InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ A New Direction ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Fanfiction of the Week:  Paradox: The Power of Letting Go, by Sayuriko
Just finished this one last week, and man was I impressed.  Angst, drama, romance, and great original characters.  And even if you figure out what’s going to happen in the end, like I did, this is still an extremely fun and entertaining read.  And it was her first fanfiction too!  

A New Direction

Inuyasha woke at dawn, the return of his demonic powers rousing him.  It was just about the happiest time of the month for our hanyou; he didn’t have to worry about turning human again for a whole lunar cycle.  Still, the sensation was strange, considering he usually didn’t fall asleep on his human nights.  Brain still fogged with the remnants of slumber, he couldn’t comprehend why he had fallen asleep, but he did know that he was far too comfortable to get up.  Yawning tiredly, he pressed closer to the warm body lying next to him.  Wait…warm body?  

Inuyasha shot off the bed, so quickly that he lost his footing and toppled over backwards.  Raising his head, he climbed to his feet and tiptoed back toward the mattress.  He released the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding when he saw that Kagome was still asleep.  The miko chose that moment to stir, rolling over to face him, his name a whisper in her soft exhale.  Inuyasha recalled the position he’d woken up in.  They had been lying spooned together, her back to his chest, his arm draped possessively around her waist.  And though she had been below the blankets and he above them, it had still been the most intimate embrace he had ever shared with anyone.  Hugging someone was one thing, but cuddling them while they slept was quite another.  He was both mortified and eternally grateful Kagome had not woken up first, but he couldn’t say he was angry at either her or himself.  Secretly, he wondered if she would have minded waking up with him like that.

Shaking his head and deciding he wasn’t going to ask her, Inuyasha settled down on the floor, back resting against the mattress.  The morning was bright and peaceful, the merry chirping of birds drifting through the open window.  Grinning as the cheerfulness of the avians proved infectious, the hanyou prepared to relax for a couple hours until Kagome woke.  Of course, it seemed fate didn’t want him to relax—ever.  

*Beep!  Beep!  Beep!*

As always, Kagome’s cursed alarm clock had him leaping to attention, though he did manage to refrain from pulling out Tetsusaiga this time.  Instead, he settled for crossing his arms over his chest and glowering down at the woman whose delicate hand shot out to silence the infernal contraption.  Something was amiss.  

“Kagome,” he ground out, “why is your alarm clock on?”  

Said miko looked at him, wearing a smile that could only be described as sheepish.  “Because, I thought that since I was home…Idecidedtogotoschool!”  

It took Inuyasha a moment to decipher her gibberish, but he became pissed as all hell when he did.  

“Fuck no, wench!  You’re not going to school!”

“And why not?” Kagome replied indignantly, her anger rising to match her companion’s.  “You don’t even know if Myouga is in the village yet.  And besides, we can’t go anywhere until the others get back.  So why, Inuyasha?  Give me one good reason I can’t go to school!”  

Inuyasha’s retort died on his lips as the full weight of Kagome’s impenetrable logic fell upon his shoulders.  She wanted a good reason, and he didn’t have one.  And he knew from past experience what would happen if he just ordered her to stay.  Ah, crap.

“Fine,” he mumbled, looking away petulantly.  

“Inuyasha!  I’m going and that’s fin—what did you say?”  

“Keh!  Don’t look so shocked!  You were right; there’s no reason why you can’t go.  Unless you think I’m staying here, that is.”


“No buts, Kagome!” he imitated, mimicking her tone from the night before.  “The odors from that smelly city could still overwhelm that sensitive nose of yours.”  

Kagome smiled at the concern he was trying to hide.  Yes, her hanyou senses had been bothering her less and less every day, but they still occasionally gave her headaches and made her feel faint.  A really strong odor could probably still knock her out.  Hell, the ink from that hell-painter had put Inuyasha completely out of it!  And it wasn’t as if she didn’t enjoy having Inuyasha accompany her to school.  She would always worry that his brazenness and lack of familiarity with the modern world would get him into trouble.  But he had been fine the last time, and she would just have to trust him.  Better than fine, she thought, recalling everything that had gone on that day.   I wonder if I could get him to put his arm around me again.  Snapping back to reality, Kagome swooped in for a quick hug before spinning him around and pushing him out the door with a soft “thank you.”  

“Oi!  What the hell did you shove me out here for?” Inuyasha demanded.  

“I can’t change with you in here, can I?  Hentai.”

“I am not a hentai!”  

Kagome’s giggling behind the door told him she had merely been joking, but that didn’t help his suddenly sour mood.  He stormed downstairs, scowling and grumbling about ‘sneaky wenches’ the whole way.  And once again, Kagome was forced to serve bacon to get him out of his funk.  

“You’re up early, Kagome,” Mrs. Higurashi observed as she breezed into the kitchen.  “Going to school?”  

