InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 21

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After much argument, it was finally agreed to go out for an early dinner. Inuyasha was the main protester but the entire group overruled him. It was already after three in the afternoon and they were all feeling claustrophobic and need to get out of the penthouse. Sesshomaru made a few phone calls and booked a private dining room at Gonpachi restaurant. Kagome and Sango stole startled glances at each other. Both knew it was an expensive restaurant and Kagome was again faced with the reality of how much life had changed for both her and Inuyasha.
After the phone call was over, Kagome went to shower in Sango's room and change clothes. As she stood with the steaming water pouring over her body, her thoughts wandered back to everything that had happened with Chicako. She found herself examining her chest for any signs of the grievous wound but found her porcelain skin clear of any blemish. Shaking her head to clear the aggravating thoughts, Kagome focused on her outfit instead.
Kagome soon discovered that making a fashion choice was also most as taxing as dealing with all the memories flooding her brain. She finally decided on an ivory retro dress. It had two rows of black buttons down the front and a wonderful wide black belt. Kagome dug out the black patent high heels boots she bought on her shopping spree and decided to go with a ponytail to complement the mod look. Adding a pair of black hoop earrings and a couple of black bangles, Kagome was pleased with her appearance.
Stepping out of the bedroom, Kagome was stunned to see Sango looking so glam. Sango was clad in a red pencil dress and red heels. The dress was fitted and left nothing to the imagination. She had left her hair loose and flowing over her shoulders, adored with small crystal pins. Kagome had been surprised when Sango purchased the dress but nothing prepared Kagome for actually seeing Sango in the dress.
“Sango! You look so hot! I feel so underdressed!”
Sango blushed. “I think you look incredible.” Looking down at her own outfit, Sango asked. “Do you really think it's ok?”
Kagome gaped at her friend. “Ok? Girl, you are smoking! Miroku's eyes are going to fall out of his head!”
Sango's blush deepened. “I hope so.”
The two girls were giggling when Inuyasha and Miroku came out of Inuyasha's room. Miroku was grumbling about having to borrow Inuyasha's clothes but when he saw Sango, all his complaints stopped. After a moment of staring at Sango as if he'd never seen her before, Miroku's voice came out in a whisper.
“Sango. Wow, you look…incredible.”
Sango beamed. “Thanks. So do you.”
Inuyasha stood behind Miroku shaking his head. “Can we go? You two are acting like this is a blind date.”
Miroku snapped out of his daze. Regaining his composure, he extended his arm to Sango.
“Shall we?”
Sango flushed and took his arm. They led the way out of the apartment with Inuyasha, and Kagome looking on in amazement. Looking around, Kagome no longer saw Sesshomaru. Inuyasha noticed her puzzled face.
“What's up, Kagome?”
Kagome looked into Inuyasha's violet eyes. For a moment, she lost her train of thought. Somehow, the thought entered her mind that she wanted to see his golden eyes. Shaking her head, Kagome had to rein in her wandering mind.
“I was just wondering what happened to Sesshomaru. Isn't he joining us?”
Inuyasha gave a cross between a snort and a laugh. “He's coming. He said something about taking care of some minor business.”
Kagome opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by Miroku's loud voice.
“Come on, guys! The elevator's here and I'm ready to eat!”
Inuyasha shook his head and gestured for Kagome to walk out the door ahead of him.
In the elevator, Kagome finally had a chance to sneak glances at Inuyasha. He wore black slacks and a deep violet silk shirt. With his concealment bracelet on, the shirt was the exact color of his eyes. Kagome swallowed hard and turned her eyes away. It wouldn't do to start lusting for him until she had sorted out her feelings. So much had happened so fast and to be honest, Kagome couldn't help but wonder what Inuyasha thought about all of this. He had been guarded since she had awakened in the bedroom and Kagome could tell Inuyasha was watching her when he thought she wasn't paying attention.
