InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part I ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance we would not have fodder.
Reviews are fuel.
Title: Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Author: ElegantPaws
Rating: Mature - Humor/Romance/Hentai (eventually)
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude
Dedicated to the celestial one, Priestess Skye and she who walks herself, Contessa of the pink speckled tum-tum.

Part I of IV - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
One dark brow raised, the vein in her forehead prominent, her eyes now the color of obsidian in the room's sudden darkness. The damn lights were on the blink again. This place was going to rack and ruin, around her, despite her best efforts.
This was exactly why they needed funding and now this. Effectively dashing all hope of the new wing being completed in time for spring.
“I'll kill him!”  Kagome hissed as she riffled her purse, looking for her little red book of names and private numbers and her trusty pen light. There was nothing for it, but to actually face this, this…she looked carefully once more at the black file on her desk, and checked the assigned number, making a quick comparison to the one in her book… a Mister Taishou. Familiar sounding, but it did not ring an immediate bell.
If Kouga thought he had the upper hand in this matter, he was sorely mistaken. It had never been her way to supersede his authority as chief fundraiser, when and if it suited him. She might have known he would do this. He had done this out of spite; she knew it. Obviously, he had forgotten just whom Higurashi Kagome was, even though once engaged to her. Unlike Mister Social Butterfly, she did not pick her causes for a moment, to promptly drop them, when they were no longer fashionable.
She dialed the phone with her back turned to the office door, which stood slightly ajar. Wiping long slender fingers across the frosted window, she could just make out that the snow was falling now in earnest. No longer large fat flakes, but the small rapidly moving kind that stuck to all surfaces, giving a quiet hush. The sound of sniffling and a smaller hiccup caused her to turn around. Large, luminous, green eyes brimmed with tears. Kagome put the phone down immediately in the ear of a male with a resonant deep baritone.
“Honey, what's wrong?” Kagome hurriedly came around the ancient desk inherited from her grandfather. She bent down and pulled the small boy into her arms. Suddenly a stuffed bear, who was missing a good deal of his innards, was thrust into her face.
“Ahhh hmmm well, I see Mister Postlethwaite has had a little accident of sorts? Well, we will soon put him to right,” she said with as much assurance as she could muster. Where was Sango when she needed her? This was her area of expertise. She could fix anything, well anything but the electrical issues they were currently having. His pj pockets were brimming with the stuffing.
A choked sob escaped his throat, “No accident, Haku did it.” 
Hushing him, she took the much loved bear with a missing eye and examined it thoughtfully, while Shippo continued to sob plaintively, hiccupping.
She leaned in and kissed his silky auburn head, then stood and led him to the couch that had seen much better days. The lights flicked back on. “Sango, you are the best.”
Sango came through the half opened door tool belt at a rakish angle, looking pleased with herself. She offered a dramatic bow and a flourish with one hand.
“Why, thank you.” She said with a quick curtsy.  “I found the damn short, hopefully, it will hold until we can get someone who actually knowswhat they are doing out here.”
Kagome chuckled, and crossed her fingers. “You are a life saver woman, maybe at the end of the month. Let's see what we can scrounge together. In the meantime, do you think you can perform another miracle?” asked the dark haired woman with the small male hugging her tightly.
Sango strode in and assessed the damage with a serious expression. The pitiful look Shippou gave her, with one small tear at the tip of auburn lashes did it.
“No worries, easy as pie, and speaking of pie, Kaede just made three perfectly delicious smelling pies for tonight's dessert.” Sango responded. “By the time a certain young man finishes dinner, Mister PossPoss will be as good as new, just in time for bed.”
Shippou leapt at her in gratitude, knocking Sango on her butt and a tickle fest ensued. Kagome mouthed a final Thank you. Before putting her game-face back on.
“I think I might have hung up on Mister Taishou, not a good start to my mission.”
She had an appointment with a rather difficult and taciturn captain of industry who seemed to believe it was very easy to shake her, after he had made a firm promise to the orphanage. Well, to be fair, a firm promise to that rat bastard Urufu Kouga.
“Sango, I have to go. Don't keep dinner for me. I might run late tonight. I have to go traipsing in this weather to meet this Taishou man and show him the error of his ways.”
Her best friend since childhood looked up at Kagome with a worried expression. She knew that look of determination and her vein was practically popping out of her forehead. Never a good sign; he was definitely in for it.
“Ahh, Kagome, are you sure this is such a good idea in your current mood? I mean, we do need the new building and he might have decided to back out not realizing the desperateness of the situation. So maybe if you called him and explained, it might…”
“Oh, I have no doubt he doesn't know the seriousness of the issue. I suspect Kouga did a fine job of waving the politically correct carrot in front of his nose from some far more fashionable cause, out of pure spite. Speaking of the demon in human form, I can't seem to get a hold of the spineless, self-absorbed bastard since this morning. Isn't that such a co-incidence, though?” Kagome laughed self-deprecatingly. “Fool me twice Sango, shame on me.”
“Let me guess the `date' didn't go that well last night? I could have told you as much that it was a bad idea, but you wouldn't listen.” Sango said, lifting the small giggling boy who she now slung on one hip.
“I have no idea what I ever saw in him to even be engaged to him.”
“Kagome, that was three years ago. He is handsome, smart, sexy; in a self-aggrandizing, somewhat chivalrous way. Any woman would have fallen for it. A lot has changed since then. You gave up a lucrative career to do this. He never forgave you for that. He thought it was just a passing fancy and you would eventually go back to him and the life you both led. Back then your respective priorities were similar; to take on the world and make a difference. The key difference is the way you both wanted to go about it. So stop giving yourself a hard time. You had no idea he would turn out to be a money-grubbing, vengeful asshole.” Sango intoned.
Despite the current circumstances, and the lights in the office flickering out once more, Kagome chuckled, and ushered them out of the darkened room, half stuffed bear in tow.
“No, I still blame myself. He has always been inordinately secretive about his past. You know, I never met any of his true friends? Never. I don't even know how he knows your Miroku and don't kid yourself, those two have some kind of history.”
Sango bent, letting down Shippou, but not before whispering in his ear. He nodded and took off out the door at a run.
Kagome cocked her head in question.
“We all have our secrets, Miss Higurashi.”
“That we do Miss Yamamoto, and speaking of secrets, how is your sexy, ex-priest doing these days?” Kagome's face broke out in a genuine smile as Sango's eyes opened in surprise and began to blush and sputter.
“Oh, so he hasn't moved in yet I see…just a matter of time.” Kagome winked and headed for her black, great coat in the hallway and waved over her shoulder.
“At least the rest of the house is lit. I am sure whatever is wrong can be fixed. Now you two go have a nice din-din. I am off to go get that damn funding. I have had quite enough of being rejected in one way or another today.”
Looking at her watch, she grimaced. “Okay it's five. I figure thirty minutes in this weather and an hour to plead our case and give puppy dog eyes, and maybe even show a bit of leg, then another thirty back.”
“Are you sure you want to go out there now? I mean, the bug isn't exactly doing all that well these days,” warned, the self-proclaimed, part-time caretaker of the orphanage. She too had decided that was enough was enough. “I can probably go with you to the Taishou Estate in the morning and if I can't Miroku might be able to. Nothing like a priest for these things, and I must admit, Miroku is adept at talking himself into all manner of things.” Sango pleaded.
Kagome gave Sango a rueful smile. “Afraid I will kill the esteemed Mister Taishou?”
“Not exactly; more afraid your mouth is going to get away from you before you get the check in your hot little hands.”