“Mm-hm,” Kagome replied, not wanting to stop eating for even a second lest she be late.  

“Is Inuyasha going with you again?”  

This time Inuyasha, who had long since finished his breakfast, answered.  “Yep.  I still don’t trust her not to hurt herself.”  Pointedly ignoring Kagome’s glare, he stood from the table and turned to see if he could find that fat cat, Buyo.  The butterball was fun to play with, if nothing else.  

“Inuyasha!” Mrs. Higurashi called, stopping him in his tracks.  “I have something I may need your help with this morning, so could you please come right back after dropping Kagome off?”  

Inuyasha was about to protest, but this time he couldn’t ignore the look Kagome shot him, one that promised a meeting with the dirt in his future if he didn’t help her mother.  He sighed; yeah, it was boring watching Kagome sit at a desk all day, but it was better than not watching her at all.  Trouble seemed to follow her around constantly.  At least, that was the reason he told himself he wanted to stay with her.  

“Alright,” he agreed reluctantly.  

“Oh, thank you!” the older woman replied with a smile.  There was also a slight twinkle in her eye, one that had a sinking feeling settling in the pit of Inuyasha’s stomach.  What have I gotten myself into?

The walk to school was peaceful, and Kagome arrived with a few minutes to spare.  The miko was disappointed when Inuyasha didn’t put his arm around her, but he didn’t pull away when she took his hand.  She departed with orders to “be a good boy” for her mother, or else!  Damn wench still treats me like a dog!  It’s not like I’ve ever been an ass around her mother.  I’ve been a good bo—ah, dammit!  Now she’s got me saying it!  

And so the intrepid hanyou returned to the shrine.  “You needed me for something?” he asked upon entering the living room, where Mrs. Higurashi was watching that strange ‘telavision’ box.  She didn’t reply, but stood and turned to face him with a huge grin plastered to her face.  The sinking feeling deepened as she took the hat from his hand and replaced it upon his head.  Then, she turned and dragged him out the front door and toward the shrine steps.  

“Where are we going?” he inquired nervously as they descended to the street.  

“We, Inuyasha, are going shopping!”  

The hanyou shrunk back from the excitement flowing off her, even as she continued to haul him off to who knows where.  

“For what?” he demanded, not liking the strange looks they were receiving from the rest of the mortal population.  Finally, Mrs. Higurashi stopped, turning the pouty, ‘you dare spoil my fun?’ look on him.  

“Inuyasha,” she asked seriously, “do you intend to continue walking my daughter to and from school?”

“Uh, only until I know she won’t be overwhelmed by her senses!”  

“I’m sure,” Mrs. Higurashi responded, not quite believing his defensive assertion.  “Well in that case, I think we should get you some modern clothing to help you blend in better.”  

Inuyasha grimaced; the clothes he saw men wearing in this time looked so tight and uncomfortable.  And he knew they weren’t free, either.  

“That’s not necessary.  I fit in fine here.  Don’t waste your money on me.”  

“It’s not a waste.  But if you don’t want them, then that’s too bad,” Mrs. Higurashi replied with exaggerated disappointment.  “I know Kagome would love to see you in modern clothes…”  

Inuyasha’s ears perked up at that, and Mrs. Higurashi smirked in victory.  “Come on.  We’ll just try some on, and if you don’t like them we don’t have to buy anything.  Okay?”  Inuyasha thought about that a moment, then grudgingly nodded and was dragged off again.  Mrs. Higurashi was incredibly giddy, and it was all she could do to keep from giggling like a schoolgirl.  It wasn’t often she got to surprise her only daughter, after all.  And this really was all about giving Kagome the shock of her life, and a very pleasant one at that.  Inuyasha already stood out like a sore thumb due to his long, silken silver hair and amber eyes, so the modern clothing probably wouldn’t help much.  That had just been a little white lie to get the hanyou to cooperate.  And in the end, all I had to do was tell him Kagome would like to see him in modern clothing.  How can love be so blind?

She had watched them closely over the past year.  She watched as her daughter fell in love with a half demon from five hundred years in the past.  She watched as he broke her heart, then built it up again.  She watched as they drifted ever closer, yet still too distant to see what was obvious to everyone else who saw them.  She caught the way they looked at each other when they thought no one was watching, twin gazes filled with longing, love, and devotion.  She knew Kagome loved him, and she knew Inuyasha loved her in return, even though neither of them realized it yet.  To have such love, such adoration go unrealized was a crime, one which Mrs. Higurashi hoped to soon see rectified.  But that was not her privilege; all she could do was nudge them in the right direction.  Her daughter could do much worse in a man, on either side of the well.  From the moment Inuyasha had stormed into her house demanding Kagome’s return, she had known he was a good man.  He was too honorable to take advantage of her fifteen-year-old daughter, to serenade her with sweet words just to earn some physical pleasure.  And he was strong, strong enough to protect her, shelter Kagome from dangers that she herself could never comprehend.  So she let Kagome go through the well, skip school, basically throw away her future in the modern era.  She did it because it made her daughter happy, but she was not an irresponsible parent.  If Inuyasha was anything less than the man she knew him to be, she would yank Kagome back by her hair, lock her in her room, and detonate so much C-4 in the well that the people on the other side would feel it.  

