InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mercy ❯ Part III ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Well, it's been awhile since I updated this. Since I'm a bit overwhelmed with Absolution right now I decided to ease my mind with a few one-shots like Tanoshimi club, Happy is enough and double assignment (which by the way will have a sequel that's already being worked on.). Furthermore I shall say that this fic is turning out nothing like I first imagined it, and for now it will not be angsty but instead WAFF, since in my most important project, Absolution, I'm far, far, as in Faaaaar away from putting anything like fluff.
Chapter 3 (Plans)-
Inuyasha groaned and looked at the older Inu, besides him.
“Mind explaining me why we are on this limousine?”
Sesshomaru offered him a bored glance to again settle his eyes in some files he had on his lap as he sipped some scotch.
“You already know this Inuyasha.” Another lingering sip. “We are in Akita to…”
He mocked him childishly and his brother pretended not to understand by again, turning a page, irritatingly, of one of those damned files.
“I already know we are in Akita, to go to the Kaigi, bastard… All I am asking is why do we have to go there? What did you say to Kagome's mom in that letter you sent her anyway?”
“Behave Inuyasha; stop acting like an impudent whelp”
A snort was heard from the left side of the head of the Inu house- who'd just spoken-, in the back seat of the Taisho limousine.
“Bastard I'm talking to you! I'm going to marry the wench! Do you mind, for once in you god damn long live, answering me?”
Gold eyes clashed with gold, a colder and duller with lively and warm gold. Sesshomaru furrowed his brow for a second to again carve his demeanor in harsh cold stone.
“Because,” Sesshomaru stressed, tired of Inuyasha complaining “The Wedding will occur in Shimane's ouritsu shiro. And your mother-in-law -to-be wants to meet you first.”
Inuyasha quieted down. He wanted to meet her too. He'd told Kagome that he wanted to know her completely, totally… none of that had changed.
For a moment his thoughts strayed from the actual marriage, to the woman he was to wed…
He was going to marry her, really marry her. Cold feet? nah. He had been the one to greedily agree with his name on top of the list as soon as Sesshomaru had informed him it was there. A small smile danced in his lips as he stared beyond the window to blurring landscape. There were things that bothered him, of course, the thought that they were doing it too fast, that she probably didn't felt the same things for him, that they're doing it backwards
But what did he know really? Kagome was a mystery to him
Was he was just helping her? At least that was what he convinced himself when he saw his own name at top of the list Sesshomaru had delivered that night to the raven haired beauty before she left in a sleek black Mercedes home. To Akita. Where he wasn't.
Damn it! Every he remembered her curvy figure, the glint on those azure eyes, the smoothness of her fair skin… he just wanted to lay down with her, make her his, kiss her senseless, slide his claws through her luscious glossy black hair, and laugh with her, share a whole life with her.
It was crazy.
He wanted her to know him too. He wanted to prove her he was no monster. If she lived with him, would she be disgusted by him, by his mixed blood? He felt like he needed her acceptance, like air to breath.
Was she doing this all because of the council?
He knew the gods had chosen her for him. He'd felt it in his blood, her strength and purity trying to penetrate his very bones, her essence invading him.
That and the strange feeling of odd completion that had surrounded his aura had told him that he was hers. But… was she his? Maybe she had felt something particular too. And he didn't know how humans felt it, but it certainly wasn't as strong as a youkai… what if she didn't know they were meant to be together. What if she didn't want to wed him? What if she was disgusted to lay with him? What if she despised him? Maybe this wasn't what she wanted. From the list Sesshomaru had given the council came no hesitation from the council. The youngest of the Taisho's was the most suitable husband for the young daughter of Councilor Higurashi. But that had no meaning at all… It was her will that mattered to him. He desperately wanted to know
No! You never smelt disgust from her baka. And you know she wanted you as much as you did her, that night!
But what about it? Women were a crazy subject. He'd had his trysts, his mistresses and lovers, and none had loved him. They wanted him for his looks, for his power, for his name, for his money. Never for him. And among all those wanted things, his unwanted being, his very soul had shrunk to terrified little voice in the back of his mind, a presence in a forgotten corner of his heart - Although he'd never admit it. From Kagome, he needed such passion and need as he knew he could feel for her.
