InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Completion ( Chapter 50 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.


The small group of five—three schoolgirls and two hanyou—were just about to leave when the delicious aromas of Mrs. Higurashi’s cooking began wafting through the air.  Stomachs growling, reminding them of just how hungry they were, Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi quickly reconsidered their earlier turndown of the older woman’s offer.  

“Mama?” Kagome called.  “Can you put on enough food for three more?”  

“I already did, dear,” her mother answered, a knowing smile in her tone.  She was more than happy for the company; the house hadn’t seen such a large dinner gathering in ages.  And the girls had been through a traumatic day.  They had been pulled into something which never should have involved them, and she was glad to make sure they were well fed, at least.  Both Souta and Kagome’s grandfather were given a brief rundown of the day’s events, and both felt sympathy for the girls.  Souta knew full well the terror of a youkai attack, and that Noh mask had only been one youkai!  His grandfather went to his room and returned with three dried up pigeon’s feet tied to looped strings, intended to be worn around the neck to ward off evil spirits.  Kagome promptly snatched them from him and gave them to Buyo, scolding him for nearly making her friends lose their dinner.  Pigs would fly before something from the old man saved anyone from a youkai.  She supposed it could have been worse; some of the things he liked to keep were even more disgusting.  

It was dark by the time the five of them finally departed the Higurashi residence.  Kagome still detected nervousness from her friends, but they obviously felt much better for their hanyou escort.  Inuyasha was quiet, even by his standards.  He was clearly on high alert, so Kagome allowed her guard to fall enough to engage her friends in conversation.  And for the first time, she realized that she had gotten absolutely no studying done for her test tomorrow.  A meal had made her feel better, enough to convince Inuyasha that he didn’t have to carry her, but there was no way she could pull an all-nighter.  She would be asleep at her desk within five minutes of opening the textbook, which was so boring that the publisher could probably market it as a sleep aid.  Hmmm, maybe I could get jii-chan to call in sick for me.  It was a little dishonest since she was actually in the modern era, but given the extraordinary circumstances involved, she wouldn’t feel too guilty for the lie.  She suggested that Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi stay home tomorrow as well, since none of them had studied either, and all of them seemed amenable to the idea.  

They made it most of the way to Ayumi’s house—the first stop on their trip—without incident.  But about two blocks away, Inuyasha suddenly halted, his arm shooting out to the side in a demand for silence.  His nostrils flared, confirming the scent he had detected on the previous inhale.  Even among the confusing odors of the city, there was no doubt.  It was a youkai.  The mystery was why this youkai had chosen to allow its scent to be detected.  

“Show yourself,” he growled, eyes peering out into the darkness where the streetlights did not reach.  He motioned for Kagome to watch in the other direction, keeping the three humans protectively between them.  It was an unnecessary gesture; he spied movement a few rooftops down the street.  A figure approached silently, finally dropping into the shadows of the alleyway next to them.  Inuyasha’s hand rested on Tetsusaiga’s hilt, but he sensed no animosity from this man.  His scent revealed him as an inu-youkai, and a young one at that.  He was not much older than Inuyasha himself in appearance, though the fine green markings on his cheeks and his elfish ears displayed his full-blood heritage.  His emerald eyes were serious but not humorless, and he leaned casually against the outer wall of the building.  From their vantage point, both he and Kagome could see the newcomer clearly, but the shadows effectively concealed him from the three humans.  

“You have a sharp nose,” he observed offhandedly.  His voice was relatively high pitched for a male’s, and had a pleasant quality to it.  “Just what I would expect from an inu-hanyou.”  

“Who the hell are you, and what do you want?” Inuyasha asked as calmly as he could, not wanting to frighten Kagome’s friends any more than they already were.  

The youkai raised his hands in a placating gesture.  “I just want to talk.  There’s no need to be afraid,” he replied, addressing the human girls that he could smell but not see, hidden as they were behind the two hanyou.  Inuyasha found it odd—but comforting—that this youkai would care about their feelings.  Apparently not all youkai in this time were complete bastards.  

“So talk,” Kagome demanded from her place by his side.  After what had happened this afternoon, she was in no mood to be nice until she was sure the stranger’s intentions were benevolent.  

