InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Pleasure and Shame ❯ ...Can't Get Enough ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Characters owned by: Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Entertainment, ECT.
I make no profit from this story
I have revised this chapter and will split it up into two chapters. I doubt that anyone will re-read it, because I don't know how to inform anyone that it has been revised. But when this chapter comes up as updated, I'm hoping that some catch on and click on the story. Then they will see this note telling them that this chapter has been revised. It sucks, because it's much better now than it was before, but I was being hasty and just put it up. Anyways, if you are reading this chapter for the first time, you will get to see the much improved and expanded version of it. I had fun writing this story and someday, maybe I'll write another one…or will maybe even continue this one, by making some kind of spin-off with Kagome and some of the reincarnations of some of the characters, who knows. Towards the end of this chapter, it will be kind of like a honeymoon. Sayonara
Chapter 19: Can't Get Enough
After the turbulent storm raging within both of them has finally subsided, Inuyasha carefully slides out of Sesshoumaru before his legs fall from Inuyasha's shoulders. Sesshoumaru uses his immense strength, to snap the ropes binding his wrists together as Inuyasha crawls up beside him before collapsing onto the bed on his stomach, with his face turned towards him and his arm haphazardly sprawled out over Sesshoumaru's middle. Sesshoumaru places his hand against Inuyasha's arm as they both continue to catch their breaths. Once they are both breathing normally again, which doesn't take that long, Sesshoumaru mumbles as he affectionately caresses Inuyasha's forearm with his fingertips, “You did such a good job subduing this Sesshoumaru Inu-kun.” Inuyasha coo's in response, “That's because you're so subduable.” Sesshoumaru stills his hand as he leers at him with a dead-panned expression for a moment. “Don't get too full of yourself,” Sesshoumaru finally replies, irreverently. Inuyasha counters smoothly, “Why can't I? I rocked your world, didn't I?” Sesshoumaru is quiet for a moment as he directs his gaze up above him. As flash backs of all of the naughty things Inuyasha did to him along with the consequent mind-blowing climax that followed, permeates his thoughts, he sighs with closed grinning lips and amatively heavy lids as he begins to caress Inuyasha's arm with his finger tips once more. “Yes, Inuyasha…you knocked this Sesshoumaru off of his seme pedestal,” he murmurs. “It's not the first time either and it probably won't be the last,” Inuyasha utters teasingly and boastfully. Sesshoumaru gazes out of the corner of his eyes, “It looks as though you've knocked me off of another pedestal as well…” They both smile to themselves as they continue to lie down close to each other, swimming in a sea of tranquility and bliss. After a few moments go by, Inuyasha begins to unconsciously glide his arm down Sesshoumaru's abdomen. It isn't long before his wrist accidentally grazes Sesshoumaru's member. `What's this,' he thinks to himself. He moves his hand down a little further, in order to gather more information. “Hhmm…you're hard again,” he mumbles in conclusion. Inuyasha gets up silently before moving onto his knees above Sesshoumaru's pelvis, without sitting.
They gaze into each other's eyes briefly and then instinctively, Sesshoumaru spits into his hand, before stroking his nature in order to get it slicked down with his saliva. As Inuyasha sits down; Sesshoumaru's impressive erection slides effortless inside of his neglected cavity. Inuyasha begins to flex his thigh muscles, bouncing his ass up and down over Sesshoumaru's nature, as he throws his head back and closes his eyes while moaning delicately and panting with lust. Sesshoumaru utters erotically, “Aw-sss, ride that cock Inuyasha,” before provocatively gliding the tip of his tongue out and then back down the center of his full upper lip, as he keeps his head lifted off of the bed slightly while watching his hand stroke Inuyasha's raging hardness. The pressure between them gradually builds until it becomes unbearable. Finally, Sesshoumaru's head falls to the bed as he swiftly reaches nirvana, groaning and panting breezily as he thrusts his pelvis erratically and the cream exploding out of his tip consumes Inuyasha's opening. “Sesshoumaru! Oh fuck!” Inuyasha immediately follows Sesshoumaru, releasing tender moans, pants and sighs, while climaxing powerfully and steadily, as the feeling of euphoria washes over him like cool river water on a hot summers day. After soaking Sesshoumaru's stomach and hand with his seed, his pangs of ecstasy finally subside. Once their trek into more familiar territory ends, Inuyasha lies down next to Sesshoumaru's hard, sweaty body once again, with his head rested against Sesshoumaru's chest and his lower half only partially covering him. Sesshoumaru begins to caress the back of Inuyasha's head, with delicate downward strokes.
