InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Of World War II ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: This is a historical fiction story about the World War II. Don’t get after me for having a woman as a soldier. I know that they weren’t soldiers but as mentioned before, this is historical fiction. None of these characters are real; all of them are either from Inuyasha or my own made up people. Please enjoy this.
Present DayMaggie’s POV
I sit in my old rocking chair, as I do every day, waiting to die to be with my loved one once again. There’s a knock on my door and a woman with brunette hair pops in. “Hi mama. It’s been awhile,” my daughter, Elle says as she sits beside me. She looks a lot like me in the eyes and the hair, but her facial features were all her mother’s. For being in her 60’s, she looks good. I grunt in response and turn my head away. She sighs deeply, as if it was a chore to be there. “Mama, Haku and I are worried about you.”
Haku is my youngest in his early 50’s and one of the nicest men you’ll ever meet. I look at her, silently pleading to her to let me die but she ignores it. “Mama, I know you’re sad about her death but you need to try and be happy,” she begs.
My eyes harden as I stare her down, causing her to back away slowly. “You want me to be happy when I’m ready to keel over?” I scoff before adding, “She was my soul mate. I loved her since the moment I first laid eyes on her,” I say stubbornly.
Silence falls around before she breaks it, “Mama, can you tell me when you and mom first met?” she asked carefully.
A slow smile spreads across my face, a true smile in the first time in a year. “Alright, honey but it’s quite a long story. It all started in February of 1945. Even at the age of 87, I can still remember every detail,” I started as I closed my eyes and began to travel back in time 65 years ago.
February 10th, 1945No POV
It was a quiet peaceful day as 22 year old Margret; A.K.A Maggie Robinson sat on deck of the ocean liner that she was on. She was a fighter pilot, the youngest one on there. She never wanted to be a part of this damned war in the first place but she felt like she wanted to do more with her life than working on a farm in South Carolina. She pulled a pack of cigarettes out of her jacket pocket and pulled one out. Just as she was going to light it, all the men were yelling and surrounding something. She sighed and put her cigarette in her pocket as she headed towards the swarm.
“Oi, what’s going at over here, boys?” she asked as her southern twang came out. The crowd parted revealing a young girl with long black hair. Maggie lifted her head up and saw that she was young, around 16 or so. “A Jap, huh?”
“Careful, Mag. She bites,” a man named Joe said.
She ignored him as she knelt down in front of the girl. “What’s your name, little lady?” the girl stared at her, eyes hard and her brows furrowed. Again she tried, “What’s your name?” She was met with silence once again.
“You should give up Mag. These damn Japs won’t tell us shit,” another man named Scotty said before her walked away.
Maggie refused to give up. “Boys, take her to the brig. I’ll talk to her down there,” she commanded softly to the men that held her. The girl grunted and struggled as the men took her down below.
Adrianna, a friend of Maggie’s and the nurse on the ship, watched as the girl was taken below. “Maggie, why are we holding her prisoner? She has done nothing wrong.”
Maggie sighed deeply as she looked at her friend. “We have to. She’s a Japanese girl and therefore she’s the enemy.” It was her duty to take the enemy in, even if they haven’t committed a crime. She smiled sympathetically to her friend as she went down to cells.
She saw the young girl huddled up in the corner of her cell. Maggie drew closer slowly, so not to startle the poor girl. She unlocked the door and closed it behind her with a loud clunk. The girl turned her head and whimpered as she tried to further away from her.
“Hey easy…I ain’t gonna hurt ya,” she said soothingly. The girl just stared at her. Maggie mentally hit herself for being so stupid. This girl couldn’t understand a word she was saying. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone,” she said. She headed out and finally lit her cigarette. That little thing took her back to when she decided to be in the army.
“Have ever wished you could fly?”
Maggie turned her head to her lover, Jeanine who lay on the plane hood next to her. “Why do you ask? I fly all the time.”
Jeanine giggled and turned over to look at the brunette. “No I mean to fly to the stars. I look at the stars and I want to join them. Don’t you?”
Maggie laughed at the blonde’s silliness. “You ask the weirdest questions.” She said before gently kissing the blonde.
She was so happy…until that day. December 7, 1941. The day that she would hate and that would play in her mind forever. She was in her plane fighting off those damn Japs as much as she could. Many of her friends had died but she knew everything would be alright because Jeanine was waiting for her.
She landed her plane and took in all of the destruction that was around her. This was hell on earth. People at the hospital were bleeding and screaming in pain. The nurses tried their best to help but the patients kept dying right and left. She ran as fast as she could into the hospital and asked nurses if they saw Jeanine. No one did until one name Betty took her. Maggie’s heart swelled with happiness but it was short lived when she saw a body covered in a white sheet.
Betty pulled back the sheet and Maggie’s eyes widened at the sight of her lover’s bloodied and mangled body. A sob tore through her throat as she backed away. She squeezed her eyes shut as tears fell from them. Jeanine couldn’t be dead! She was having a nightmare. She wished that she would wake up but this was reality and she was stuck in it.
In the months that followed, she swore to do everything in her power to make them pay for taking Jeanine away. She stared out of her bedroom window, eye hardened.
Flashback end
Maggie sighed deeply as she flicked her cigarette into the water. “You were the only one for me Jeanine. I can’t ever love again. My heart will only belong to you,” she promised to the moon that slowly rose into the sky.
But life and love have a nasty habit of catching you by surprise.
A/N: Well that’s the first chapter. I hope you enjoy!