InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Like Old Times, Part 2 ( Chapter 48 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Like Old Times, Part 2

Shippou started to wonder if Kiku was ever going to stop running.  They had been travelling for awhile, and that wasn’t just his fear-induced imagination talking.  His supply of mushrooms was dwindling fast, but if he dropped them at any lengthier intervals they would do no good; his friends wouldn’t be able to follow them.  Kiku hadn’t been running in a straight line either, following a twisting path through the forest.  Suddenly the sun’s rays hit him with blinding intensity, unimpeded by the canopy.   Then he was falling, too disoriented to do more than right himself so he landed feet first and roll with the impact.  He came to rest lying on his stomach, blearily blinking as his eyes adjusted to the light.  When they finally did, they grew as wide as saucers.  

Shippou didn’t know what he’d been expecting, but it certainly wasn’t this.  It was an idyllic forest waterfall, flowing down into a small pool that fed a stream leading off into the undergrowth.  He counted no less than eight children frolicking in and around the water, all appearing between the ages of four and nine.  Their clothes were worn and tattered, and from a distance they looked a little thin, but otherwise they seemed to be in good health.  A ninth child, noticeably older than the others, tended a fire next to a pile of foodstuffs.  Kiku lay curled up off to one side, dozing.  By far the strangest thing was that none of the children appeared bothered by her presence.  Just what is going on here?  Determined to find out, he approached the older child, who was busy adding rice to a pot of boiling water.  The boy sensed Shippou’s approach and looked up, his friendly smile fading as soon as he laid eyes on the youkai.  

“So she’s bringing in kitsune now too, is she?” he observed irritably.  

“So that really is Kiku, after all.”  

“Yep, that’s her alright.”  The boy didn’t seem inclined to say anything else, instead turning his attention to preparing some vegetables for the stew with a sharpened rock.  But Shippou had many more questions.  

“Um,” he started, pondering how to word his next inquiry.  

“What, surprised we’re alive?”  

Shippou nodded.  “Actually, yes.  How long have you guys been here?”

“Twenty-three days in my case.  I was the first one Kiku carried off.  Good thing too, because the younger ones would probably have starved to death without me cooking for them.  As it is, we eat pretty well, though we don’t have enough meat.”  

“Kiku brings you food?” Shippou asked, staring at the large stockpile.  

“Yep.  She seems to want to keep us alive for some reason.  I like to think that maybe it’s because our friend is still in there somewhere.  Sometimes she’s mean and growls at us, but other times she acts just like a puppy, wanting us to pet her.  Then other times she gets this crazed look in her eye, like she’s gonna devour us on the spot, but then she runs away and we won’t see her again until the next day.  I wish we knew what was wrong with her.”  

“We think she was possessed by a shard of the Shikon no Tama.”  

“The what?”  

“It’s a jewel that brings a lot more evil than good.  It can possess those who aren’t really strong.”  

“Oh.  Wait, you said ‘we,’ didn’t you?”  

“My friends and I.  We came to rescue you guys.”  

The boy stopped what he was doing and stared at Shippou, a hesitant smile sprouting on his features.  “That’s good to hear.  It’s not a bad life here, but we all want to go home.  We just don’t know which way home is, and none of us are crazy enough to go wandering off into the forest alone.  No wild animal will attack us when Kiku’s around or we’re near the fire, but there are wolves and bears in these woods, plus the occasional rogue youkai.  So tell me about your friends.  Are they strong?”  

“Definitely.  We have two hanyou, one neko-youkai, a houshi, and a taijiya in our group.”  

“Wow, that’s an odd collection.”  

“Tell me about it,” Shippou replied wryly.  

“So what’s your name, kitsune?”

“Shippou.  What’s yours?”  


“Ta-chan!  Ta-chan!” cried a little girl as she ran up to them.  She was no older than five and was using her fists to rub tears from her eyes.  “Mi-chan pushed me!”  

In the blink of an eye, Tarou’s demeanor changed drastically.  He was no longer a youth casually chatting with a new acquaintance.  Now, he appeared almost like a father as he scooped up the girl and placed her in his lap.  

“Well, why don’t you stay here with me then.  Lunch is almost ready.”  

“Yay!  I’m hungry, Ta-chan.”  