Looking through the window at the sleet that now fell, Kagome sighed. Okay, she had spent most of the day trying to get another bank loan from at least three institutions, so the current outfit she wore was right for the impromptu meeting. A basic black suit, fitted jacket a nice red turtleneck, her last pair of good silk stockings, and her prized pumps, only brought out on very special occasions. At times like this, she seriously wondered what had possessed her to clear her closet for the fundraiser at the clothing bazaar. Then she remembered most of the items had been gifts one way or another from Kouga. At the time, it seemed a relief to let most of it go and it was for a good cause. They had managed to exact enough funds to run for nearly a year, on a stringent budget.
Wrapping her coat tightly, she walked down the hall with purpose, then down the stairs and to her car in the makeshift garage. Well, car, if you use the term euphemistically as a means of conveyance from A to B, with crossed fingers and many an ofuda as well as the occasional expletive of encouragement. She did however sport a fabulously new set of all season tires.
Gerdie was a 1975 two door coup, better known as a VW Beetle. Gertrude was a vivacious shade of orange, clean as a whistle, had an am/fm radio that no longer worked, and sported (however Sango had managed it) a CD player with speakers. It also had the luxurious feature of  no less than two rather sad fans for warmth. Still, Gerdie was Kagome's pride and joy, her mark of independence. They did everything together. State of the art in her time, she had purchased it from her Grandfather at the original price he paid 1,800 dollars U.S. 
Gertrude had one other redeeming feature that no one who entered could ever complain about, a great deal of leg room; a natural requirement of one Ms. Higurashi. Kouga had pleaded on more than one occasion for her to finally resign Gerdie to the local scrap heap. Not an option. As long as she was repairable, Kagome would always keep her, for one reason alone, which was never up for discussion.
“Well it's just you and me kid and those ridiculously expensive tires. Let's do this. All he can actually say is no, right?”
Kagome turned the ignition, and waited for Gertrude to warm up. The thrum of her compact little engine always made Kagome smile. She sounded so fearsome like a pack of angry hell bees in hot pursuit of something. The windshield wipers were acting up again. Kagome sighed and got out and `helped out a bit'.
“Directions,” she murmured worrying her lower lip, examining her much, creased map.
Her cell rang, as she was carefully refolding the map. Glowering at it, she answered.
“You sneaky shit! Where have you been?”
Kouga sighed with an intentional long suffering pause.
“Kagome darling, now calm down. I can explain. It's not my fault Taishou did not see the merit of your little venture. You have to admit it is a bit of a gamble? Better luck next time,” he said in a condescending tone that did nothing but confirm her suspicions. “If you ask nicely, I might see my way to  perhaps managing to help you myself with basic repairs to the orphanage, just out of the goodness of my he…”  she closed the phone and threw it in the passenger seat.
“Kouga, the next time I see you, you are going to be one testicle short, so help me,” she groused above Gerdie's engine, before flipping in her favourite Christmas CD.
The miles glided by in relative silence as she left the city and headed for the peaceful countryside. The pastoral setting eased her mood. Off in the distance loomed a winding road upward. Putting Gerdie in first gear, she pressed the accelerator. Just like the little engine that it could, Gertrude took the steep slopes relatively well. She did sound just a bit choked though, Kagome thought nervously. This was soooooo the wrong weather to get caught out.
Glancing across to the passenger seat she checked her phone, just in case. There were no repeater towers evident, but she tried to relax, realizing she was getting closer to the rather large, self described cottage as the distant lights became more brilliant the higher they climbed. The cottage was beautiful, almost peaceful looking, as it sat in the expanse of pristine white with trees in the background, all covered in snow, creating a hush. A picture perfect postcard of a home designed for sleighs, horses, hot toddies and all things Christmas in feel, right down to the two exceedingly large fir trees flanking both sides of the expansive home.
“Born is the King of Israel.” She hummed softly to the modern rendition that came over the CD player. Christmas carols had always been a guilty pleasure. Even in the most desperate times, they always brought her back to happier times, when her family had been whole.
Gerdie sputtered…, she sputtered again, just as they crested the hill and coasted within feet of the main gate. She looked at the shrubbery that had to be at least ten to twelve feet high on either side and apparently went on for close to a mile on either side. A very daunting start, she thought.
Kagome put her head down on her gloved hands on the staring wheel and after turning off the non-existent engine, placed Gertrude in park. “Why me exactly,” she whimpered to no one in particular. Still on the positive side, there was the house, and it really wasn't that far to walk and there must be an intercom of some kind, so she could get help…it was just getting from here to there. Sighing she picked up the cell phone and began to dial once more.
“Who was that?” Cool amber eyes looked into cerulean blue. Kouga's mood had unaccountably soured in the in the last little while. The only thing Sesshoumaru could imagine the cause, the rather vituperative female who screamed through the phone line.
“Nothing, just a little lover's spat.” Kouga responded with a feigned smile.
Walking around the study's bar, Sesshoumaru handed him the snifter of amber liquid, before returning to his own seat by the fire.
“You need not lie. It was that Higurashi female wasn't it?” intoned the billionaire with indifference, “She did not take it well, then?” he stated as point of fact, adjusting his tailored cords at the knees for ease of sitting, then carelessly crossed his leg, picking at imagined lint that had assailed his immaculate personage.
Kouga stared back at the impossibly, dapper individual sitting in front of him. Even in the simple casual attire of dark, tan cords, and a creamy Irish knit sweater, he looked every bit the gentleman of leisure. Gold rimmed, square cut glasses perched just so at the tip of his nose and hair swept back into a lengthy, thick silver braid.
“You could say that. I guess she thought our previous relationship gave her an ace in the hole, so to speak,” he answered with a careless shrug.
Sesshoumaru watched Kouga through long, silver lashes, one corner of his mouth quirked upward in a knowing smirk. He felt no need to mention the female in question had called him thirty minutes before the wolf and hung up rather rudely in his ear.
“Did she really? Or had you mistakenly assumed your resumed business relations with my family would garner you, safe passage back into her boudoir?”
Kouga's averted his gaze and downed the brandy in one gulp. “Look here, you have no right... and further more, can't you just say bedroom!? For Kami's sake. You pretentious…”
Raising one long elegant hand, Taishou stopped him. “I most certainly do. Due to our previous agreement, I will abide by your wishes, solely as our families are bound by honor and history. We are a dying breed. My family's good name is now besmirched because of you. So, yes Kouga, I do have every right to ask your reasoning and I warn you, your rationale had best be more than a fit of pique since you could not get a leg over.” Sesshoumaru drawled, as he made to rise.
“Chess or Pool?” he said gracefully rising to rack the balls, not waiting for an answer, while Kouga returned to the bar to decant a generous amount of Cointreau into his snifter. Taishou could be quite parsimonious at times.
Kouga envied Sesshoumaru's composure, regardless of circumstance. It was an irritant from they were pups. Nothing fazed him, ever. Then again, everything came easily to him, or so Kouga thought. Where the former Wolf Prince preened and feigned assurance, it was an inherent part of Sesshomaru's character and one of the reasons he tried to maintain the ancient family relation. He wished this right of being could be passed by osmosis. It never did and never would. They were a breed apart.
“Pool,” he said resigned, and went to retrieve his usual cue from the wall.
Relieving himself of his dinner jacket, Kouga carelessly threw it over the back of the leather armchair. He then made a clean open, calling  “Solids,” banking two effortlessly, before rising again to study the table under the ambient light above, chalking his cue meditatively, glad of the silence.