“Hhmm…Inuyasha…I'm engorged again,” Sesshoumaru whispers after a minute or so. Inuyasha murmurs in reply, “I can tell, I think I am too…I just can't get enough of you Sessh-kun.” Sesshoumaru counters, “I can't get enough of you either…” Sesshoumaru concludes with a sensual whisper, “…fuck me again, Inu-kun.” The sound of Sesshoumaru's voice sends a rush of blood to Inuyasha's groin. “Okay,” Inuyasha whispers fragilely. After Sesshoumaru gets on his hands and knees, Inuyasha gets on his knees behind him before moistening his member and then rolling his big bolder into Sesshoumaru's narrow, damp cave (Heh-heh, with the euphemisms). Inuyasha thrusts his hips vigorously, gliding his pulsating organ in and out of Sesshoumaru, over and over and over again. He strums Sesshoumaru's dick with his hand as they both pant heavily, while exhibiting passionate facial expressions. It isn't much longer before they both climax severely, reaching nirvana once more as they release desperately straining vocalizations of lust and consummation. Eventually while being still sticky, naked and completely disheveled in appearance, they lay back down together against the warm, inviting bed. Sesshoumaru snuggles against Inuyasha from behind, with his arm wrapped endearingly around Inuyasha's waist as Inuyasha traces Sesshoumaru's arm and hand with his own. Sesshoumaru takes in the intoxicating aroma of Inuyasha's silver hair before uttering blissfully, “Mmm Inuyasha, I've always relished how marvelous you smell, after our outrageous sexual escapades.” “Mmm, likewise,” Inuyasha replies drowsily as he gently tugs at Sesshoumaru's arm, trying to get it around him more. After a moment of silence, Sesshoumaru asks seductively, “So what would you like to do tomorrow?” Inuyasha remains silent. “Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru calls out patiently after not hearing a reply for a while. Suddenly Sesshoumaru hears the sound of light snoring. He mentally pauses for a moment. “Hm,” he eventually vocalizes before thinking to himself, `What am I going to do with you Inuyasha?” Sesshoumaru nurturingly kisses the back of Inuyasha's head before gently closing his eyes and inevitably drifting off into a dreamy wonderland, filled with tantalizing fantasies of Inuyasha.
- After Sesshoumaru opens his eyes the next morning, the first thing that he does is revel in just how fantastically warm and snuggly he feels. Then after a few moments in an impassive haze, he spontaneously snaps out of it as he realizes that the alluring body that was sleeping underneath his arm the last time he was awake, is now gone. “Well this is a first,” Sesshoumaru thinks out loud, in reference to someone else being the first to depart a situation, before him. Although he is not sleepy and wasn't even too sleepy to begin with when he dozed off the night before; he finds it a cumbersome ordeal, just trying to drag himself out of what seems to be the most relaxing bed in the universe, but eventually he manages to do so. Once he is standing to his feet, he runs his hands down his sinuous chest and stomach, noticing how sticky his skin feels to the touch. He scowls briefly as he examines his palms, and rubs his thumb against his fingers, noticing the clumps of what appears to be a gelatin like substance, on his hand. `This is most unsanitary,' he thinks to himself. He recognizes the scent of water in the air and turns his head before beholding a human sized bucket containing water. He notices how wet the floor is surrounding it, before deducing that Inuyasha has utilized it already. Instead of fetching a servant in order to replace the water, he decides to use it since he concludes that it would be far better to be clean, with a hint Inuyasha's scent on him, enhancing his odor like a luxurious perfume, than to just be clean alone. After Sesshoumaru washes up, he gets dressed before leaving the dungeon. He heads to the dining area of the castle in order to eat breakfast, before eventually heading outside. He floats like a ghost through the garden before inevitably entering the enchanted, grassy field. Eventually he discovers Inuyasha sitting blissfully on the grass, Indian style, with languishing posture and his hands rested one atop the other, loosely covering one of his ankles. As Sesshoumaru's feet touch down onto the ground not too far away; inspite of Inuyasha knowing that Sesshoumaru is there by the detection of his scent being carried by the passive breeze, he continues to face forward as Sesshoumaru drifts closer.