“I know.  Just a little longer.”  

The girl pouted, her face scrunching up in determination.  “I’m gonna get the first bite and then dump some on Mi-chan’s head.”  

“It’s not good to waste food.”  

“Hmph!  I’ll stick my tongue out at her then.”  

As Shippou watched the exchange, he couldn’t help but admire Tarou’s gentle but firm manner with the child.  They really look up to him.  It didn’t take a genius to see what had happened.  Away from home, probably for the first time, the young children had unconsciously sought a parental figure in their lives, and Tarou had taken to the role with gusto.  It reminded him so much of how he had come to travel with Inuyasha and Kagome all those months ago.  Kagome wasn’t his mother, but she, and to a lesser extent Inuyasha, had been the adult figures he needed in his life back then.  He shuddered to think of what might have become of him if he’d been forced to live on his own for more than a few days.  If living with Inuyasha had taught him anything, it was that children growing up without adult influences developed serious social problems.  The hanyou had gradually learned to work on some of his issues and become more well-adjusted, but Shippou was glad he had been spared that experience.  He enjoyed being a kid, and having a family.  

That was why he needed to find a way to get these kids home to their own loved ones.  Inuyasha and the others could be on their way there right now, but if for some reason they weren’t, then he needed to come up with a backup plan.  And there was still the issue of how to remove Kiku’s jewel shard without hurting her.  Shippou wandered off, leaving Tarou and his young charge behind.  He walked down to the stream, meeting several of the other children, who invited him to join their game.  He was sorely tempted, but reluctantly declined; he had a mission to accomplish.  Meandering along the bank, he gazed unseeingly out into the surrounding forest, his mind turning the problem over and over.  The first priority had to be getting Kiku back to normal, because he seriously doubted she would just let them leave after going to all the trouble of carrying them out here.  So how do I get the jewel shard out of her stomach?  There were two exit routes he could think of, one noticeably more appealing than the other.  And since the shard was probably still in her stomach, forcing it back up the way it had come seemed like the best option.  Okay, so how do I make Kiku vomit?  

Sudden inspiration hit him like a stick upside the head.  He had been sitting in on Kohaku’s lessons with Kaede for lack of anything better to do, and because he found the topic mildly interesting.  She spoke about all kinds of medicinal herbs and techniques for healing, and he was fairly certain one of them had been a special type of leaf used to induce vomiting.  Kara…Kanda…Ka—Ah!  Why didn’t I pay closer attention?!  Kawikama leaf!  That’s it!  (1)  He could picture it now, roughly oval-shaped with lines spaced just so, and a shinier than normal surface.  The telltale sign was the pointy tip at the end of the leaf, which extended about a third of the length of the leaf itself.  He seemed to remember Kaede saying it grew close to the ground, which was fortunate for him, being small of stature.  For nearly a half hour he searched, gathering several samples that more or less matched the picture in his head.  But which one was Kawikama leaf?  Swallowing nervously, he realized there was only one way to find out.  

Two minutes later, Shippou had absolutely no doubt as to which sample was the leaf he sought.  It took him another ten minutes to be able to stand, and his stomach still rumbled dangerously.  This Kawikama leaf was powerful stuff!  Now to gather enough of it to affect a creature hundreds of times his size.  He set to the task, finding it relatively easy because after testing he realized Kawikama leaf had a distinctive odor.  Soon he had large ball of it, nearly as big around as he was tall, compressed and held together by some string he always kept in his robes.  Though sizeable, the ball was still only made of leaves, so it didn’t weigh very much.  But now he had another problem—how did he get it in Kiku’s mouth, and more importantly, how did he get her to swallow it?  In that form, he didn’t imagine she’d be keen on eating leaves.  And the only meat he had was his own, so sweetening the pill with that was out of the question.  Shaking his head, he decided to just wing it.  Charging into battle with only a half-formed plan in mind always worked for Inuyasha, so why couldn’t it work for him?  

Kiku still slept, those massive jaws lying closed a few feet away.  He could feel the hot breath from her nostrils, and he swore the ground vibrated with each exhale.  Or maybe that was just his limbs shaking.  Sitting back and waiting for rescue sounded better than ever, but he refused to give up.  He was the only one who knew how to save Kiku’s life, and he was damn sure gonna do it.  Or die trying.  Terrifying thoughts aside, there was really no reason to delay any longer.  The first step was to wake Kiku up.  Stretching one arm out, he poked her in the nose before instantly recoiling.  No reaction.  