And it was absurd. How could he feel so strongly for a woman whom he hadn't really been near more than one night? Whom he had been intimate with one time only? What could he do? It was impossible to fight against the will the gods had imprinted upon his heart bloody tissue. She was his, and he, hers, the moment they had set eyes on each other.
And now they're going to marry. They're doing it backwards. Marrying before talking, sharing, laughing, arguing, crying and enjoying life together, they're marrying before knowing if they're compatible with each other, and even before falling in love. But he was desperate, and at least they're doing it. They're marrying.
It wasn't that it was such an important compromise for youkai - Mating was, - but it was the beginning. And as much as denied it, it was impossible to hide from himself the very scary truth: He didn't want it to be a fake marriage.
He knew they're destined to a celestial bond, a bond not possible to shatter. But she didn't know- he had to make her fall for him, when although he was also her destined - because there were no celestial left behinds or mistakes - she could not feel it in his blood as he did.
Suddenly depressed by the course his own thoughts had lead he shook them off and looked angrily at Sesshomaru.
“What did you say to Kagome's mother?”
“Refer to her as Mother-in-law or Higurashi-san, whelp. You're being rude.”
“Yeah? Well, what's new?”
Sesshomaru's eyes hadn't even risen from his files as he went to grab the lap top at his side, focused and as it seemed unaware of Inuyasha's rising turmoil.
The younger growled menacingly and Sesshomaru made a dismissive wave with his pale striped long clawed hand.
“All is arranged with Higurashi-san” Then the older faced the younger with a smirk and added with a satisfied voice “She's quite the peculiar woman”
Sesshomaru's eyes came down to his businesses again but Inuyasha narrowed his own eyes and he leaned forward to watch Bastard's features better and snatch folders and lap top from him. When Sesshomaru finally looked at him with murder intent on his eyes Inuyasha effectively “Keh'ed” and asked again with the same smirk his older brother had used.
“What did you say to Higurashi-Shuutome in that long ass letter?”
At his manners Sesshomaru reached for his possessions from the hanyou and after threatening to cut his head with Bakusaiga he began to slowly telling his younger brother what he'd indeed said to the new Head Councilor of the Ningen no Kaigi.
“We share the same ideals about this animosity among youkai and ningen. If this marriage between you and Kagome-san should end it, then it is indeed a good idea. I merely informed her that the wedding was to happen in the Western Ouritsu no Shiro; though she could arrange it anyway she wanted to…”
“No. No, not that.” Inuyasha blushed and looked aside, his golden eyes focused on the blurred greenery as the limousine made its way to the Kaigi. “Did you say anything about me?”
He and Sesshomaru hadn't had exactly the easiest relation in the world. Now on good terms, in the earlier years he'd been deeply despised by his older brother due to his mother who had mated and married the Inu no Taisho. He'd been but four when they'd died, and since then Sesshomaru had been the one to take care of him. And where he had anything he needed he wanted his whole childhood beyond his parents death lacked love. So he needed to know what he had said to Higurashi-san about him. So that if it was very bad he could do something to prove that it was a lie. He wouldn't be surprised that Sesshomaru had underlined the finest points of his personality just to spite him and create a bad image of him to his future mother-in-law. And to Kagome. And that he had no intention to allow.
“I said only that you're the best candidate to Kagome-san's hand.” Many things Sesshomaru might be, but he wasn't a liar and Inuyasha immediately relaxed.
“Did something happen between you and Kagome-san the night of the ball, Inuyasha?” his brother's voice prodding him for a truthful answer made him stiffen immediately. When he turned around intent on denying everything, Sesshomaru was already in his face, folders and laptop to the side disregarded, his coy expression fell immediately.
“Damn you and you perceptiveness” Inuyasha's growl was but a mere mutter as he inched away from Sesshomaru, who narrowed his eyes and asked the same question again. Inuyasha really didn't want to share with his older brother how'd felt with Kagome. Much less tell him how he'd indulged in same female with a passion, even knowing she was from the council
But judging by the look on the White lord's face there was no escape and he'd have to spill the beans now or Sesshomaru would do something like ask Kagome (what would be interesting, though not pleasant if done in public) or ask him in front of Kagome and her mother.
