InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ thanx soooooooo much 4 reviewing and so this chapter is dedicated to you, the story will start to good alrighty? Well here it goes! Lol

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Kagome's mom didn't answer her daughter's question, but continued driving. Once they got to the house, her mother glanced at the old well house before opening the front door and guiding Kagome to the kitchen. After making some hot coco to drink, Kagome's mom joined her daughter at the table. "Kagome, about what you asked in the car, what brought that about?" Kagome looked up from her drink, "Hmm? You mean InuYasha?" her mom cleared her throat and nodded. "I had this dream. I don't really remember what happened, but I know it was confusing, I couldn't see anyone. Augh! I don't remember. I hate this!" she looked to her mom but when she didn't say anything, Kagome continued. "I remember falling through the sky, but it was black, and I was screaming the same name over and over to save me. Then these arms grabbed me and pulled me to a body, it was a boy. And even though we were still falling, I felt safe. I knew that he wouldn't let me get hurt, so I stopped yelling. Then the boy was pulled away, so I called to him, but I woke up. InuYasha, that was the boy's name. It sounds so natural though. Isn't that funny, such a weird name coming off as natural as that?!? Kagome laughed and looked to her mom, expecting her to be laughing as well, but she wasn't. "I'm remembering, right?" her mom looked to her and nodded. Kagome jumped up and ran around the table to her mom, "Please tell me, mom. I need to know!" she cried exasperated. Her mom hugged her, but shook her head, "I can't honey, you know that."

Kagome looked up to her face, "but you know, don't you? Nobody else does, and you do. Why? Why are you the only one who knows?" tears formed in Kagome's eyes. Her mom pulled away from Kagome. "Why don't you go to your room and rest? You had a long day." Kagome stood up, "But mom, I-" but Kagome knew her mom was done talking, "You're right, honey, a bath probably would do you better." She said, and left Kagome standing in the kitchen alone.

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That night, before going to bed, Kagome shut her shades and got into her bed. After about a minute, she got up again and opened them, she didn't know why, it just felt right to her. Unnoticed to anyone, that night when everyone was asleep, a figure jumped up to a tree outside Kagome's window. After settling down, the person in red pushed his white hair out of his face, "Kagome, I miss you, come back." He whispered to the night, and gazed at the sixteen year old girl through her window.

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Kagome laughed, "InuYasha, wait up!" she cried. "Feh! Stupid girl." He said, but in a playful way. His long white hair blowing through the wind as he ran ahead of the girl. She peddled her bike faster, and looked into the basket. "InuYasha is such a jerk, don't you agree, Shippo?" she said to the basket, and a little animal jumped up and nodded his head, waving his little arms and wagging his fluffy tail. "He sure is! Did you hear us InuYasha!" the little creature cried out with a smile. InuYasha turned around, "Hey!" he yelled, and punched the fur ball to the ground. Kagome slammed her brakes and let her bike fall as she jumped off. She ran to the child and picked him up, kissed his head and he jumped to her shoulder. "Sit!" Kagome cried and InuYasha fell to the ground, and picked his head up just in time to she a little fox sticking his tiny tongue out at him. "Damn."

Kagome sat up quickly, breathing hard. She put her hand against her racing heart to slow it down. "What was that?" she whispered. Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw a flash of red jump out of a tree, but when she ran to the window and stuck her head out, nothing was there. It wasn't until she was back in bed for awhile she realized something. "I never opened my window." She said before drifting off.

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The next time Kagome woke up, the sun was up. This time, her dream stayed in her head. She was thinking back to her dream as she brushed her hair, remembering every part of it. "Hey" she said, putting her brush down. She ran to her shed and looked around, frowning slightly. She returned to her house, walking to the kitchen where her mom was making breakfast for the family. "Mom?" she asked. Her mom turned to her. "You're awake, darling, want eggs?" Kagome nodded and asked again, "Mom?" after breaking some eggs in a pan on the stove, her mom turned to her, wiping her hands on a towel, "Yes dear?" Kagome looked in her mom's eyes intensely, "Where's my bike?" her mom dropped the towel she was holding, but didn't pick it up, she just stared at her daughter's eyes.

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A/N~ well well well? How is it? Like it? Review and next chapter, after Kagome remembers everyone, she realizes shes not remembering the present and does some reasurch at the local library, so…. Just review please! Luv ya, ley-san!