“Shippou!” Tarou called in a worried whisper.  “What are you doing?!”  

Shippou ignored him, poking Kiku again, a little harder this time.  She stirred, growling in annoyance and forcing Shippou to jump back when a large paw moved in to scratch her nose and then settled on top of it.  Tarou again implored him to move away, and several of the younger children began to cry, sensing the peril.  Perhaps it was the adrenaline pumping through his veins, but Shippou was no longer in a mood to fool around.  His patience had officially run out.  

“Kitsune-bi!” he shouted, leaping into the air and releasing his spinning top, which expanded and drove itself directly into the top of Kiku’s skull.  For several moments the top twirled, wearing a bald spot into the bewildered beast’s fur.  Then the magic wore off, the top gradually returning to its normal size, and an ominous silence settled over the clearing.  Kiku stood, slowly scanning the area and gathering her bearings.  Then those scarlet eyes locked on Shippou, instantly leaping to an angry blaze, and when she bared her teeth and snarled, every ounce of artificial bravado drained from the kit.  He could tell from her eyes—there would be no gentle grabbing of the tail this time.  Her guttural growl spoke only of painful death.  Oh, yes.  Kiku.  Was.  Pissed.  

Shippou’s survival instincts kicked in just before she lunged for him, and he tripped over something as he turned to flee.  The stumble actually saved his life, as Kiku’s jaws snapped shut where he would have been.  She came at him again and he rolled out of the way, her teeth missing his tail by mere inches.  Glancing behind him, Shippou spied the ball of Kawikama leaves which had tripped him up, and remembered his mission.  Choosing between his duty and escape in that split-second was the most difficult decision he had ever made, but he made his choice.  Diving forward, he rolled past the gaping jaws, grabbed the ball and tossed it inside Kiku’s mouth.  That done, there was only time to close his eyes and wait for the sensation of teeth puncturing his flesh.  

But the jaws never closed around him.  Cracking an eye open, he saw Kiku rear back, briefly choking on the strange object in her throat before swallowing it.  Then she once again focused her hateful gaze upon him.  But again, she did not strike. Her body seized once, her eyes showing something other than hate, perhaps alarm.  Those frightful jaws opened, her throat working furiously, and Shippou rolled out of the way just in time to avoid being covered in vomit.  He watched in stunned silence as Kiku heaved repeatedly, expelling objects and fluids of a variety of different shapes and colors, including what looked like the half-digested carcass of a wild boar.  

A pulse of jyaki reverberated through the clearing, sending a chill down Shippou’s spine.  But in the next moment, Kiku’s frightening form began to shift.  Slowly she shrunk, her snout and limbs shortening, much of her fur vanishing, pale skin appearing in its place.  And then she was just a kitsune girl, with russet hair and a bushy tail.  A naked girl.  Not wearing any clothes.  Evidently, whatever she had been wearing had been torn to pieces when she transformed.  A blush spread quickly over Shippou’s entire body, from nose to toes.  He removed his outer robe, draping it over Kiku’s shoulders while simultaneously trying to be a gentleman and not peek at her.  She appeared to be a good head taller than he was, but his robe was long enough to cover the essentials.  Not knowing what else to do, he rubbed her back as she continued to be violently ill.  I’m sorry, Kiku, he thought guiltily, but it was necessary.  At least you’re back to normal.  

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Kiku’s heaving stopped.  She took several unsteady breaths, not quite sure if her stomach was truly done evacuating itself.  Hesitantly she sat up, lifting her head to scan her surroundings, and Shippou got his first look at her eyes.  They were still red, but no longer filled with malice.  No, these were beautiful eyes, the kind that when paired with a smile filled one with warmth rather than fear.  But currently the dominant emotions reflected were confusion and anxiety.  She clutched the robe tightly around her body, perhaps realizing for the first time that she was naked.  

“Kiku?” Shippou asked, trying to break the ice.  “How are you feeling?”  

“W-where am I?  Who are you?  How do you know my name?  Where are my clothes?!”  