And so he sighed in defeat, shoulders slumped and ears plastered backwards. Inuyasha found his lips moving and sounds coming out of his throat explaining exactly what had happened that night since the minute he'd seen her.
Sesshomaru hadn't interrupted a single time. Sometimes he frowned, others he quirked an eyebrow in amusement, especially in the part of “So we kinda…you know- made out” - proving his brother really was a college student- but he hadn't interrupted a single time and instead kept focused on his face, his clawed fingers drumming in the back of his other hand. When the younger Taisho finished, Sesshomaru stared blankly at him. Regaining his very usual composure, said full youkai arranged his folders and closed his lap top at his side and turned golden eyes straight ahead. When Inuyasha was going to complain how much of a lousy Big Brother he was, the eldest spoke.
“So you are saying that you felt an imprint. A sign that the gods chose her to be yours.”
Nod, nod.
“And this happened on the night you decided to follow her, just because you're amazed by her looks… It was a chance meeting”
Nod, nod.
“And if you hadn't followed her, you believe, you would not have met your mate.”
Nod, nod.
“Well then, maybe this is not just a waste of this Sesshomaru's time. Maybe it will be interesting”
Surprisingly, his brother's statement stunned him, but did not leave him feeling better. Oh no. Instead the sideways glance that Sesshomaru's threw him, obviously mirthful, made a shudder run down his spine.
The young prince of the western lands sat a little uncomfortably in the low kotatsu before him. At his side Sesshomaru faced Higurashi-san.
They'd been pleasantly received by her and two other men; one named Akira the other Goro. Both councilors of the Kaigi, one attended to External Affairs, and the other Military affairs. However they had not stayed, excusing themselves for having to resume their duties, both had seemed very sincere when asking for the Gods blessing in such a fortunate marriage. They'd promised to attend dinner that night, presuming the two Western lords would still be there- Sesshomaru, to Inuyasha's surprise and disgruntle had agreed.
It wasn't that they were no pleasant, or that the building of the Kaigi was not to his liking. But the fact that this same institution had arranged both his father and his mother deaths left him uncomfortable and forlorn, his melancholic demeanor darkening the visage of this event for now. Even though the councilors of the Kaigi were now different people. Sesshomaru, as the great leader he was seemed not peeved, but his younger brother knew better.
Dressed in a simple dark blue tomesode and a peach colored haori, Higurashi-san, his mother-in-law-to-be, was in fact a peculiar woman, not to say outright weird. The first thing she'd done after bowing to both brothers with a kind open smile had been praise Sesshomaru on how well he kept his hair (which the younger hanyou knew had also stroked the eldest ego) and then she had “Kawai'ed” his ears, a dazed look on her eyes as she made him promise her grandchild would have them too.
She spoke with no qualms and had a very smooth voice, all the words she said seemed kind and gentle like she obviously was, even when the words weren't. The notion that this woman didn't fear or felt disgusted by his demonic appendages left him a little more at ease, even if he had grumpily dislodged her when she tried to touch the ears.
There was still something amiss though. And when the woman finished explaining how exactly the throw off of the previous Kaigi had happened to Sesshomaru, the White lord resumed the conversation asking.
“I see. I am glad ningens finally have good rulers. But tell me Higurashi-san, where exactly is my Kagome-san?
Higurashi-san sighed heavily, her smile kind faltering completely as she threw them a desperate glance. Inuyasha controlled his urge to laugh at the miserable, utterly defeated visage she was.
“Late, as always. My apologies, Inuyasha-sama, but you'll in time get used to my daughters constant tardiness.”
At that Inuyasha could not keep his smile away. Inside he felt good to have the minor information that his bride-to-be was not the perfect little one, as it was expected of him. He, himself was very punctual, but if felt good to know that Kagome was not perfect. When he opened his mouth to reply, saying it was fine, Sesshomaru did it for him.
With that regal superior demeanor, the older Taisho raised his chin firmly and affirmed.
“It is quite alright, Higurashi-san. Seeing how Inuyasha isn't the perfect one either.”