But that would never be necessary.  Ever since the accident that left Kagome a hanyou, it seemed like Inuyasha had been extra nice to her.  Whether this was brought on out of the necessity of helping her cope with hyperactive senses, or out of guilt, Mrs. Higurashi didn’t know.  But it was a change for the better, and it gave her hope that someday soon they would realize just how much they truly meant to each other.  And maybe I’ll get some puppy-eared grandchildren.  Yes, soon her two little birds will have flown the nest, and jii-chan wasn’t getting any younger, so having adorable grandchildren to dote on would help her ease the loneliness she could see on the horizon.  If her late husband was still alive, she would have asked for another baby long ago.

But this day was about new love, and she refused to feel any of the melancholy that normally came with thoughts of her deceased spouse.  He had been her one and only love, and there would be no other.  And she didn’t regret a moment with him, even though their time together had been cut almost unbearably short.  To find true love, even for such a brief time, was worth all the heartache.  And that was why she was taking Inuyasha shopping, to help her daughter discover what true love was like.  She could only hope that they had many more happy years together than she and her husband did.  

A soft gasp behind her jolted Mrs. Higurashi back to the present, and she was startled to find that not only had her absent-minded autopilot taken her to the mall, but it had also directed her to the clothing store she normally took Souta to.  Inuyasha was blushing, staring at something over her shoulder.  Turning around, she almost laughed outright.  A simple display of bras had embarrassed her companion so.  He was so innocent, this hanyou, yet another reason she adored him and knew he was perfect for her daughter.  Gently she led him to the left, towards the men’s section, smirking the whole time.   I suppose they could have put those in a better place rather than right in front of the door.    

Inuyasha relaxed as he was no longer confronted by hundreds of articles of women’s underwear.  Mrs. Higurashi was just going about her business, taking things off the shelves and hangars and handing them to him.  Some of them he recognized, like pants and shirts, but others were unfamiliar.  

“What are these?” he asked, holding up a rectangular package wrapped in clear ‘plaz-tik.’  

“Boxers.  You put them on under your pants.”  

“Oh,” he mumbled, feeling foolish once again.  But Mrs. Higurashi didn’t even pause; she treated it as if it was a perfectly reasonable question for a young man to be asking.  Maybe that was why he liked her—because she treated him like a normal human even though she knew otherwise.  

“Alright, I think we’ve got enough for the first batch.  Go in the changing room and put on an outfit.  Then come out and let me see when you’re finished.”  

Following her instructions, Inuyasha found an empty stall easily enough, and set about removing his fire-rat clothing.  That done, he stepped into one of the pairs of ‘jeenz’ Mrs. Higurashi had picked out, and pulled them up to his waist.  And they fell right back down again.  He pulled them up, and they fell right back down again.  Growling in annoyance, he yanked them up and looked more closely.  Oh, that’s right.  You have to fasten these stupid things.  Quizzically he examined the fastening, unsure how to proceed.  Keh!  Come on, you’re smart.  Figure it out.  I am *so* not asking Kagome’s mother for help!  

It took some struggling, but eventually he managed to get the pants buttoned and zipped, though he did very nearly catch ‘little Inuyasha’ in the sharp metal teeth.  He made a mental note to be much more careful in the future.  That must be why men wear those ‘boxer’ things—to keep their wangs safe.  Next he chose a shirt, a plain crimson muscle shirt because the color most resembled that of his haori.  Glancing at himself in the full-length mirror, he had to admit he didn’t look half bad, though the shirt especially was uncomfortably tight.  Just before he left the stall he remembered one other thing Mrs. Higurashi had told him, and tied his hair in a ponytail with the white string she had produced from her purse.  

Mrs. Higurashi was busy looking through sandals for a pair the perennially barefooted hanyou would tolerate.  She chuckled to herself; picking out clothes and eyeballing sizes for Inuyasha had been just like doing the same for Souta.  Well, maybe not exactly the same.  She certainly had never shopped for clothing that would show off her preadolescent son’s figure, for one thing.  Speaking of which…

“How do I look?” came the nervous voice behind her.  Spinning, Mrs. Higurashi felt her mouth go dry.  There stood a gorgeous silver-haired man she could only assume was Inuyasha.  The red shirt fit him perfectly, framing his well-built torso and revealing broad shoulders and muscular arms.  His waist was slim and compact, and the jeans hung low on his hips.  There didn’t seem to be an ounce of fat on his toned frame.  In short, he was absolutely immaculate, and she suddenly lacked up the cognitive capacity to muster a response.  Taking her silence the wrong way, Inuyasha turned to slink back into the changing room.  

