InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Kagome had to admit to herself that the trip through the well wasn't like she thought it would be. Chikako went first and Kagome was surprised to see a flash of light. She looked over the edge, fully expecting to see Chikako's broken body at the bottom, but Kagome was surprised to see no one.
Kagome held Inuyasha's had and they jumped together. A blue glow surrounded them and the pair landed gently at the bottom of the well. Kagome looked up and was amazed to see blue skies instead of the well house roof. Inuyasha felt himself smile at the surprised look on Kagome's face.
“Come on, let me help you out. Get on my back.”
He squatted lower to make it easy for Kagome to get on. She looked confused for a moment then she climbed on his back. Kagome was pleasantly surprised by Inuyasha's leaping grace as they bounded out of the well and into the forest.
“It is so beautiful here!” Kagome exclaimed as she climbed from Inuyasha's back.
Chikako stood beside the well, waiting. “This is Japan, over 500 years ago.”
Everything was new and exciting to Kagome's eyes. As they walked into the woods, Kagome began to recognize things she saw in her dreams, only this time they felt like true memories.
`We are going to Kaede's village. “ A frown played across her face. “Wait…..who is Kaede and how do I know this path?'
As images started flooding her mind, Inuyasha could sense confusion and anxiety coming from Kagome. He knew she was starting to remember things, even if Kagome didn't know how she knew them. They would be at the village soon. Inuyasha could smell Sango and Miroku waiting for their arrival.
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­­­­­­­­­­­ ;­Sango's journey started similar to Kagome's. She, too, drank the tea but when she opened her eyes, Sango found herself standing in the remains of a village. Sango recognized it from stories she had heard growing up. Her father told her tales of demon slayers and he described how the villages looked. Sango knew from the stories this is where she stood now. As, Sango moved along the grounds, she couldn't shake the feeling of overwhelming sadness that was threatening to engulf her. Chikako watched from a distance and began lifting the veil from Sango's mind. As memories began to return, Sango could feel herself growing weaker and weaker with sadness. When Chikako felt Sango's spirit begin to break, she sent Miroku into the spirit realm to comfort Sango.
Miroku found her kneeling beside the graves of the slain villagers, crying brokenheartedly. He placed his arms around her and Sango continued to sob.
“Why, Miroku? Why was I reborn? Why was I bought back to this place to suffer, again?”
Miroku rocked her. “Maybe it was to give you a chance to live a life of peace and happiness.'
Sango shook her head. “But why bring back the memories? We all found each other again without the memories.”
Miroku gave a wiry smile. “Sango, my memories were returned to me two years ago. That day at the park, I sought you and Kagome out. The whole intention at the time was to convince you to see the Seer.”
Sango pulled back and looked into Miroku's somber blue-gray eyes. “But why?”
“Because Kagome is facing a danger that remembers the past because he was there. It affects us all.”
Sango moved back into Miroku's embrace and tried to slow her racing mind. Memories of her past life competed with space in her mind with moments of her present life.
“How can you live with all of this? It's so much.”
Miroku gave a comforting pat on the back. “You'll come to realize that the life you have now is the here and now. The memories are stronger in the spirit realm. Once you return to our time, it's as if they fade into the background but aren't truly forgotten. You'll know they are a part of you bur they don't define who you are now.”
Miroku paused, savoring the moment while he held Sango. He knew even though she would remember their relationship of the past, he still had to win her over in the present.
“Look at the past as a lesson. I believe we were reborn as a reward for the loss and suffering we had in our previous lives.”
Sango felt somewhat better after Miroku's discussion. She let him continue to hold her, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. Maybe, after things settled down, she'd give him more of a chance.
Miroku and Sango made their way back to Kaede's village. Miroku knew that Kagome would be here soon and he was wondering if Inuyasha would be with her. Miroku let his thoughts wander to Yuji. The fact that he was in the feudal era with them was disturbing. It meant that he was powerful enough to cloak himself or he had gained his power over the centuries. Miroku looked up, startled by crashing through the trees. He saw Kagome, Inuyasha and Chikako coming into the village clearing.
Kagome had a stunned look on her face. Miroku could see the questions traveling through her eyes as she took in everything. Inuyasha, on the other hand, wore a look of resignation. The time he had been dreading was fast approaching and Inuyasha wasn't sure how well Kagome would take it. When Sango saw Kagome, she ran to hug her friend. Both of the ladies clung to each other, needing each other's strength. Sango was the first to speak.
“How are you?”
Kagome shrugged. “Confused, shocked.” She looked into Sango's eyes. “Are you ok? You've been crying.”
:I'm fine now.” Sango looked at Miroku. “Miroku helped me understand some things and I think we'll be talking more when we get home.” Sango blushed when she finished talking.
Kagome hugged her friend again tightly. “I'm so glad.”
Inuyasha and Miroku looked at each other quizzically, trying to figure out the hidden meaning of the exchange. Chikako cleared her throat.
“Can we all come together?”
The group sat down in a circle. Miroku and Inuyasha sat on either side of Chikako. Sango sat next to Miroku and Kagome sat beside Inuyasha. Chikako gave instructions.
“We need to clasp hands. All eyes need to remain closed until the chanting is over.”
As Kagome held Sango's and Inuyasha's hands, she felt something similar to an electric shock course through her body. Chikako started chanting and the shocks got stronger and stronger. Images started flashing through Kagome's mind.
Being pulled into the well…….
Seeing Inuyasha pinned to the tree. Was he sleeping?…
Shattering the Shikon no Tama
Meeting Miroku
Meeting Sango
The Final Battle…
************************************************************** **********
The chanting abruptly ended. Kagome's eyes shot open. She was stunned to find herself lying back on the tatami. She stared up into the ceiling, trying to make sense of everything. She heard Chikako speak beside her.
“Inuyasha-sama, help her sit up. This drink will help restore her.”
Gentle hands lifted her and she found herself cradled against the hanyou's chest. He placed a chawan to her lips. The bitter liquid almost made Kagome gag but she drank it. After a few minutes, she was able to find her voice.
“Did everything just really happen?”
Chikako nodded with a very odd look on her face. “Yes, Kagome-sama. Everything was true.”
Kagome felt tears beginning to burn in her eyes. “Does this mean I really ….?”
Chikako interrupted. “It's time for you and my lord to talk. I will be checking on Sango-sama and Miroku-sama. I had requested Sesshomaru-sama to stay with them.”
Chikako bowed and left the room, closing the fusuma behind her. Kagome and Inuyasha sat in silence. Kagome felt a little light-headed but she could tell her strength was returning. She decided to break the silence between her and Inuyasha.
“Tell me, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha shook his head and squeezed her tight against him. “I don't know if I can.” he whispered.
Kagome turned to face him. She stared into troubled violet eyes.
“I have to know the whole story. Why am I here when I shouldn't be?”
Inuyasha gripped her upper arms tightly. “You are meant to be here. You were meant to have a life. You deserved to have that chance.”
The tears that had been threatening to fall started spilling down her cheeks. “I have to know everything.”
Inuyasha wiped the tears from her face. He never could stand to see Kagome cry.
“Ok, I'll tell you.”
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Inuyasha's Story
After all of the chaos, it was a scene of heartbreaking calm. Miroku and Sango held each other, stunned by the absence of his kazaana but devastated by the vision before them. Inuyasha, beaten and bloody, cradled a broken Kagome in his arms. In one hand, he held the completed Shikon no Tama, pure and glowing pink.