“Fair enough,” the youkai said.  “I do not wish to divulge my actual name, but you may call me Kouken.  I already know all your names, so there is no need for further introductions.  I assume you wish to know about the youkai who attacked you today, Kagome?”

Inuyasha and Kagome nodded, though both wondered how he knew who they were, as well as why he wanted them to refer to him as “Guardian.”    

“They were a simple group of thugs,” Kouken continued.  “Unfortunately, there is little more to tell.  Did they reveal anything to you during the attack?”  

“Yes,” Kagome answered, “they said they had been hired by someone to capture me, and were being paid a lot of money.”  

“As I suspected.  Did they say anything else, perhaps about who hired them?”  

Kagome shook her head, and Kouken sighed.  “Again, as I suspected.  The hired goons of youkai society very rarely talk about the people bankrolling them behind the scenes.  We are a small community now, and it is not beneficial to be known as having a loose tongue.  Sometimes the lives of their families are threatened as well.”  

“How many are left?” Kagome wondered.  

Kouken shrugged.  “A few hundred thousand, I would guess.  (1)  Living mostly in Japan, though there are some who have moved overseas.  There is a smaller but significant number of hanyou and other mix-bloods as well, though we still mostly stick to our own kind.  Hanyou are no longer as reviled as they once were, however.  Most of us wish to live peacefully with the humans.”  

“Most of you?”  

“Unfortunately, youkai society has its detractors.  I’d wager one of them was paying the thugs you met this afternoon.”  

“So who do you think hired them?”

“I can’t tell you that.”  

Inuyasha growled.  “Don’t give me that shit.  I’ll beat it out of you if I have to!”  

Kouken glanced between the two hanyou, saw that Kagome wasn’t going to come to his rescue, and promptly reconsidered his position.  “We believe a wealthy and influential youkai named Sueosoroshii Taichimaru is pulling the strings.  Unfortunately, we have thus far been unable to prove his involvement in any criminal activity.”  

“Hold on,” Inuyasha demanded.  “Who the hell is this ‘we’ you’re talking about?”  

“Myself and my comrades, of course.  What, you think I do this job alone?”  

“We’re still not exactly sure what you do,” Kagome interjected before Inuyasha could throttle Kouken for his attitude.  They were both still on edge, neither certain they could trust this newcomer.  

“Oh, forgive me,” Kouken replied, diffusing the tension somewhat.  “We are agents of the High Youkai Council, the governing body that presides over the youkai world behind the scenes.  We have been sent here to watch over and protect Kagome when she stays in the present.”  

“Protect her?!” Inuyasha cried in disbelief.  “Then where the fuck were you this afternoon?!”  

Kouken’s eyes flashed dangerously, and Inuyasha had to stop himself from taking an involuntary step back.  “Two of my friends were killed today before Kagome was attacked,” he growled lowly.  

“Oh,” Inuyasha mumbled guiltily, regretting his outburst.  

“We’re sorry,” Kagome spoke softly.  “Why…why does your youkai council think I’m worth protecting?”  

Kouken’s expression returned to normal, though a certain fierceness remained in his gaze.  Both hanyou sensed that his anger was not directed at them, however.  He was probably lamenting the fact that he had been unable to avenge his comrades personally, or prevent their untimely deaths.  He raised a hand and motioned to Kagome.  

“The shards of the Shikon no Tama around your neck.  There are still those who would use such power for their own personal gain.  We had intended to keep you isolated from modern youkai and never reveal that we exist, but obviously that plan is no longer viable.  My team and I were deployed here soon after the Noh mask incident.  It is no coincidence that you have not experienced a youkai attack since then.  Before today, that is.”  

Kagome lowered her head so her bangs hid her face.  “How many others have died because of me?”  

“Kagome,” Inuyasha muttered, placing his arm around her shoulders.  

“None, Kagome. Please do not mourn them.  They fell honorably in the line of duty.  If only all of us could meet our ends in such a manner.”  

“So,” Inuyasha interrupted, seeking to change the subject, “where can I find this Taichimaru bastard?”  