“W-Wait, Inuyasha!  You look good…really good,” she gushed, somehow managing not to blush.  

“Really?  Thanks,” he replied sincerely, uncomfortable with the praise but grateful for it nonetheless.  

“Go back inside and try on some other clothes.  I’d say those are keepers.”  

When the hanyou was safely back in the dressing room, Mrs. Higurashi started fanning herself lightly.  Oh yes, Kagome was definitely going to enjoy her surprise.  

Kagome counted down the seconds until the final bell, preparing for the mad dash to the school’s main exit.  She had somehow managed to avoid Hojo all day, even though she wound up having lunch with her friends, and wasn’t about to give the boy a chance to proposition her now if she could help it.  With any luck, she could escape before running into him and having to turn him down.  


Kagome jolted from her thoughts and bolted out of the classroom.  But as she moved hurriedly down the hall, she spotted Hojo emerging from another room, and turning her way.  Frantically she looked for an escape route, and dove through the door of the girl’s bathroom on her right.  She shuffled to the sink and examined herself forlornly in the mirror.  What is wrong with me?  Why am I running from Hojo?  It wasn’t that she was afraid of him, or that she was afraid she’d be tempted to accept his invitation; she just hated the thought of hurting his feelings, seeing the disappointment written on his face.  Her hope was that if she showed no interest he would eventually get the hint and move on.  But after more than a year of excuses, dodging, and flaking on dates, it was becoming apparent that this wasn’t going to happen.  It was inevitable really, hurting his feelings.  How much longer could this charade go on, anyway?  Kagome sighed.  Maybe I should have a talk with him.

When she emerged from the restroom, the hallways were mostly deserted, and Hojo was nowhere to be seen.  Slowly she ambled toward the exit, quickening her pace when she remembered that Inuyasha was supposed to be there to meet her.  When she emerged from the building, however, she didn’t immediately spy her hanyou anywhere.  Perhaps that was because her mind was predisposed to look for a full-body set of red clothing.  She scanned the grounds again, subconsciously widening her search, and gasped at what she saw.  

Kagome felt her eyebrows twitch in irritation.  There was Inuyasha, with several girls from her grade standing around him trying to engage him in conversation.  At least he didn’t seem interested, though that didn’t mollify her jealousy very much.  Kagome gritted her teeth and fisted her hands at her sides, resisting the urge to smack one girl in particular who was clearly trying to make a move on her hanyou.  He was hers, dammit!  Ok, well maybe not, but he was still more hers than theirs!  And it was high time to make that abundantly clear.  

“Inuyasha, darling,” she called as loudly as she could.  “There you are!”  

The girls stepped back as she drew closer, embracing him tightly and leaving a lingering kiss on his cheek.  “Come on, let’s go back to my house.”  With the competition suitably chastised, Kagome proceeded to drag him off toward the street.  Halfway across the school grounds, she suddenly halted and spun around to regard him angrily.  

“Inuyasha!  What did you do to draw so much at…ten…tion…?”  Kagome trailed off, gaping hopelessly as she noticed his new attire for the first time.  Inuyasha looked…amazing, breathtaking, hot, and any number of other adjectives her muddled mind was tossing around.  His chiseled chest, one she had seen many times while bandaging it, was covered only in a thin, scarlet muscle shirt.  And somehow, all those previous times didn’t seem to count; it was like seeing his chest for the first time.  He was just so perfectly proportioned, his lean body well-toned but not overly beefy.  His arms, much more powerful than they appeared, tensed and corded as he folded them against his chest.  Lowering her gaze, Kagome found his jean-clad lower body no less appealing, the denim outlining his strong hips and thighs in ways his hakama never did.  His normal wardrobe didn’t reveal nearly enough of his figure, she reflected.  Moving her eyes upward, she noticed his long hair was tied back in a luxurious ponytail before reading the smirking, amused expression on his face.  It was then that she realized she’d been ogling him for the better portion of a minute, and flushed beat red.  

Inuyasha smirked wider as she looked away, hands coming together to fidget nervously in front of her.  He could care less what anyone else thought, but getting that reaction from Kagome made all the fuss and unwanted attention worthwhile.  She reeked of strong attraction, a scent that he was embarrassed to note was starting to affect him as he looked at her adorable face, long legs…  Shaking his head, he began walking toward the shrine, allowing her to trail behind until she composed herself.  

“Kagome!” three shrill voices called.  Groaning, she turned to greet her friends, who nevertheless flew right past her.  

