InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas Mister Taishou -VII ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea, horses and Gertrude
Background: A year has passed rather eventfully for the pair and much has been learnt and as yet to be discovered.
Reviews are fuel.

Part VII - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Oh it was silent alright, but there was nothing even vaguely holy in the tension filled library; what with Inuyasha's impatient growls and the constant (and somewhat irritating) cracking of his knuckles as he bore holes in the back of Kagura's head.
`Thank the Kami for Miroku's quick thinking earlier.' Kagome mused as she turned from the relative calm and bright of the star filled night beyond the window. Now to get Inuyasha out of the room before he went off again.
“Inuyasha, can you see what is keeping Lord Sesshoumaru and Miroku for that matter?”
“Yeah, right! I don't think so,” he huffed, “Like I'm leaving you here alone with Windy!”
“Don't you dare call me that, you …ill-bred mongrel.”
“Fuck you! At least I got here normal like. I'm not some piece of shit Naraku plucked out of his smelly ass!”
If the current situation was not so serious, Kagome might have giggled at the karma of it all, but for the genuine fear she saw in Kagura's eyes when Inuyasha leaned over her menacingly and growled. The sooner these two were parted the better.
Kagome tried again.
“Please, Inuyasha. We'll both be right here when you get back.”
The click of delicate claws caused both friends to look to the open doorway.
Gretchen, Sesshoumaru's dog, sauntered in regally taking up residence on her cushion by the fireplace. Her pale, golden eyes watched with lazy, predatory fascination the twitch of white frozen fingers as they curled.
“Damn beast,” Kagura murmured under her breath, attempting to make herself a smaller target should the wretched dog attempt to pounce.
“I wouldn't make any sudden moves if I were you, Kagura.” Kagome said gently, stooping carefully and tapping her denim clad thighs for Gretchen to come. In the blink of an eye the love fest was on. Gretchen made much of her mistress with loud wet slurps and Kagome was overcome with giggles.
“Ewwwwwww, Gretchen, not in the mouth, honey.”
Inuyasha snorted, glad that at least one Taishou was on guard, “Shut up and don't move or I'll get Pearly there to take a chunk outta ya.”
Kagome patted the silken head as a happy elegant tail whipped back and forth belaboring Kagura's exposed legs.
“Get it away from me!” the Sorceress snapped, glad at least that Inuyasha had decided to leave. He was quite possibly more insane than the Whack-Job in the kitchen and if push came to shove she could take her. The dog was the only fly in the ointment.
The Wind Sorceress quickly averted her gaze from Inuyasha's retreating figure and glowered at the female who was patently ignoring her as she rough and tumbled with the canine.
`How could Sesshoumaru have chosen her?'
Malicious and rather vivid green eyes narrowed enjoying Kagura's discomfort and the musical laughter of the Lovely One at play. Even now, her effortless grace showed but Jak was caught by something else. Something he had been noticing off and on for some time now. Kagome was no fool. The rather beautiful interplay of light that was her aura was blindingly bright and defensive.
He smiled secretively and discretely tapped on the heavy door announcing his tray laden presence.
Lady Kagome, I have brought coffee and nibbles.” He shot a not-so-veiled look of blinding hatred at the occupant of the easy chair. “Dinner will obviously be late.”
A well curved derriere flopped to the carpeted floor and though breathlessly, Kagome gave him a broad smile.
“Thank you, Jak. We could all do with a cup.”
Jakotsu blinked innocently at Kagome and did a meticulous inspection of his tray before resting it on the bar.
“We? We who? I only brought one cup and a dog treat, of course. Gretchen is watching her waistline. Lord Sesshoumaru says he will be in shortly, my Lady.”
Kagura snorted. “Spare me.”
“That will be all Jak, thank you,” Kagome offered pleasantly, averting her own gaze for fear of laughing at the intended slight and the emphasis he placed on the honorific that she really didn't deserve or, at the moment, want.
With a beatific smile so angelic in its perfection, so laced with unspoken invective, Jakotsu bowed and retreated, Gretchen at his heels. He really didn't need to get Lord Bristly Knickers in a mood before getting the staff's bonus' in the morning by answering. Anyway, by the look on the witch's face, his point had been made.
A tired and travel worn Kendo Master looked hopefully about her before spotting Hunter's mate with noticeable relief. Keiko was hard to miss in any crowd.
Sango beamed at the shock of cobalt blue hair, currently in loose curls, and moved towards the statuesque woman who had yet to look in her direction. Too pre-occupied it seemed with justifying her presence to security in a space designed strictly for authorized limos and the like.
“Keiko, what's going on?” Sango asked politely ignoring the rent-a-cop. “Have you been waiting long?”