Kouken’s eyes widened in alarm.  “What would you do with that information?” he asked, his tone suggesting he already knew the answer.  

“Find him and rip his lungs out, of course!”  

“Absolutely not!  This is not the feudal era, Inuyasha.  You cannot simply go around killing whoever you want.  There are procedures to follow.  Except in special circumstances, revealing oneself to or attacking humans is punishable by death, but only if you can prove it before the council!”  

“Fuck that!  If you know a guy’s dirty, you should make him prove he’s innocent.  Your way leaves him free to attack us again!”  

“Our way has also kept peace and order for hundreds of years.”  
“Peace and order?  Oh, yeah, this time seems really fuckin’ peaceful.  Now tell me where he is!”  

“Forget it!” Kouken countered, taking a resolute step forward, unwittingly moving into the light.  “I will not permit my friends’ sacrifices to be in vain by allowing you to get yourself killed.  And you will be killed, whether by Taichimaru or by order of execution from the Youkai Council for the crime of mur—”  

A gasp rang out, cutting Kouken off.  All eyes turned to Ayumi, who was staring at him with wide eyes, her skin paling.  Kouken swiftly stepped back into the shadows, but it was too late.  Ayumi’s scent was muddled with bewilderment; it was almost as if she recognized the youkai.  Kagome gazed at him closely, but the youkai markings prevented her from making an identification.  Still, he did look vaguely familiar.  

“K-K-Kenji-san?” Ayumi stuttered, taking a few hesitant steps forward.  “Is that you?”  

Kouken swore softly under his breath, a sound only the hanyou could hear, and sighed heavily.  “I did not want you to find out this way, Ayumi-ko,” he said, stepping out onto the sidewalk once more.  He reached into his pocket and withdrew an earring, anxiously twisting it between his fingers for a few moments.  Then he fastened it to his right earlobe, sparking a swift and revealing transformation as the concealment charm took effect and morphed his appearance to that of a simple human boy.  This time Inuyasha was the only one who didn’t make a sound of shock and recognition.  

“Y-you’re Yamato Kenji from Section B!” Kagome declared.  

“Wait,” Inuyasha ordered, catching on quickly.  “This bastard goes to your school?!”  

“He’s in our grade, just not in the same classroom.”  

“Please calm down, Inuyasha,” Kenji pleaded.  “I needed a way to keep an eye on Kagome while she was in school.  After what happened today, I’m sure you understand the need for such security.”  

Inuyasha growled, grudgingly admitting that he was right.  But there was still something fishy about this whole situation.  Ayumi was swaying on her feet, appearing ready to pass out at any moment.  Eri and Yuka supported her between them, gazing at her in concern.  Meanwhile, he felt the muscles in Kagome’s back tense under his hand, as she perhaps realized what he had been unable to discern.  

“Kenji…did you call her Ayumi-ko?”  

Kenji gulped audibly, but when he spoke his voice was strong and sure.  “I did.  She is my girlfriend.”  

“WHAT?!!!” Eri and Yuka shrieked, nearly throwing Ayumi to the ground in their amazement.  Kagome, on the other hand, remained silent.  Her hands clenched at her side, her lips drawing into a thin line.  In their battles against Naraku, she had seen her fair share of manipulation, but this was despicably low.  Her anger was augmented by the fact that she could do nothing to him now, not with Ayumi present.  The girl probably cared for him a great deal, though it might all be a game to him.  

“It is not what you think,” Kenji stated with conviction, sensing the hostility in the air.  “I was not ordered to befriend Kagome or any of her friends.  To the contrary, in fact; I was ordered to have as little personal contact with all of you as possible.  The first time I spoke to Ayumi…happened by accident.  I was struggling with homework in the library—passing middle school classes is hard when you haven’t been there in a few years—and she offered to help me.  We hit it off, and I asked her out a couple weeks later.  My superiors had a fit when they found out.  I nearly got demoted and shipped to Okinawa, but it was worth it.  I’ve…never met a girl like Ayumi.  We’ve been dating for two months this Saturday.”  