"I'm sorry, Kagome."

Inuyasha felt his heart break as breath rattled through her crushed chest.

"Why? You killed Naraku and saved the jewel." Kagome gasped and tried to smile.

Inuyasha felt the tears burning in his eyes and throat. "But I failed to save you."

Kagome stared in his golden eyes. "You know what you must do, Inuyasha... You have to finish this."

Inuyasha shook his head. "No! This thing has bought nothing but pain and sorrow. I won't do this, not without you!"

Kagome reached up and touched his face. "Inuyasha, it's what I want. It's what Kikyo would have wanted."

With those words, the tears that had threaten to fall came cascading down Inuyasha's face. Kagome wiped the tears from his cheeks. "I know you'll do right thing, Inuyasha. You always do."

Inuyasha held her to his chest. "Don't leave me, Kagome. I don't want to be alone again."

Kagome smiled and held her hand over his heart. "I'll always be right here. I love you, you know."

He continued to hold her, breathing in her scent, trying to imprint it in his mind forever. "I love you, too, Kagome. Even when I was too stubborn to admit it."

Kagome sighed, managing to smile once more. "Finish this, Inuyasha... let it all end now." She touched his face again and then was still.

Inuyasha howled. "Kagome... no!"

No one dared move towards Inuyasha. The hurt and rage in him could be felt vibrating in the air. Inuyasha laid Kagome gently on the ground. He could hear Sango screaming Kagome's name and knew that Miroku was holding her back. He clenched his fists and felt the jewel in his hand. He wanted to crush it, for all the pain that the tiny object had instilled into him, but the words of Kagome came to him.

"You have to finish this".

Inuyasha sighed. He knew that he would not let Kagome and Kikyo's deaths be in vain. He held the jewel, closed his eyes and concentrated. He felt himself lift off the ground, but when he opened his eyes, he could see himself kneeling by Kagome's lifeless body. Sango was trying to pull herself free of Miroku's grasp. She was still screaming and Miroku had tears streaming in small rivulets down his face. Inuyasha noticed that he was surrounded in a pink glow. Suddenly he heard his name.


He turned, already knowing who it was.


The ancient priestess smiled. "Thank you for freeing me. Are you ready for your wish."

He looked back down at Kagome. "Yes"

Midoriko bowed "Very well.

