InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merger ❯ Merger ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sesshomaru was the Senior CEO of Tashio Inc. and his brother was the Junior CEO of their somewhat large but profitable company. He pinched his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose. Their sales had dropped again. The other companies were gaining more business because not only did they sell outdoor gear and fashionable clothes but JEWELERY of all things as well. If things continued at this rate another company would try to buy them out. He had worked too hard to let his father's company sink. They might be starting to flounder but they wouldn't sink not without a fight. A knock sounded at his door before his brother came in.
"What is it now Inuyasha?" he mumbled staring out the window.
"I think I may have found a solution to our problem." he threw a magazine on Sesshomaru's desk. He picked in up. "Shikon Inc.?"
"A up and coming jewelry compnay that is rapidly gaining popularity with women from teenagers to business and classy types. Rumor has it they are looking to expand but are a little strapped for cash. If we buy them out we should easily be able to resume business as normal." Inuyasha said nonchalantly.
Sesshomaru smirked "I knew you were useful for something. Maybe you aren't as dumb as you pretend to be."

Kagome Hiragashi and CEO of Shikon Inc. rubbed her temples. By all rights she should be happy with their business afterall they were surpassing their needed quotas. But it was a double edged sword because they needed to find a way to expand but most of their profits were going towards the massive loans they had taken out to get started with until that was paid off Shikon Inc.would have to find a way to keep up with the demands from business and from the bank at the same time. It was proving to be a way to twist her brain in knots trying to make ends meet. A knock on her door sounded and her partner and Junior CEO Rin came in the door.
"Hey Rin. What's up?"
"You should take a break Kagome, its closing time. Let's go get a few drinks and then go home. Staring at the paper work isn't going to make an answer appear. We'll figure it out tomorrow when we're fresh." Rin coaxed. Kagome sighed heavily and then smiled. "You're right where do you want to go?"
" Let's try this new place called Demon's Hideout."
"Demon's Hideout? Sounds interesting, let's go."

When the girls got to the bar they made their way to the front where they ordered their drinks. Rin nudged Kagome "Look over there." Kagome turned and looked. Two men with silver hair sat at a table each looked like they weren't having a good time. Kagome shrugged, "They're cute but they look like they want to be left alone." They made their way over to a booth and ordered something to eat since it was going on 6 p.m. Soon after they had eaten and had a few drinks to help wash away the stress of the day's events. There was a dance floor nearby and Rin dragged Kagome out to dance even though they were still dressed in their work clothes. Kagome laughed as Rin did an imitation of the robot to the music. She shook her head and turned to leave the dance floor to go to the bathroom when she bumped into someone.The remainder of her drink landing on her shoes and his as well. "I'm sorry." It was one of the silverhaired men from before and he glared at her.

"Feh. Why don't ya watch where yer going, wench." Then he turned and stalked away. "Jerk!!" she hissed at him. Then continued to the bathroom. while she was gone Rin being slightly tipy bumped into Sesshomaru "Oh, excuse me. I should be more careful." he didn't really say anything but turned a walked away. Rin just blinked and then spotted Kagome. " KAGOME! " Rin shouted over the music. "Hey Rin come on we should go; it's getting crowded and late." Rin nodded and the two of them made their way out of the bar. They each got into a cab and made their way to their apartments.Rin knew she was going to have a headache the next day so she drank half a glass of water and took two asprin. Reminding herself to drink water and juice tomorrow to rehydrate her system.(Believe it or not drinking water does help with a hangover because alcohol dehydrates you and water is the best cure for that.) She thought about the hot guy she ran into and frowned when she realized she never got his name, then she shrugged and went to bed after getting out of her work clothes. She fell onto the bed and was sound asleep when her head hit the pillow.

Kagome did a similar process as Rin minus the asprin since she had considerably less to drink then Rin did. She turned the hot water on in the shower and then climbed into bed fuming a little over how that guy had been so rude to her. then she went to sleep reciting the mantras from her miko training to relax herself and clear her mind. The next morning when she got to work she looked at her paper work from the day before. She finally came to the conclusion that the expansion would have to wait but that they could increase the number of their products to help compensate for the lack of expansion until the loans were at a more reasonable size and then think about expanding. She looked at the clock and realized that it was nearly time for lunch. she got up from her desk and walked down to Rin's office.She knocked on the door and then entered and leaned against the doorjamb. Rin was hard at work on a new advertisement on her computer. She looked up and smiled at Kagome. "Hey, what's up?"
