InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 19

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Yuji was exhausted yet elated. His foray into Kagome's mind was more than he had ever hoped for. He was so very close to breaking her. Rising out of his chair, Yuji walked to his window and contemplated the afternoon sun.
`Just the taste of her powers…'
Yuji shuttered. He could still feel the remnants coursing through his veins. It was sweet as honey to his psychotic mind. There was only one major problem. Yuji discovered Kagome had instinctively created a barrier around the part of her brain hat contained memories of the feudal era. Yuji knew if he could break through it, he could control Kagome and her powers.
`She would bend to my will. The first thing I would have her to complete is to purify those damned brothers out of existence!'
Full of glee, Yuji decided resting need to take priority. He called out to his general.
“See to it that I'm not disturbed. I must regain my strength.”
General closed the shades in the room and quickly bowed out. Lying down in the darkened room, Yuji continued to savor his impending triumph.
`Soon, Kagome, you will be mine.'
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
The ground shook as the battle raged on. Naraku began shooting diamond spears at everyone and more time was spent dodging them than actually fighting. Kagome tried several times for a clear shot but it seemed Naraku always anticipated her moves and continuously tried to attack her. This led to another argument after a shard grazed her. Kagome's shoulder sang out in pain as blood soaked through the cloth of her fuku.
Inuyasha grabbed her in time to prevent a more serious injury and as he dropped Kagome at the tree line, Inuyasha confronted her.
“You are not going back out there! You could have been killed!”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. The pain in her shoulder made it hard to argue with him but Kagome knew what had to be done.
“It's the only way! I have to do this!”
Inuyasha looked back at Sango and Miroku still battling Naraku.
“Look, I can't argue with you now. Stay here and that's final!”
Inuyasha ran back into the clearing, joining Miroku and Sango back on the battlefield.
Kagome sat on the ground, holding her shoulder. She could feel how sticky her fuku was with blood. Watching her friends fight, Kagome realized she couldn't just sit there, no matter how much pain she was in, no matter what Inuyasha said. Grabbing her longbow and arrows, Kagome stayed near the tree line while looking for a clear shot at Naraku.
Kagome cringed as she watched Sango and Kilala dodge tentacles and spears. Miroku was throwing sutras and using his staff to fend off Naraku, his kazaana useless against the Saimyosho that swarmed around. Even with Inuyasha joining them, no one could get close enough to deal a fatal blow. Kagome could see that everyone would soon tire and Naraku would then kill them all.
`Not while I'm here.' Kagome thought as she continued around the perimeter.
Suddenly, Kagome could see the jewel inside of Naraku. Everyone was engaged and Kagome saw the clear shot.
`It's now or never.'
Quickly making her decision, Kagome stepped into the clearing and notched an arrow. Gathering all of her power, Kagome saw the arrow begin to glow.
In Kagome's mind, everything became slow motion. She could actually see several events happen at once. At the moment she released her arrow, Naraku noticed her. Inuyasha also realized what Kagome was up to at that same moment. As Inuyasha began to run towards her, Kagome let the arrow go. A blaze of light shot across the field towards Naraku.
As Kagome released her arrow, Naraku released a diamond shard. Kagome could only watch, paralyzed, as the shard rocketed towards her. She could hear Inuyasha scream her name but Kagome was strangely unafraid. She saw her arrow sink into Naraku. He let out a blood-curdling scream as the purification of the arrow began to spread throughout his tainted body. At the same instant, Kagome screamed in agony as the diamond shard pierced the right side of her chest. Because of the sharpness of the shard, it passed completely thorough her.
Kagome couldn't remember hitting the ground. All she knew was the incredible, agonizing pain that surged through her body. She could vaguely hear Inuyasha release his wind scar but as she struggled to breathe, Kagome realized that this was it. She could taste the blood in her mouth. Every cough ached and bought up even more of the precious life fluid. As she took a glance at her chest, she could see the blood coating her uniform.
She wanted to move but her body ignored her demands. Incredible pain radiated with each struggling breath. As she heard Sango scream, Kagome closed her eyes to the pain and the twinge of fear that entered her spirit. She gasped as she felt someone gently lift her. Inuyasha's sharp intake of breath penetrated the pain filled haze. Opening her eyes, Kagome could see Inuyasha's despair as he examined her fatal wounds. When his eyes met hers, Kagome saw the unshed tears and she wanted to comfort him.
"I'm sorry, Kagome."
Kagome couldn't believe him. He had done nothing wrong, yet Inuyasha was apologizing for something that wasn't his fault.
Why? You killed Naraku and saved the jewel." Kagome gasped and tried to smile. Inuyasha's response tore at her heart. She had never heard him sound so much like a little lost boy before.
"But I failed to save you."
There was so much to say and Kagome knew there wasn't much time left. Every breath she took was getting shorter. It hurt so much to breath and she could feel her thoughts slipping way. It was important that Inuyasha understand everything. Kagome stared in his golden eyes.
"You know what you must do, Inuyasha... You have to finish this."
Inuyasha shook his head. "No! This thing has bought nothing but pain and sorrow. I won't do this, not without you!"
Kagome knew she had to convince him. This insanity with the jewel had to end here and now. Too many lives had been lost already. Kagome reached up and touched his face.
"Inuyasha, it's what I want. It's what Kikyo would have wanted."
As the tears poured down Inuyasha's face, Kagome wiped the tears from his cheeks.
"I know you'll do right thing, Inuyasha. You always do."