“I’m Shippou,” he started, his head spinning.  “You swallowed a Shikon jewel shard and were possessed by it, but it’s out of you now.  Y-you don’t remember what happened?”  

“No, I…” she trailed off, her eyes shifting into a far-off look.  She stared, her pupils unfocused, clearly not seeing the world around her.  Shippou was just about to say something when a loud rustling sounded behind him, and he turned to spy none other than all of his friends bursting out of the forest.  

No one said anything for awhile, each coming to terms with what they were seeing.  Shippou was alive and well, and so were apparently all of the children from the village.  Kiku was back in her kitsune form, and the jewel shard was somewhere in the giant puddle of vomit on the ground.  The mission was over.  Inuyasha was the first to speak up, crossing his arms over his chest and smirking.  

“Heh.  Good job, runt.  How’d you do it?”  

“I, uh, gave her a leaf that Kaede taught me and Kohaku about,” Shippou replied, stuttering slightly under the praise.  

“Huh, I guess the old bat’s good for someth—ow!” he exclaimed as Kagome elbowed him in the side.  

“Are both of you alright, Shippou-chan?” the miko asked, ignoring Inuyasha’s grumbling.  She promptly located the jewel shard and picked it out of the muck, purifying the evil and adding it to her bottle.  Fortunately, the shard was near the outer edge of the pool, so she didn’t have to actually walk in it.  It didn’t smell particularly nice though, and she was looking forward to getting out of there.  

“I’m fine,” Shippou responded.  He turned to gaze at Kiku again, finding her still staring off into space.  “Kiku?” he tried, waving his hand in front of her face.  She started, looking right at him, her eyes wide and fearful.  

“I…I remember.  Oh, Kami, what have I done?”  

“You were possessed.  It wasn’t your fault.”  

“No!  I kidnapped their children, held them hostage in the forest.  It’s unforgivable!”  

“So you took them for a little trip,” Inuyasha interjected.  “Big deal.  They all look and smell fine to me.”  

“He’s right, Kiku,” Shippou agreed.  “You didn’t hurt anybody because deep down you didn’t want to.  The jewel was probably telling you to kill them, wasn’t it?  But you didn’t let it control you completely, and everyone is okay because of your strength of will.  I’m sure if you apologize the villagers will forgive you.”  

“Y-you really think so?” she wondered hopefully.  

“They’d better,” Inuyasha stated, cracking his knuckles.  “Or me and Shippou will beat some sense into them.”  

“Yeah!” the young fox declared, puffing out his chest.  At this tears welled in Kiku’s eyes, and she covered her face with both hands.  They let her cry, knowing the tears were of relief.  They watched as a young human girl walked up to her, the same one from before, Shippou reflected, and tugged on the robe covering her.  

“Don’ cry, Kiku-chan.  You’re still my friend.”  

Kiku gasped and stared at the child, then locked eyes with each human in turn and saw much the same sentiment in all of them.  Sobbing, she grabbed the little girl and enfolded her in a tight embrace.  Kagome had to dry her eyes at the heartwarming scene, and no one could resist smiling.  Amid the near-constant violence and death, moments like this had made their long journey bearable.  But the area was starting to stink to high heaven, so those with the most sensitive noses decided it was time to move out.  

“Alright, let’s get you kids home,” Kagome declared.  “Your parents have been worried about you.”  

“YAY!!!” went up the jubilant chorus.  

“Um, can I get some clothes first?” Kiku asked, flushing slightly.  “And who are all of you people?”  

Introductions followed, both among the Inu-gang and the village children.  Then in a puff of smoke, Kiku transformed into a giant red balloon, almost twice the size of Shippou’s matching form.  His outer robe floated down to him from above, and Shippou’s cheeks reddened at the thought that she was naked.  Again.  But he supposed she didn’t really need clothing in that form.  (2)

“I can wash that for you if you want, Shippou,” she said.  

“Nah,” he replied, slipping it on.  It didn’t have vomit on it, and he found that he rather liked her scent.  It was warm and pleasant, and having it so close to him, practically wrapped around him, was a nice feeling.  Inuyasha smirked, knowing exactly what the kit was thinking, having lent Kagome his haori on many occasions back in the day.  But he didn’t say anything; there would be plenty of time for teasing later.  