Startlingly, beautiful blue eyes set in a finely boned face showed both exasperation and relief. “Not really,” Keiko answered with a careless flip of a fine boned wrist and popped the trunk. “I was just trying to explain to this… fine upstanding member of the constabulary that I was waiting on a friend and had no idea that it was illegal for me to be here.”
Sango chuckled. Keiko had just called the officer a `Dick Head' in her own inimitable way. The man looked confused and belligerent. He could not put his finger on it, but he suspected - strongly suspected - he had just been insulted by the tall wannabe hippy with the bad dye job.
Having deposited her bags but for one exceptionally large item still strapped to her back, Sango finally had an excuse to get the `officer' away from the dog-demoness. Keiko was a lot of things but patient was not one of them.
“Keiko, I need your help with the… aaahh surfboard,” Sango said nervously, her large almond shaped eyes sending out clear warning signs to her friend who remained oblivious to her faltering spell of normality. Keiko had begun to shimmer, her pale feminine marking beginning to appear. The spell was faltering.
The officer shook his head and squinted first at Keiko who had moved to join Sango, then at the fully tricked out SUV with the personalized license plate.
`Terrorists take all forms these days better to be safe than sorry.' he thought, about to call for help.
Sango saw the look in his little piggy eyes for what it was. Any minute now, he was going to call for backup and all hell would break loose. She wanted her homecoming to be a surprise.
The day had been long enough. Sixteen hours aboard an airless plane, warmed cardboard passing as food and one too many moist towelettes in lieu of a shower stiffened Sango's resolve as she set her mind to do the unthinkable. She had no intentions of spending the better part of the night being interrogated or worse, locked up in a jail cell.
“Excuse me, officer, could you help me stow this on the ski rack?” she cooed, giving her best winning smile.
Keiko smirked, recognizing the rouse for what it was as the lights dimmed then went out in the underground parking lot and the dull thud of a well fed body made contact with cold, hard cement.
A good deal of scuffling and much in the way of cursing later, they were finally underway.
“GUN IT!” Sango hissed; her heart in her mouth as she eyed the rearview.
“Absolutely not, Hunter just fixed the breaks and further more it will alert suspicion. Believe me, Sango, he won't remember a thing. The security cameras will just be in a loop for the next 45 seconds at which point the scene will reappear and he will wonder why he lost consciousness. We won't even be a memory. In fact, we were never here.”
“Good. Just get us out of here and home. I'm tired, hungry and miserable, but I think all concerned will be pleased.” Sango responded. Though she believed Keiko and knew of her particular skills, she leaned toward the rearview.
A gentle but firm pat to Sango's bobbing thigh was Keiko's only response as they approached the booth and slipped the attendant a twenty.
“Can I have a receipt, please?”
The breath that Sango had no idea she was holding finally released as they got on the highway with no apparent followers. She finally relaxed into the plush leather headrest.
“We have to pick up the children. Kaede threw them a party since Lord Sesshoumaru vetoed it being held on the estate grounds.”
Even in the dark, the clear blue of Keiko's amused eyes glittered with mischief.
Sango's eyes narrowed. “What else? Come on. Is it about Miroku? What has he done?”
Clearing her throat delicately and giving Sango a protracted sidelong look to better gage her current mood, Keiko pursed her lips, searching for the right words.
“Promise you won't get angry?”
The Kendo Master snorted. “No can do. What is it?”
“Well, it is just a suggestion but you might want to work on your `come-hither'. It needs a bit of tweaking. The moon eyed stare you were giving that troll gave the impression you were going to be sick or something.”
It was a very good thing too that they were currently in a lane with little to no traffic behind as the SUV weaved dangerously for several meters and Keiko discovered, to her complete shock, that it was never advisable to underestimate the dexterity or right hook of a travel worn mortal woman.
“Take it.” Kagome insisted softly, wrapping Kagura's still cold fingers around the cup of hot liquid. “You need it more than I do,” she added empathetically.
Diffident ruby eyes glanced up suspiciously at the amicable tone, watching as Kagome flopped onto the couch and played with a silky silver gray ear.
“I don't need your pity.”
“Who's offering any?”
Kagura sniffed the contents of the cup disdainfully. She had added sugar, a great deal of sugar.
“It's not poisoned, Kagura. Drink it. Had I wanted you dead I could simply have left you with Inuyasha or, for that matter, Jak.”
The Wind Sorceress' lips curled as she took a tentative sip then another, eying the beguiling woman across from her with renewed hatred. Kagome's quiet poise was irritating.
Taking another sip and meticulously cleaning the lipstick print from the edge of the porcelain cup, Kagura looked around the well appointed library noting the subtle changes to the decor. The seasonal additions notwithstanding, all be they sparingly applied, did add a certain warmth to an otherwise masculine domain - a warmth that had not been there previously.
“You seem to have become a fixture in this household.”