Once Sesshoumaru is right behind Inuyasha, he kneels down on one knee before placing one of his hands atop Inuyasha's shoulder. Inuyasha remains silent for a moment before eventually uttering with serenity, “I was just thinking about our time together last night…I still can't get over how incredible it was…hhmm (He shifts his gaze higher)…the sky is so much bluer up here.” Sesshoumaru replies gently, “Neither can I Inuyasha…I've been to a place, where the waters are just as blue as these skies (He moves in closer before whispering)…It's one of my secret hideaway's where I reside whenever I need to be completely alone and distracted.” Sesshoumaru moves back slightly into a position with his legs tucked underneath him before brushing Inuyasha's hair over one shoulder. He then begins to massage Inuyasha's shoulders as Inuyasha indulgently allows his head to fall forward while releasing a somnolent moan. Sesshoumaru continues, “I don't want to be alone when I travel there this time and I want more than just the clear, blue sea and skies to distract me.” “You want me to go there with you,” Inuyasha mumbles. “Yes, I do…today actually,” Sesshoumaru replies. Inuyasha is silent for a moment as he gradually begins to smile to himself. Without warning, Inuyasha begins to stand up as Sesshoumaru removes his hands from his shoulders with delay and slight surprise. After casually turning around, Inuyasha mumbles with a flirtatious expression and body language as he gazes down at Sesshoumaru, “We should get goin' then.” Sesshoumaru rises to his feet in an unhurried manner. He stands before Inuyasha for a few seconds, gazing into his eyes languishingly as he bites his bottom lip. A beaming grin gradually begins to transform his face. Inuyasha becomes completely spellbound. Suddenly Sesshoumaru grabs a hold of his frame before bending Inuyasha backwards as he bestows him with a passionate kiss. Inuyasha holds Sesshoumaru's body for dear life, with one leg bent up as he tries with all of his might to keep his balance. Just as swiftly as Sesshoumaru started kissing him, he soon stops before leaning back up, taking Inuyasha's body with him. Inuyasha peers up at him completely breathless and with an enraptured expression, as Sesshoumaru gazes down at him with an open mouthed smile, momentarily. He verbalizes as he glides his fingers through Inuyasha's locks, “You were just so adorable, I couldn't help myself.” Inuyasha gazes up at him with a flattered smile and a due eyed gaze. Sesshoumaru mumbles, “I'm going to devour you later on…but first I must change into more comfortable foot wear and remove my armor...” Sesshoumaru moves his hand from the side of Inuyasha's head to the side of his face. As he holds his hand cupped against Inuyasha's cheek, with only his thumb stroking it, he concludes sentimentally, “Wait here for me…my precious and perfect little hanyou,” before kissing Inuyasha nurturingly on his forehead.
Sesshoumaru floats away swiftly, heading back towards the castle. After Sesshoumaru returns with zori (Japanese sandals) on his feet and his Mokomoko over his shoulder, but with his armor gone; he and Inuyasha depart on his youki cloud. They travel through the sky in a way similar to how they reached the castle, before eventually arriving at their destination. Even before his feet touch the earth, Inuyasha is mesmerized by the sparkling, sandy white beaches, lush palm trees, clear blue sunny skies and aquamarine oceans he witnesses from above. Once he is on the ground and is able to look around, the sight of this wondrous island is even more enrapturing. “It's amazing…I've never seen anything like it before,” Inuyasha gasps as he twirls back and forth in one spot, jerking his head about with intrigue. After a few more seconds of taking everything in, Inuyasha spontaneously begins to rip off all of his clothes. “I'm getting in the water,” he declares like a kid in a candy castle. The only clothing he has left on his body as he is walking swiftly and absent-mindedly towards the bedazzlingly clear blue water, is his Kosodo, which he slides out of as he holds his arms behind him dexterously, before traversing the small amount of distance left between him and the quiescent sea. Once he reaches the edge of the water, he allows the waves to wash over his feet for a moment, reveling in the refreshing sensation, before gradually wading into the ocean. Sesshoumaru sighs tranquilly before sitting down with his legs bent up and spread partially, as he casually rests his elbows against his knees, while crossing his forearms and holding them together between them.
After Sesshoumaru has been peering out into the ocean for a while; suddenly he see's Inuyasha speeding back towards him out of the water. “Hm,” Sesshoumaru utters to himself, perplexed. It isn't long before Inuyasha is standing in front of Sesshoumaru totally dry (Sense he ran at inhuman speeds in order to get back to him). “Is everything alright Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru asks as he gazes up at him. “You should get in the water too,” Inuyasha replies merrily. Sesshoumaru stammers, “N…no, that's alright Inuyasha…you just enjoy yourself and I'll watch you. That's more than enough for me.” Inuyasha gazes at him with a blank expression for a moment before whining, “Come on Sesshoumaru…stop being a party pooper…get in the water with me,” as he grabs Sesshoumaru's forearm before proceeding to tug at it friskily. “Inuyasha…It's okay, seriously.” “Come with me,” Inuyasha begs again like a little puppy child as he now tugs at Sesshoumaru's wrist which is attached to his arm being fully stretched out, towards its limit. After further resistance, finally Sesshoumaru gives in to Inuyasha's playful pestering. Facing forward, Inuyasha pulls Sesshoumaru along by his wrist as Sesshoumaru follows half-heartedly, with a bored expression on his face. Midway there, Inuyasha stops before saying after he turns around, letting go of Sesshoumaru's wrist, “You have to take off your clothes, you know.” Sesshoumaru sighs through closed lips, before reluctantly removing his clothes. Once his magnificent body is completely exposed; Inuyasha grabs onto Sesshoumaru's wrist once more before pulling him along as they finish their short trek towards the tide line. They eventually reach the water, before wading in. Sesshoumaru complains pugnaciously as they gradually get deeper, “This water feels like…it doesn't feel good.” “Stop being a sourpuss,” Inuyasha groans back at him. “You know that this Sesshoumaru hates swimming Inuyasha…” “Yea, yea, yea…as long as you're with me, you're gonna have fun alright.”