Inuyasha held her to his chest. "Don't leave me, Kagome. I don't want to be alone again."

Kagome smiled and held her hand over his heart. "I'll always be right here. I love you, you know."
Kagome tried to absorb every detail of Inuyasha's face. If there was an afterlife, she knew she wanted to remember him. Tears began to leak out of her eyes at his words, the ones she had been longing to hear.
"I love you, too, Kagome. Even when I was too stubborn to admit it."
She could feel herself fading. It was getting harder and harder to focus. Gathering her strength one last time, Kagome sighed, managing to smile once more.
"Finish this, Inuyasha... let it all end now."
She touched his face again and then was still.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
Kagome felt lost in the darkness. Looking ahead, she could see a pinprick of light. Following the light, Kagome was surprised to suddenly find she was back home at the shrine. Seeing Goshinboku, she suddenly had the urge to go to it. To Kagome's surprise, Midoriko was standing under the shady branches. She was clad in traditional priestess garb instead of her usual armor. Kagome thought the ancient warrior looked rather ethereal with the glow around her and her hair blowing in the breeze. Midoriko extended her hands to Kagome, beckoning her to come closer.
As Kagome took Midoriko's hands she could feel the power surge from Midoriko in to her body. Looking down, Kagome noticed she was uninjured and her fuku was pristine.
“What's going on? Why am I here?”
Midoriko smiled at the questions Kagome asked.
“We are here because Inuyasha wished us here.”
Kagome's face showed her confusion. “He wished both of us to the shrine?”
Midoriko laughed. It reminded Kagome of wind chimes.
“No. He wished for you to have the life you would have had if the jewel weren't bound to you. He wanted you to have the life you would have had if you never came through the well.”
Kagome could feel the tears burn her eyes.
`In the end, he still only wanted MY happiness.'
Kagome struggled not to burst into tears.
“What will happen to him? Will Inuyasha be alone? Will he be happy?”
Midoriko's eyes betrayed her own sadness. “It won't be easy for him but he will be fine.”
An abrupt thought crashed through Kagome's mind. Suddenly, she was saddened beyond belief. The tears she had been holding back spilled over.
“I won't remember him, will I?”
Midoriko squeezed Kagome's hand. “I'm sorry, you won't. It's a condition of the wish.”
Kagome hung her head, tears falling like rain. She couldn't imagine her life with even remembering Inuyasha. She could feel her heart slowly breaking. The pain hurt worse than being shot with Naraku's deadly shard. Pleadingly, she returned her gaze to Midoriko's stoic face.
“Isn't there even a chance we'll meet in the future?”
Midoriko's smile returned to her face.
“If the time comes, it's always possible. Your heart will know even if your mind doesn't remember. If the moment comes and it's meant to be, you'll be together.”
Kagome nodded her head at Midoriko's words. She had to believe everything would be work out for the best. After a few moments, Midoriko spoke.
“Close your eyes. When you awaken, you'll be at home, in your bed. It's your fifteenth birthday and you are the happiest girl in the world. May the kamis blessings be on you.”
Kagome gave Midoriko one final glance. She couldn't believe this part of her life was over. The tears still flowed as she closed them to the last link of her time in the feudal era. In her mind's eye, she held on to Inuyasha's face.
`At least for this last moment, I'll still have him.'