“Wow, Inuyasha!  You look good,” Yuka spouted, eyeing him up and down.  

“Yeah, you should wear modern clothes more often!” supplied Eri.  

“Thanks,” the hanyou replied, his whole demeanor practically oozing confidence.  

“For a minute there we thought you were two-timing Kagome again,” Ayumi interjected, earning blanches from both hanyou.  “But I’ve never seen a guy stonewall Maeda like that!” she exclaimed, referring to one of the girls by her family name.  

“Maybe that will take her down a peg,” Yuka muttered sarcastically.  “Now that there’s at least one guy in the world who’s not drooling over her.”  

“Keh.  I’d drool over ramen sooner than I would her.”  

That statement was no joke to the hanyou, but Kagome’s friends took it as one.  They all laughed, causing said miko’s jaw to drop.  Or maybe it had never closed in the first place.  Inuyasha told a joke?  What’s next, reciting poetry and singing karaoke?  Still, it was a nice change to see in him.  For a boy who had hardly ever been told he was beautiful, or even pleasant to look at, today must have been one hell of a pick-me-up.  She growled at the thought of other girls paying that kind of attention to him.  It irked her to no end that being fawned over by some strangers had seemingly inflated his ego so much, when she had always thought he was gorgeous.  Jealously reared its ugly head all over again, but she tried to console herself with the knowledge that he had ‘stonewalled’ the other girls, as Ayumi put it.  

“So, red is your favorite color?” Ayumi said as she took Inuyasha’s arm and led him away, giving her two co-conspirators the chance to have a ‘private’ conversation with Kagome as they trailed behind.  

“Kagome!  Why didn’t you tell us your boyfriend was so good-looking!”

“Yeah, I mean, Hojo’s handsome, but he’s got nothing on Inuyasha.  Check out that butt!”  

It occurred to Kagome that her friends were just having a little fun with her, trying to embarrass her a little, and in this they certainly succeeded.  But judging by the barely noticeable hitch in Inuyasha’s step, it appeared they succeeded in a lot more than they realized.  Oh, no.  This is great, just great.  My two baka friends don’t realize he can hear everything they’re saying!  She could practically see his ego ballooning, so much so that his head might start floating away any second.  Desperately she tried to think of something to steer the conversation away from her hot-butted ‘boyfriend.’  Fortunately, fate decided to help her out.  


Upon hearing her name, Kagome hung her head in exasperation.  Apparently her friends hadn’t been the only ones who saw her little display with Inuyasha.  What am I thinking?  The whole school saw it!  Sighing and wondering when, if ever, she was going to catch a break, Kagome turned and plastered on a fake smile for the new arrival.  

“Hi, Hojo-kun, how are y—”

“Kagome, can I talk to you for a minute?”  

Kagome froze, eyes widening as she gazed at the serious expression marring the normally cheery boy’s face.  She had never seen him look that way before, nor had he ever addressed her so familiarly.  

“Sure, Hojo-kun,” she replied, shooting a glare Inuyasha’s way, a silent warning not to follow.  The hanyou growled, but vowed to give her the space she wanted—as long as she and that wimpy human stayed in sight, that is.  Her friends tried to involve him in another conversation, but eventually gave up and settled for watching the two unrequited-lovebirds.  Hojo turned to face her after a few steps, but Kagome kept walking until she was sure they were out of Inuyasha’s hearing range.  

“Kagome…is that your boyfriend?” he finally asked after several seconds of gathering his courage.  

“Um…”  Kagome hesitated, finally realizing where this conversation was headed.  This was Hojo realizing for the first time that there was another male intimately involved in her life.  This was her chance to tell him she would never be his, and she knew she couldn’t miss it.  

“Yes, he is,” she said evenly.  

“I see,” Hojo replied, failing to keep the disappointment from his tone.  

“Oh, Hojo-kun!  I’m so sorry!  I should have told you sooner, but I didn’t want to hurt you.  I guess I ended up doing that anyway,” she lamented shamefully.  

“It’s alright, Higurashi,” Hojo reassured her, cracking a wry smile.  “I suppose I should have known all along.  You never did seem that interested in me.”  He paused a moment, regarding her seriously once more.  “Does he make you happy?”

“Yes, he does,” Kagome answered, beaming.  

“Then that’s enough for me.”

“Oh, Hojo-kun.  Thank you.”  With that, she enfolded him in a warm embrace before leaning up to place a peck on his cheek.  Said cheek reddened, and Hojo stammered for a moment before recovering himself.  Turning and waving, he shouted a goodbye before jogging toward the bicycle rack.  Kagome felt immense relief, an enormous weight lifted off her shoulders since Hojo had taken it well.  Apparently they could still remain friends, though she didn’t expect to see too much of him, not with her adventures in the feudal era taking up much of her time.  Her good vibes vanished as she turned back toward her friends, only to see Inuyasha storming off down the street.  Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi seemed just as confused as she was, and she hurriedly waved farewell to them before scampering to catch up with him.  

