InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Messed Up Romance ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hope you guys enjoy. Let me know if you hate it. This is kind of a teaser. Please don't hate me.

Disclaimer: the usual

Messed Up Romance
Chapter 3

(Let us recap, shall we? Miroku had just seen something odd in Kagome’s very private backpack.)

(“Yes, I believe they are in her school bag. I’ll go see if I can find them.” Miroku went inside the hut in search of Kagome's bag that she had brought back with her. When he came out however, he was wearing a look of utter confusion. ‘What exactly was that thing I saw in there, and what would Kagome be doing with such a thing?’

Sango looked at Miroku in wonder. ‘What could he have seen in there that made him so uncomfortable?’ “What is it Miroku, couldn’t you find them?”)

(Back to Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo.)

(What's this, you want to know what’s in the bag, be patient? Am I evil or what?)

Inuyasha was happy when they finally found the spot where Kaede was known to pick wild herbs. Even though he enjoyed carrying Kagome on his back so much, he had to admit that the feelings he was beginning to have were getting to be too much. His whole body felt like it was on fire. His cheeks were still red from Shippo’s comment earlier.

“We’re here, so you guys can get off my back. Shippo if you ever dig your damn claws into my shoulder like that again, I’ll rip them out.” Inuyasha tried to act like he was angry to hide the fact that the redness in his face was from him blushing.

“I was not digging my claws into you. Besides, if I did, it would have been your fault. You go so fast that it feels like I’m going to fall off.”

“You calling me a liar Shippo?”

“Now, now Inuyasha, fight nice. He’s smaller than you, so you should be the bigger man and stop the fight.”

“See, I’m right and you’re wrong so there.” Shippo stuck out his tongue at the half demon again, but this time he didn’t make it to Kagome’s arms before Inuyasha grabbed him by his neck. He turned Shippo to make him look him in the eye. “Do you want to do that again?”

Kagome was getting tired of this. She reached out and took Shippo from Inuyasha. Then she asked Inuyasha, “Do you want to do 'that' again?” Then she turned her attention to the smiling kitsune. “Don’t you do that again either Shippo. We’ve been too lenient with you so far; don’t press your luck with me today.”

Inuyasha decided it wasn’t worth being sat over. He immediately went to work at sniffing the ground for any trace that the old priestess had been there. ‘No luck, I wonder if she was ever out here. I’m not catching the faintest trace of her scent.’

“Shippo, why don’t you help Inuyasha? Two noses are better than one. In the meantime, I’ll work on collecting some herbs. We might need medicine if we end up fighting Naraku.” Kagome walked a little further into the trees to search for said herbs, leaving the other two to their duty.

“Alright, let’s see. This one helps to clot your blood. This one is a fever reducer. I think this is the one that Kaede said helps reduce toxins in the blood. Miroku will definitely need this one, and the one to clot your blood, Inuyasha is always getting big gaping wounds.”

Kagome put each and every one in her arms. She wished that she had brought her backpack with her, but she didn’t want Inuyasha sneaking a peek inside of it. “That would not be good. It would be so embarrassing to have to explain what those things are for.” (Don’t worry, I will explain a few things to you pervs a little later.)

As Kagome looked down at the ground for another herb, she heard a rustling in the bushes. When she looked up, she saw a small child bounding out of the bushes. The child ran up to Kagome with tears in her eyes.

“Rin, what’s wrong; are you lost?”

“Yes, I can’t find Lord Sesshomaru or Master Jaken anywhere. I left on Ah Unn to search for food, but they ran off and left me all alone. Please pretty lady, help me.”

“Alright, let me tell…. on second thought, I don’t think it’s a good idea to tell Inuyasha about Sesshomaru being near. I’ll go with you. Maybe I can try to sense his demonic aura.”

Rin was ecstatic. Kagome was the only woman she had any contact with, since her mother and her big sister were killed by the wolf demons. She held onto her hand as though it were gold. She felt so happy just being near another female human again.

Kagome thought she could vaguely sense a demonic presence. ‘Maybe Sesshomaru is somewhere nearby.’ She looked further ahead, and sure enough, she saw the sight of the most beautiful silvery, white hair of any demon she had ever seen. (Before you yell at me, half demons not included. She still thinks her cute little doggie Inu is the hottest.)

Sesshomaru sensed her coming before she was ever seen walking out of the forest. He stayed leaning against his tree as though he didn’t even notice her at all. ‘Man, the arrogance of this guy.’ Kagome walked up to him with a swinging Rin still hanging onto her hand. She just wouldn’t let go.

“Sesshomaru, I think I found something that belongs to you. Rin got lost in the woods while she was searching for food. She was frightened so she asked me to help her find you.”

(Far, far away in a castle behind an invisible barrier.)

“Kanna, come here so I can get a closer look. Well, well, well, this is interesting. What will you do Inuyasha? When your mate falls in love with your half brother how it will crush you. This is even better than I had hoped. I never expected her to run into Sesshomaru.”

Naraku ordered Kagura to prepare the ingredients for the incantation. When she finished this, Naraku began chanting words in a strange, long forgotten language. “It will take mere moments my dear. Soon you will find yourself falling for this demon.”

“If it pains you Inuyasha, come to me and I will rid you of your sorrow at the point of a katana. Ha, ha, ha, ha. This is going to be interesting.”

Oh no, what ever will they do? Read on to find out. Please review it does my heart good. Lovies to all, and hugs and kisses too. Not a gay thing if you’re a girl, and guys I’m not hitting on you, I swear. So tell your girlfriends to stop sending me death threats.