When they reached the building's parking garage, Kagome was surprised to find they were going in separate cars. Sango was thrilled for a moment alone with Miroku but Kagome found herself suddenly edgy. At Sango's whispered `Go for it.' Kagome realized she must have a startled look upon her face. As she watched Sango walk away with Miroku to his car, laughing and joking, a fit of nerves suddenly hit. Turning to face Inuyasha, Kagome was surprised to find his violet eyes watching her closely, his expression unreadable.
Inuyasha hadn't forgotten her hesitation in taking his hand earlier. He wasn't sure exactly what happened with Chikako but the last thing he wanted to do was frighten Kagome off. He could feel the nervousness radiating off her body but he could sense no fear.
“Is it so awful to be alone with me?”
Kagome was stunned. She knew the problem was her problem not his. Walking up to him, Kagome tried to explain.
“No! That's never the reason. It's just so much is going on and I need to think and …”
Inuyasha held up his hand to stop the flow of words coming from Kagome.
“I understand. I tell you what. After dinner, I'll take you somewhere private. You can do all the things you need to do. Talk, think, whatever. It'll be a chance for us to once and for all clear the air.”
Kagome could only nod her agreement. The idea of finally getting everything out in the open had her feeling suddenly giddy. Before she could harness in her thoughts enough to respond, her stomach growled loudly. Mortified, Kagome blushed deeply.
Inuyasha chuckled. “Come on. We don't want to keep the others waiting and you obviously need to eat.”
Extending his hand, this time Kagome took it with no hesitation. Inuyasha concealed his smile as he and Kagome walked to his car.
Dinner was wonderful. Kagome couldn't remember the last time she had laughed and joked so much. Miroku regaled them with stories of Maru's famous clients. Between fits of laughter, Kagome found herself watching Inuyasha. She was pleased to see him happy. When Sesshomaru joined them, he was surprised to see everyone, but especially Inuyasha, laughing and having a good time.
Several times over the course of dinner, Inuyasha would look at Kagome to catch her staring. She seemed content and for that, Inuyasha was grateful. He was glad he had `allowed' them to bully him into coming out for dinner. Inuyasha was pleasantly surprised to discover he was really enjoying himself. It had literally been centuries since he had allowed himself to feel, well, anything.
`I guess Sesshomaru rubbed off on me, after all.' Inuyasha mused as he watched his friends and his love enjoy the evening. Half an hour into the meal, the ladies excused themselves to the restroom, promising to not try and sneak out of the restaurant this time.
Sesshomaru stepped out at that moment to engage a private phone call. Miroku and Inuyasha sat in the dining room, enjoying the companionable silence. Inuyasha didn't realize he was sitting there smiling, until Miroku leaned over and interrupted his reverie.
“What's on your mind, my friend?”
Inuyasha gave a slight chuckle. “I'm just amazed at how things are turning out.”
Miroku had to laugh. “They are very special ladies, aren't they?”
Continuing to grin, Inuyasha agreed. “Yeah. I hope after tonight, maybe we can start something new. Kagome and I never really had a chance in the past.”
Clasping his friend's shoulder, Miroku gave a solemn glance.
“You have to remember what Midoriko told you. It wasn't your time then. You both are getting a chance to start all over again, this time without the childishness and insecurities that plagued you both in the past. Hopefully, you are both mature adults and that means this can be an adult relationship and not a teenaged crush.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes at Miroku. “Sometimes, I wonder why we bought your memories back to you. You are just a little too good at reminding me of how I was five hundred years ago.”
At that moment, Sesshomaru entered the room.
“Personally, little brother, I am pleased some else can remind you. I haven't forgotten the tempestuous whelp you were then. I thought I was going to truly have to put you down.”
At those remarks, Inuyasha snorted. “Please! If you could have, you would have done it the first time we met. Face it, big brother, you couldn't handle me.”
Before Sesshomaru could respond, the ladies returned to the room. Looking at the men, Sango and Kagome could see the sparkling eyes of all the men. It was obvious they had walked in the middle of something and the guys weren't planning to share it with them.
At their curious stares, Inuyasha swallowed his laughter. Once he had himself under control, he addressed Sesshomaru.