Kagome frowned as she walked behind him, craning her neck to try to catch a glimpse of his face.  But he was marching too quickly for that, his whole body tense, fists clenched at his side.  What’s his problem?

Inuyasha was fuming, absolutely livid.  That wench.  I can’t believe her!  First she had embraced him, and then she had kissed him on the cheek.  Then she had gone and done the same to that puny human runt!  What was he, chopped liver?  Just what had she said to that boy?  Was he her boyfriend?  The thought filled him with a maddening combination of rage and envy.  He left their usual path, taking a detour through the ‘park,’ the quiet, wooded area the perfect place for the fireworks that were ready to shoot out his ears.  At the sound of her voice, he snapped.  

“Inuyasha, wha—”

“Shut up, wench!” he snarled, the sheer vehemence in his gaze causing Kagome to take a step back.  “Why don’t you save it for that human boy you seem to like so much?!”  

Kagome bristled at that comment, her eyes flaring to bore holes in his skull.  “If you must know,” she growled, “I just told Hojo-kun I wasn’t interested in him!”  

Inuyasha scoffed, though a small amount of relieved doubt did manage to creep into his subconscious.  “Oh, stupid me!  How could I have missed that?  So tell me, do all girls in this time kiss a guy when they tell him they’re not interested?  Who’s two-timing now?”  

Kagome gasped.  She had tried to be patient, tried to explain her actions, but that last comment had landed like a punch in the gut.  Inuyasha looked primed for detonation, his amber eyes ablaze with enough fire to scorch the whole Earth many times over.  And suddenly Kagome realized what the problem was.  I…I kissed Inuyasha, and then I kissed Hojo!  Inuyasha’s not from this time, so he doesn’t know that a kiss on the cheek is almost like a hug.  No wonder he thought I liked Hojo.  She knew she needed to fix this, to make Inuyasha realize that he was the only man in her life, but words just weren’t going to cut it.  Well, a kiss had gotten her into this mess…

So, not giving herself time to second-guess, she firmly grasped Inuyasha’s forelocks in both hands and planted her lips on his.  She meant it to be brief and chaste, but when she moved to pull away Inuyasha followed her, maintaining contact.  He deepened the kiss, moving one hand to cup her neck while the other found purchase on her lower back.  Kagome opened her mouth to receive him, her arms winding around his neck to pull him closer.  His tongue tangled with her own as she melted against him.  Conscious thought completely deserted them; they were two souls, intimately connected, operating on a whole new level.  Only lack of air could break through the utter bliss they had created between them.  

When they finally did pull away, both were panting heavily, inhaling the scent of mutual arousal hanging in the air.  They were powerless to look away, as four orbs shone with an unnamed emotion, a singular desire heating their blood and making them ache for more.  But it was not to be.  The sounds of the world gradually filtered back into their private universe, shattering the moment and allowing sudden awkwardness to hit them full force.  Both looked away at the same time, and neither knew what to say, or even if they should say anything.  

“Inu—”  “Kag—”

Both chuckled nervously at their simultaneous attempts to break the tension, but after several more seconds of just staring at each other, Kagome could take it no longer.  

“Come on, let’s head back to the shrine,” she said, resuming their journey without checking to see if he was following.  Oh, Kami, I’m such a fool!  What must he think of me now?  He probably hates me!  But…he did kiss me back.  Unbeknownst to Kagome, Inuyasha’s thoughts were running along very similar lines.  What the hell just happened?  Is she mad at me?  How could she be, when she kissed me?!  Is she regretting?  Inuyasha took a good look at her, noticing that she seemed sad more than anything else.  So at least she wasn’t pissed at him for taking the kiss much farther than she obviously intended.  He grimaced; he didn’t even know why he’d done it.  His mind had barely wrapped itself around the fact that Kagome was kissing him when she pulled away, and he knew he just couldn’t, wouldn’t allow it to end so soon.  No, he didn’t know what was bothering Kagome, but he could comfort her, be there for her just as he had always been.  Quickening his pace until he was right beside her, he looped his arm around her waist, praying she didn’t push him away.  

Kagome was startled, but that one simple gesture had assuaged her fears, and she relaxed bonelessly into him.  This wasn’t going to ruin their friendship, or hang over their heads for all eternity.  They weren’t mad at each other, and would move on, hopefully to similar moments in the future.  As they walked back to her home, the tension in the atmosphere finally dissipated completely.  And they remembered why they had been arguing in the first place.  

“So you’re really not interested in that guy?”

“No.  Are you interested in any of those girls?”

“Hell no.”  