Sesshoumaru continued studying the lay of the balls on the table. Kouga missed the next shot, giving him a beautiful set up.
“Why?” inquired the former Western Lord as he took a rather difficult shot and succeeded in sinking a stripe.
Kouga leaned against the bar and looked at him quizzically. “Why what, exactly?”
Without looking at the table Sesshoumaru made one clean shot and, two stripes seemingly effortlessly, separated around the eight ball and fell into opposing pockets.
“We give donations to far less worthy causes every day. What has she done to infuriate you so? I smell petty vengeance, Kouga. It does not sit well with this Sesshoumaru. Surely, it is not because she did not wish to rekindle your relationship?” inquired the billionaire, again. He would, of course, keep his word. Still, he could not help but be curious as to why Kouga would have gone to such lengths to penalize anyone. It did not say much about his character or maturity level. One more reason to keep him at arms length; he had learned nothing over time.
“Fine, okay, I want her back. She is a fine piece of ass and a proud woman and until she realizes I am her only option for success, she is going to have to suffer.” Kouga spat maliciously, tired of the inquisition.
“Hn” said Sesshoumaru stalking the table while chalking his cue. As he suspected.
A soft, derisive chuckle came from the hallway, as a tall male, his face in shadow, leaned in the door's frame.
“That hard up are you? Thought you were the original lone wolf when it came to the women and you let one little bitch get your dick that out of sorts?”
All that was visible in the ambient light, were well-defined forearms folded across a broad chest, long, jean's clad legs, and wet cowboy boots, the remaining melt of snow still evident on their metallic tips.
Kouga turned to face his detractor. “Mongrel.”
The male in question eased himself off the doorframe, and sauntered into the room, heading for a bar stool, bringing his hands to his mouth and blowing in them, lazily. He glanced at the play of the balls on the table, before responding to the Ookami's insult.
“Dickless Wonder,” murmured Inuyasha, placing one hand over the bar and reaching for a beer in the hidden fridge, before cracking it open with a claw instead of the tab, “Can't say it's a pleasure to see you either, Shit for Brains.”
The younger male, who bore a striking resemblance to his elder sibling, just a little more rough around the edges, watched as his elder brother weighed the merits of his next shot. “You're not gonna make it Sessh, the cue is not angled…
A sharp crack and three balls followed, as ordered into the side pocket. Sesshoumaru righted himself, bland, resigned expression in place.
“Inuyasha, you are home. To what do we owe this most inauspicious visit?” remarked the elder Taishou male dryly, a smirk playing about his lips, as he watched Kouga's increasing discomfort. Sesshoumaru had already won, but he would play it out. If for no other reason, to enjoy the wolf's abject humiliation, Kouga did not handle losing well.
Stepping into the light, Inuyasha removed his wet jacket and leaned against the bar. “Just needed a break and I guess you probably missed me, so I decided to pay a visit,” he said looking at his hands, wiping the sweat from the can.
Sesshoumaru stood straight, watching his brother with a blank expression while chalking his cue, perhaps more than was necessary, the chalk suddenly crumbling between his fingers.
“Who is she, and is she pregnant and if so, who do I make the check out to?” Sesshoumaru intoned tiredly, before intentionally missing the next shot.
“Kouga, if you would not mind, I need to speak with Inuyasha privately for a moment. Please make yourself comfortable in the living room,” he said with a deferential bow. It actually wasn't a request, but formalities had to be observed.
Kouga snickered. “Not at all, Sesshoumaru. Feeling a bit peckish, I know you have given the staff the night off for their party in town, so I am not above helping myself to your larder.”
“Please help yourself…” and then as though an after thought, “you always do.”  The door closed just missing Kouga's face. Damn his speed, thought Sesshoumaru.
“Freeloading little…” groused the hanyou.
“Inuyasha, enough,” hissed Sesshoumaru sharply, practically slamming the cue in its holder, rattling the others, before turning to face his baby brother.
“I swear Sessh, on father's tomb, I haven't knocked up anyone! Okay, I just ran into a bit of heat and I need a place to crash for a while. How the hell should I know it was illegal to…”
“Do I even want to know what you are talking about? Is this one of your current, little social pets? Learn to pick your battles Inuyasha! We no longer live in the Feudal Era. Your devil-may-care attitude will draw unnecessary attention. ”
Inuyasha smirked. “No, this was legit, Sessh. I won't need a lawyer or nothing. I did kind of mess up a guy though and he is looking for me, name of Houjo. So, I figured I would come to the country house and lay low for a bit. It's Christmas anyway and speaking of that, this fucking house needs some cheer, so be glad I'm home. You haven't even bothered to…”
“ENOUGH!” barked Sesshoumaru. He wasn't in the mood for a lecture, on the holidays and why he chose not to observe them.
“Oh Gerdie, why now hon? I mean, I got you the new tires, now you have a tummy ache, in the middle of nowhere?” she chastised the car, then thought better of it.
“Well, it could be worse I guess. At least you got me here old girl, thanks for that,” she said passing a gloved hand over the dashboard lovingly. “Help is coming hon.”
The snow was deeper than she had anticipated this far out of the city, she found as she stepped out into the wind, and about a foot of snow.
“Fuck !” she screamed, as her one good pair of dark Italian pumps sunk deep into the snow up to her calves. The path that had been plowed did not exactly extend beyond the span of the open door. Closing the door carefully, Kagome pulled her long black coat about her tightly and began the trek to the main gates, trying desperately to ignore the cold around her legs.
For whatever reason, Kouga felt the need to take a nice bracing walk in the snow covered outer front garden before having a nice nosh in the kitchen. He was the first to see the lights off in the distance of a small orange VW Beetle.
“She wouldn't dare!” he exclaimed in disbelief. How in hell was he going to explain to Sesshoumaru that she, of all people, was heading to his house, probably with murder in her eyes. Parts of him drew up, and shriveled, and not because of the cold. Kagome could be a raving bitch when crossed.
The lithe female noticed a lone, dark figure in the dimming light with relief and started to smile, then stopped. The movement looked familiar, but she remained unsure. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she dialed, and noticed the figure stopped and reached into his pocket. She smiled menacingly and closed her phone. Kagome dialed Mister Taishou's private line, once more, in hopes of explaining why she phoned him in the first place earlier and hung up on him rather rudely. It all might work out after all, she thought. That is after she gave Kouga a sound verbal thrashing.
Kouga came running into the house, slamming the front door, then pushed open the door of the study coming to a screeching halt. He looked crazed and positively terrified, practically hyperventilating.
“Whatever you do Sesshoumaru, please don't answer that phone. She is here, at your gates for Christ's sake! I never thought she would do this. I mean I gave her your number because that is part of the agreement when you signed on, I just didn't think…”
Before he could finish the sentence, the phone rang again and before Sesshoumaru could reach for it, Kouga lunged, hurriedly picked up the receiver and slammed it down, rattling the glasses over the bar.
Sesshoumaru quirked a brow in mild amusement, and went to one of the windows of his study, raising the curtain with an evil grin on his face. “Kouga, there is a rather small being, undoubtedly female, attempting to scale the fence.” He said informatively, turning to the now petrified wolf demon, whose hands shook as he poured more of the fragrant, amber liquid.
“She's what?! Oh god! What am I going to do? Kagome doesn't do rejection well, Sesshoumaru, perhaps we should all go. The cars are out back.” Kouga said as he looked about for possible hiding places, just in case.
