InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mercenary ❯ Judgement ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

As the wind picks up right before dawn, Kagome crouches behind a small shrine near the front gates. Could this mansion be any larger, she thinks with a grimace. The ancient Japanese layout of the house only makes infiltrating it that much harder. Countless buildings cover the entire expanse of land Sesshomaru owns. Each one could be for one person and an entourage of servants or just a servants' hall. She was still surprised she had managed to find Inuyasha's room among all of them. “Kagome! Come in,” the sound of a small boy crackles in over Kagome's earpiece.
In all the commotion she has completely forgotten about her communication line with Shippou. “Are you there?” his voice sounds so tiny in her ear.
Every mercenary works alone save for the one demon companion paired with them at the beginning. Before their training even begins a mercenary learns to become one with their demon counterpart. Lucky enough for Kagome, Shippou is a very agreeable fox demon. He had taken to her immediately. “Yeah I'm here Shippou. Stop worrying,” she laughs a little to calm his nerves.
“Thank goodness,” he sighs, “What's your position?”
“About twenty feet from the front gates. I need a diversion this time,” as she speaks Kagome pulls a small firebomb from her bag.
“I'll supply the fire,” she grins waiting, “And I'll be the flame,” Shippou giggles an answer.
Without waiting for a confirmation Kagome tosses the bomb close enough to the front gates not to be noticed. Covering her ears she tucks her head down. Within seconds a loud explosion rocks the ground. Shouting erupts among the guards. There's enough chaos for Kagome to slide out from her hiding place. “I'm coming over the east wall, gate's still too crowded,” her update is met with silence.

Already the young fox is making his way there. With a less than lady like grunt Kagome springs as high up for the wall as she can. Her hands catch hold of a huge wooden snake. It's one of Shippou's toys mixed with fox magic to the rescue. Taking a firm grip she pushes off from the wall and does a back flip over it. Snickering Shippou jumps onto Kagome's shoulder when she lands, “Did you like how I only made the sound of the bomb louder and not the bomb itself? Those dopey werewolves were crying from the force of it.”
He only gets a slight nod from his human partner. She takes off running, darting through trees and over bushes. For a while neither of them say anything. Shippou probably assumes I'm concentrating on getting away, even as she thinks it Kagome frowns, because she's really thinking about something else. Something completely different…
“Inuyasha! You idiot where are you?” the door to the half demon's room slides open roughly. Miroku, the lecherous annoying monk and Inuyasha's keeper, stumbles in breathless.
“There, you, are,” he pants dropping onto the floor.
“You didn't have to run, moron,” without looking over his shoulder, Inuyasha props himself up on his elbow.
Just like every new moon night he had gotten no sleep. The reason was slightly better this time around though. Kagome's face springs up in his mind immediately. “Someone was here last night,” Miroku states firmly wiping a strand of black hair from his face.
“Why do you tie your hair back if it still does that?” Inuyasha grumbles ignoring the question.
There's a tinkling of sound from the monk's staff, his robes rustle as he stands. “Don't try to avoid me Inuyasha. Who was here? I can sense another aura, especially in this corner,” the monk stalks over to where the mercenary had been standing.
“I was only here part of the night how would I know!” the sun is beginning to peak over the horizon while they argue.