“Feh!” The warm blush burning his nose and high cheeks made him cross his arms and look aside ignoring the mocking glint in Sesshomaru's yellowish eyes, though the eldest did not smile nor laugh, Higurashi-san did.
“Yeah, I'm not the perfect one, that's his title.” His scoff didn't seem to bother the human woman, near forties, whom Kagome shared obvious resemblances with. Instead she laughed, a hand covering her mouth as the other waved at him dismissively. The brothers shared a “wtf?” gaze as her laugh continued.
“I'm sorry my lords. But you are just like Kagome and Souta.”
And here it was again. That twisting in his belly he got in the last days, since he'd met her. His mind wandered to that night to her sadness-clogged scent when she'd announced the alliance that was to be made. He was sure that she'd felt something for him, but she didn't understand it the way a youkai would. To him, this marriage was a blessing because it granted him that she was his on the paper, and like that it would be easier to conquer her. But to her it was probably a big sacrifice to give herself to marriage to a man she did not know. When he had explored his doubt further, a question had popped in his mind. What if she already had someone and what if she was being forced into this?
Again the thought of her in anyone else's arms tore at his insides, threatening to mush them. Only Sesshomaru discreetly sniffling the air had noticed how his hackles had risen.
“Higurashi-san, who might this Souta character be?”
The woman blinked at the older demon and she opened her mouth to reply when the shoji of the room where they peacefully sat was roughly pulled aside to let a kid enter. He had dark hair and dark eyes. His features were cocky when he plopped down on the tatami near Higurashi-san dressed in a high school uniform.
“I'm Kagome's man, of course.”
“What the fu-“Inuyasha's interjection was immediately interrupted by Higurashi-san's delicate pale hand collision with his head, effectively bopping him good. Her kind smile returned to both brothers who were really shocked to see such a scene, though Inuyasha seethed with his golden eyes plastered to the kids' form, which was now rubbing his aching cranium. Kagome was very young he'd have guessed 18, at the very max. 19, and this kid was not a day older than seventeen, that he knew by the uniform. But he could be wrong about Kagome's age… What if they were an item? Growling to the kids scare, Higurashi-san again interfered.
“Souta-chan, introduce yourself to Sesshomaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama. Now.”
Yet another example of how Higurashi-san made everything sound okay. The hanyou knitted his dark brows together- he didn't fucking want to know who this fucke-
Hajimemashite Sesshomaru-sama, Inuyasha-sama the teenager bowed and his joyful “My name is Higurashi Souta”
Inuyasha let himself breathe again. So the brat was Kagome's family? That was better. A deep breath of relief left his chest and Sesshomaru eyed him sideways again, an uncomfortable look on his face. Sesshomaru always dealt better with formal and pompous events than informal ones, like this was turning out to be.
Both brothers clearly saw Higurashi-san's -who was still facing them both with a pleasant never fake smile- fingers catch the boys tabi covered big toe and twist it.
A “MOM!” was followed by the “Gomen nasai” that he sheepishly, though quickly added. Inuyasha relished in the knowledge that the brat was Kagome's brother, not anything else.
Quietness installed when Higurashi-san again assumed that miserably, ghosted expression and turned haunted eyes to Souta who girlishly screamed “Kyaah!” before leaping away from his mother, walking backwards like a crab before her gaze penetrated him.
“Souta. Where is your sister?”
Souta stuttered and lost all the color in his face.
“Is Kagome marrying two me-“
“Souta…” her tone almost like a ghost in a mission to haunt made her son leap in his place and scoot further away from her. Then when she moved her feet to stand up he scrambled up and ran to the door. With a shout of “I'm sure she's on her way!”
The inu brother watched amused, lacking only the popcorn, the movie scene as, when Souta reechoed for the door, this one opened and a winded Kagome, dressed in college uniform and seething. She was so red and so angry, that he could feel it in her- visible for him- aura, and smell it in her delicious scent that almost made him topple over. Gods he had missed this scent. They had neither talked nor seen each other since she'd gone away that night.
Right now she was positively glowing in ire as she lunged for her brother, who obviously ran. Higurashi-san watched them with a smile. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru wore astonished expressions on their face. Inuyasha thought briefly how wrong Sesshomaru was when he had made him believe there was no one else worse than him in breaking etiquette rules.