Turning slightly from the window to face the invertebrate who still managed to find time to quaff some more of his brandy, the former Western Lord of Japan smiled maliciously showing a fair amount of fangs. “Kouga, if I were you, and thankfully I am not, I would tuck my sorry, moth eaten tail between my legs and head for the hills. You're fond of running…”  Sesshoumaru stopped mid sentence.
Three sets of sensitive ears heard a tearing sound, closely followed by a resounding thump, and the aggravated scream of an enraged female. Inuyasha pushed in beside Sesshoumaru to see what had occurred since his brother was not being very forthcoming in the play by play.
“Holy shit! You don't think she hurt herself, do you?” said Inuyasha with just a hint of worry, as he reached for his jacket and headed for the door. She had landed face first in the snow bank, and seemed a bit stunned, if only temporarily. The words that came out of her mouth next caused all three males to freeze in their tracks. Inuyasha blushed and adjusted himself instinctively, as Sesshoumaru raised both brows and blinked, and Kouga whimpered.
“Inuyasha, fetch her, before she does herself an actual injury. Human females are so tiresome. I don't know what you see in them.”
He need not have bothered, the ever, chivalrous he-slut, was gone in a flash. This irked Sesshoumaru somewhat, though he could not say why, as he returned his gaze to the frosted window and observed the little, dark head raising. Sesshoumaru watched with rapt attention as she searched for something rather strenuously in the snow bank on her hands and knees. One shoe was missing.  
Closing the curtain once more, Sesshoumaru turned to Kouga. “Why are you still here, Wolf? I believe the female in question intends to hoist you on your own petard, should the opportunity present itself. So, leave whilst you still have limbs to carry you and the possibility of progeny in your immediate future. I tire of your presence and your duplicity for the night. The Higurashi woman promises to be much more entertaining, and far less likely to empty my cellar of its contents.”
Kouga blanched, his eyes not focusing as well as they did, upon entering the study. “I need to sit. Just get rid of her please, Sesshoumaru.” the wolf said, slouching in the first available leather chair and closing his eyes.
Walking casually over to the Wolf's dinner jacket, he raised it on one claw. “Good night, Kouga. I will see you in the morning.” Sesshoumaru countered, glaring at him through his spectacles.
The former Prince of Eastern Wolves stared at his long time friend in disbelief. Hiding in plain sight amongst these ningen had severely changed this once fearsome lord. There was a time he would have eaten her for breakfast, figuratively speaking, just for trespassing on his lands. How the mighty have fallen, he thought in disgust.
“Why do you wear those damn things? Nothing is wrong with your eyes.”
“I like them,” Sesshoumaru stated simply, adjusting his braid, an affectation Kouga hated.
“You're not well. Just like that affected Moko-moko shit you use to wear over one shoulder. You do realize how queer that looked, right?”
Wrong choice of words…under the circumstances.
“Damn it!” she said sitting in the snowdrift on the verge of tears. The heel was broken, so much for making a businesslike impression, never mind the scaling of his formidable fence. Looking up she growled at the spike that had a thin strip of black, as a reminder of its recent victory. The crunch of rapid footsteps caught Kagome's attention. A tall, decidedly male figure approached.
“You okay, miss?” said a deep, male voice in concern. The air she breathed out obscured her view of the face before her. His hair was silvery white, like the snow, and went to mid back. His eyes partially hidden by bangs and an oddly fitted cap, that seemed to have little white ears sticking out of it. She smiled at the face that now looked into hers in a worried fashion. He was unclear as to why she was smiling up at him.
Unable to stop herself, she reached up to touch the seemingly soft white and pink ears. They looked almost real. A low pleasurable purr came from his throat involuntarily.
He gently removed her hand, and lifted her to a standing position. “You want to come back to the house and get warmed up?” the male offered solicitously as Kagome's eyes grew several sizes.
Pointing up to his ears, she stammered. “Are - are those real?”
“Ahhh, you can see them huh…ooookay…yeah. Let's get you inside.”
She nodded, her eyes still fixed on one, soft, white ear, as he pulled her gently forward and up, as one, naked, frozen foot, sank into the snow, bringing her abruptly back to reality.
“Okay then, I guess I will carry you to the house. We can talk better in there. You can see my ears…eh? Hmmm. Sesshoumaru isn't going to like that” the hanyou responded in a muffled tone.
Stooping in front of her, she climbed onto his back, having to hoist her skirt a little more than was decent. Kagome was thankful he could not see her blush and equally for the length of her coat. Still, he was nice, and warm by comparison and seemed rather kind, which put her oddly at ease. But those ears… Hn.
Comfy?” he asked amiably, as he firmly gripped her thighs and then they were off. There had to be at least three quarters of a mile's distance covered in as near as she could figure, possibly twenty seconds…if that much, before she was placed firmly on a cold wooden step, under the awning.
One shoe on and the other still in her hand, a bemused expression on her face, the front door opened before she could organize herself. The sudden inviting amber light obscured the tall, fair male that stood in the entranceway.
“Ms. Higurashi, I presume?” said a deep baritone, thoroughly unimpressed by her appearance.
Kagome felt decidedly ill at ease, as the one who had carried her, pushed her gently forward towards the silhouette in the doorway. She hurriedly wiped her hand on her wet coat to shake, then she saw him. So caught off guard was she, Kagome nearly missed the skulking figure behind the towering male in the door. Unfortunately for Kouga, she recognized the set of those sloping shoulders anywhere and that ponytail. She saw red, and pushed past the male in question, throwing her coat behind her in hot pursuit of the wolf in human form straight into the study, her Enzo firmly held like the lethal weapon she intended it to be.
“Get back here, you vermin; what are you doing here? Haven't you done enough to ruin things for the children, simply because I refuse to sleep with you EVER again! How could you be such a bastard? I thought you understood. You are lower than …than…” said as she hit him over the head once more with the broken heel ineffectively, as he managed to dodge the full impact by putting up his hands.
“Kagome stop it! You are making a fool of yourself!” screeched the male, as the female straddling him flailed at his head with deathly intent.
Inuyasha laughed, “Not from where I'm sitting, she seems to be doing just fine, don't you think Sessh?”
It occurred to Kagome then, as she sat on Kouga's chest, one shoe on, the other on its way to connect with his head after many unsuccessful tries, that a goodly portion of her was exposed in her current position astride the mangy cretin.
Sesshoumaru was fascinated, as he retrieved the damp wool coat from his prized aubusson rug, and watched the slim, yet curvy female atop his friend of many, many centuries, getting the crap beaten out of him. She appeared to be putting the damaged shoe to rather good use at the moment, he thought. Her legs were the other drawing card to the current spectacle. Long, and from all appearances well muscled and beautifully proportioned, yet decidedly feminine. Particularly when she used them to squeeze the crap out of Kouga's sides to keep him in place as she pummeled him. The muscles actually rippled under smooth, flawless skin that had seen some amount of sun recently. Just for a moment, he imagined them wound around him equally as tightly, in a more intimate setting. He still hadn't gotten a good look at her face yet, just the strong set of her little shoulders and all that flowing, though quite damp, black hair as she continued to throttle Kouga without mercy; her shoe now abandoned as she grasped his throat with long delicate fingers, squeezing for dear life. Kagome neglected to notice, the bruising already there, indicating other fingers, larger and stronger than her own, had been pursuing the same course of action recently.
“Sesshoumaru, don't just stand there! Do something!” gagged Kouga in fear, covering his face, as he finally managed to remove her hands from about his throat and flip her onto her back. Finally, without help, he sat on her holding her arms over her head with one hand, and glared at her with a mischievous grin. “You know you want me, Kagome. Why fight it? You'll always be my woman.”