"You wanna go get something to eat?"
" How about we order in instead I want to keep working on this while my ideas are flowing."
"Sounds good." The two of them ordered from their favorite place and then ate in Rin's office so that they could eat, work and talk at the same time. Kagome went back to her office and began to work through the paper work that had accumulated while she was gone. Not long after her secretary called in to say that there was a Mr. Tashio here to see her. Puzzled she had him sent in.
"Miss Hiragashi I presume."
" Yes. What can I do for you Mr.Tashio?"
"I am here to offer to buy your company out. I'm the CEO of Tashio Inc. I think that your company will be much better suited with us. We can arragne so that you can still be in charge of certain aspects of the company. What do you say?"
" Mr. Tashio I 'm flattered but my partner and I will need some time to consider your offer."
"I will require an answer on Friday. After that the offer will be recinded." They shook hands and he left. Kagome buzzed Rin and asked her to come to her office. She explained the situation, then Rin got on the computer and did some research on Tashio Inc.
"Tashio Inc is co-owned by Sesshomaru and Inuyasha Tashio. They took over the company that was their father's....Hey look at this a company from America made an offer to buy them out and they rejected the offer." Rin read off the screen.
"It sounds like they are trying to buy us out to keep up with the competition. If they want to buy us out then they must think that they can use our company to help save their own."
" Then I believe its time we made an offer of our own." Kagome replied.
She called the Sesshomaru's office."Mr. Tashio? It's Kagome Hiragashi. my partner and I have decided to reject your offer to buy us out."
"I'm sorry to hear that."
"We would however like to propose a meger between our companies because like you we have worked too hard to just turn it over completely."
"I'm afraid that we aren't interested, Miss Hiragashi."
"Very well, but you do have until Friday to change your mind." She hung up and smiled smugly. It was doubtful that he would change his mind but either way they had hope because if they were worth buying out then maybe Shikon Inc. wasn't going to collapse like she feared.

Sesshomaru hung up and saw his brother leaning against the door, instead of his normally nonchalant stance he looked tense and his mouth was set in a grim line. Sesshomaru sighed he knew that stance it meant trouble and they really didn't need anything else right now.
"Okay. What else has gone wrong? Like we need anything else right now."
" The Americans have changed tactics a friend of mine at the bank said they are trying to pressure them into recalling the loan we took out. He said that it isn't likely that they will succeed but it could change. Sess, this isn't good but I think I can come up with about half that loan if I sell my cars. But the other half.... I dunno you got any ideas?"
"There is that lake house that we don't use often maybe we should let the realtor sell or rent it out. I could sell one of my cars, the new one, it should be worth plenty still. Aside from those I don't know. But maybe we should wait and see." Sesshomaru stared out the window and a sudden thought occurred to him."Inuyasha."
"We might not have to do anything drastic yet. That CEO of Shikon Inc. suggested something today."
"Really? What they want to sell?"
"No. They want to merge so that they can maintain some sort of control over their company. I was going to reject the offer but niether of us knows anything about jewlery. They have been successful thus far what is your opinion?"
" I don't really like the idea of merging and it not being our father's company. Then again I HATE the idea that we might be forced to sell out. If we were to do this merger maybe there would be a way for each company to have the people who started it to maintain the most control of that company. Then we could share thier revenues without giving up control of fathers' company. What do you think?"
"I think you have more brains than you let on and we should make this offer to the CEO with the addittion that each junior CEO go to the other company for two weeks to learn how each operation works if at the end of these two weks neither of us has any objections then we will merge if the opposite is true then we are free to go our separate ways."
"Sess I love the way you think."
"I'll call them now to see if they'll agree to these terms. I'll be using the speaker phone if you want to stay."
"Sure. If I'm going to be working over there I might as well get to hear the voice of the person I'll be working with."

Kagome turned on the speaker phone when it rang and interrupted the conversation she was having with Rin. They had been discussing how to try and save the company, figuring that Tashio Inc. would not accept her merging proposal.
"Miss Hiragashi? It's Sesshomaru from Tashio Inc. my brother and I ahve decided that a merger would be in our best interest. However, we do have a few alterations to offer."
"Such as?"
