InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ The Demon Within, Part 2 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Fanfiction of the Week:  Earthshake, by GoddessInuYasha
Angst lovers, here’s a story for you.  Fluff addicts, you can enjoy this too.  This story has a little of everything, and I highly recommend it.  Don’t get discouraged by the first chapter, though; make sure you read to the end.  Not that you’ll be able to stop…
I checked out the reviews to the two pieces I recommended a couple chapters ago by FrameofMind, and was delighted to see that some of you liked them as much as I did.  I don’t even remember how I stumbled across those fics, but it was a lucky find.  That’s one goal of this segment—to share unknown fanfiction that deserves more recognition.  Feel free to return the favor if there are any diamonds in the rough that you think I’m missing (in other words, I’m running out of fanfiction to recommend!)  

Sovereignty – thanks for all the info.  I’ve officially been edjamacated!  From what you said, it seems like using “Onii-chan” works, so I’m not going to change anything.  

youkaineko – I never knew “chin” meant that.  It’s nice to meet a fellow South Park enthusiast.  As much as I love anime, South Park is my favorite show and nothing has ever seriously challenged it.  I’ll have to go watch that episode tonight, now that I know that “chinpokomon” means…well, you get the picture.  

The Demon Within, Part 2

Sometimes Inuyasha hated it when he was right.  Daichi had stopped annoying him for all of twenty minutes, and then had started up again.  Teasing, making clever remarks at his expense, and insinuating things about his relationship with Kagome that he wasn’t ready to admit.  The worst part was that he kept trying to push his son on the wench, who just sat there looking amused by it all.  It pissed him off to no end that she was doing the same thing she did with Kouga, never saying ‘no.’  Finally fed up, he had called her on it.  He grimaced at the memory; he had earned himself a good ‘osuwari’ for that one.  Kagome yelled at him for not having more faith in her, and for thinking she would just run off with some total stranger.  And then the coup de grace—she told him Daichi’s son was already mated, and the asshole was just fucking with him.  Only another ‘osuwari’ prevented him from slicing the bastard in half with Tetsusaiga.  

He went out and sulked in the rain after that.  His ears were burning as a result of all the criticisms of his ‘childlike behavior,’ but he shrugged them off.  How would they know anyway?  Daichi hadn’t turned their evening into a living hell.  A little after that, Kagome came out and draped a blanket over his shoulders.  He wanted to stay outside, but the wench turned her doe eyes on him and he allowed her to drag him back inside.  Things got better after that.  Daichi apologized for taking his teasing too far, said he didn’t have many visitors these days and wanted to have some fun, blah blah blah.  

The really interesting part of the evening came after he changed out of his wet fire-rat clothes into some modern sweatpants and a tank top.  It was funny watching Kagome try to study that science book of hers when she obviously just wanted to study him.  Every time he caught her staring, he would smirk, she would blush, and his ego would inflate a little more.  Her attraction was a palpable thing, and he stoked it without mercy, stretching, subtly flexing his muscles…  Of course, in watching her squirm in her own deliciously form-fitting jean-shorts and blouse, he couldn’t help but experience much the same reaction himself.  In the end, Kagome went to bed early, and he got a nice confidence boost.  

It rained intermittedly during the night and well into the following morning.  The storm let up in early afternoon, and they were finally able to set out on the next leg of their journey.  They didn’t reach the mountain with the purple ring around it by nightfall, but it certainly appeared larger than it had the day before.  They made camp near a stream and settled down for the night amidst the lush forest greenery.  Now it was late afternoon of the next day, and it looked like it would take them another day to reach their destination.  Inuyasha was impatient as ever, silently cursing the weather and the wasted time spent in Daichi’s cave, as well as the weakness of the mortals slowing them down.  So when two now-familiar scents came to him on the breeze, he welcomed the upcoming battle as a way to release some of his pent-up irritation.  Little did he know that far more than his frustrations were about to be taken away from him.   

“Back for more already?” he taunted as the two figures emerged from the forest, drawing Tetsusaiga and leaning the large blade against his shoulder.  “I thought you’d be down for at least a week, bitch.  All your feathers grow back yet?  Any bald spots?”  

“Silence, half-breed,” Takehiko ground out.  Inuyasha took an involuntary step back.  Before, the inu-youkai had always been willing to engage in banter before battle, but now there was only pure, unfiltered hatred in his eyes and his voice was void of any hint of amusement.  Idly, Inuyasha wondered about the reason behind the change, but dismissed those useless thoughts.  His opponent was a good fighter, and beating him would require all his focus.  