“Get off me you viperous, little shit!” spat Kagome, thrashing her legs in a somewhat undignified manner, ever thankful she wasn't wearing thongs and that the room was somewhat dark, hiding her current predicament of being in effect half dressed from potential prying, male eyes.
 The smile of victory on Kouga's face was short lived, as he found himself, abruptly lifted off Kagome, by a rather irritated, growling Inuyasha, while a strong, masculine hand was held out to her.
She took the hand and was brought up to a rather firm, sweater covered chest, before looking up into… gasp…bespectacled, deep set, almond shaped eyes of the richest honey gold she had ever seen. A girl could drown in those willingly, she thought, gulping audibly. 
Despite the no-nonsense set of his refined, patrician features, his eyes appeared amused by the proceedings. The eyes of the male in question traversed the landscape of her face in detail, stopping at her lips momentarily with marked interest, then returning his gaze to her own eyes and one quirked elegantly shaped dark brow, looking back at him in challenge.
Without looking over his shoulder at the general scuffling and indignant yelps behind, and the crash of a brandy snifter behind the counter, Sesshoumaru did not let go of the cool, little hand.
“See him to his car. His presence is no longer required for the evening, Inuyasha.”
“No worries, bro. You might want to dry your new ward off there, Sesshoumaru, before she catches her death.” 
The elder Taishou's head whipped around at the reference, and a long silver braid nearly took one of Kagome's eyes out of its socket with its whip like movement. She yanked her hand away, to attend to the abused organ.
“Ouch, watch that thing!” said Kagome rubbing her eye. Now that the rather handsome young man was out of the room, with that despicable wolf in sheep's clothing, she suddenly felt rather self-conscious. Standing in front of this fine, well accoutered, specimen of masculinity, she could well imagine what she looked like to him.  She knew perfectly well she very closely resembled a drowned rat. Correction, a drowned rat sans shoe and very little left in the way of a skirt (we wont even mention the state of the stockings). She smoothed what little of it there was down her legs. This unintentionally drew attention to her long, sensual limbs, and the one still clad foot. Oh yes, this was a fine start.
With a slight inclination of his head, Sesshoumaru apologized. “I am quite sorry, you have sustained such hardship in the process of getting here Ms. Higurashi. It is Miss, yes? Did we have an appointment that I neglected to remember?” inquired the billionaire politely. He was well aware there was no such appointment, but one needed to be tactful always, especially when dealing with rather attractive females who were fond of scrapping at the drop of a hat.
Kagome gave him a sheepish half smile. “Mister Taishou, a pleasure to meet you in person. I am so sorry for the intrusion.” She held out a hand to shake, again. How was she going to explain why she was trespassing on his private property and not seem like the mad woman of Shiloh? He took her hand firmly, his grip warm, to her cool. Slowly she extricated her hand from his, as her pulse rate increased markedly and she suddenly felt light headed. She needed to put a little distance between their bodies.
As if recognizing the age old effect he had on the female kind, and taking it in his stride, Mister Taishou walked to the door, one arm crooked, waiting for her to follow. Kagome narrowed her eyes. Yes, this one was use to people following orders, unquestioningly. Then again, when you looked like thatwho could argue? Woof.
“Up the stairs and the second door to your left, you will find all items necessary including a sizable bathrobe behind the door. Make use of it, while your things dry. Leave the wet items of clothing on the counter; they will be attended to shortly. Then, we shall discuss the reason for your rather impromptu visit, to my private domain,” he said in a clipped manner, looking sideways at her. His gaze was met with another quirked brow, and a diffidently raised chin, in an acknowledgment of the unspoken.
Kagome was normally never one to be speechless for any length of time. She took his arm and walked with him back into the main hall, and followed the motion of his hand indicating the stairs and took them rapidly. He stood at the bottom of them, observing her progress.
“Yes, her legs are remarkable, Inuyasha. Haven't you something else to do?” intoned Sesshoumaru, still looking up at the space where she had been, as the bathroom door clicked closed.
“The rest isn't bad either, did you see that ass? Damn, I wouldn't mind taking her for a nice long ride.”
Sesshoumaru turned and gave his younger brother a look, almost feral, as long fangs appeared in place of human incisors, and usually warm amber became cool citrine, rimmed with hints of red. Inuyasha had not seen that expression for centuries. It was a very good sign, the old boy wasn't completely dead from the waist down and was, whether he realized it or not, staking his claim.
Inuyasha held up his hands in feigned surrender. “No worries, all yours, Big Dog. When is the last time you got laid anyway? She obviously shows good taste in tossing that ass on his ear and you could do worse. She's a knock out in more ways than one.”
Inuyasha backed off chuckling towards the kitchen, as his brother made a threatening step towards him. “I'm starving and you would do well to listen to me and let those puppies out for air on occasion. If not her, someone else, maybe Kagura? She's still itching to get back into your pants. I sense an interest in the curvy number about to shed her clothing though. Maybe you should help her with the robe, you old dog. You both have my blessings. She likes you. I can smell it.”
A preemptive growl ended the line of conversation. “You do well enough for the both of us, little brother, I have no time for such trivialities, and I have never required your blessings when seeking a rutting partner, you impertinent little whelp.”
Ignoring his brother's reproach, the younger Taishou suddenly stopped mid stride, having remembered. “Something weird happened outside I think you should know.
Sesshoumaru stared at him expectantly. Inuyasha always did have a flare for the dramatic, a failing. “Yeeeeeeees…?” he said impatiently, bland expression in place. The former Ruler of the Western Lands already knew he wasn't going to like this.
“She touched my ears.” Inuyasha said but did not get the anticipated response.
The young hanyou rolled his eyes. “Sesshoumaru, she saw my ears as they are. Not as the spell, makes THEM seem.”
 “Hn... Interesting, you might need to speak with Miroku. Her aura is somewhat atypical of a ningen female. Make yourself useful. Perhaps warm cocoa or chocolate and those cookies you are fond of inhaling at regular intervals. I brought some up from the city.”
“He calls this a bathroom?”
Kagome looked around her at the sunken bath and adjoining shower, and enough closet space to fit her entire bedroom's contents with room to spare.
Looking at herself in the mirror, she was horrified, her mascara was running, her lipstick was at sixes and sevens and well, the less said about the state of her hair the better, and she had lost one of her earrings, kami only knows where. Hurriedly, she washed her face with the delicately scented soap she found, and fingered her hair into a bun, pinning it as best she could.
“Okay, so now at least I look like a clean, drowned rat.” She chuckled softly, sticking her tongue out at herself.
“It doesn't matter Kagome, you came here for a good reason. He seems approachable in a stiff, rather constipated, way. Maybe all wasn't lost.”
Looking behind the closed door, she found a something entirely in contrast to the white appointed room, a brilliant, cherry red robe of the softest material. Passing her fingers over the material, she noted the insignia with a quirked brow. Sort of a lion rampant, rather baronial, she thought.  She was not to know, the image embossed in gold thread was that of a dog demon fully transformed. Kagome noted with amusement, the color matched her own sweater, before changing out of her wet things and folding them neatly, including her underwear, which on second thought, she pocketed. There was no way she was leaving her bra and panties on the counter, for some unsuspecting servant to take away, or even worse, Mister Tall Perfect and Sexy, who probably ironed his boxers. A woman does have her pride, and further more, this pair of panties had a hole (courtesy his damn fence).  Maybe someone could show her where the dryer was and she could dry out what was left of her clothing herself; far simpler, far less personal.