"Each company maintain majority control so that the transition will be smoother. This will pool our resources but allow the orininal owners to run the company as they see fit. Second I suggest that we swap Junior CEOs to allow each company to learn about the other on a first hand basis for two weeks and if at the end of these two weeks either finds it unsatifactory then the company is free to walk away no strings attached. Do yu find this acceptable?"
"Yes. I think this will work as we were thinking of something along those lines ourselves. When shall we start?"
"As soon as convienently possible."
"Very well, shall we say tomorrow? That should allow both of us the necessary time needed to prepare."
"Agreed. My brother will be there first thing in the morning. What time should he arrive?"
"Have him come directly to my office by 9 am. What time shall I send Rin over to you tomorrow?"
"Nine will be adequate as well. Good night, Miss Hirugashi."
"Good night Mr. Tashio."
They both hung up and looked at the other in the room. Rin and Kagome went home and to sleep although Rin had trouble falling asleep as she was dying to meet the owner of that sexy yet cold voice on the phone. Inuyasha and Sesshomaru both went home shortly as well to their respective apartments and slept soundly after a quiet meal. Inuyasha was curious to meet this new female CEO and something abut her voice was familiar, but he shrugged it off and went to sleep quickly.

The next morning as agreed Inuyasha arrived at Shikon Inc. to begin learning about this company. He gave his name to the secretary and was shown to his office. "After you have settled in Ms. Hiragashi would like you to come to her office." He nodded mutely. He was relieved that his office, although it was technically a woman's was actually very proffessional and not girly the way he feared it might be. Quickly he set down his briefcase and armed with pen and paper went to meet his new boss. He knocked and waited for a reply. "Come in!" He entered and stoed dead in his tracks. It was the woman from the Demon's Hideout! The one who had run into him and spilled her drink on his favorite shoes. He hadn't missed her calling him a jerk either. Still now that he had a chance to see her he studied her. Her hair was black and her figure was good even though it wasn't busty, when she looked at him he saw her brown eyes widen. "YOU! You were the one I bumped in to at the bar the other night! I'm sorry about that." Inuyasha blinked and then smirked. "Yea, well I wasn't really paying attention either and I was in a bad mood." she nodded and motioned for him to sit in the chair across from her, then began expaining how their company was run and the current troubles that were facing them. Inuyasha took notes and listened carefully. He learned that Rin also in addittion to being a Junior Ceo helped come up with some of the designes for the jewelry that they marketed. She and Kagome both specialized in the occassional creation of a one of a kind peice that came their way. Kagome explained that he wasn't expected to take on this responsibility but that he could if he wished. Inuyasha declined and then was surprised as Kagome showed him around the entire building and how everything worked. At noon they returned to her office. "Would you like to take a break and get something to eat? You can order in if you like or go out." he thought a moment before saying "I'm believe that I'll go out. Would you like to join me?" Kagome looked at the paper work on her desk then said "Sure.Where do you want to go?"
Rin and Sesshomaru had a similar morning. Currently she was working on a stack of paper work when Sesshomaru knocked on her door. "It's time for lunch I was wondering if you had eaten yet?" Rin shook her head and then motioned to her paper work."I'll order in and then be able to keep working on this." she turned back to her work as he nodded and left. She heaved a frustrated sigh, she wanted nothing more than to ask him to join her but figured it would be presumptuous of her to do something since it was only her first day. Rin finally finished at about 8pm that night and as she was leaving she noticed Sesshomaru bent over his desk and decided to hell with it. She knocked quietly, " I was wondering if you would like me to order you something to eat. I'm going home and its late, unless you'd like to get something to eat with me." He looked up at her and then smiled. "Sure. These number's aren't making any sense to me right now anyway. They can wait until tomorrow. Did you have someplace in mind?" Rin nodded,"Demon's hideout has a good menu and their drinks are good to unless you prefer to go somewhere not so loud."
"No, actually that sounds good." He grabbed his jacket and turned out the light. He followed her to the bar in his own car. After they parked and got a table they began to talk about everything that they could think of. Sesshomaru was surprised to learn that despite Rin's good looks she was not an airhead at all and that they had some similarities as well. He was even more surprised when he was driving home that he had had fun and wanted to see her again. Mentally he shook himself since he never allowed himself to have personal relationships with his employees, but then again she was only part of his staff until the merger was decided.

Kagome was startled awake by Inuyasha knocking on her door the next morning. He entered her office to see her rubbing her face and then look at him. "I brought you coffee. Did you sleep here last night?"