Kagome never broke eye contact with Kenji while he was speaking, studying his proud and defiant gaze.  Finally she turned to Ayumi, seeking to confirm the story, though she could detect no untruthfulness from the youkai.  But her friend still appeared to be overwhelmed by the new revelation, and Kagome couldn’t blame her.  It would be almost like finding out Inuyasha had been full-youkai all along.  

“Can I just go home?” Ayumi groaned, holding her temple.  Kenji moved to help her, then stopped, as if realizing that would only make things worse.  The six of them traveled the remaining two blocks to Ayumi’s house in silence.  When they arrived, she entered the house and closed the door with only a brief glance behind her.  Kenji sighed miserably, his shoulders slumping.  Kagome watched him, her eyes softening in sympathy.  She had always been a good judge of character, and she sensed that this young man truly did care for her friend.  This situation must be hard on him too.  

“What are you going to do now?” she asked him.  

He shook his head.  “I don’t know.  Give her some time, I guess.  I just hope I live long enough to see her again.  My superiors really are going to kill me this time.”  

“Why?  Are youkai not allowed to date humans?”  

“No, they are.  But we can only reveal ourselves for what we are when we are engaged to be married.  It’s tough, but the rationale is that by that time, the relationship will probably be strong enough for the human to handle it.”  

“Oh, so are you in a lot of trouble?”  

“Well, she did recognize me with my concealment charm off.  I’ll just blame it on Inuyasha, since it was his fault anyway.”  

“Go ahead,” Inuyasha told him.  “I don’t care.  If your bosses come after me, I’ll giv’em a taste of Tetsusaiga!”  

“Let’s not go looking for trouble, Inuyasha,” Kagome scolded lightly.  


“WAIT A MINUTE!!!” Yuka shrieked, bringing the whole group to a sudden halt.  “You three are missing the most important point.  Why didn’t she tell us she had a boyfriend?!”  

Kagome rolled her eyes and smiled wryly.  She knew exactly why Ayumi had kept the information to herself, but she wasn’t surprised Eri and Yuka didn’t get it.  Still, it was nice to see them acting like their old selves.  

“Maybe she saw how…involved you two got in a certain other person’s relationship, you know, how you kept telling a certain girl to ditch a guy you’d never even met and go out with someone she didn’t really like…”  

It took a few seconds for that clue to sink in.  Both girls scoffed and looked at each other.  

“We’re not that bad!”  

“Yeah!  We warmed up to Inuyasha once we found out he wasn’t a rude, violent, two-timing jerk like you said he was!”  

Kagome could only rub the back of her neck and look sheepish at that comment.  Inuyasha grimaced, but he had already heard all about the things Kagome used to say about him.  The sad part was that most of them had been true at the time.  

“Ayumi has some serious explaining to do,” Eri prattled on.  


“Aw, come on, guys,” Kagome interjected.  “You know how quiet she is.  Kenji might be her first boyfriend, and I’m sure she probably just didn’t want to be the center of attention for awhile.”  

Eri and Yuka frowned, but neither was entirely convinced.  “We’re her friends.  She still should have told us.”  

Kagome couldn’t argue with that.  As was usually the case, this was one of those arguments where neither side was entirely in the right.  At least it seemed to be coming to a close, especially with her friends’ eyes taking on those predatory looks.  But she wasn’t about to come to Kenji’s aid, and she was actually quite interested to hear what answers he could come up with.  Inuyasha gulped; he had seen them act like this before too.  He was glad he wasn’t the target this time.  

“Soooooo, Kenji,” Yuka drawled, “how long did you say you and Ayumi have been going out?”  

“T-two months,” the youkai stuttered, sensing something was amiss.  

“Do you like her?”  

“Of course I do!”  

“Do you really like her?”  

“Yes.  Where are you going with this?”  

“Have you kissed her?”  

“Wh—  That’s none of your business!”  

“Yes, it is!  We have to make sure you have your priorities straight.  If you break her heart, I swear we’ll make your life miserable.”

“Yeah,” the other harpy added, “we’ll get Inuyasha to hunt you down and make you scream for mercy!”  That statement was punctuated by said hanyou cracking his knuckles with an evil smirk on his face.  It was an act, designed to keep him safely on the girls’ good side.  