Twin smiles graced their faces, and one widened as the owner recalled something else that had been said that day.  

“So, wench…” Inuyasha said neutrally, causing Kagome’s anxiety to spike anew.  “Do you like my butt as much as your friends do?”  

Kagome tripped and would have fallen if not for Inuyasha’s strong hand.  Her face vanished into his crimson shirt, and his chest rumbled with amusement.  It was a strange sound, coming from him.  Not a chuckle or a snicker, but a genuine, full-bodied laugh.  Kagome’s heart swelled at seeing him so happy, squashing her embarrassment and emboldening her to respond to his teasing in kind.  

“Yeah, but,” she replied, craning her neck to look at his behind.  “I’ve seen better.”  

“WHAT?!!!” Inuyasha yelled, his mirth a distant memory.  “You’d better not be looking at other guy’s asses!”  Kagome took off through the trees, her giggling making her very easy to follow.  

“Wench!  GET BACK HERE!!!!”  

With her head start and the short distance to the shrine, Kagome was able to dart into the safety of the kitchen just as Inuyasha was about to catch her.  

“Relax, Inuyasha!  I was only kidding!” she cried, still laughing.  The hanyou scowled, but she could tell he believed her.  He stomped up to her room, no doubt grumbling about her the whole way.  Turning, Kagome greeted her mother, who had been watching the proceedings with some amusement.  

“Hi, Mama!”  

“My, Kagome, you seem cheery today.”

“Well, let’s just say it has been a very interesting afternoon.”  

“So…” Mrs. Higurashi inquired, sitting down at the table and pouring Kagome a cup of freshly-made hot tea.  Kagome took a seat and gratefully accepted the brew.  “Did you enjoy your surprise?”  

Before replying, Kagome looked around and stretched out her senses, trying to determine if Inuyasha was in a position to eavesdrop.  That had gotten her in enough trouble today already.

Satisfied, she answered, “Yeah, he looked amazing, Mama.  Thank you so much!”

“Sure, Kagome.  I don’t get to spoil you enough since you’re always away.”

Mother and daughter settled into a comfortable conversation; both missed these moments when Kagome was in the feudal era.  

“Oi, wench!” Inuyasha called, vaulting down the stairs, once again clad in his usual fire-rat garb.  “I almost forgot.  We have to go see if Myouga figured out a way to change you back.”  

Kagome smiled ruefully at her mother, but the older woman simply waved her away.  “Have fun, you two!”  

“Bye, Mama!  We’ll probably be back for dinner!”

“The hell we will!  We’re leaving tonig—”

“You think Sango and Miroku are going to want to leave after walking all day to get back…”

The sounds of their arguing faded out and vanished altogether, leaving Mrs. Higurashi alone with her thoughts.  She frowned; Kagome had left something out, something important.  There had been just an extra little twinkle in her eye.  Ah, well, those two are acting normally, so it couldn’t have been anything bad.  Who knows?  Maybe I’ll get those grandchildren sooner than I thought.

“Jiji?  You here?”  

“Ah, Inuyasha, making a loud and uncouth entrance as always,” quipped Kaede from her spot by the fire pit.  

“Can it, babaa.  Any of you lot seen Myouga around?” he asked the rest of the Inu-gang, who were all sitting inside Kaede’s hut.  

“No, but Kirara’s been scratching a lot since we got back,” Shippou replied.  Just then, a tiny dot leapt out of the fire cat’s fur and bounded up to Inuyasha’s nose.  The flea’s attempt to suck blood was quickly smashed, literally.  

“Ah, Inuyasha-sama!” the flea complained.  “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“Feh!  The only reason I’m happy to see you is because it means there’s no danger around and I can relax.  Now spill!  Can we change Kagome back or not?”

“But it was such a long journey, even by crow, and I had nothing to eat the whole time…”  

Rolling his eyes, Inuyasha gave in and held out his wrist.  Myouga jumped at the opportunity, gorging himself until his belly was full and distended.  “Ahhhhhhh,” he sighed contentedly, “tasty as always, Inuyasha-sama.”  Seeing that the temperamental hanyou was rapidly losing his already tenuous patience, the flea hurriedly got to the point.  

“As to your question, no one I spoke with had the ability to reverse this kind of transformation.  However,” he stated, heading off Inuyasha’s objection before he could voice it, “an old friend of your father’s said he might know of a way.”  

“So?  How do we do it?”  

“He wouldn’t say.  He wished for you to travel to his home.”

“What?!  Why didn’t he just tell you?”

“I know not why Daichi-sama insisted on meeting you in person, but I suggest you do not hold it against him.  He is, after all, the only lead you have.”  

“Daichi…” Inuyasha repeated contemplatively, “why does that name ring a bell?”  

Myouga chuckled.  “Perhaps you will recognize him when you see him, Inuyasha-sama.”  