After Sesshoumaru has been in the water for a while, he begins to become more relaxed. Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha end up spending the day being very frolicsome, entertaining each other with splash fights, wrestling, and competing against each other in a swim race, along with doing relaxing things like basking in the sun together. As dusk slowly approaches, they decide to dive for oysters, while making it a competition, to see who can find the most. They use their hakama as pseudo bags to collect their oysters with. Once they finish hunting; they finally arrive on shore before sitting down side by side in order to count their catch. After Inuyasha finishes, he chants confidently, “I have a hundred and twenty-six.” Sesshoumaru counters shortly after, “…And I have four-hundred and seventy-five.” Inuyasha blinks at him in disbelief. Finally Sesshoumaru proclaims with a coy grin, “It looks as though I am victorious.” Inuyasha responds in a childishly sulky tone of voice, “Well it's not like you have that many more than me.” “What are you insinuating? I have three times more than you. Hm, I knew three-hundred oysters ago that this Sesshoumaru was going to win.” “You only won `cuss ya have a big head,” Inuyasha teases sarcastically. “My head's not big,” Sesshoumaru refutes half-seriously. “Yes it is…having a crescent moon on your head only draws more attention to it (Inuyasha leers at him)…you should do something about that.” “You love this Sesshoumaru's head along with its crescent moon and you know it, Inuyasha…” “You're right I do, and I don't really think its big…may a little bit big (Sesshoumaru gives him a funny look)…I think I'm just a sore loser…” “…That you are,” Sesshoumaru validates. “Hey! You're not supposed to agree with me,” Inuyasha exclaims as he affectionately slaps Sesshoumaru on his arm with the back of his hand. “I'm just confirming what YOU said.” Inuyasha looks at him with an underwhelmed expression. Finally he sighs in defeat as he replies, “Okay, you win…this time.” He gazes down at all of his shell fish before murmuring, “What are we gonna do with all of `um?” Sesshoumaru answers casually, “…Eat what we want and then throw the rest back.” “Good idea,” Inuyasha agrees.
- As the sun sets, they sit back down not too far away from the bond fire they just spent a couple of minutes building, in order to indulge in the fruits of their labor. Between each of them, they eat about fifty raw oysters. When they are finished, they throw what's left back into the ocean. After their stomachs are all nice and full of oysters, they also end up being full in other places as well. With the sun having completely vanished below the horizon at this point, they decide to expend some energy. Sesshoumaru sits down as he leans back onto his elbows, with his legs spread as wide he can get them. Eventually his throbbing organ settles into Inuyasha's salivating mouth. Sesshoumaru grinds his base desperately against Inuyasha's cherry pink lips, moaning and groaning with pleasure as his thrusts, along with Inuyasha's oral and manual stimulations of his length, continues to increase in speed and strength. As Sesshoumaru throws his head back dramatically, with a gasping expression and extremely flushed cheeks, he climaxes vividly, sobbing thunderously as he spills his seed into Inuyasha's mouth, and down his welcoming throat. Shortly after, Sesshoumaru indemnifies Inuyasha by orally and manually pleasuring him on his knees, as Inuyasha stands above him. Inuyasha combs his fingers through his long, luscious locks and bangs, creating explicit vocalizations of lust and passion, as the ardently pleasing sensation radiating throughout his loins, continues to grow stronger and more brilliant. He begins to play with his hardened nipples, brushing his palms against them along with rubbing them with the tips of his fingers, as paradise continues to draw nearer and nearer. It isn't long before he reaches his apex, portraying an exquisite visual expression of ecstasy as he cries out Sesshoumaru's name at the top of his lungs while releasing his creamy liquids into Sesshoumaru's oral cavity.