“Inuyasha!” Kagome exclaimed behind him.  “They have jewel shards!  One in each forehead, and one in the dagger at Takehiko’s waist!  I think it’s the same one I was stabbed with before!”  

“What?!  Where did you get those?!  Are you working for Naraku?!”  

“Ha!  We would never lower ourselves to doing some filthy hanyou’s bidding,” Sora replied.  “But that does not mean we are above accepting aid from others, especially since these jewel shards are much better off in our hands than that beastly Naraku’s.”  

“So you are Naraku’s allies!  In that case, don’t expect any mercy from us!”

“The only thing we require from you, cretin, is your death,” Takehiko said darkly.  “And I am going to enjoy it immensely.  The soft, yielding resistance as I shove my sword through your heart, the heat of your blood flowing along the blade, watching the life bleeding out of your wide, frightened eyes…do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for this?  When I slay you and your half-brother, my father’s unjust demise will finally be avenged, and I will have my revenge for your bastard father’s banishment of me!”  

“Heh,” Inuyasha smirked.  “So you heard about that, huh?”  

“Indeed.  When the time comes, I will at least give Naraku a quick, painless death for revealing your lineage to me.  If I had killed you without truly savoring the moment, I never would have forgiven myself.”  

“Keh.  Still think you can take me?”

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind.  Though you wield your father’s fang, you are nowhere near as strong as he was.”  

“Wrong, asshole.  This is my fang!  And I’ve surpassed my father!” Inuyasha yelled as he launched himself forward, swinging Tetsusaiga downward in a heavy arch.  To his surprise, Takehiko didn’t leap out of the way.  Instead, he raised his own blade and held it horizontally.  The two swords came together in a violent crash, but Inuyasha didn’t hear any sounds of cracking metal coming from his opponent’s weapon.  With a mighty heave, Takehiko shoved Tetsusaiga back, and Inuyasha leapt away to avoid the inu-youkai’s counterswing.  He stared aghast at his enemy, who was now sporting a rather arrogant grin.  What the fuck?!  How did he suddenly get so strong?  The jewel shard in his forehead!  Sure enough, his opponent’s youki was surging, flowing into his weapon and strengthening it as well.  

“What’s the matter, half-breed?  Shaking with fear?”

“Fuck no!  Just glad you finally decided to stand and fight!”  Inuyasha charged again, Tetsusaiga speeding toward his opponent’s side in a cleaving blow.  Takehiko swung fiercely, the clash of the blades deafening, as he once again forced Tetsusaiga back.  Reversing his motion, he slashed at Inuyasha’s exposed neck.  The hanyou ducked, losing a few hairs as he barely dodged blow.  Leaping back a step, he smashed Tetsusaiga into the dirt, the Kaze no Kizu tearing gaping rivulets in the earth as its deadly energy sped toward its target.  At that close range, there was no hope of avoidance.  A blinding flash signaled the impact, and when the dust cleared Takehiko was crouched some fifty feet away, his head down and sword held protectively in front of him.  Inuyasha smirked at the scent of the youkai’s blood in the air, but the expression didn’t last long.  Takehiko stood slowly, wearing an arrogant sneer, looking with disdain at the small trickle of blood running down his arm.  

“Is that the best you’ve got, half-breed?”  Then, before Inuyasha could respond, he said, “My turn.”  He dashed forward, letting loose a thunderous battle cry as he swung his sword with all his might.  The blade crackled with blue-black energy as Inuyasha blocked, the force and power of the attack sending him tumbling backwards, Tetsusaiga falling from his grasp.  Instantly he was up again, but Tetsusaiga was out of reach, too close to the youkai now leering at him.  Cracking his knuckles, he prepared to finish the fight with his claws.  Takehiko began to move in for the kill, but suddenly leapt skyward as a mass of pink light passed through the spot he had just occupied, the arrow decimating an unfortunate tree.  Turning, Inuyasha saw Kagome already notching another.  

“Dammit, wench!  Stay out of it!”  But she wasn’t listening to him.  Behind her, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara were working together to battle Sora, and appeared to be holding their own despite the presence of Naraku’s insects.  

“Would you dare to fire another one at me, miko bitch?” Takehiko challenged from across the open grassland.  Kagome narrowed her eyes, clearly not seeing what Inuyasha did.  Takehiko’s right hand had dropped to his side, and he now held the blade of the dagger in thumb and forefinger.  Before he could tell her not to, Kagome had fired, and Inuyasha raced toward her, knowing what was coming.  Takehiko spun to his left, avoiding the arrow and flinging the dagger in one smooth motion.  The projectile’s aim was true, and the light of her purifying arrow kept Kagome from noticing it until it was far too late.  Just before the dagger struck her in the stomach, Inuyasha dove.  