"Yea I was catching up on some paper work and must have dozed off. Thanks for the coffee. What time is it?"
"About 10 am I figured that I should come see what you had for me to do today."
"This stack of paper needs finished. If you have any questions just ask me."
"Would it be alright if I worked in here so that I can ask you questions as I go?" He hoped she would say yes. She shrugged "Doesn't bother me." They worked together in silence and she answered his occasional question but there were very few of these and she was impressed with how quickly he had caught on to how things worked at her company.' Maybe he earned his position afterall and didn't just have it handed to him.' she thought. She found herself being ditracted by thought and images of Inuyasha after he left her office making it hard to concentrate and at about 7pm she gave up trying to work. She was headed to her car when she met him at the elevator.
" Inuyasha? What are you doing here?"
" I came to see if I could drag you away from work long enough to get something to eat. I know you ended up sleeping here last night and I figured that I should try to make sure that you went home and got some sleep tonight."
Kagome laughed " Have you been talking to Rin? She does the same thing when she knows that things are getting rough."
Inuyasha grinned " My brother does the same thing and no I haven't spoken to Rin. I should meet her sometime."
They exited the elevator together and she stopped at her car. She hesitated a moment "Inuyasha? Would you like to come over to my place and get someting to eat sometime?"
"Sure.When? "
"How is Friday?"
"Sounds good."
"Great I'll see you tomorrow then." Then she drove home thinking of what she could make she remembered that the other day he told her that he hated curry. She kept getting this sense that he was different from the other guys she had known. Hojo had damn near driven her insane! Then again it felt like he was hiding something from her. Over the next few days she noticed that he recoiled from her touch on his hands but didn't seem to mind when she touched his arms or shoulders. He was proving his worth and even had tried to design a peice of jewlery although it hadn't turned out the way he wanted. Soon Friday came and not only had she fixed a good dinner but she was dressed up a little although she was still comfortable. The dinner was sirloin tips and fried vegetables with ramen noodles. A knock sounded on her door and she opened it.
"Hi. Your right on time." she told him as he came in and looked around. He handed her a package." I didn't know what to bring so I picked up a dessert. I hope that's okay?"
"Its perfect." she smiled at him. All through dinner they had good conversation and a few laughs. After dinner they had some of the American dessert that niether had tasted before. To their surprise the cheesecake was delicious and very filling. After dessert he was about to leave when he suddenly paled.
" Inuyasha? Are you okay?"
"What night is it? Is it the new noon?"
"Yes. Are you okay?"
"No. I'm sorry I need to get home right away. Dinner was wonderful, but I have to-" He was cut off as he knelt and brethed heavily. As Kagome watched his hair turned black and his amber eyes turned brown. She helped him over to the couch. "What happened?! You- You changed!!"
"Its a family thing. on the night of the new moon I change to a human." he mumbled.
"Change to a human?"
"I'm not really human only half the other half is Inu-yokai."
" So you are a hanyou? Why didn't you just tell me and we could have done this on a night when you aren't so vulnerable."
"How did you know about hanyous?"
"My family owns a Shrine and my grandfather swore that the old tale about demons were true. Is your brother hanyou as well?"
" No he is full youkai. We have the same dad but different mothers his died in childbirth. Mine was human but she raised both of us. I'll go call a taxi and tell my brother that the merger isn;t going to work."
"Why wouldn't the merger work? You don't have to go you can stay here tonight if you want."
"Look! I don't need pity and I don't need you t pretend that you aren't disgusted with me. I'm a hanyou and nobody wants to associate with my kind." He stormed toward the door, but froze as two slender arms wrapped around his chest.
" I don't pity you, its obvious that you can take care of yourself. I don't despise you either. I was surprised and worried when you changed but I can't despise you. I judge people by their actions and personality-by WHO they are not their heritage." she released him saying "You can go if you want but if you would rather stay you can. As far as the merger goes I think our companies will benefit greatly from one another and I'd like to continue." He turned toward her studying her eyes and saw only honesty and sincerity there. After a few minutes he decided that since he was already here he might as well stay, besides it would be nice to have company for once while he was human. "I'll stay only if you are sure that you don't want me to go." She smiled and led him back to the couch. The rest of the night they spent talking and he was surprised when she fell asleep on him some time after midnight. At first he was uncomfortable he had never been with a woman before because he believed that he would never find some one to accept him the one time he came close the girl screamed and cursed and ran from him and he had vowed to never get in this situation again. Now though he realized that he had been closer to this young woman than to anyone else his entire life and felt drwan to her somehow. Inuyasha fell asleep and woke after the sun was up. The smell of coffee and breakfast cooking. He went to the bathroom first then made his way to the kitchen.