Kagome smiled lazily and curled her legs up on the couch, simply waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Irritating isn't it?” Kami help her, but Kagura had the uncanny ability to bring out the bitch in even the most kindly disposed of women.
“A little advice; don't get too use to it, Miss Higurashi,” Kagura added cattily with a malicious grin. “It is still Miss, isn't it?”
Shaking her head, Kagome chuckled quietly, adjusting a cushion to the small of her back.
“You're good, Kagura.”
“Excuse me?”
“You sit here in the middle of the enemy camp, practically foaming at the mouth each time you look at me, instead of taking the opportunity to actually talk to the one individual on this estate who really has no issue with you...”
“Darling, I am way out of your league. Lose the condescending tone. You are not and never will be the lady of this household,” Kagura countered, carefully placing the cup on the adjoining lap table.
Kagome bit her lower lip, her usually warm brown eyes becoming opaque, shiny obsidian. “Let's change the subject to something a little more interesting.”
Continuing as if the woman before her had not spoken, Kagura continued, not entirely comfortably with the smooth way that Kagome had chosen to nix her intended insult.
“Sorry dear, didn't mean to touch on a sore spot.”
“God, you are boring and churlish. Fine, I am not the Lady Taishou and if and when it does happen, you will undoubtedly be the first to know. Unlike you, Kagura my life has never been defined by the male I select as partner. By the way, how is Kouga these days? Hand fully recovered from the little accident?”
In the blink of an eye, Kagura was up and lunged towards the still seated dark-haired woman who had yet to move a muscle in defense. A hand was raised to strike the pale knowing expression on Kagome's otherwise angelic face.
A burning sensation coursed down Kagura's raised arm. Her entire body began to tremble uncontrollably as opalescent vapors surrounded her body and squeezed.
“Sit down, Kagura and stop fighting me. I still don't have complete control of my powers and I might hurt you unintentionally.” Kagome advised quietly.
Kagura turned frightened angry eyes to the woman seated before her. The preternatural aura surrounding the petite woman pulsed erratically. What she had mistaken for quiet poise was in fact a defensive shield. Not particularly strong, but sufficient to ward off her malevolent advances.
“A lot has changed in my world, Kagura, and in yours. Contrary to what you might believe, I am not your enemy,” Kagome continued, brushing a stray tendril behind her own ear. Contemplatively her eyes watched the dancing flames within the fireplace before pointing to the mantle and both katana mounted above.
Kagome smiled sadly at Kagura and with a dismissive wave of her hand the Wind Sorceress, not of her own volition, plunging unceremoniously into her seat. She gasped for air, angry vermillion eyes glaring at the still figure that had foiled her attack effortlessly. Kagura would not make this mistake again.
“What I always dismissed as an over-active imagination has turned out to be real. My dreams were real. Evil is real, Kagura; frighteningly real. I am a Miko and theoretically that makes us mortal enemies. I repeat. I am not your enemy.”
Kagura raised her chin diffidently. “Eventually, Sesshoumaru will recognize his mistake. You don't belong, Miko. So just to be clear, I'm yours.”
Kagome turned toward her then.
Kagura shivered at the intensity in Kagome's placid gaze. For the first time it became obvious why Sesshoumaru had chosen her. In time, she could be formidable. Kouga had been right.
“Why are you here, exactly? Because, Kagura, if you came solely to foment war, then I am your enemy and will finish you.”
Kagura threw her head back with maliciously laughter born somewhat of fear. She had finally scored on the little Miko who was showing her true colors at last. Sighing dramatically, she retrieved the cup of lukewarm coffee by her side, oblivious to the four figures standing in the doorway.
“As if… I am here to see, Lord Sesshoumaru, dear. Not his upstart bed warmer. Even Jak knows his place. Learn yours.”
Kagome's right eye began to tick as her ire was raised anew just as a slight movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention and she breathed with relief.
Like a whisper of silk, a deep warning growl came to Kagura's ear and she looked up into cold citrine that sparkled menacingly in the dim light. Sesshoumaru was livid. It didn't help that she felt the malice of two other sets of yellow gold eyes.
The ones belonging to the hanyou held a mischievous gleam as he lazily leaned against the bar and waited. The ones belonging to the canine held a mean and hungry look.
My Upstart Bed Warmer asked you a question, Kagura. You would be well advised to answer it.”
Kagome suppressed a smirk. He was capable of humor at the oddest of times.
Author's Note
Hope you enjoyed. It was fun to write. Then again, they are fun characters to work with and the proverbial you know what is about to hit the fan.
Next update will be soon, but must now turn my attention to the oldest child of my brood - This Sesshoumaru Needs Not A Mate and Sesshoumaru's Mate: A Valentine's Story. It is timelong past time. Yes, the next segment of The Art of Tea might be out by week's end.
As always thank you for your continued support. You really are marvelous!