Shippou followed Kiku’s lead, transforming into his balloon form.  He did not expect her to giggle at him, or that her laughter would escalate to full-on guffaws.  If he could have pouted he would have.  

“What’s so funny?”  

“You’re…pink!” she exclaimed in between panting breaths.  “And you have googly eyes!”  

“Hmph,” Shippou grumped, but he wasn’t truly angry at her.  After all she’d been through, it was good to hear her laugh.  The sound was lovely, almost musical.  

“S-sorry for laughing,” Kiku apologized sincerely when her mirth had subsided, genuinely worried that she had upset him.  

“That’s okay.  I guess I do look pretty funny.”  This comment resulted in more laughter, until a voice from below utterly ruined the moment.  

“Are you two done flirting yet?!” Inuyasha called.  “I’d like to get the hell out of here!”  

“Shut up, Inuyasha!” Shippou retorted in embarrassment.  And was it his imagination, or did balloon-Kiku turn an even darker shade of red?  

The group got down to business, and between Shippou, Kiku, and Kirara, they were able to carry everyone who couldn’t fly.  Kiku led them toward a large rocky outcrop in the distance, and when they arrived she descended and landed on the ground, allowing all the children to slide off her into waiting adult arms.  Shippou also took a break while Kiku floated toward a cave and transformed, disappearing from view as she dropped behind some bushes.  Shippou closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.  He knew Miroku was making eyes at him, and he could just about read the monk’s mind.  “Don’t you wanna go have a peak, Shippou?”  No, I don’t!  I’m not a pervert!  At least Sango’s stern glare kept the monk from voicing his hentai thoughts.  Although, that didn’t stop his imagination from conjuring up what he’d seen before…  

Suddenly they heard a girlish shriek, and everyone raced over to find Kiku staring into a pool of water, using the surface as a mirror.  Fortunately, she was clothed, dressed in green hakama and white and purple patterned robes, overlaid by plush orange furs.  A light blue ribbon was tied in her hair, completing a look that made Shippou’s mouth go dry.  She was frantically rubbing at a small bald spot on the top of her head.  

“My hair!  What happened to my hair?!”  Then comprehension dawned in her gaze, and she rounded on Shippou, pointing a finger straight at his chest.  “YOU!!!”  

“Uh…hehehe, sorry?”  

“Not as sorry as you’re gonna be!”  


* * *

Shippou managed to escape with just a slightly singed tail, though only after sending several desperate compliments Kiku’s way.  Somewhat mollified, she made some adjustments to her hair, making the bald spot virtually invisible.  With that settled, the group resumed their flight back to the village, and on the way Kiku told them more of her story.  She did in fact live in the forest with her father, who was apparently a high-ranking member of kitsune society.  As a result, he occasionally had to go away on business for extended periods of time.  

“So he left you here all by yourself for a month?” Kagome said in disbelief.  

“Hey, I can take care of myself!  Besides, he said it would be more dangerous if I came along.”  

Everyone wondered what Kiku’s father did that was so perilous, but Kiku had no idea, so the inquiry was dropped.  They arrived at their destination by late afternoon, and were greeted by jubilant and exceedingly grateful parents and relatives.  The entire village came together in a festival, welcoming the children home and celebrating the outsiders who had rescued them.  Much to her surprise and delight, Kiku was welcomed back with open arms once it was explained what happened.  The villagers did ask her not to go around picking up strange objects in the future, to which she readily agreed.  After a fulfilling evening of food, chatter, and sake, the Inu-gang retired to warm beds and very restful slumber.    

They rose late the next morning, and didn’t depart the village until after lunch, but none of them were in any hurry to leave.  They would have to camp out on the way home as a result, but that was fine.  It wasn’t too often they got to enjoy being hailed as heroes.  The villagers wanted to send them off with a whole cartful of food, but they refused to take any more than what was initially agreed upon.  Shippou and Kiku bade reluctant goodbyes, having spent a fun evening together while the adults were drinking.  They exchanged mutual promises to keep in touch and visit soon.  And as the Inu-gang finally set off, they knew this was one place where they would always be welcome.  