"Good morning. Did you sleep well?" she asked as she handed him coffee and put breakfaast on the table for him, then grabbed her own coffee and sat down.
"Yea. I did and you?" She smiled and nodded. " You know nobody would be able to tell that you're a hanyou if you didn't tell them." Inuyasha sighed " I wear a concealment charm to alter my appearance so that I look human."
"Oh.Maybe sometime you can show me what you look like without it." she said casually. Inuyasha thought about it for a little while then took off the necklace he wore under his shirt. She had already seen his human form at least he'd know for sure weather she was going to reject him. He heard her gasp and he flattened his ears in apprhension. When he looked at her though he only saw that she was fascinated with his appearance.
" So that is why you didn't want you head or hands touched. You can still feel them through the charm even if you can't see them right?"
Inuyasha nodded and watched her as she came towards him.
"May I touch your ears?" He nodded slowly puzzled. She gently rubbed them and then she returned to her seat. " I think you look good with out the charm, that's not to say that when you wear the charm you look bad or anything. I just like seeing you like this as well."
"Thanks. You won't tell anyone about this though will you? Not even Rin?"
"No I won't tell anyone anything. Its your secret not mine to share." He sighed with relief and then put the charm back on. He thanked her again feeling akward as he did it and went home. 'There might behope for me yet.' he thought as he his weekend routine. He kept thinking about her though and finally called to ask her if she would like to go out to dinner and a movie that night she agreed and he was surprised when he was able to relax, he hadn't even realized that he was nervous. They spent the week end hanging out and most of the next week. That weekend Inuyasha asked her to come to his apartment. They had finished dinner and were watching the sunset on his balcony. He was watching her and when she turned and looked at him he leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were so soft that he applied more pressure until they broke apart and he was breathing hard. His youkai was telling him that she was his and to mate her, that they belonged together. When he stepped back and hung his head Kagome moaned a little. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that.You should go."
"But why? Did I do something?"
"No. I'm afraid of what will happen if I let things continue. Unlike youkai a hanyou has trouble controlling who they choose for a mate. If we have sex our youkai nature often overrules us and whether we mean to or not we claim the person. It usually has a bad result because the person claimed will often reject the claim and die. I don't want that to happen."
"Can you explain what you mean by claiming?"
"A youkai marriage of sorts. They are each supposed to mark each other with a bite to the neck that usually turns into a tattoo of sorts that shows who their mate is. But the reason that they die if they reject the bond is because the marking binds their souls together. For exapmle if you and I mated we would be able to find each other as long as the other lives, when you reject a bond it is like commiting suicide. But if you didn't then you would have the same longevity that I do because i age differently, but if you died I would too shortly thereafter or I would be insane if I managed to live. Its not something that I take lightly."
" What if I said that I wanted to?"
"If I told you that I would gladly do this, what would you say?" She wrapped her arms arong him even as she spoke.
"Why would you want to?"
"Because I have felt closer to you than I have to anyone. When I'm with you its as if I have found a missing part of me."
"Don't you feel rushed?"
"No, do you?"
"Then what do you say?"