An energy pulse moves through the room. Slowly the half-breed's hair changes into a snowy white, his eyes become a deep yellow, and two white fuzzy dog ears appear on his head. Flexing his hand Inuyasha stares down at the claws growing in. “Look we can talk about this after Sesshomaru makes his round,” sighing he looks at Miroku who only nods.
Right on cue the grand Lord dog demon himself touches down softly outside the window. His white hair billowing about in the wind as he slides through. Dark purple streaks run across his cheeks and a crescent moon sits on his forehead. He's wearing a white robe with red designs on the shoulders and sleeves. A yellow and purple sash is tied around his waist over his armor.
Two swords hang from his hip. Identical yellow eyes stare down at Inuyasha coldly. Apart from their hair and eyes the brothers share nothing in common. “I see you have survived another new moon without incident,” Sesshomaru's voice reflects the gaze of his eyes.
“We'll see,” Miroku softly grunts.
The Demon Lord twitches a pointy ear in the monk's direction but ignores the comment. “Good morning to you too brother,” Inuyasha barely keeps the growl in his throat down.
Every month on the morning after the moonless night his brother comes to see Inuyasha, effectively fulfilling his only duty towards his younger brother. “Well I must be going I have much to do. Rin,” he calls looking to the door.
It slides open to reveal a young woman with dark brown hair and eyes the color of night. She bows, her slender frame moving with grace, “Yes my Lord,” her voice is soft but musical.
“Please call for some servants, my brother needs to be properly fed and washed for the morning,” then sweeping past everyone he calls back, “He will be attending an important meeting later today.”
Rin smiles at the receding figure of Sesshomaru, her entire body alive with the joy of seeing him. “Let's be on our way then my Lord,” she is addressing Inuyasha now.
Miroku frowns in thought, “What meeting would he need you to be at? You've never been involved in the affairs of your fathers company before. This is very strange.”
Ignoring the monk Inuyasha turns to Rin, “Come on then Rin you know I hate it when you use that Lord crap with me. I've known you since you were a kid. Just call me by my name already.”
Still smiling she begins to walk down the hallway, “Alright then, Inuyasha.”
For the first time in years she complies. Now Inuyasha is the one frowning. It was certainly turning out to be an interesting day.
Back at Organization 13 Kagome was facing problems of her own. The head agents were more than likely discussing her transmission. They would have heard everything through her earpiece. She didn't know how she was going to explain herself. Not only had she let her guard down and been captured, but she had foolishly revealed important information to a person with great power.
Enough power to put the entire organization in deep trouble no less. Hanging her head for a moment she prayed to her dead mother for some strength and then pushed open the large doors to the meeting hall.
A huge black table sits in the middle of the room. Four chairs reside around one side while only one chair claims the other. Shippou shakes nervously on her shoulder. He's only see the top agents from a distance. “Are they ferocious demons?” he whispers in Kagome's ear while she takes a seat in the solitary chair.
She smiles reassuringly at him, “They gave you a home and kept you safe since you were very small have they not? Would you call that ferocious?”
He thinks for a moment and smiles back, “Well they gave me you as well so they can't be that bad.”
Kagome is touched by his words. Friends are few and far between for a mercenary. Personally Kagome could only think of five. She has Shippou of course who's always with her, then there's her younger brother Souta still in training, Sango the experienced demon slayer of the north sector, Sango's demon companion Kirara, and finally Kouga the Wolf Unit leader.
Everyone of them had proven their worth as a friend to her at least a hundred times over and now she was standing here waiting for judgment, simply because she had acted rashly. Now everyone could be in danger. “This is no way to repay us indeed,” a man's heavy voice calls from the open door.
The room is filled with the impressive aura of a wolf demon. His dark brown hair falls freely down his back. Huge black eyes stare at Kagome in disappointment. “So you have arrived first Koki?” Kagome forces a weak smile for her favorite leader.
He had been the one to find her and her brother after her mother died. Without asking any of the other leaders he brought them back to the organization and gave them a home and a purpose. They would grow to be protectors, defenders of the weak against any of who dared disturb peace.
The wolf demon sighs, settling into a chair, “I thought I taught you better Kagome. This is going to be difficult to deal with I hope you know that.”
“I do,” Koki watches the girl lower her eyes in respect, “I'm terribly sorry for my actions.”
Her words fade from the room leaving the three in silence. Then without a sound the three other leaders file into the room. A human, a vampire lord, a wolf demon, and a sorceress make up the organization's leadership. When all of them are seated Kagome slowly raises her eyes to them, “Kagome Higurashi,” says the sorceress pulling a light blue orb from her sleeve.
It floats to the center of the table, drifting up and down. The Sorceress looks directly at Kagome with her ice blue eyes, “You will now be asked to explain the transmission that will play. You will have only one chance to say what you need to, afterwards we will explain your error and discuss a proper course of action. Now,” waving her hand the orb begins to glow brightly, “we will begin your judgment.”