The weapon penetrated straight through the palm of his outstretched right hand, but amazingly the tip did not protrude from the other side.  It was as if the blade had simply disappeared into his flesh, though the hilt remained attached to his body as if that was not the case.  But that was the least of his worries.  He gritted his teeth against the pain he knew was coming, but nothing could have prepared him for the searing, indescribable agony that lanced through his body, ripping a tortured scream from his throat as he collapsed forward.  His body…oh, had his body ever been under such duress?  He could feel it tearing, coming apart at the seams, and yet…not.  The pain was physical, but the damage was not.  His blood pounded in his ears, so loudly that he almost missed the agonized howling of his youkai side in his mind.  He wanted an end, and that was all he wanted.  That darkness in the distance seemed so appealing, a land where everything was nothing, and nothing was everything.  Simple emptiness was his deepest desire.

Dimly he felt the dagger being drawn from his hand, but he ignored the sensation, knowing that to ascend from the depths toward the light would only bring more anguish.  He disregarded the cries of those around him, the mysterious voices of those he felt that he should have known.  And yet, there was one voice he could not ignore, calling his name, pleading with him to return.  A great urge, and compulsion more powerful than the forces pulling him downward, arose in him as he struggled back toward the voice.  Kagome…

Then he was there, breaking the surface, the world plunging back down on him again.  He treaded water, knowing that he was fighting a losing battle to stay afloat, to draw breath and fill his body with life.  She was hovering above him now, her watery eyes overflowing with equal parts worry and relief.  The latter vanished as his body seized again, his youkai howling all the louder.  It was the same sensation he experienced at sunset on moonless nights, only more violent, more brutal.  His youkai was being torn from him, and instinctively he knew that if he let it go this time it would be the end of him.  Frantically his mind searched for a way out, even as the waves crested higher, threatening to pull him under again.  The voice—Kagome’s voice—sang out again, giving him the inspiration he needed.  

“Kagome,” he rasped.  Or at least he thought he did; his ears were unable to decide if he had actually spoken or not.  Still he continued, praying for the strength to make his thoughts known.  “Purify me.”  Evidently, she had heard him.  

“What?!  No!”  She might have said more, but her voice had drifted so far away, and he lacked the strength to find it again.  

“Just do it,” he mumbled as he slipped beneath the waters, the blackness pulling him inexorably downward.  This time, there would be no ascension.  Then, it happened.  A jolt.  It stunned him, left him hanging as everything around him was driven away, the darkness replaced by brilliant white light.  A different kind of pain engulfed him, causing him to cry out once more.  Then it ceased, as did the desperate articulations of his youkai.  He was finally alone, half of himself, but still whole.  He drifted into peaceful unconsciousness.  

Kagome removed her hands from her hanyou’s shoulders.  Her Inuyasha, her only love, the man she had just purified.  She placed her hands in her lap and stared at them, not quite believing what had occurred in the last few minutes.  When he had first ordered her to do it, she had refused, utterly repulsed by the idea.  Then she remembered her own feelings when she had been stabbed by the same dagger.  She recalled thinking that she was being torn asunder, and instantly realized what was happening.  There was no other way to save him, and even if there had been they had no time to think of it.  He was being split in twain, his soul and mind torn to pieces…he was dying.  That thought alone was enough to spark her resolve, and she set to her task.  Her miko powers had previously refused to harm him accidently, but surely that didn’t mean he was completely immune should she intend to use them on him.  Doubt in her abilities flooded her, but she pushed it away as something she could not afford.  Inuyasha believed in her; he would not have asked her to purify him if he did not.  

So she did it.  She thrust her miko powers into the man she loved, as her eyes flooded with tears, several of which wove their way down her cheeks.  Her vision blurred until all she could see were smudges of red and white, and she didn’t let up until the white had completely faded to black.  She dried her eyes, checking for signs of life.  He was breathing, the gentle rise and fall of his chest the only thing that kept her from giving in to the self-loathing that threatened to overwhelm her at any moment.  She moved several strands of black hair away from his face, and wanted nothing more than to look into his dark eyes, even though they would surely reflect the hatred she was currently feeling toward herself.  

“Well, bitch,” Takehiko observed, “you sure did a number on him!  Are you sure he isn’t dead?”  