“I'll have a sparing session set up for us on Tuesday. That should resolve the issue.”
As Sesshomaru acquiesced in agreement, Miroku looked thrilled.
“Can I be the referee for this? Someone has to make sure everything is fair.”
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru laughed. Sesshomaru turned to Miroku.
“Of course. We both know Inuyasha is not one to be trusted to fight fair.”
Everyone then exploded in laughter, as Inuyasha turned crimson and spluttered at Sesshomaru about fair fights and what he planned on doing with a curious part of Sesshomaru's anatomy.
At the end of dinner, Inuyasha kept a firm grip on Kagome's hand. Just touching her comforted him and he wanted to keep her near. Sesshomaru had earlier arranged private suites for Inuyasha and Miroku. Both of the guys needed to work things out and thought the ladies needed to be separated in order to be effective. As Sesshomaru pointed out to Inuyasha, Sango and Kagome were extremely close and protective of each other. In order to deal with one, they needed to be away from each other. Inuyasha just wasn't sure Kagome wouldn't get the wrong idea about going to a luxury suite.
After biding everyone goodnight and retrieving the car from the valet, Inuyasha turned to Kagome.
“Do you trust me?”
Kagome blinked for a moment. “Yes. Would I even be here if I didn't?”
Inuyasha didn't respond. Instead, he pulled off and headed for his destination. As they drove into the twilight, Kagome couldn't help but marvel again at the perfection of the car. She wished there was a way to bottle the smell of the leather, Inuyasha's cologne and the scent of Inuyasha himself that permeated the interior of the car. Kagome closed her eyes, inhaling the sexy odor, letting it wrap itself all around her.
When the car stopped, Kagome's eyes popped open in surprise. She wasn't sure how much time had passed but she knew that they hadn't driven long enough to be back at the penthouse. Looking out the passenger window, Kagome was taken aback to see they were in front of the Four Seasons. Looking back at Inuyasha with the question in her eyes, Inuyasha simple commented.
“You said you trust me.”
Kagome frowned but didn't reply. As the valet opened the door and helped her out, Kagome took in her surroundings. They were in the midst of the Ginza district and the night sky was beginning to light up as the twilight deepened. The hotel was opulent and Kagome was entranced. She was so engrossed that a deep voice whispering in her ear startled her.
“I take it by your wide-eyed silence that you approve.” Inuyasha spoke with amusement in his voice.
Kagome looked at him, smiling. “It's wonderful. I've been by here but I've never been inside.”
Inuyasha extended his arm, reminding Kagome of Miroku's earlier gesture.
“Shall we?”
Kagome laughed. “We shall, Sir. Lead the way.”
Kagome was floored by the power Inuyasha commanded. Every step they took was greeted by “Good evening, Mr. Tashio.” Everyone was practically bowing to him. Kagome frowned slightly at the treatment but Inuyasha took it in stride.
`Well, I guess he has had centuries to get used to this kind of reverence.'
Another surprise awaited Kagome when she her the concierge inform Inuyasha that their bags had already been taken to their suite. Kagome shot Inuyasha another look. He repeated his early statement.
“You said you trust me.”
Kagome sighed. If she had known that trusting him was going to keep her in the dark, she thought, maybe she would have reconsidered. The curiosity was killing her but Kagome could see now that Inuyasha wasn't going to answer any questions until they went upstairs. She kept quiet in the elevator to the sixth floor while the bellboy and Inuyasha chatted about various topics during the quick trip.
Kagome continued her silence as the bellboy opened the door to their suite. This time her voice was stolen from her as she saw the view in front of her. The suite was spectacular but what had captured Kagome was the floor to ceiling wall of windows. Their room was a corner room and Kagome could see Ginza for miles. She could vaguely hear Inuyasha settling up with the bellboy but she was enraptured by the lighted city views. Everything looked so alive on the streets below. The nightlife was starting to wake up and she could see the crowds of Lolita girls and boys and the groups of teen girls still wearing their seifukas. As she people watched, Inuyasha interrupted Kagome's thoughts.