Returning to the mirror, she snickered. “Oh yeah, this is the outfit to negotiate big deals with, Higurashi.” She looked like a little girl playing dress up. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her other wet things and tossed her hose in the paper bin. They were a lost cause.
A delicious smell of chocolate greeted Kagome as she descended the winding stairs on bare feet, back to the foyer. She noticed three things. One, her coat, which had not faired well in the ensuing debacle, neatly hung on a brass peg; two her purse lying innocently on the key table; Someone had obviously retrieved it from the snow and three, rather large, disheveled, yellow rucksacks, that she instinctively knew belonged to the man with the unusual, yet rather charming ears.
A set of large, gilded eyes looked up at her with a smile. “Feel better?” her rescuer said in an attempt at gruff casualness. The steaming mugs on the tray numbered two and a dish overflowed with warm oatmeal and raisin cookies.
“Isn't he having any?” she inquired with shy smile. Yes, she liked him, she knew not why, but she knew, in him, she had a friend regardless.
“Neither cocoa nor chocolate agrees with me, Miss Higurashi,” answered a deep, sensual baritone.
He appeared to be fond of standing in shadow she realized. Hmmm, definitely one who likes to maintain his mystery she thought, as she descended the stairs. Something struck her as peculiar about the cottage, since he insisted on calling it that. The damn thing had at least twenty empty rooms from what she could tell on the second floor alone. Such a waste.
“Are you lactose intolerant, Mister Taishou?” inquired Kagome innocently, then realizing how personal the question was, she smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I can't help myself. None of my business I am sure. Can, someone point me in the direction of your laundry room? I will just pop my things in the dryer.” Kagome said offering an apologetic smile while raising her hand with the sodden items.
Sesshoumaru stepped out of the darkness, hand extended. “Give them to me. They will be dried. As my fence gave offence, perhaps, we can come to an understanding about your garments, but in the meantime, please, get warm in the study, while I attend to your things.” Taking them gently from her hand, his thumb brushed her wrist casually. Kagome's heart skipped a beat and she withdrew her hand as though burned.
Inuyasha chuckled, beckoning her with his head towards the study with a knowing smile. Sesshoumaru definitely liked this one, regardless of his feigned indifference. Since when did his Lordship become anyone's personal handmaid? Probably wanted to catch a sniff of her in private to seal the deal, the hanyou smirked. She did have a rather nice scent to her.
Kagome followed Mister Taishou's back as he walked through the doors that apparently lead to the kitchen with parted lips. She had meant to insist that she do it herself, but as before, she just stood there, mesmerized. Where he had touched her felt inordinately warm, it was most disconcerting.
A silver head popped back through the door. “There appear to be some missing items Miss Higurashi, of a more delicate nature. No point standing on ceremony.” He said opening his palm and twiddling his fingers impatiently.
Now this was the tricky bit, Inuyasha thought. This would tell him, all he really needed to know. The female in question was now the color of a pomegranate, fully ripened, and of course, his brother's face was, as always, stoic and forever handsomely bland; yet, his eyes held something akin to amusement. He was testing her, the hanyou realized.
How could fingers, simple, long, tapered digits be so mesmerizing, she thought as she walked down the remaining stair towards him? Kagome placed her delicates in his hand without flinching or a second thought, simply because he ordered her to.
Inuyasha cleared his throat, and she followed him into the study.
This time, Kagome had the opportunity to fully appreciate her elegant, if not rather masculine surroundings. A series of Comfy, maroon leather lounges banked the study's walls, strategically placed to accommodate floor to ceiling shelves of leather bound tomes. At the center of the room, stood a drool worthy pool table, of solid birch construction, leather pockets, mother of pearl double diamond sights, with a hand rubbed clear lacquer finish, and the most exquisite hand carved legs.
Kagome passed her fingertips over the worsted wool felt, and sighed in appreciation, as she walked around it, oblivious to Mister Taishou who now stood in the doorway in shadow.
“Now this is a pool table. Do you play…Mister…sorry, I didn't catch my hero's name.” Kagome murmured apologetically looking up into amused warm, amber eyes, and a mug being thrust in her general direction. She took it with a smile.
“Inuyasha… just, Inuyasha. The one being the wall flower is Sesshoumaru,” he said slouching into one of the couches and pointing to the armchair by the fire. “You must still be cold. How're your feet?” he inquired softly, eyeing her naked toes with no small amount of amusement. They were cute. She twiddled them and snickered, shyly.
“So far so good, I do apologize for bursting in on you.” The sudden movement in the doorway caught her eye, as her eyes followed the tall figure behind the bar in fascination. The younger one was charming, but he…well, he was just…
“Do sit, Miss Higurashi. Your things are being washed and dried, so you have more than sufficient time to tell us why you are here, other than to terrorize a fellow guest, deservedly or otherwise,” murmured the elegant male behind the bar. He was occupying himself with a lime, which he was, very precisely, slicing for his tonic water. The way he handled the knife, made Kagome suddenly uncomfortable. He held it, as though it was a natural extension of his arm.
Inuyasha snickered, and Kagome tightened her, correction, his gown, then turned away from Sesshoumaru's intense, golden gaze in an effort to hide her blush. She felt unaccountably stupid and unrefined in Sesshoumaru's presence; like a fishwife actually, remembering the last time she was in the room. In fact, the very spot where she stood was still damp.
As a temporary means of emotional escape, Kagome studied the fireplace's mantle, or more accurately, the two swords mounted above it. The ancient katanas crossed at midpoints, and directly below them, a silkscreen depiction of a fluffy, white animal similar to a dog. She tentatively touched the insignia on his robe. It was the same.
“Sit, Miss Higurashi, was the barely audible growled words that reached her.
His tone sent warning shivers through Kagome and she turned abruptly narrowing her eyes, at the command. It most definitely was just that, however quiet, however civil. It was not a request. It was a veiled threat, in fact. Her movement towards the mantle had unsettled him in some way. Ignoring him, she sat on the edge of the chair, sticking her feet out, and sighed, happy for the deep plush warmth beneath her feet. The fire felt warm as the wood merrily popped and crackled, staving off the sudden chill to her limbs and the need to fight back. Kagome did not do well with being ordered about, but as her Grandfather had taught her many years before, `One must kiss before one can kick, often times.' There were bigger issues at stake other than her ego.
Inuyasha felt the rise in tension in the room. Sesshoumaru always liked to keep everyone on edge, especially this interesting creature who kept furtively looking at his ears over her cup curiously, but never commenting. Interesting, perhaps she was afraid of hurting his feelings, another good sign. He knew he liked her then. She was trying to be accepting. He knew not why, he knew not how, but he knew in her, he had found a friend, and by the looks of things, a proper mate for his brother, who seriously needed to get some and soon.
“Miss Higurashi…”
Glad for the break in the sudden chill, Kagome smiled affably at her new friend with the genetic disorder. What was with her anyway, she thought, when it came to underdogs in this life? She always managed to find them. Surely, it could not have been easy, however handsome he was, to go through life with those cute little puppy ears. As soon as it was feasible, she had to ask him about them.
Call me Kagome, please, I prefer it Inuyasha,” she offered, pointedly looking at his elder sibling, who seemed none too impressed with her casualness, or her effort at camaraderie.  He simply sat, and watched, and sipped. Mister Taishou was going to be a hard nut, she realized. She was still going to give it the good, old college try, after she finished her delicious, hot chocolate.
They all sat in a seeming peaceable silence, each with their own thoughts and private agendas.
Getting up, replacing the now empty cup on the tray, her gaze returned to the table. Her fingers itched to hold a cue and try it out. She hadn't played in years.
