InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of You ❯ On That Day We Met Fortuitously ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Memories of You

hello there! Hmm...this fanfic thingie is really hard. Haha, maybe it’s just me, oh well... hmm.... anyways, you don’t want to get bored with reading what I have to say, so I’ll get right to the point. Have fun reading my story and don’t forget reviews! Oh yes, the story gets better as you scroll down!! I promise you!!

Chapter 1:On That Day We Met Fortuitously

17 year old Kagome Higurashi woke up early to get ready for her 1st day of senior year in high school. She got dressed in her usual green sailor school uniform and went downstairs to have some breakfast. “What will it be today, Kagome?”, asked her mom who was by the stove cooking eggs. “Umm...I think I’ll have a little ramen today.”, Kagome responded. “ Again?”,asked her mom. “That’s what you have everyday.” “I know, replied Kagome. “It’s just that it’s got something about it that makes me want to eat it.”

“Okey, dear. Whatever you would like.”, Ms. Higurashi smiled and started boiling hot water on the stove.

Grandpa came running in drawing everyone’s attention.
“Ohayo! Family!, He cried out, holding a big pumpkin in his hands. “Would you like me to tell you the legend of this particular pumpkin?”, grandpa yelled as a big smile ran across his face. “Oh great”, Kagome sighed. Grandpa began his great story. “As you can see, this pumpkin came from a long time ago. It was in the Feudal era whe...”,grandpa stopped speaking when Kagome stood up suddenly and said, “You mean that it came from the supermarket and I bought it yesterday for mom so she could make dinner right?” Souta and Ms. Higurashi started laughing while grandpa just turned his head and said, “Hmph.”

Kagome walked over to her mom and grabbed the ramen bowl and said, “ I’m going to be late if I don’t get going now, so I’ll eat on the way there k?” Ms. Higurashi nodded and Kagome went to grab her bag and shoes, and ran out the door.

Kagome ran to her friend Sango’s house, to find that Sango’s boyfriend, Miroku, was there too. Kagome dropped the bowl of Ramen on the floor when she heard a screeching sound yell out, “HENTAI!!”. When Kagome drew closer, she saw that Miroku had a red hand mark across his face, realizing what he had done. Kagome laughed and turned to Sango with a serious face and said, “You ruined my breakfast...” “Ah! Gomen gomen!”, replied Sango with a slight blush across her face. Sango turned to look at Miroku and said in an evil voice. “You...Will...Pay...Houshi...”
Miroku backed away, with a big sweat drop falling on the side of his head.

Kagome had always been very good friends with these two people, but whenever she gave a little hint about wanting to know their past, they would look at each other and change the subject. There was something she needed to know. She wanted to know why Miroku had that purple thing around his hand and why Sango called Miroku, a houshi.

Kagome, Sango, and Miroku, reached their school. They each said their good byes and separated to go to their next classes. 1st per, Kagome had English class. Her worst class. She always got great grades, but someone she really hated was in that class. Kikyo. Kikyo had also appeared on the same day as Miroku and Sango, which Kagome had always wondered about. Kikyo had been the most popular girl in the school. Which was probably natural, because she had an attitude problem. Even most of the teachers were scared of her.

Kagome stared at Kikyo and they caught each other’s glimpse. Kagome looked startled until Kikyo mouthed out, “Whatcha starin at bitch?” Kagome really got mad. She didn’t want to curse, unless it was for a good reason, but Kikyo WAS a good reason. So, Kagome mouthed back, “Fuck you Kikyo” That was when the teacher came in. He called out, “ Ok you homosexuals. Sit your asses down.” Kikyo quickly raised her hand to tell on Kagome. Kagome stared at her with anger. But then, the teacher yelled, “You are not Hitler, Kikyo. Put that hand down and listen to what I have to say!” kikyo fumed and put her hand down and put her legs up on the desk so that every guy in the class could see down her skirt. “ I have and announcement for all you people so listen up!” yelled the teacher, “We have a new student so be nice to him. Come on in Mr. Goshinboku!” Kagome’s eyes widened.

A guy with long silver white hair stepped in. Kikyo gasped and said out loud, “He’s so hot!” This was the first time Kagome ever agreed with Kikyo. This guy had a red tight shirt and big loose pair of jeans on. Kagome sighed. She didn’t have a chance with him. All the guys that were hot always went for Kikyo and there was no chance of her getting to them.