“Fine,” Kenji replied firmly.  “Yes, we’ve kissed.  And no, I’m not pressuring her for sex, if that’s what you’re implying.  My priorities now are having fun and getting to know her.”  

Kagome nodded to herself.  Good.  I won’t have to see if my miko powers can be used for castration.  Eri and Yuka also seemed relatively satisfied, though that was just on the first series of questions.  There were more where that came from.

“How old are you, anyway?”  

“You’d better not be like two hundred!”  

“No, no, I’m only twenty-three.”  

“Good.”  The six-year age difference was fairly wide—Ayumi had turned seventeen a month ago—but acceptable as long as the older guy behaved himself.  Now the girls were apparently satisfied, but Inuyasha was not.  

“Wait, so they sent a kid to protect Kagome?” he asked incredulously, perhaps remembering what he had been like at that age.  (2)  

Kenji bristled at that comment.  “I am not a kid.  But the other members of my team are older than I am.  And besides, I have learned more about combat than you will ever know, Inuyasha.”  

“Oh, yeah?  Prove it!  Let’s go, right here!  When I win, you have to tell me where that Taichimaru asshole lives.”  

“I already told you to forget it!”  

“Listen, you stubborn bas—”

“Boys!  Boys!” Kagome exclaimed, doing her best mother hen impression.  “Stop bickering or you’ll make a scene.  I, for one, do not want to know where Taichimaru lives, because we are definitely not going after him,” she declared, glaring at her mate.  

“Keh,” was his eloquent reply, but Kagome knew reluctant agreement when she saw it.  Kenji opened his mouth to comment that he was grateful at least one of the hanyou was reasonable, but thought better of it.  He didn’t want to start another argument, and he could admit to himself that he wasn’t a hundred percent certain he could take Inuyasha.  He had heard ancient tales of the hanyou’s adventures, and some of his victories were truly impressive.  

The rest of the journey was relatively quiet, and they dropped Eri and Yuka off without further incident.  Then it was just the three of them, staring at each other awkwardly.  Inuyasha was just about to tell Kenji to get lost when the latter apparently realized that three was a crowd all on his own.  

“See you later,” he said with a casual wave, continuing on down the street.  “Stay out of trouble.”  

“Jackass,” Inuyasha muttered, turning and heading back to the shrine.  

“Oh, he’s not that bad, Inuyasha.”  

“Feh.  You don’t like him that much, either.”  

“He’s my friend’s boyfriend.  Of course I’m going to be a bit skeptical at first.”  

“Hehe, it was pretty stupid to let Ayumi recognize him.  He ain’t too bright, neither.”  

Kagome flashed him a disbelieving look.  “You’re calling him stupid for doing something dumb in the heat of the moment?  That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.”  

“The what calling the who what?”  

“Never mind.”  

The pair settled into companionable silence, each becoming lost in their own thoughts.  With the day’s events, there was indeed much to think about.  After awhile, Inuyasha lagged behind a couple steps, and for the first time that day, he allowed himself to enjoy the sight of Kagome in her school uniform.  The streetlights cast an unnatural glow over her milky skin, which he found strangely alluring.  Her skirt fluttered ever so slightly in the breeze, and he could almost imagine the wind caressing her bare thighs as his hands longed to do.  

“So,” Kagome said suddenly, spinning to face him.  Her expression was serious, but the small twinkle in her eye suggested that he hadn’t raised his gaze quite quick enough to escape her notice.  Oddly, he didn’t feel at all embarrassed about being caught ogling her.  It was actually somewhat exhilarating.  

“So,” she repeated, falling in step beside him and taking his hand.  “What are we going to do now?”  

“What do you mean?”  

“I mean, I know we can’t go hunt this Taichimaru down, but I hate sitting around waiting to get attacked as much as you do.”  

“We don’t have much of a choice.  What else can we do?”  

“We could go to the feudal era,” Kagome suggested, causing Inuyasha to do a double-take.  He had secretly been thinking the same thing, but didn’t want to pressure her.  His reaction prompted her to offer further explanation.  “We do still have to collect the shards of the Shikon no Tama, and I think we’re ready.”  