Inuyasha sighed, "I want Kagome to be alive in her time. I want her to have her life back and to live it as if there were no jewel bound to her. I want her to have the life she would have had if... if she never came through the well."

Midoriko was silent for a moment before she responded.

"You realize that I cannot completely erase these memories from her spirit? They will always be a part of her even if she doesn't realize where they are from."

Inuyasha nodded “I... understand. I just want her to be happy.”

Midoriko smiled. “She will be. Inuyasha, you need to know. You two were meant to be together. It's just not the time.”

Inuyasha was stunned by Midoriko's words. Did this mean that he and Kagome would get another chance to be together? Before Inuyasha had any more time to think about it, the priestess continued.

“When you meet again someday, her spirit will recognize you, even if her mind doesn't. It won't be easy.”

Inuyasha looked back down at the lifeless body of Kagome. He knew he didn't care how hard it was if it meant Kagome could live.

“At some point, Kagome may have to remember.” Midoriko warned the hanyou.

“I cannot say what will require her to unlock all of the memories of her past life but it may be necessary for her to survive.” Midoriko looked down on the scene below.

“At some point in the future, all of you will be together again. However, Miroku and Sango will be aware of their backgrounds.”

Inuyasha stared at Midoriko for a moment before speaking. “ Is there nothing else you can tell me?”

Midoriko smiled. “I'm afraid not. Some things you'll have to figure out on your own.”

Inuyasha felt himself starting to sink. Looking down he saw the he and Kagome were surrounded by a glowing pink light. He saw Kagome's eyes flutter open slowly, and she smiled.

“You did it.” She told him, her voice quickly losing its clarity. “I'm glad, Inuyasha”

Inuyasha was at her side again. He cupped her cheek in his hand, slowly leaning down to kiss her. Her lips were sweet and soon turned salty with his tears.


“I have to say... good bye now.” She told him, her eyes getting foggier with every minute, her breathing shallow.

“One day...”

The light around Kagome blazed a bright pink, forcing Inuyasha to close his eyes. When he opened them, she was gone. In his head, Inuyasha could hear Midoriko's calming voice, speaking to him.

“It is done, Inuyasha. She's gone back”

The pink glow faded and Inuyasha was left kneeling on the ground. Miroku came to him.

“What did you wish, Inuyasha?”

Inuyasha looked at his friend. He knew he would have to explain everything, and that would take time.

“Let's go back to Kaede's hut and take care of everyone first. I'll explain later.”

Miroku stared into his eyes and then nodded, walking over to Sango's side and helping her as they walked back towards the village. Inuyasha stood staring at the spot where Kagome had lain.

“One day, Kagome, One day”
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Kagome and Inuyasha sat in unnerving silence.
“You made a wish.” She whispered. The statement hit every thought in her mind home for Kagome. Her face was blank and she unexpectedly felt ill.
“I was willing to give up anything for you to be alive.” Inuyasha started at her intently, trying to read her thoughts.`
Even if it meant letting me go' Kagome thought. Suddenly, she felt unbearably sad. The only thing she wanted to do was lie down and think.
Inuyasha, sensing the change in her mood, stood and extended his hand to help Kagome up. He sensed Sesshomaru coming into the room.
“Is the miko able to leave?”
“I'm ready, Tashio-sama.” and Kagome walked out of the room ahead of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. All Kagome knew was that she wanted to be out of the room. Suddenly everything seemed to be closing in on her. The brothers exchanged looks but said nothing.
Sango and Miroku were in the genken, changing into their outdoor shoes. Sango took one look at Kagome's face and went to her. Kagome looked startled and pale as if she were going into shock. Sango glared at Inuyasha and took Kagome's hand. She and Kagome finished changing shoes and walked out to the car leaving the men watching.
Miroku turned to Inuyasha. “What happened?”
Inuyasha looked at his feet. “ I told her what happened to the jewel…everything.”
Sesshomaru responded. “I can have the doctor come to look at her. She does not seem to be well.”
Inuyasha looked at his brother. “Chikako had to give her a stronger dose because of her spiritual powers. She gave Kagome a restorative but I don't know how long it'll be before it's fully effective.” Inuyasha sighed and ran his fingers through his black hair. “Fuck, I don't know what's going on. It's like she shut down.”
Sesshomaru touched his brother's shoulder. “Imagine you had been told you had lived and died. Imagine you had been told someone made a wish to allow you to relive the life you started. The life you lived until the point of death, supposedly erased. Imagine your mind not knowing this but your spirit burning with the knowledge. All this time, Kagome probably thought she was going crazy and now has to realize all of this really happened to her.”
Miroku sighed. “Maybe it should have been done sooner.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “ Even with us keeping an eye on her, none of us knew about the nightmares.”
Sesshomaru sighed. “That is water under the bridge now. We have to make sure this does not break her. Yuji is waiting for a moment to strike and we don't want to provide him with it.”
Miroku and Inuyasha nodded. All three men went out to the car and prepared for the long ride home.