The trek back was made in high spirits and with contented smiles.  Inuyasha thought about teasing Shippou, but decided against it.  He would leave the boy to his crush in peace.  He wouldn’t be surprised if Shippou waited a few weeks before washing that robe.  Unfortunately, from his perspective at least, his silence in that regard did not go unnoticed.  After dinner, Kagome pulled him away from camp.  

“Thank you for not teasing Shippou-chan,” she said as they walked through the moonlit forest.  


“And you were nice to him yesterday too.  I think you’re starting to assume a ‘big brother’ role with him.”  

“Feh!  Don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”  

“Oh, really?  ‘They’d better, or me and Shippou will beat some sense into them.’  You tell me that wasn’t making Shippou-chan look good in front of Kiku.”  

“You’re imagining things, Kagome,” he replied, though the light dusting to his cheeks said otherwise.  

“Sure, sure.”  

Grrrr.  “So what if I gave him a little boost?  What’s the big deal?”  

“Well, I think it’s great.  I’m proud of you,” she said sincerely, stepping in front of him and leaning up for a sweet kiss.  Inuyasha felt his ego swell at Kagome’s admission, but he quickly sobered as they pulled apart.  

“Hopefully he’ll have better luck with girls than I did,” he muttered despondently.  His eyes widened comically as he realized with horror what he’d just said.  “I mean—I, you, that’s not, uh…”  

Kagome chuckled at his discomfiture.  “Relax, Inuyasha.  I know what you meant.”  The male hanyou visibly relaxed, glad he wasn’t getting sent to the dog house tonight because of his tactlessness.  “Though I don’t know what little girl in her right mind wouldn’t like these!” she teased, reaching for his ears.  He grumbled about that, but let her rub them to her heart’s content.  That of course led to more kissing, of the calm, languid variety, the kind that came from deep-seated contentment.  And they were content; what they had now was perfect.  When they were together like this, the uncertainties of the future didn’t seem to matter.  

* * *

The following morning brought a continuation of their short journey, and a new scent that instantly intrigued the two hanyou, both because of what it smelled like and who it was coming from.  Kagome wasn’t sure she could conclusively identify the scent, so she sought confirmation from Inuyasha.  

“Does that scent mean what I think it does?” she whispered to him.  

“Yep,” he replied, cracking a smirk.  

“Ooooh, this is so exciting!  Can I tell her?”  

“Go for it.”  

“Tell me what?” Sango asked, having heard their not-so-soft whispering.  “I am who you were talking about, right?”  

At this point, Kagome could contain herself no longer.  “Sango-chan, you’re pregnant!”  

“What?” the slayer breathed, her hands immediately flying to her still flat belly.  “H-how do you know?”  

“It’s faint, but your scent has definitely changed,” Inuyasha answered.  “You’re probably a few weeks along.”  

Sango remained in shock for a few more moments, then her face lit up in a brilliant smile.  The ecstatic girls hugged, bouncing off the ground in their jubilation.  Inuyasha walked over and clapped the gaping monk on the back.  That seemed to snap Miroku out of his stupor, for in the next moment he was grabbing his wife and swinging her around in a circle, both cheering elatedly.  Finally he pulled her to him and captured her lips in a passionate kiss, neither caring if the entire world saw them.  

Kagome sighed blissfully at the scene as Inuyasha looped his arm around her shoulders.  She mused that she should probably feel a pang of sadness or jealousy, but there was none of that.  All she felt was happiness for her friends, and Inuyasha’s scent told her he felt the same.  She was going to love being “Auntie Kagome.”  And she had a feeling “Uncle Inu” would take to his role just as merrily.  

They arrived at the village shortly after resuming their trek, so ending their brief foray into the past.  For a few days, things had been like old times.  But ultimately, what they enjoyed most about their lives now were the changes, the things that were different from how they used to be.  In one way or another, each of them had undergone a metamorphosis.  Things could never again truly be like old times, and that was something no one could regret.  

Name definitions (courtesy of
Tarou – “thick, big” and “son”

(1)  I made up the Kawikama leaf; as far as I know, it’s completely fictional.  
(2)  I’ve never thought about it before, but where does Shippou’s clothing go when he transforms?  It must go inside him, because he must be filled with air.  That’s my guess, anyway.  
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