

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