“I can remember when I first saw you dressed in your seifuka. I couldn't help but wonder where were the rest of your clothes.”
Kagome smiled at the memory. She could recall getting many strange looks as they traveled the countryside about her dress.
“It's a wonder Kaede didn't try to purify me.”
Inuyasha continued to watch the street below.
“She didn't have it in her heart. She kept seeing Kikyo in you.”
At the mention of Kikyo's name, Kagome turned from the window. Suddenly, it felt as if her legs could no longer support her. Walking over to a chair, she quickly sat down. Inuyasha moved to sit across from her. For a long moment, silence filled the room. Finally, Kagome broke the tension filled air.
“What happened with you during that time? After I was gone?”
Inuyasha thought long and hard. There were so many things to tell Kagome. So much had happened and he knew that it would take more than just this one night to share it all. For now, the basics would have to do.
“After we finally made it back to the village, we told Kaede what happened. She was saddened, of course, but at the same time, she was glad at least you were alive in your time. She always said that the jewel had taken enough innocent lives. Physically, Miroku and Sango healed but I don't think Sango ever got over you being gone. She even named one of her daughters Kagome.”
Kagome started. “I remember Sango telling me that she had a distant relative named Kagome. So the current Sango and Miroku are reincarnations of past Sango and Miroku?”
Inuyasha nodded. “It's a similar situation to what happened with you and Kikyo. Their souls eventually returned to the world. Miroku says he thinks it's because the kamis are finally granting them happiness for all they suffered in the past.”
Allowing that thought to roll around in her head, Kagome could agree with Miroku. They all had been through so much and everyone finally deserved some happiness. Focusing on Inuyasha, she could see the hints of the years on his face. He no longer had the soft yet masculine face of his youth. He had more angles to his face and it was easy to see that he was now all male. Suddenly realizing that he hadn't answered her question, Kagome asked again.
“Now, what happened with YOU during that time?”
Inuyasha gave slight chuckle. “You caught that, eh?”
Kagome gave a playful glare. “Yes, I did.”
Inuyasha sighed. “Well, for a few years I hung around to village some. It was hard to watch Sango and Miroku with their family but they would have been hurt if I had just disappeared so I stayed around. Miroku and I would go perform demon exorcisms in the area. Sango had given up slaying to be a mother but Kohaku stepped in and with training, became quite good. He and Rin eventually married and moved back to the area of the old slayer's village. I know Sesshomaru would go and check on them from time to time.”
Inuyasha paused at this point in his story. He knew Kagome would have more questions but right now he just wanted to gloss over painful moments of the past. Taking a deep breath, he continued with the story.
“Well, Kaede died first. It was heartbreaking for the village and for all of us. She was buried beside Kikyo so I assume they are together now. That was around the time Shippo left. He said he didn't think he could handle watching the humans he had grown to love die one by one. The last I heard of him, Shippo had gone over to the mainland. It's been a long time since I've seen him. Miroku took over as the village priest. He and Sango's daughter Kagome was born with his spiritual powers and he trained her as a miko. The funny thing is Kagome was the last child. She was born one year to the day of Kaede's passing. We all wondered was she Kaede returned. She had so many of Kaede's ways.”
Lost in his thoughts for a moment, Inuyasha remember the little dark haired girl with old lady ways. She would look at them with such hidden wisdom in her eyes and it seemed she always knew the right thing to say. Little Kagome had been such a wonderful choice to become the village priestess. Shaking his head to release the thoughts Inuyasha continued with his story.
“As you know, our time here eventually comes to an end. Sango passed after being ill for months with what we think of as pneumonia now. She was maybe in her late 60's but still it was hard to take. Miroku was destroyed by her death. He remained alive long enough to finish training Little Kagome and by the winter, he had gone on to the afterlife too. After they were gone, I couldn't stay in the village any more. It was so hard to keep watching life pass me by. Things had calmed down by then and most yokai had died out or learned to blend in with humans. I explored the countryside and just lived. I would check on the village every now and then but I stayed in the shadows. Then about two hundred fifty years ago, Sesshomaru found me.”