 “Thank you, that was delicious, Inuyasha. I feel much better now. “So, do you play?” she said with a challenging, coquettish smile.
Easing himself off the lounge, he rolled up his sleeves, and returned her smile with a roguish grin, full of teeth. Sesshoumaru had not moved, preferring, as became obvious to Kagome, to observe unfettered by being overly involved.
Looking at his brother, Inuyasha smirked, “Yeah, but you'll find he's better at it. If you're finished, I'll just clear up, and get settled in for the night. I'm kinda bushed and you two have things to discuss. Try the cookies make sure to leave him one, though. He'll never admit it, but it is one of his two vices, in this time…I mean.”
For the first time Kagome noted, Inuyasha seemed uncomfortable in his own skin.
“Inuyasha…” the elder Taishou said warningly, “They should be ready for the dryer now, if you don't mind and do check on AAA. That thing cannot be left where it is, he purred maliciously, giving Kagome a sidelong glare. Already his brother was putting forth his usual moves to Sesshoumaru's sudden annoyance. The comment had been meant to irritate the little female and irritate it did.
Both brothers exchanged quick, secretive glances. The younger of the two, shook his head and retreated with the tray, a soft growl escaping Inuyasha just as he passed Sesshoumaru, who did the same in turn, before standing and heading for the wall of cues.
“Do I look like Jaken to you, Sesshoumaru?” groused the hanyou, before giving Kagome one last smile. “See ya, Kagome, nice meeting you. I have to go be a retainer now.”
“At times and in the right light, especially when inebriated, yes you do, Inuyasha. Stripes or Solids, Miss Higurashi?” came the polite, pompous inquiry.
Kagome released the breath she had been holding, unbeknownst to her. She felt up to the challenge, especially, if her new idea worked. If possible, she intended to clean his clock.
“Your home, your choice, Mister Taishou, and for future reference… that thing's name is Gertrude and she is a fine, little lady worthy of respect and older than you. Thank you for calling. I did try earlier and I am sorry I am blocking the path to your home,” Kagome responded, in a clipped polite manner. It had not occurred to her until then, to call Sango. She must be worried. Retrieving her cell from her pocket, she speed dialed, walking casually towards the study door.
“This I doubt, Miss Higurashi,” Sesshoumaru said, the corners of his lips quirked in a wry smile. “Her age, I mean.”
“Excuse me a moment, Mister Taishou. Rack the balls will you,” she said, and heard a growl of annoyance behind her. Kagome chuckled. Note to self, doesn't enjoy being ordered about by an underling.
“Hi, yes, yes, I am fine. At the Taishou cottage, and guess who I happened to ran across in all his spineless glory?” a long silence, then a chuckle. “Let's not get into that now. Our Gerdie gave up the ghost again, hopefully, she can be fixed. So don't wait up. I'll be home shortly. Give or take an hour maybe?” she said looking around for confirmation. Sesshoumaru stood in the doorway giving her a bland stare.
“Hold on a minute.” His expression did not bode well. “Yes, Mister Taishou?”
“Your colleague should expect you in the morning. Have you bothered to look outside, Miss Higurashi? You cannot possibly leave tonight. I will show you to a guest room, post our conversation. Do be quick. I haven't all night.
“What?! I can't stay here….I have nothing to …” Kagome retorted shrilly, before going to the leaded half crescent of the front door, and on tippy toes looking through, then resting her head on the wooden door.
“Ooooh noooooooo, he's right, Sango. There has to be at least three feet of snow out there. Poor little Gerdie…What? Yes, I'm fine.” She looked around at her host, he still had that opaque stare like a dead fish.
“I'll see you first thing, or as soon as I can get out of here. Night hon. Read Shippou chapter four of the Hundred Acre Wood. Make sure to do all the voices. Remember, piglet has a high-pitched voice and is kind of jittery, Rabbit is rather pompous and constipated, a lot like…never mind. Of course, you can do it. Oh, before I forget. Guess you'll have to get the tree from Mister Cerillo, take the children with you. I paid for it already. Don't let him cheat you, either. The bill is in the top drawer. Don't take the first tree he hands you. Trust me, I know him. Make sure to tell him, I will bring it back if it isn't a nice one.” 
Then another, interminable pause, as Sango babbled, the dead fish noted.
“Ooooooh… Miroku is there is he?” Kagome said in a suggestive tone. “Perfect, he can help you with the voices. I don't know what it is about him, but he has his own kind of magic. They just love him. He tells the best stories about the Feudal Era, almost as though he was there once. Oh and remember to make sure Hakudoshi brushes his teeth, watch him if necessary. He is a cunning little devil. His candy addiction is going to cost his adoptive parents a fortune one day. Make sure that Kan'na gets a hug. I know she can be standoffish at times, but ignore that and tuck her in anyway. She tries to be older than she appears. What else…hmmm, thank Kaede for me and tell her, I will pay her tomorrow. I hadn't written the check before I left…that's it I guess. Have a wonderful evening, and of course, my best to the sexy, ex-priest.”
Kagome chuckled, as the phone was, unceremoniously, hung up in her ear. She could imagine Sango's blush and indignant mutterings.
The kitchen door opened, and cool air came in with Inuyasha, whose face was not quite as friendly as before. He had overheard her mention of Miroku. Though not unpleasant, his gaze was questioning and suspicious.
“Yes, my friend's on again, off again boyfriend. Kind of complicated, but those two are never boring,” Kagome smirked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. She noted Inuyasha seemed to relax instantly with her words.
Sesshoumaru stealthily crept from the door and racked the balls. How exactly, did she know Miroku? Curiouser and curiouser.
Kagome casually looked up at Inuyasha's ears with a sheepish smile. “So, ahh…your ears are rather interesting. They are very beautiful and eermmm…well, they're highly unusual,” she added, hoping not to give offense.
Inuyasha waggled them at her playfully then winked. Kagome giggled, covering her mouth. In some ways, her very expression reminded him sadly of Rin.
“We can talk about them tomorrow,” the hanyou responded, head motioned in the direction of the elegant silhouette standing in the study's doorframe. “Beat his pants off, and we can both gloat over your victory in the morning at breakfast, `kay?”
Kagome favored the irreverent male with a sunny, mischievous smile and a conspiritorial wink. “I'll do my best. Night Inuyasha, it really has been a pleasure meeting you.” She bowed decorously, giving Sesshoumaru a sidelong glance, then sidled past the stoic one with her little chin raised ready for battle. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the snickering, recalcitrant male, as Inuyasha continued to laugh softly while ascended the stairs with his rucksacks.
“You could do worse, you have done.” Inuyasha reminded his brother and ducked, narrowly avoiding his claws. “Getting slower in your old age, aren't ya? Have a great night Sesshoumaru. Feed her even. I can hear her stomach growling from here.”
Sniffing imperiously, the former demon lord huffed. “The ningen's dietary needs are no concern of mine and I will thank you in future to keep your opinions to yourself. She leaves in the morning.” He said blandly, he too could hear her stomach growling. Humans were so tiresome and fragile.
Eyeing the wall of cues, some clearly customized, Kagome clasped her hands behind her back like a well-behaved child, just as Sesshoumaru re-entered.
“May I, Mister Taishou?” she said, returning her gaze to the cues. It was proving hard to maintain eye contact with the taciturn male, who spoke more with his eyes than any other man she had ever encountered. She felt like an undesirable specimen being scrutinized in a Petri dish. It didn't help just then as her stomach growled.