Inuyasha grinned wickedly "This." He pulled her in and held her tightly kissing her so that she had to hold onto him or fall to the ground. she wraped her arms around his neck and one hand rubbed his fuzzy ear gently. He groaned and picked her up carrying her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed his hands sliding under her shirt tracing patterns there as their tonuges battled for dominance. She tasted even sweeter than he hoped she would. As one hand cupped her breast she moaned and arched up into him. Her body was on fire and it seemed she would explode soon.Her clothing was suddenly too constraining she pushed up on him. He moaned as she stopped . He looked at her questioningly until he saw her unbutton her shirt and he kissed her shoulders as he pushed it off of her. Then unbuckled her bra after a little fumbling around. When she was bare before him she blushed and started to cover herself before he stopped her. "You're beautiful" was all he said before kissing her again then he began playing with her breasts softly kneading them and brushing his thumb over her nipples as shemoaned loudly into his mouth. He smirked as one hand was replaced with his mouth on her breast. Her whimpers increased as he switched back and forth suckling first one then another of her breasts. She arched under him and then Inuyasha found the situation reversed as he looked up at her. She claimed his mouth before tugging at his shirt. He oblogong ly helped her remove it. Groaning loudly as his erection grew from the skin on skin contact from their chests. She began licking and nipping her way down his chest as she also played with his nipples. As he responded by breathing heavier and his stomach muscles trembling Kagome slid her hand to his pants freeing him gently. Only his boxers remained and it was obvious that he was straining to get out. Gently she slid them down and off, throwing them to the floor. He opened his eyes as she looked at him then grinning slowly licked his head with its little drop of precum off him. Still grinning as Inuyasha's eyes widened and then groaned as she wrapped her warm wet mouth around and began a tortuously slow pace. "Ka-Kagome...faster." he managed as his hands gripped the sheets in an effort to prevent himself from bucking into her mouth. He could feel the end approaching quickly, especially as she allowed one of her hands to gently massage his sack." I'm ... come-" He managed before he exploded into her mouth. She swallowed and then licked him clean. He was panting hard as she crwaled back up to him and kissed him. Inuyasha tasted himself on her lips as they kissed. He found it erotic and started to get hard again. He turned them over and began assulting her breasts as he slid her pants off of her, the smell of her arousal filling his nose. He worked his way down her belly nipping and kissing, earning a whimper when he bypassed her core and continued kissing his way down and then back up the inside of her thighs.
Cautiosly he probed her with his fingers trying not to hurt her with his claws as he went. She was slick and tight he added one and then two fingers as he began to pump her preparing her for him. He played with the fleshy button of her clitoris as he pumped her first slow then harder and faster as he went. She tightened and he withdrew as she whimpered in displeasure until his mouth replaced his fingers. It wasn't long until she was bucking with her first orgasm. Inuyasha let her catch her breath as he licked her clean. He kissed her again as he lay against her. "Kagome, are you sure you want to do this? I can still stop if you want me to." she smiled and kissed him long and hard. Removing his charm and setting it on the night stand before saying "I'm sure." He studied her before kising her again and positioning himself at her entrance. He entered her slowly savoring the feeling of her tight passage before reaching her barrier. "I'm sorry" He said before thrusting through it. His eyes turning red and purple marks appearing on his cheeks. He held himself still as he kissed her tears away, then he felt her muscles move letting him know it was okay. He began a slow steaady rhythm and gradually picked up his pace until she was writhing beneath him as he felt himself about to come he bit the junction between neck and shoulder at the same time as she orgasmed, the pleasure easing the pain. As the lay there still joined in the after math of bliss he used his claw to make a small cut telling her to bite him. She did and then copied his motions as they licked the wounds clean.
"Are you okay mate?" Inuyasha asked. As his demon side began to recede and he returned to normal. "I'm better than okay, I am tired though." Inuyasha smirked as he withdrew from her and they curled up toghether completely content. They woke up periodically and began again.

Rin and Sesshomaru developed a routine of working together and then eating out. The weekend before the decision was made about the the merger he invited her to his house for dinner. After they ate and were enjoying a cup of wine and the comfortable silence he spoke." Rin I need to tell you something. I'm not human, I'm a inu-youkai. I shold have told you before but I wasn't sure if things were going to progress to where you need to know or not. I look human only because I wear a charm that hides my telltale markings." He stood and faced her, she looked doubtful at first and then as he removed his charm it became one of surprise and curiosity. He waited for her reaction, worried that he would be rejected. Slowly though she stood and went to him. She hugged him gently and he smelled her tears. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me."
"You aren't afarid?"
"No, if you were going to hurt me you have had plenty of oppurtunity." Rin hugged him tighter. Sesshomaru lifted her head up and looked into her eyes. The love he had seen growing there was only stronger. He kissed her gently at first then harder as their tongues battled. When they broke apart he rested his forehead against hers. "Would you be my mate?" He asked, she looked and then expalined what it meant and how it was done. "If you need time I can wait." Rin smiled and told him she didn't need to wait her answer was yes.