As the girl stormed to her brother, behind her mother and bopped him, yelling at him.
“Souta, you jerk! How could you tell those idiotic girls I am gonna marry? They'll never leave me alone!” This was the Kagome he wanted to know, Inuyasha decided seeing her stomping her foot, fists clenched at her sides over the checkered fabric of her mini skirt, the girl was positively fuming. This was the carefree non diplomatic Kagome. This was the true Kagome, and as he let his eyes roam up the evidence of her shapely legs and nice ass he was positive that this was going to be an interesting ride. The bitch had no idea how appetizing she was.
With a quirked eyebrow he saw Sesshomaru watching the argument before them, which had turned into more of a “beat Souta to a pulp” show of sisterly love. And as Kagome smirked evilly, her eyes ablaze, both Inu demons recoiling at her sadistic pleasure and at Souta's outrageous scream when he saw her closed fist descending in the direction of his jaw when he was trapped between a wall and said moving fist, a word stopped the whole chaos.
Blinking it was as if her mother's voice had deactivated the girl and her fist fell to her side, she smoothed the mini skirt and kneeling next to her momma without looking at the guests still. Their noses almost touching, Momma Higurashi was still smiling kindly and Kagome blinked wondering what Momma could want with such tone. Then Momma's closed eyes opened and the elder Higurashi's smile faltered completely as she ghostly looked at her daughter, her eyes bugging out in misery and her face immediately more sunken.
“Where were you Kagome?” the eerie tone that Momma used was the one destined to disappointing situations and a shudder crawled up the raven haired woman as she plopped on her butt next to her mother, and just like Souta she crawled backwards. Her eyebrow twitching madly, she bumped into Inuyasha's knee. Still stupefied, just as his brother, that something like this would happen in such an important official meeting, Inuyasha waited for her to acknowledge him. Instead she cursed the “damned wall” and then hid behind him. Higurashi-san's expression had just receded to merely annoyed and then she sighed heavily.
“Kagome, why don't you welcome your fiancée?”
Inuyasha stood still, her hands behind him stopped their stillness in favor of roaming his back muscles covered by the white shirt he wore. Her touch was soft, feather like and a little hesitant, her hands shook slightly. Threading her hands through the silk moonlight that was his hair he immediately tensed, and yet appreciated that only his brother knew what her touch did to him, as his loins coiled and his breath caught in his throat. Her scent enveloped him, as did her aura, crackling with her power and Inuyasha felt completely content. She breathed in the back of his neck and he exhaled in a shaky breath. Above them he could feel her spirit touch his, entangling. She murmured his name near his ear and one hand came up to try to rub them. He immediately reacted knowing he could no longer lock his muscles if she touched him here and that he'd act on his need of more contact with his intended. When the appendages twitched out of her reach, her hands dropped to his shoulders and she made him turn slightly to her.
When his expectant Golden eyes met joyful grey eyes he almost matched her smile, instead he let her hug him from behind, her nimble weak arms circling his shoulders and chest, pulling him close to her hear, her breasts pressed against his warmth she laid her head against his and sighed happily.
“Hi, Inuyasha.”
He was going to answer, though he didn't know what, but he was going to stutter something out when Souta frowned and got up.
“C'mon Kagome this is mom's meeting.”
Souta didn't seem to like his sister all cuddly with the dog lord and waited for her to disentangle her arms from his form. She didn't. Instead she pulled herself forward, her arms sliding on his back to come to his chest.
“Hey” she pressed “Do you want some Ramen?”
He could no longer hold a smirk and let his hands escape to her waist. Sesshomaru looked at him, mirth glowing in his arms, as he quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes Inuyasha, why don't you go in search of the Magical Land of Ramen while this Sesshomaru discusses serious matters with Higurashi-san?”
“Thank you, my lord” Kagome bowed before anyone could speak and pulled one of the large clawed hands gripping her waist to her own slim elegant pale hand, getting up she almost dragged the non speaking, aghast hanyou out of the shoji doors, Souta following them with a deadpanned look to his features.