“Let us dispense with the formalities…Miss Higurashi. You may call me Sesshoumaru. I am Mister Taishou to my immediate staff and those who are gainfully employed in my various enterprises. You are neither,” he drawled, peering at her over his spectacles with a pinched, irritated expression. She was hungry, but her pride prevented her from requesting nourishment.
Kagome's eyes narrowed as she bit her lower lip, biting back the retort, she thought his response merited. He was passive/aggressive incarnate, and clearly a snob. Deciding to take the high road, she smiled at him, ignoring the hunger pangs. Perhaps one cookie, she had not eaten since breakfast, what with one appointment and another.
“Kagome, you may call me Kagome, Sesshoumaru,” she purred somewhat icily, before returning her gaze to the cues, picking up a cookie and pocketing it for later, when she would eat it privately. She selected one, then another, weighing each across her palm, for its balance, expertly.
Sesshoumaru scrutinized the small figure in his robe, bundled about her, the waist tightly cinched, only little pink toes evident. Kouga was quite right, however common and demeaning his choice of words. Her attractiveness was not calculated, nor was she unaware of her feminine attributes, and yet, she wore them well. Equally, she was an astute judge of character and then there was that ineffable quality he could not yet give a name to; the very reason he had not thrown her out on her ear, regardless of the inclement weather. Yes, this Higurashi female bore watching, as she appeared to have great honor and pride. A rarity.
Looking equally quizzically at her host, Kagome smirked. “Shall I break, my lord?” Somehow, it seemed only fitting to call him that, as she selected a cue, appropriate to her height and with the right balance.
The subtle inclination of a silvery head was the only response he deigned to give.
Chalking his cue, Sesshoumaru continued to regard her. “I have not eaten, perhaps something light? Cook has never been remiss in his duties in providing for my needs. You may join me if you like.”
Kagome swallowed audibly, “Only if you are of course, don't go to any trouble on my account,” she murmured nonchalantly, as she eyed the single red strip for the left corner pocket. If she did the shot right, it might just make it.
Balls hurtled hither and yon, seeking refuge from her precise shot, sinking the intended red. Kagome gracefully righted herself, which took effort, considering the height of the table in question. It seemed a bit taller than standard, or it might well simply have been her nerves and sudden lightheadedness. This game had always been her best, and she did not wish to look a fool.
A tapered set of masculine fingers handed her the chalk, then just as quickly headed towards the door, stopping only briefly in its frame.
“Miss Hig…Kagome, should we make this a bit more interesting?” he posed, his voice deep and deceptively silky.
Damn his voice was sexy. “Interesting how, exactly?” she said with feigned concentration on the lay of the balls in front of her, hands trembling.
Turning to face her, he folded his arms across his chest. “We both know your original reasons for being here. You intended to change my mind about my donation, yes?”
“If at all possible yes, Mister Tais…Sesshoumaru,” she corrected in a quiet, carefully controlled tone, subconsciously tightening his robe and narrowing her eyes, warm brown becoming cold and speculatively.
“I meant nothing untoward Higurashi Kagome. This Sesshoumaru would never stoop so low as to bed a female without her more than willing participation,” he said through gritted teeth. It infuriated him she would imagine, he would bargain for her sexual favors, like Kouga. Yes, it had been awhile since he favored a female, but still, the very nerve of her, even daring to think it.
Deciding to ignore the renewed chill in the room, Kagome placed her cue down with nervous hands. “Your proposal…Sesshoumaru?” she said, her voice not quite sounding like her own. She decided to hear him out. His anger belied her original thought, she acknowledged in relief.
Icy citrine noted the subtle shift in her aura, she was certainly mercurial, typical of her kind and yet not, he could see the discomfort she felt, and hear the rise in her heart rate, and smell just a hint of arousal, which she was attempting to quell. He smirked, his own anger dissipating instantly, at her sudden demeanors shift, and quiet acquiescence. Yes, definitely mutable was Higurashi Kagome. Interesting.
“Simple, if the unlikely occurs and you should win, I will fund the new addition to your orphanage, regardless of Urufu Kouga's wishes. Is this acceptable Miss Higurashi?” he said, as a small red clad body screamed with joy and hurtled towards him at indecent speed.
Perhaps years of playing contact sports with male friends in her neighborhood had much to do with the sudden lack of inhibition on her part, but Kagome now found herself in Taishou Sesshoumaru's arms, thighs tightly wrapped around a rigid, surprised male while she beamed at him unabashedly.
“You are sooooooooo not going to regret this, Mister Taishou! We can probably get the locals to help, so the proposed price could be lowered a bit, not sure what the final figure Kouga gave you was, but it probably…Oh never mind that, point me to the kitchen, I make the best scrambled eggs you have ever tasted, you do eat eggs right, not a vegetarian, vegan or something?” She looked him over analytically. “Maybe some bacon and toast… I'm starving. do you have marmalade? I haven't eaten since this morning… I think.” Kagome babbled excitedly, as Sesshoumaru stared into deep, brown glowing pools of happiness and relief, in fascination. Adjusting his tenuous grip on her soft, inviting person, he carefully carried his little bundle through the kitchen, lowering her derriere to a stool and loosened her limbs from about his waist.
“You haven't won yet, Kagome. First, we will eat and in future, be so kind as to look before you leap onto males you do not know in a state of undress. My intentions might well have been dishonorable.” He said in an avuncular tone, reaching for a skillet.
Kagome blinked, then blushed. “Oh, sorry, I was so worried, that you…WAIT ONE COTTON PICKING MINUTE!? I can beat you and further more, I tend to take people at their word, and anyway, you're not Kouga and I don't really see you that way. I'm not your type!” she said waving her hands dismissively. The sleeves loosened again as she pushed them up hurriedly past her elbows.
Inuyasha snickered quietly, sitting at the top of the stairs in the hall, listening to the conversation behind the closed kitchen door. “Oooh yeah, this is gonna be interesting, Sessh. Good luck, she's a handful. Cop a feel for me, will ya? Night bro, father'd be proud.” Inuyasha said, as he turned and headed for his bedroom tiredly. He could do without his favored midnight snack of ramen. Things were getting interesting, no need to go in and interrupt the little tete-a-tete.
Sesshoumaru growled, having heard his sibling's comment and uncalled for innuendo. The female in question remained oblivious, busily drawing a new rendition of the plans on a paper towel, as he prepared a light supper.
So much for volunteering to help with the preparation, he thought. She was worrying her full, succulent, lower lip again, her little dark brows furrowed in concentration as she drew.
Unnerved somewhat by her excited, incessant prattling and her insistence on turning on the BOSE under the cupboard to give the room a more Christmas like feel, Sesshoumaru listened, occasionally glancing at her surreptitiously. She was captivating and yes, Inuyasha was quite right…a handful. The sooner he fed her and got her away from him by first light, the better. He did not appreciate or need complications.
The snow, had not let up, he noted looking through the window as he methodically poached eggs, the hollandaise having met with his discerning taste buds, and hers, as she licked it from his fingertip in approval, before returning to her plans; completely unaware of the effect, her little pink tongue had in awakening his nether regions. Yes, he needed some distance from this female.
“They'll be out tomorrow morning. Burn it to the ground! Yes, you heard me right, Houjo. I want to see nothing but cinders right down to that pathetic well house in the back. The mutt is home by the way, just thought you would like to know. I understand you had a little run in recently?” Kouga chuckled maliciously as he pocketed his phone, “Merry Christmas, Kagome,” he said as he pressed the gas pedal of the Range Rover and sped away into the night.
End…Part I