Inuyasha reflected on that simple statement and all it entailed.  It meant being ready to go on a long quest together, to spend every day with each other, just the two of them.  It meant being able to communicate, to work through whatever problems came up and resolve arguments in a civil manner.  It meant fighting together, being able to rely on each other with their very lives on the line.  Most of all, it meant knowing and embracing the love they shared, and being able to express it.  And as he thought about it, everything they had been through since they first met almost two years ago, all the happy times, the trials, the heartbreak, he realized there was no doubt.  They were ready.  

He nodded, smiling confidently down at her.  “You wanna leave tomorrow?”  

She beamed back, nestling up against him and looping her arm around his waist.  “I guess.  I’m not going to school, that’s for sure.”  

“Speaking of school, are you gonna want to come back here every few weeks?”  For once, his tone contained no sign of reproach when speaking of her education.  He had taken his vow very seriously; he was still willing to return to the modern era whenever Kagome wanted to.  

Kagome sighed.  “If we do that, it’ll take twice as long to find all the jewel shards.  Plus I’ll have to carry books back to study, and I’m just not sure it’s worth it.  I don’t know what I’m going to do about school.”  

“Even if you don’t go to school, we can still stop here sometimes to visit your family,” Inuyasha said, feeling slightly uncomfortable.  Being purposely nice was still relatively new to him, but it would be worth it if he could make her smile again.  They both wanted to be done with the Shikon no Tama as quickly as possible, but that didn’t mean they had to devote every day to their mission with no breaks.  Spending a week here so Kagome could attend class would delay them in a way that occasional visits with her family would not.  

“I’d like that,” she replied gratefully, leaning her head against his shoulder.  No one knew what would happen to the well once the jewel was purified.  Any trip through the well could be her last; she might never see her family again.  She hoped with all her heart that the portal could remain open, but she had made peace with the frightening alternative when she decided she wanted to live with Inuyasha in the feudal era.  Even so, she didn’t like to go too long between visits.  And now, there was the very real possibility that her family could be in danger.  But ultimately, she felt they were better off if she wasn’t around.  Whoever had sent those goons after her probably knew all about her vanishing act in the well, just as Kenji and his group did.  Her family couldn’t be used as hostages very effectively if she was five hundred years in the past.  And aside from that, there was no reason to involve her family at all.  Combined with the strong urge to forever end the suffering caused by the Shikon no Tama, she had more than enough reason to go back and finish what she’d started two years ago by shattering the jewel.  

“You worried about your family?” Inuyasha questioned, picking up on her unease.  She nodded and sniffled; all the logic in the world wouldn’t be enough to completely ease her fears.  “You know,” Inuyasha continued, “we could stay here.  We could still find Taichimaru and beat the shit out of him.  That high counsel thing can go fuck itself.”  

Kagome couldn’t help but giggle at her mate’s oh-so-typical response.  She had no doubt that the two of them fighting together could take any modern youkai.  They had defeated Naraku, after all, with a little help from their friends, of course.  But they couldn’t go up against a highly organized group of powerful youkai, at least some of which were probably of Sesshoumaru’s caliber.  And beyond that, she was tired of putting off the quest.  She wanted to settle down and raise a family.  She wanted the life Sango and Miroku currently enjoyed, where traveling was a way to earn a living, rather than a way of life.  

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Inuyasha.”  

“Well, fine.  We can still stay here and protect your family.  The jewel can wait, Kagome.”  

Kagome smiled, touched that Inuyasha was willing to make such sacrifices for her.  She almost couldn’t believe the jewel had once been so important to him.  But she had already made her decision.  

“No, it can’t,” she answered, moving around in front of him and bringing them both to a halt so she could look into his eyes.  “But thank you.”  She reached up, sliding her hand along the fabric of his shirt and cupping the back of his neck, drawing him down for a sweet kiss that warmed her heart and soul.  After a short time, she pulled away and moved to resume walking, but his molten gaze froze her.  So bright his eyes were, swirling with emotion, like liquid magma deep within the earth.  She was drawn to them, to the heat of passion emanating from them.  And as she leaned in to kiss him again, she realized something which sent a delightful shiver down her spine.  For the first time in months, she felt no sense of trepidation, no hesitation, nothing to hold her back.  Even better, she sensed no such feeling from Inuyasha.  