Kagome kept her head down, the caustic remarks and amused laughter of the two siblings inflaming a fury within her that she had never felt before.  It was their fault!  She had hurt Inuyasha because of them.  They would pay!  They deserved to DIE!  Something arose within her, something vicious, something dangerous.  Perhaps under different circumstances she would have pushed it back, but now…the desire for blood—their blood—was too strong.  Her lips curved in a sneer, baring razor sharp fangs, as her enemies continued to prattle on and on.  

“Yes, Sora.  He’s a mess, but at least I’ll still get to kill him.”  

“You will stay away from him!” Kagome growled, silencing the siblings’ laughter.  Slowly, she rose to her feet, taking a position in front of the fallen body of her love.  Her head was the last thing to come up, and a string of gasps were heard when it did.  Her eyes glowed crimson, the irises swollen so they covered almost the entire eye.  Her black pupils were drawn into vertical slits; in short, she looked every bit the neko-youkai from hell.  Her mouth was pulled into a snarl, enlarged fangs glistening with saliva.  Long, curved markings resembling claws adorned her cheeks, their blazing pink color at odds with the utterly demonic aspects of her appearance.  Takehiko stared in shock for a moment, then smirked.  

“Well, this is interesting.  You may be all youkai at the moment, bitch, but you’re still a half-breed, and you still have no chance of defeating me.”  

“Have you forgotten about our deal, brother?  She is mine!”  

Takehiko smiled and nodded, and Sora stepped forward.  But Kagome kept her eyes trained on the inu-youkai, her eyes boring holes into his head.  He was the one who had thrown the dagger, injured her mate…  

She leapt forward, shooting straight toward her prey, but the hawk moved to block her, swooping in with talons bared.  Sora anticipated a duck, and came in low.  Kagome leapt straight upwards at the last moment, dragging her claws along her enemy’s back before somersaulting and placing both feet on the hawk and bearing her to the ground.  Kagome didn’t waste time on a killing blow, but instead leapt toward Takehiko, who barely managed to dodge the first swipe of her claws.  The second strike caught him on the arm, and he leapt back to give himself a brief reprieve.  The wound on his arm burned terribly, and he could smell his own flesh charring.  Kagome cracked her knuckles menacingly, showing off her claws, the tips of which glowed a pure pink.  How is this possible? Takehiko wondered desperately.  She is full youkai and still wields her miko powers!

But Kagome didn’t give him much time to ponder.  She attacked relentlessly, her movements too quick for even the inu-youkai to keep up with, each hit leaving behind bloodied wounds and scorched flesh.  Finally his sword was knocked from his grasp, and Kagome rammed her hand straight through his chest, reveling in the look of shock and agony that graced his features.  

“The soft, yielding resistance as I shove my hand through your heart, the heat of your blood flowing along my arm, watching the life bleeding out of your wide, frightened eyes…” she said, grinning maliciously as she threw his own words back at him.  “You’re right.  This is fun.”  

“Too bad you missed,” Takehiko replied as he pulled his arm back, preparing to sever her neck.  He never got the chance; a surge of Kagome’s miko powers had him screeching in agony as he was purified from the inside out.  Only Sora’s interference saved him; she came from the side, forcing Kagome to pull out and leap back.  Takehiko crumpled to the ground, the gaping hole in his chest bleeding freely.  Kagome went to attack again, but Sora pulled a large gourd from her obi and threw it to the ground, smashing it as putrid black smoke filled the air.  Heedlessly Kagome charged into the cloud, but upon taking one breath, everything went black.  

Inuyasha awoke slowly, groaning as he did.  His body ached, as if he’d just spent the afternoon as a punching bag for his brother.  It certainly didn’t help that he was human, and felt the pain more acutely as a result.  He pushed himself to his hands and knees, fighting back the wave of dizziness that accompanied the action.  

“Inuyasha, are you ok?”  It was Shippou’s voice; the runt was looking up at his face, eyes shining with unabashed concern.  It was then that his short-term memory returned, and he remembered why he was in this predicament.  Kagome did it.  She purified me.  She…saved me.  That dagger surely would have killed him had Kagome not intervened.  He would have to thank her later, when he could get her alone.  Raising his head, he glanced around for his companions.  Miroku and Sango were staring at something with rapt attention, and his jaw dropped when he turned to see what it was.  Kagome was fighting Takehiko, moving with such fluidity, such grace that it looked like she’d been a hanyou all her life.  Her back was to him, so he couldn’t see her face, but he could see Takehiko’s, his jaw clenched from the exertion of his defense.  The sight filled him with apprehension, but also awe and more than a little pride.  He had no idea how Kagome learned to fight so well, but he desperately hoped she continued to do so.  He was in no position to save her this time.  