Inuyasha shrugged.  “Whatever, flea.  Just make sure you stick around so you can give us directions.  We leave in the morning.”  He uttered the last part somewhat grumpily, having once again lost an argument to Kagome on the matter.  Kagome was just about to tell everyone she was heading back to her time for the night when Shippou’s voice stopped her.  

“Oi, Inuyasha, what’s that on your hand?”  

Curiously, the hanyou raised said appendage, noticing the small design written on the back in blue ink.  Miroku leaned in closer, inspecting the mark.  

“It appears to be some kind of number…and a girl’s name.”  Smirking, the monk opened his mouth to deliver a hentai comment, but the suddenly stormy atmosphere of the hut stilled his tongue.  Kagome had risen to her feet, and was glaring at the offending mark so intently that her eyes appeared ready to pop out of her skull.  A dark, frightening aura swirled around her, causing even Inuyasha to shrink back in alarm.  Then she proceeded to stomp forward and drag the confused hanyou out of the hut.  

“What did Inuyasha do now?” Shippou inquired.  

“I haven’t the faintest idea, Shippou, but I hope for his sake Kagome’s anger is directed elsewhere.”

Kagome was incensed, fuming, raging, and downright pissed!!!  Some hussy had written her name and phone number on Inuyasha’s hand.  If that skank was here right now, I’d show her something she’d never forget, and she’d never mess with me or *my hanyou* ever again!  Inuyasha was content to allow himself to be pulled along.  He could tell Kagome was seething at someone, but he was fairly certain it wasn’t him.  He remembered when one of the girls had written on his hand at the school.  He had been distracted by her friend at the time and she had done it too quickly for him to react.  And it was no surprised that Kagome was not happy about it.  

So he didn’t protest when Kagome yanked him through the well, into her house, and into the bathroom.  Nor did he complain when she grabbed a washcloth, squeezed a boatload of hand soap onto it, and proceeded to practically scrub the skin off his hand.  He looked at her, cleaning furiously, her eyes hardened and every muscle tensed with anger.  Finally, he dared to speak.  


“I’m not jealous!” she shrieked, her expression challenging him to say otherwise.  Inuyasha quickly shook his head vigorously, and Kagome returned to her scrubbing.  I never said she was…  Holy shit!  She really is jealous!  The realization filled him with warmth, but he also felt sorry for her.  He knew jealousy well, and he knew exactly why she was feeling that way.  It wasn’t because she feared he would ditch her and chase after schoolgirls.  It was because another girl had marked him, placed a claim on him, unofficial as it might have been.  He went through the same thing every time that wolf came around and held her hands, leaving his scent lingering on her, faint as it might be.  It bothered the hell out of him, even though he was sure Kagome had no idea what was going on.  

“Dammit!” Kagome swore, gritting her teeth as she put even more effort into removing the stubborn smudge.  That was the last straw for Inuyasha, as he wrenched his hand from her grip and deftly sliced into his skin with his claws.  When he was through, none of the blue-dyed skin remained.  

“Inuyasha!” Kagome cried as he moved his hand so the blood would drip into the sink.  “Why’d you do that?!”  

“It was bothering you, so I got rid of it,” he said simply.  

“Well, you didn’t have to maim yourself!” she scolded, though her wavering tone revealed just how strongly his action had touched her.  

“Keh!  Well, I did.  So are you gonna bandage me or what?”  

Shaking her head at his antics, Kagome nevertheless patched up his wound, a tentative smile gracing her features.  

As she lay in bed that night, Inuyasha having resumed his customary position under her window, Kagome reflected on the events of the day, and what they might mean for her—their future.  It could mean so many things, the possible fulfillment of all her dreams and fantasies, or it could mean nothing.  But even if things did not work out the way she hoped, she would always carry the memory of their first real kiss.  And with everything that had happened today, it somehow seemed less daunting to ask for something she’d desired for the better part of two weeks.  

“Inuyasha, will you rub my ears again?”  

Amber eyes opened, studying her for a moment before he rose to his feet and wordlessly moved to sit beside her.  He used both hands this time, and the dual sensations nearly had Kagome moaning in blissful pleasure.  Ohhhhhhh, that feels sooooooo good…  Within seconds she was fast asleep, her dreams taking her to a place where Inuyasha truly was her hanyou, and he wasn’t satisfied with just one kiss.  

Name Translations (courtesy of
Daichi – “large, great” combined with “earth, land” or “wisdom, intellect”

A/N – Mrs. Higurashi is a very interesting character to me, and it’s a pity that Rumiko Takahashi didn’t do more with her.  This won’t be the last time she makes an important appearance in this story.  

2010 Note – I really toned down the scenes at the mall and school.  I’m much happier with them now; they’re not so blatantly unrealistic.  
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