Their lips met, the kiss taking on a hungry edge while still maintaining its sensual quality.  Their tongues teased each other as their mouths moved languidly around them.  This time when they parted, Inuyasha leaned his forehead against hers, staring into her endless seas of beautiful brown, silent communication flashing between them.  No longer would they hold back because of subconscious absurdity, or deny themselves while waiting for the perfect moment.  It was time to forgive, but not forget.  Never forget.  And never again allow such a devastating rift to divide them.  Through time and toil they had repaired the tattered bonds, but a final act of healing was needed.  The long-awaited moment had arrived; at last, it was time to move on.  

Inuyasha reached up and tenderly caressed her cheek, causing Kagome’s eyes to slide shut as she leaned into his touch.  His hand glided up into her hair, removing the headband that concealed her hanyou ears, not caring who could be watching them.  Kagome reciprocated the gesture, and baseball cap joined headband on the street, entirely forgotten.  Finally, they could gaze upon each other as they truly were.  The hazy shroud which previously hung between them had evaporated into thin air, and in that moment they truly saw each other.  Everything they were and ever would be, and a love far deeper than mind and body poured forth.  Souls were bared; they saw everything.  


“Inuyasha… ”

All they could articulate were each other’s names, but it was enough.  Inuyasha moved first, snatching Kagome up bridal style and taking to the rooftops.  He relished the wind whipping his hair, imagining himself soaring high into the sky and flirting with the pale moon.  His spirit came crashing back down to earth when Kagome began licking and suckling his neck.  He stumbled slightly, her ministrations making it difficult to concentrate.  Eventually, he realized he wasn’t going to make it back to the shrine if she kept that up.  

He stopped on a random rooftop, arresting her rebellious lips with his own, fully intent on kissing her into submission.  But she was having none of it; her lips and tongue defiantly resisting him, yet simultaneously drawing him in.  And then he was resisting her, waging a futile battle that both of them felt they were winning and losing at the same time.  She shifted in his arms, pulling herself up, advancing as he retreated, and his utterly bewildered sense of balance was just a split second too slow to catch up.  He teetered, wanting to flail his arms to save himself, but instead holding tightly onto his precious cargo.  The kiss was forcefully broken, and Kagome shrieked as they toppled backwards onto the roof.  She wound up sprawled over his chest, giggling madly.  Inuyasha chuckled as well, not really minding his sore tailbone, or his apparent clumsiness.  It had all been her fault, anyway.  

When her mirth was under control, Kagome stood quickly, grabbing his hand and dragging him to his feet.  Then, with a sultry look that made her appear as the most tempting of vixens, she turned and leapt onto the next building.  Inuyasha nearly tripped several times during the remainder of their short journey, a side effect of staring at her ass and letting his feet fall where they may.  And the little minx knew it too, leaping in such a way that her skirt would rise and show off the barest hint of white cotton.  It taunted him, flapping in the breeze like that, but somehow he managed to avoid making too big a fool of himself.  

Finally they reached the shrine, and he followed Kagome inside her open window.  He watched as she ran over to the door and locked it, then slowly turned to face him.  For a few moments neither of them moved, each feeling the once sturdy levees holding back their passion give way, stressed to the breaking point.  Once the great tidal waters of yearning broke free, there would be no stopping them.  Nor would they try.  

Their first steps were like sword clashes in their ears, still ringing when the other foot contacted the floor.  It seemed to take an hour to cross the room, deafened noises sounding with every tiny movement, perhaps one final attempt by the dark voices to keep them apart.  But they pushed on, refusing to listen to them any longer.  Then they were in each other’s arms, locked in a pair of tight embraces that merged into one.  Kagome held her ear against his chest, listening to his thundering heartbeat, letting it ground her in this irrepressible moment.  