When the servant (who also looked surprisingly - to Inuyasha- not shocked) closed the Shoji, Souta walked forwards and tapped Kagome in the head and waited for her to stop looking at the hanyou. And for the hanyou to stop looking at her. When his sister's big grey-blue eyes met his dark ones he gave punched two crumpled bills of 1000Â¥ and threw a bubble gum to his mouth. Masticating it slowly he explained, seeing his sister's annoyed expression and at the hanyou behind her raised dark brow.
“I need you to cover for me tonight.”
“Sorry. No can do Little Bro.” Her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. Inuyasha observed interested, especially when she twitched her hand and resumed explaining just why she couldn't before her brother started asking.
“One- you told those idiots Eri Ayumi and Yuka I'm engaged. Two I'm already going out tonight. Three Sango told me about your little escapade with Kohaku the other day and Four-“
“Fine Kagome!” his grumble cut her off as he slammed two coins of 500Â¥ in her open hand.
“And four -“
“You're such a bitch! Do you want me to tell your fiancée just what you - “
“O-Oi!” her scream made all the noise in the house stop. When Inuyasha uncovered his ears she was already sourly telling Souta that she'd call Sango telling she couldn't go to club PM that night. Souta smirked and threw a long glare in Inuyasha's direction, still chewing his gum with a nonchalant attitude he raised his hand above Kagome (who was several inches shorter than him) and rapped his knuckled against her forehead, his eyes closed, in a show of tedium and superiority.
“Don't do anything I wouldn't do nee-chan.”
She snorted loudly and unladylike punching him in the gut, making him spit the gum and bend over.
“OW! What the hell Kagome! ”
“That's for telling those twits what I told you to make a secret!” Inuyasha chuckled and she ignored him in favor of scowling and adding in a lower voice “and don't cuss in front of me.”
He gave her the finger before running up the stair still bent at the waist.
She turned to him with a huff.
“Gomen ne” her voice was irritated and one of his eyebrows rose to her tone. “I thought today was the 21st but it's the 22nd” she was babbling he could see that, he could also hear the blood rushing to her pale cheeks and her heart beat faster. Her eyes found a path downwards and followed it. He found it endearing. It seemed that the non-diplomatic Kagome was not as confident as emissary Kagome. “Momma warned me like three days ago, and then I already had plans with some friends and I forgot…”
He interrupted her intent on teasing her. Putting on his hard mask, as they strolled into some hallways without even realizing.
“So you forgot I was coming? I feel wounded.”
Her face, immediately red, made him want to laugh; she smiled nervously and waved her hands in a non committing way. She started walking backwards, facing him and trying to find her way between words.
“N-No! It's just Hojo… has been stalking me all week about this prom thing, you know? And I had to hid from him and the- eep!” When she noticed that his stride had become more powerful at a male name and the word “stalking” she also walked faster backwards. She just wasn't that good in foot coordination. When her front foot was caught by the sole of the back foot she lost her balance and almost stumbled back. Hadn't it been two strong arms wrapping around her waist, as feet almost hovered above the ground, her body completely bent, and Inuyasha between her legs, his upper body bent and floating above hers.
“I got ya” A curtain of platinum silk fell to her right side and she could see hot embers of gold hotly exploring the column of her bared throat. This time however he seemed to have fairly more control, as his hands gripped her tight but he only nuzzled the beautiful pale curve of his mate-to-be neck. As he inhaled lightly, filling himself of her essence, he moved to the center of said column and her respiration completely hitched when he pressed a loving kiss at the hollow of her throat.
“I was just kidding. Sesshomaru just told me yesterday.” Finally out of her daze, Kagome realized perfectly well that she blinked stupidly at the hottest male she'd seen in her whole life and her arms came up to encircle his neck. Clearing her throat, she also realized her voice was still an octave lower.
“Oh, okay. Can you pull me up now? My back hurts.” he swallowed and did as she had asked, he noted then, happily, that her arms stayed locked around him. When she also noted though, she blushed profusely and quickly entangled her fingers from his silky hair, moving to let him go altogether. His hard large clawed hands held her in place. His eyes searched her, but she was still mortally embarrassed and her heart was already quickening again.