It appeared his worries were for naught when Kagome shoved her hand through Takehiko’s chest.  She said something to him, unintelligible at this distance, at least to his human ears.  Judging from Shippou’s reaction, the kit heard it loud and clear.  His eyes widened to saucers, and his face turned a ghostly pale.  A moment later, as Kagome leapt away from Sora’s counterattack and he saw her face for the first time, Inuyasha wore much the same expression himself.  One of his greatest fears had come to pass—Kagome had become full youkai.  By the time he had wrapped his head around this new development, it was over.  Smoke had erupted around the trio, and he saw Kagome collapse just before the thickening haze blocked her from view.  Takehiko and Sora could be seen escaping overhead, borne away by the hawk’s powerful wings.  

“Kagome!” the entire Inu-gang cried at once, Shippou racing into the fog before anyone could stop him, Kirara close behind.  Inuyasha tried to rise to go to her, but his body was not up to the strain, and he stumbled.  Miroku dashed past, into the cloud, and then he was gone as well.  Inuyasha wasn’t even sure it was smoke anymore; it was more like a miasma.  It stayed low to the ground, maintaining a maximum height of about ten feet, and spread outward quickly.  The grass withered and died as it came into contact with the leading edge.  

“Come on, Inuyasha!  We gotta go!” Sango yelled, placing his arm around her shoulder to support him.  

“But Kagome—”

“Houshi-sama will get her out!  He has the training to survive in there, but you don’t!  Grab Tetsusaiga and let’s go!”  

He looked longingly at the spot he had last seen Kagome, but he knew Sango was right.  If a mortal could save her, Miroku would have done it already.  Swiftly he located Tetsusaiga and snatched it up along with Kagome’s backpack, bow, and quiver, all of which had been lying nearby.  Then Sango was underneath him again, urging him to hurry.  As they hobbled away, some of his strength came back to him, and he was able to run on his own.  And none too soon; the first wisps of the smoke caught up to them, causing both of them to cough violently.  A desperate burst took them out of the danger zone, but they dared not stop running.  

He didn’t know how long they ran, but it was probably close to a half hour.  They were pursued by the menacing cloud the whole way, biting at their heels and invading their lungs when they slowed.  Finally, blessedly, the fog seemed to dissipate, and then it stopped spreading outward altogether.  They looked back on a wasteland; not a single green thing was alive behind them.  The smog, or miasma, or whatever it was just hung there, unmoving.  It had diluted as it spread over the large area, but visibility was still only fifty feet or so.  They leaned down, hands on bent knees, and breathed heavily for several minutes.  Inuyasha was the first to catch his breath.  

“What the fuck was that?!”  

Sango shook her head.  “I don’t know, Inuyasha.  Such an amount of…whatever this is, packed into a small gourd.  Only a youkai could have done this, someone with hundreds of years experience in the black arts.”

“Could it have killed us?” he asked.  Sango saw the fear in his eyes, but knew it wasn’t for himself.  

“Don’t worry, Inuyasha.  If it was strong enough to kill a youkai, we wouldn’t be standing here now.”

“Yeah, but we only breathed in a little.  Kagome—”

“Is fine.  It probably just overwhelmed her senses.  Houshi-sama is a trained monk, and has a high tolerance for this kind of thing.  I’m certain he got her out, and Shippou and Kirara too.”  

Inuyasha looked skeptical, but decided to put his faith in Miroku as Sango had done.  The monk had never truly let them down in the past.  

“So what now?” he inquired.  

“Well, I guess we could start working our way around this giant cloud.  There isn’t much we can do except find a good place to make camp.”  

“Keh.  Good thing I grabbed Kagome’s bag.  I don’t think I’ll be catching any fish tonight.”

“It is weird seeing you human during the daytime.  Will your youki come back?”

“I think so.  It came back when I was purified at Mount Hakurei, so it should come back soon.”  He paused, narrowing his eyes in deep thought.  “I can’t really explain it, but it doesn’t feel like it’s gone for good.”

“I’ll take your word for it.  Now, shall we?”  

With that, they set off at an easy pace, both still tired from the exertion of their escape.  They covered some distance before stopping at dusk and making camp, helping themselves to a hardy ninja food dinner.  There wasn’t much conversation, but then neither of them were big talkers.  The silence wasn’t uncomfortable; it was just two fighters sharing a meal around a campfire.  Suddenly Sango stiffened, then sprang up and stomped out the fire.  