“This”, the teacher explained, “is Inuyasha Goshinboku.” Kagome’s eyes widened even wider than they already were and looked as if her eyeballs would fall out pretty soon. “Inuyasha....”, she whispered the name. She had heard it from somewhere...somewhere, but where? Oh well, she thought. ‘I guess it’s just some deja vu thing or something’, she thought.

Inuyasha, from what she could see from her seat, looked as if he were looking for something, rather, someone... Inuyasha’s eyes met Kagome’s and they widened. Kikyo saw this and it looked as if she was about to blow herself clear though the school building. Kagome also noticed Kikyo turn the color of Inuyasha’s shirt and grinned evilly at her. Kagome turned back to look at Inuyasha again, but he wasn’t there. Kagome felt as if she was being watched and when she turned to her right she saw that Inuyasha was standing next to where she was sitting. Kagome got so scared, She jumped right out of the seat, did a somersault in the air and landed on the floor on her butt, while her seat flew backward and hit Kikyo right in the face. Blood came trickling down her nose and she started crying. The teacher calmly said, “Ok, Miss Miko. It’s just blood like tomato. You like tomatoes Miss Miko?”, at this Kikyo cried harder. The teacher calmly said “No need to break down. Go get a tissue or something.” Kikyo ran out of the classroom with her crowd of popular friends running after her asking if she was ok. The teacher took a deep breath and sighed.

“Now Miss Higurashi.”, said the teacher. “What did I say about doing gymnastics in my room?”
“I know, I know”, replied kagome as people stared and laughed cracking up at what had just happened the past 3 seconds ago. Kagome had totally forgotten why everything had happened in the first place... Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was still standing there. Kagome said, “Would you like something from me?” Inuyasha said, “I just wanted to know if I could sit next to you.”, said Inuyasha while staring at her.” Kagome hadn’t noticed it before, but she noticed Inuyasha had really great eyes. They were gold and so cool looking, Kagome almost reached up and touched it, forgetting where she was. The teacher cleared his throat really, really loud and the students around started cracking up again. ‘What has gotten into me???!!?’, Kagome wondered silently. “So, can I sit there?” Inuyasha said pointing at the seat next to Kagome’s. “Yea, sure.” Kagome said returning back to reality, from the depths of her mind.

“Now, back to our topic...” the teacher began his mumbo jumbo. Kagome couldn’t pay attention though. Throughout the whole lesson, Inuyasha was staring at her. Kagome thought in her head. ‘Oh no! Is he checking me out??!?? What am I gunna do?’ Kagome silently wondered as she remembered this manga she had read, called Demon Diary. There was a scene in there where it was similar to this and she thought maybe if she used this scene, she would be able get free of Inuyasha’s deadly, but lovely stare. Without realizing it, Kagome had yelled out, “I’M SORRY! I COULD NEVER LOVE YOU BACK!” Inuyasha fell backwards yelling, “Nani?!!??” (This scene dedicated to my friend Sothearath (heh heh) Everybody was cracking up laughing. Everybody. The teacher looked at Kagome and threw a piece of chalk at her to get her attention. (In japan teachers are allowed to punish their children in strict ways o.O.) “Kagome Higurashi! Do you think you are a comedian?!? What in the seven hells has possessed you to become the class clown from being my best student!!?!!??”, the teacher bellowed. “You and Mr. Inuyasha seem to be enjoying yourselves.”, he yelled. Kagome’s face fell. “You two get out and stand in the halls!” Kagome yelled, “But, Bu...” “No buts!”, yelled the teacher. “Get Out!”

Kagome got her things and followed Inuyasha out the door, followed by all the kids in the class laughing at her.

As soon as they were out the door and the door had securely closed behind them, Kagome yelled, “What the hell is wrong with you?!!?”, but Inuyasha looked at her with a dreamy face and smiled sweetly. “I’ve finally found you Kagome...”
“...what...?” whispered Kagome confused and confounded.
“It’s been a while hasn’t it?” Asked Inuyasha with a really sweet smile that anybody would fall for.

Cliff HANGER!!!! I told you it would get more interesting as the story went on!!, or didn’t I? Im soooo talented hahahahahaha .... im a baka...haha....well then, until next time! Hmm what will happen next??? aren’t you wondering??? pondering??? frustrated???

You’ll still hafta wait!! Haha... well them, Ja ne!