“I'm sorry, I just… It's that thing again…Inside me”
Her sweet answer made his heart swivel with a contempt leap, and he had to give her a fanged smile at that. Fingering her chin higher, she relaxed at his sincere smile.
“Tell me.” His request was softly uttered, and not strange at all but the now seemingly shy girl (who'd so openly intimately hugged him in front of her mother and brother and his brother) blushed harder and shirking his fingers in her chin, she shook her head viciously. Inuyasha smiled. She was just so...So…No words for it! His insides warmed wholly at her endearing behavior. While she was quite the bashful female right now, he had already seen her angry and manipulative and hot. There were so many sides to know of Kagome. He couldn't wait.
Deciding some Ramen would make them both more comfortable he spoke again.
“So, hadn't you mentioned Ramen?”
Quickly shaken out of her coy reverie, she smirked and nodded. Grabbing his clawed hand in her much smaller one she started speaking again.
“Sure, but we have to go to my room first” He saw her heading for a hall in the distancy. Then her words hit him and he controlled the urge to gulp.
“Y-your room?”
“Of course dummy!” The last time he remembered being called a dummy he was five, for sure, and was in elementary. He chuckled again and she stopped seeing his smile.
“You don't smile very often do you, Inuyasha?” that low voice of hers, made him shiver and dark golden eyes met her grey specked with blue ones. She softened the line between his brows with a finger and offered him a smile. A true smile. He didn't answer and she whispered. “You should do it. You look handsome when you smile.” This time he was the one of blushing profusely at her praise. She took in his blush and smirked, whispering hotly that he was handsome when he blushed too.
Seeing through that coy act that was nothing but embarrassment that could easily be overthrown with a little of explored intimacy, he smirked back. His own embarrassment was forgotten when he pulled her by their joined hands to his chest and he said the only thing that came to mind, his clawed hand already discovering her silky locks again.
“There's so much I want to know…” she opened her hand to probably ask what? But he stopped her by squeezing her soft form. “Right now I just want to know how you feel about this marriage. I won't let anyone force you into this”
Kagome paused all activity except the beating of her heart and the staring amazed at his eyes, her face scrunched up in a frown and she looked ahead to find a convenient chaise longue a bit ahead. Pulling him to it, she made him sit and sat sideways next to him, her face still to his. Maybe she wanted him to see the truth shine in her grey depths.
He noticed the light red cover over her cheeks and nose and the way her eyes, when meeting with hers, try to escape downwards to her fumbling hands. She took a deep breath and started.
“I-I…Its okay.”Cocking his head to the side, his ears twitched once and she smiled fondly. “You see, I didn't think it would be okay. When I went to inform you lord Brother, I didn't think it was going to be okay. I was willing to do it for mother who put all her life's work and all her beliefs in this new Kaigi. But I didn't think I would actually be okay with it inside. Then I met you.” Her face was hot and flushed again and she cleaned her throat anxiously. Her hands started fumbling again, and a tanned bigger one stopped them which in turn made her eyes return to his.
“It's a thing, inside me. It makes me feel things, I never felt. I never even had a boyfriend you know, and I keep wanting to do things with y- Eeeep!”
Her startled scream made him revert to her incredible words and he opened the most fantastic fanged grin in a long time. She covered her face in shame and kept murmuring to him oh you big idiot! You just had to ruin everything! Clearly she was speaking to herself, which he thought was again, endearing. Her purity and certain naiveté made him twitch again- that meant she was a girl with values and that she wasn't influenced by nowadays over sexed society, seeing he knew just how much of a prude she wasn't.
Peeling her lithe hands from her exquisite face he again raised her chin and smiled down to her, inching closer and closer until his mouth was touching hers and he carefully moved his lips over hers. She was a little hesitant and tense, but he could feel the heat radiating from her form and when he coaxed her bottom lip with his fang, biting lightly she moaned and corresponded, her lips searching his fervently, her mouth opening to his restlessly probing tongue, entwining with hers. When she finally came down to breath, her thighs were on each side of his and he was breathing harshly just like hers, admiring her red welted lips and licking his own.
“How young are you again?”