He pulled her in and held her tightly kissing her so that she had to hold onto him or fall to the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He groaned and picked her up carrying her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed his hands sliding under her shirt tracing patterns there as their tonuges battled for dominance. She tasted even sweeter than he hoped she would. As one hand cupped her breast she moaned and arched up into him. Her body was on fire and it seemed she would explode soon.Her clothing was suddenly too constraining she pushed up on him. He moaned as she stopped . He looked at her questioningly until he saw her unbutton her shirt and he kissed her shoulders as he pushed it off of her. Then unbuckled her bra after a little fumbling around. When she was bare before him she blushed and started to cover herself before he stopped her. "You're beautiful" was all he said before kissing her again then he began playing with her breasts softly kneading them and brushing his thumb over her nipples as shemoaned loudly into his mouth. He smirked as one hand was replaced with his mouth on her breast. Her whimpers increased as he switched back and forth suckling first one then another of her breasts.She arched under him and then Sesshomaru found the situation reversed as he looked up at her. She claimed his mouth before tugging at his shirt. He oblingly helped her remove it. Groaning loudly as his erection grew from the skin on skin contact from their chests. She began licking and nipping her way down his chest as she also played with his nipples. As he responded by breathing heavier and his stomach muscles trembling Rin slid her hand to his pants freeing him gently. Only his boxers remained and it was obvious that he was straining to get out. Gently she slid them down and off, throwing them to the floor. He opened his eyes as she looked at him then grinning slowly licked his head with its little drop of precum off him. Still grinning as Inuyasha's eyes widened and then groaned as she wrapped her warm wet mouth around and began a tortuously slow pace. "Ri-Rin...faster." he managed as his hands gripped the sheets in an effort to prevent himself from bucking into her mouth. He could feel the end approaching quickly, especially as she allowed one of her hands to gently massage his sack." I'm ... come-" He managed before he exploded into her mouth. She swallowed and then licked him clean. He was panting hard as she crwaled back up to him and kissed him. Sesshomaru tasted himself on her lips as they kissed. He found it erotic and started to get hard again. He turned them over and began assulting her breasts as he slid her pants off of her, the smell of her arousal filling his nose. He worked his way down her belly nipping and kissing, earning a whimper when he bypassed her core and continued kissing his way down and then back up the inside of her thighs.

Cautiosly he probed her with his fingers trying not to hurt her with his claws as he went. She was slick and tight he added one and then two fingers as he began to pump her preparing her for him. He played with the fleshy button of her clitoris as he pumped her first slow then harder and faster as he went. She tightened and he withdrew as she whimpered in displeasure until his mouth replaced his fingers. It wasn't long until she was bucking with her first orgasm. Sesshomru let her catch her breath as he licked her clean. He kissed her again as he lay against her. "Rin, are you sure you want to do this? I can still stop if you want me to." she smiled and kissed him long and hard before saying "I'm sure." He studied her before kissing her again and positioning himself at her entrance. He entered her slowly savoring the feeling of her tight passage before reaching her barrier. "I'm sorry" He said before thrusting through it. His eyes turning red and purple marks appearing on his cheeks. He held himself still as he kissed her tears away, then he felt her muscles move letting him know it was okay. He began a slow steaady rhythm and gradually picked up his pace until she was writhing beneath him as he felt himself about to come he bit the junction between neck and shoulder at the same time as she orgasmed, the pleasure easing the pain. As the lay there still joined in the after math of bliss he used his claw to make a small cut telling her to bite him. She did and then copied his motions as they licked the wounds clean.
"Are you okay mate?" Sesshomaru asked. As he Regained control of his instincts and he returned to normal. "I'm better than okay, I am tired though." Sesshomaru smirked as he withdrew from her and they curled up toghether completely content. They woke up periodically and began again.

On Monday the four met for lunch at a classy place. They hammered out the details of the merger and discussed business as usual.On the way back from the lunch Inuyasha remarked "So you're happy with how things worked out?"
"Yes. It would also seem that we have a new addition to the family. You finally found a mate. Congratulations." Sesshomaru said dryly. As they exited the elevator Inuyasha said "I don't know why you're so smug. Rin has your smell all over her, so I'd say we both got mates." Sesshomaru was speechless for only a moment then smirked "Well I couldn't let you have all the fun." The two brothers still decided to sell some of their cars and other luxury items but kept the lake house afterall they decided, who knows when they might want to use it now that they were mated. Rin and Kagome laughed and cried when they each discovered the other was mated when the boys came and picked them up. It seemed that everything was a major success including the merger of the companies in more ways than one.