InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mercenary ❯ A Meeting of Great Importance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Small puffs of visible breath hang before the woman's face. Adjusting her poison gas mask securely over her mouth and checking to make sure her hair is secure under the beanie she takes off at a dead run. Not a sound is created by her footsteps on the roof tiles of the mansion.
Agilely she leaps from rooftop to rooftop, the sword on her hip and the bow and arrows on her back never once moving. With no moon out she finds it easy to search window by window for her target. It's been a while since she's gotten such a huge job. Perhaps she'd turn it down. Would the top agents let her though?
Cases of this magnitude are always watched carefully. Her high rank wouldn't give her the right to turn down a big target if the agents say yes. “Why didn't they send the Wolf unit in?' she mutters crouching onto another windowsill, “Those hounds love jobs like this. Koga would probably pee himself with joy.”
The woman smiles at the thought. Turning away from the empty room she had been checking, she scans the lower half of the land the mansion covers. Human guards as well as demon, werewolf, and witch a like patrol the grounds. “All they need are a few vampires and death watchers and they're good to go,” the human pulls a small camera from the bag on her hip.
Quickly she takes some snapshots of the layout. With a sigh she places the camera back into the bag and tenses to jump. The jump is delayed as a hand wraps around her neck and another strikes a nerve in her spine.
Had she not been trained it would have momentarily paralyzed her. Thinking quickly she decides to act as if it did, her body goes limp. Carefully the stranger carries her on their shoulder into the room she had believed to be empty.
They place her on the floor but get momentarily distracted by something. It's all she needs. As the attacker turns back to the woman, he finds her leaning against the far wall a dagger in her hand. “Who are you and what do you want?” she clips out the words coldly.
It's unbelievably dark in the room. Vaguely the woman can make out a red robe and long black hair. “I thought I was supposed to ask those questions,” his voice is young and rough.
When the woman fails to respond the man growls in frustration. “Fine,” he snaps, “If you'd like a name I'll give you one. My name is Inuyasha. Now yours, plus a reason for sneaky around outside my room!”
A moment of silence follows and then, “You may call me Snow. As for a reason I can't give you one.”
Menacingly the man steps forward. He's already a good head taller than Snow but she falls into a ready stance anyway. If he wants a fight she'll give him a quick and deadly one. “I hate liars but I hate mercenaries even more. You're here to kill Sesshomaru aren't you?”
Shock stuns Snow into silence. How could he know what she is without watching her for long? Not to mention his surprise attack. She is still trying to figure out how she couldn't feel his aura, not even now. “Your movements are typical of a mercenary. You're silent, agile, fast, calculating, and overly confident. Plus you lie like hell. I can sense it.”
“Well aren't you a clever human,” Snow coyly remarks hoping he'll take the bait, “In that case I'll tell you my real name.”
“I'm not human, and I don't care if you tell me your real name. I doubt you could kill me after you told me so don't try that line either,” his arrogant attitude is starting to irritate the woman supremely.
Even though it's a new moon tonight she can still tell she's running out of darkness. “Fine,” she sighs putting her dagger back in her thigh hilt, “Truth it is. You told me your name so here is mine, Kagome. Snow is my code name.
I'm a mercenary as you guessed, I belong to the 13 Organization, and I'm eighteen years old. I've killed countless vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, and even a few death watchers while in 13. Yesterday I was offered a job to bring your brother's head on a platter. Happy now?”
Kagome leans back, her right foot raised and bent pressing against the wall. Lazily she checks her nails and sighs again. She could tell that whatever this guy is he probably isn't important. He is kept far away from Sesshomaru's quarters, his room is pretty bare, and he has no servants to speak of that have come by to check on him.
Plus his clothing looks a bit old. Even if he ran through the mansion screaming out her information no one would believe him. Hopefully he'll grow bored and let her go easily, if not she'll have to force her way out, which will blow her cover.
Inuyasha was quiet, which is different for him. He was too preoccupied with studying the woman. Though not very tall she is well built, her skin is beautifully pale, and her eyes are deep dark brown.
She's wearing a demon slayer outfit. It's black and covers her entire body while the armor plates over her knees, elbows, and stomach, is a dark blue. The sash around her waist is white though.
Kagome has already studied the weird man thoroughly. His black hair hangs to the waist, his skin is a bit tanned, his eyes are the same as hers, there's a ratty looking sword hanging from his hip and he's barefoot. “So can I go now that you know my life's story?” Kagome raises her eyes to him carefully.
“My name is Inuyasha, I'm not human. I'm a half demon, I'm twenty-one and my older brother is Sesshomaru. I think I can tell you that much in return. You can leave after you tell me who wants my brother dead and why?” he sits down gruffly on the floor before Kagome, his sword resting against his shoulder.
“You, I mean he's, you're Lord Sesshomaru's brother? You're a son of Inu no Taishou? The famous weapons master? But that's impossible,” for a second time Kagome finds herself almost speechless.
“Obviously not,” Inuyasha says icily, “My mother wasn't officially his wife and she was human. You can take it from there.”
“Well shit,” Kagome taps her forehead worriedly, “Let me think.”
Silently she paces the room. Everything she told him could jeopardize the job. He could alert Sesshomaru to her and organization 13 which had been unknown until two minutes ago. So does she kill him?
Or maybe she could scare him by threatening to expose him? Wait, aren't they in a deadlock then. He knows what he shouldn't about her and she knows what she shouldn't about him. “I've got it,” she swings about to face his directly.
Removing her beanie to let her hair tumble out she scratches her head slowly. “I'll tell you who wants your brother dead if you tell me why you look like this,” she motions to his face.
With only a nod he stands and walks to the open window. He beckons her to follow. Pointing into the sky he says, “What's missing?”
“The moon,” she responds with uncertainty.
“Right. When there's a new moon I turn into a human. So one night a month this happens, otherwise I'm a half demon.”
“That does explain your aura, half demons are harder to sense,” Kagome taps her chin, “As for your brother the business lords of Amo United are the ones who offered me money for his head. They want the competition gone so to speak. Plus they want to get their hands on the two most famous swords ever made. The Tetsaiga and the Tensaiga. They believe Sesshomaru is in possession of them both. It's apart of the deal.”
Inuyasha glances at the human woman, “What are you going to do?”
Laughing Kagome slips past Inuyasha and pounces lightly onto the railing, “You don't seem like the type who is lovey dovey about his brother but I'm going to turn down the job. Believe me they offered enough money but I think they forgot about you. Besides, you've got enough info on me to put me away for good. It's better to have a friend than a foe.”

With that she drops to a rooftop below and runs into the dark. Inuyasha watches her for as far as he can. “Damn these stupid human eyes,” he curses as she drops from site.
A small smile crosses his face, “Kagome,” he says quietly.