“Sango, wha—”

“Shh!” she ordered, staring pensively at the sky overhead.  There, illuminated by the pale moonlight, a writhing mass of flesh slithered across the sky.  Youkai… Sango realized.  Shit!  They must have been stirred up by the smoke and started swarming.  And judging by the direction they were headed, her attempt at hiding their location had been too late.  The horde of youkai would be upon them in moments.  Frantically she looked around, scanning her surroundings.  Spotting a hollow underneath a nearby tree, she dragged Inuyasha over and threw him inside.  

“Sango!  What the fu—”

“Stay here.”

“What?!  No way!”

“Inuyasha!” she whispered, the pure command in her voice silencing his protests.  Her eyes were hard, the eyes of a warrior, and they compelled obedience.  “I can take them if you stay hidden, but if I have to worry about protecting you too, then we’re both gonna die!”  

He couldn’t argue with her logic, nor her authoritative manner, so he simply nodded his assent.  Sango nodded back, then turned and strode toward the center of the clearing.  The demons surrounded her, their serpent-like bodies undulating elegantly as they circled at a distance of about thirty feet, sizing up their prey.  Then, they attacked.  Sango flung hiraikotsu with a mighty cry, the weapon tearing through countless youkai.  She sprinted to catch it in the air, using her katana to decimate any youkai that got in her way.  She was constantly in motion, and watching her fight was like listening to the finest poetry.  Inuyasha found himself in awe.  

Suddenly, a youkai appeared in the entrance to his hollow, its grotesque face little more than a snout and teeth…very large teeth.  It lunged inside, and Inuyasha dodged the snapping jaws, drawing Tetsusaiga.  The youkai recoiled to strike again, and Inuyasha knew he couldn’t stay in the hollow any longer; it had become a deathtrap.  The youkai attacked again, and he batted it away with a powerful swing of Tetsusaiga.  But in its rustic form, the blade was little more than a club, and Inuyasha took the chance to scramble aboveground, the youkai snapping at his heels.  

But this created all new problems, like the hundreds of youkai now eyeing him hungrily.  He ran, juking left and right, knowing that he could only evade his pursuers for so long before they sunk their teeth in him.  He dashed into Sango’s line of vision, and the slayer almost let a youkai past her defenses in her surprise.  Anger flashed through her mind, but there was no time to wonder why he had disobeyed her.  Inuyasha was about to be devoured, the youkai behind him moving in for the kill.  Several were closing in on her as well, and in that instant, she made her decision, knowing full well the consequences.  She flung hiraikotsu with all her might, not surprised in the least by the feel of jaws clamping around her midsection as the youkai bore her to the ground.  

Inuyasha felt more than heard the whoosh of hiraikotsu passing over his head, slaying all his tormentors in a single stroke.  He turned back to Sango to thank her and his blood ran cold.  Yelling like a banshee, he charged to her and beat the youkai off her prone form.  It only took one look to know that she wasn’t fighting any time soon.  

Holding his blunt sword before him, he raised his eyes to the youkai, which were circling once more.  So many of their number had been slain, but there were at least a hundred still remaining, more than enough to finish a helpless mortal and his wounded companion.  Shit…how the hell do we get ourselves out of this one?  

Inuyasha:  “What the fuck?  You can’t end the chapter here!”
King Baka:  “Why not?”  
IY:  “Uh…because I’m the star of the show, and you’ve left me standing in a steaming pile of shit! “
KB:  “You’re just jealous because I let Kagome kick some ass for a change.  When I first started writing this story, I wasn’t planning on having Kagome go full-demon at all, but some of the readers mentioned it, and I reconsidered.  I’m glad too; I think it turned out we—”
IY:  “Would you shut up already?”
KB:  “Hey!  I’m the author, so I can say what I want!  And if you ever wanna get with Kagome, you’d better be nicer to me.”  
IY:  “W-who said I wanna get with that wench?!”
KB:  “You do.  Trust me, you do.”
IY:  “Feh.  Can’t you just tell me what happens?”
KB:  “Fine.  The demons kill you and eat you.  The End.”  
IY:  “WHAT?!  That’s the shittiest ending I’ve ever heard!”
KB:  “Well, I suppose I could always change my mind…  Don’t worry Inuyasha (and readers), I’ll try to update soon!”  
IY:  “Keh.  Asshole.”

2010 Note – Ah, fun times.  Fun times.  
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