“A- Almost 19.” Her answer breathed just over his over sensitive ear, which made him quake in her arms. She wondered how his hands had wind up in her upper thighs, just under the hem of her crumpled skirt. With embarrassment she tried to come down from her very comfortable and warm perch, but he held her tight. His nose bumped her collar bone and he murmured against her skin.
“It's alright to feel the way you feel. I feel it too, and I'm relieved you do.”
“But if feels…” her throat clogged and her eyes hazed when she thought of her latest dreams “weird. I can't control it. Like when I saw you today, I had to touch you” even though her voice migrated to an impossible tone for a human, he did so perfectly and smiled against her skin next to the dark orange scarf of her seiru fuku.
“I know…I know. So” he cleared his throat and pulled her to him. He knew she obviously felt how hard he was through his dark grey pants, when she bit her tantalizing bottom lip. “You agree with the marriage.”
She nodded sheepishly and then grinned and hugged him.
“I was so happy when Momma said it was you.” She pecked him quickly on the corner of the mouth and ten got a non- nonsense attitude stating matter-of-factly that the marriage couldn't happen right now.
His brow quirked at her imposing tone.
“And why's that, bishojo?”
She blushed prettily and instead of straddling him she moved both her legs to the right to sit on his lap and snuggle against his shoulder.
“This is my first year in college. I want to focus my mind on my studies” Also she wasn't a dimwit. He smiled fondly; Kagome wanted a future and a career. It was a very good thing. Petting her hair softly and resting against the chaise, he wondered for a moment if Higurashi-san's and Sesshomaru's meeting had already ended. Anyway, he's already set in staying here, for more than tonight.
“You do have a notion that you are not going to live in Akita-shi anymore, don't you?” her head snapped to him and she seemed really surprised when her eyes blinked once, then twice and then three times.
“What?” her eyes widened and shaky voice made him tighten his hold. Now it was too late to give up, he decided, she couldn't go back on her words now.
“Kagome, my life is in Tokyo. I have to resume my duties to the Western lands as the heir.” She gulped and sunk again into him, one of her fingers twirling around her lazy little finger. She was engulfed by a sinful sloth wile cradled by his warmth and scent. He wrapped around her.
“I'm sorry I gave to leave momma behind. But what about my studies? I want to get a degree.” Her voice told nothing of said sloth as she stated very firmly the dream of her life. She wanted nothing to do with the council and marrying Inuyasha would also help her stay out of it. Inuyasha took a deep breath and nuzzled the crown of her head affectionately.
“How are your grades?”
“Perfect” she grumbled. “Really, really perfect.”
“So, I'm in the third year of Political Sciences department of Law in Todai. What's yours?”
Her shriek hurt.
“Todai, as in the university of Tokyo?” her eyes glinted happily. “It has a huge medicine library, and only geniuses attend?”
“And two medicine buildings. I'll assume you're in Medicine's first year” At the added sentence his ear laid back as another shriek came
“Sure am! That's so awesome! Oh man you're a genius too!”
He laughed at the too, and pulled her deeper to him.
“So they say.” His shrug and nonchalance didn't seem to bother as she resumed telling just how much she'd always dreamt of attending to Todai. That jus made it so easy.
“Listen to me on this… I have to end this year and then I'll graduate on Law on politics, so I'll still be there for some time. You end this year here and you marry me in spring, and then you enter Todai and come live with me in Tokyo. How does that sound”
And then she was breathing too harshly, her eyes glinting horribly as if she was going to cry, her face pale, a bead of sweat forming in her temple, her smell spoke of too much anxiety and her heart started beating far too fast for a human woman to handle.
“Kagome? Calm down…” smoothing down wild tresses he kissed her forehead and embraced her, he made his aura engulf her in his power, the crackle of her energy mixing with his red youki, and Kagome eventually stopped hyperventilating to hold on to him firmly. He'd thought it was because of the university, but her raspy voice disillusioned him, followed a by a gulp.
“Living with you…?”
“Of course baka” his low voice near her ear made her melt and ignore the insult she knew was meant to be caring. “We'll be married.”
He merely felt her nod against his shoulder.
“Yes” she whispered. Then pulling her lips to lightly graze his, she murmured, said appendages glued to hers, and eyes on his ablaze embers. “Yes.”
His kiss seized her, to never let her go again.