She lifted her head just in time to catch his lips, as they picked up where they left off on the rooftop.  Kagome slowly pushed him backward, and they tumbled onto the bed in a tangled mess of limbs.  Neither was content to lie back and be touched this time.  Two pairs of hands roamed at will, alternately fisting in fabric and running along the contours of a lover’s body.  Clothing was removed piece by piece, those same hands growing shakier as more and more skin was bared.  They touched reverentially, reacquainting themselves with the softness of her breasts, the masculine ruggedness of his abdominals, the delightful curve of her hips.  They accepted the sweet torture burned into their skin by the hands of the other, and strove to return every ounce of pleasure they received.  Breathing grew heavy, broken by moans and choked gasps when a particularly sensitive spot was stroked.  Through it all their lips never strayed apart for long, their mouths repeatedly joining for a taste of a flavor that was just a bit sweeter than usual when savored in the act of making love.  

Finally, when they were completely naked, Kagome’s hand firmly pumping his hardened member, Inuyasha’s fingers vigorously massaging her sodden core, they could stand it no longer.  In a move reminiscent of their very first time together, Inuyasha rolled into a sitting position, pulling Kagome to straddle him.  She grinned and kissed him on the nose.  Just like back then, she hadn’t been expecting it.  But she supposed it was only fitting; this was like another new beginning, after all.  Rising onto her knees, she reached down and grasped him, aligning him with her entrance.  Then, raising her gaze so she could look into his eyes, she slowly sank down until she could go no further.  

Twin cries of ecstasy escaped them, heads thrown back and eyes screwed shut.  Both of their backs arched, pulling them away from each other for just a few moments.  But they remained joined below the waist, as deeply connected as two people can be in the physical sense.  To be inside her, to have him inside her…the sensation of overpowering oneness awed and humbled.  How fortunate they felt, in that moment, when time stood still and the mighty Kami stopped and watched, experiencing wonder at the mere mortals engaging in an act so pure, so full of life and love, that it made them green with envy.  At least, that was how it felt to Inuyasha and Kagome, the two said mortals, who in that brief eternity considered themselves more blessed than any soul that had come before them, or ever would afterwards.  

Finally, Inuyasha recovered enough to pull himself upright, drawing Kagome to him.  He held her as she shuddered against his chest, though he could tell her tears were of happiness.  His own eyes stung, and he didn’t care when a few rogue droplets flowed down his cheeks.  Right now, they didn’t feel like a sign of weakness, but a mark of strength.  It was a different kind of strength, having nothing to do with battle or power, but instead welling up from within.  It was strength of heart, and he owed it all to this amazing woman, his beloved, his lover, his soul mate.  

She lifted her head, still hiccupping, and beamed at him.  She didn’t attempt to hide her tears either, allowing him to reach up and wipe them away as she did the same for him.  Then, after a quick kiss, she raised and lowered her hips in rapid succession.  Inuyasha grunted in surprise and pleasure, but reacted swiftly, his hand lowering to cup her bottom and help her establish a rhythm.  Soon the bed was rocking at a steady cadence, pants and moans renting the air.  Inuyasha’s hips thrust upward repeatedly, timed perfectly with Kagome’s downward plunges.  They held onto each other for dear life, hands scrambling for holds but incapable of remaining still, claws pressing into flesh but never puncturing it.  The waters of their passion rose, churning and thrashing against another set of levees.  But this time, it felt as if the whole world would come to an end when the barriers finally gave way.  

At last they felt their twin apocalypses approaching, the steady rhythm faltering as their bodies lost coordination.  Feverishly now they moved together, striving toward that sweet release they could sense hanging just out of reach.  Kagome chomped down on her own hand, not wishing to alert all of Tokyo to her impending climax.  Inuyasha bit his tongue, nearly driving a fang clean through, but the pain was like a pebble tossed into a raging sea; he felt only the blinding rapture shooting through his body.  Their bodies seemed to pulse once, perfectly in synch.  Then, after an agonizing hesitation, they exploded as one.  Stifled cries of ecstasy gave jubilant confirmation of their completion, and they continued to move, drawing out their orgasms.  At last, when every iota of pleasure had been milked from their shuddering and quaking bodies, they collapsed onto the bed, Inuyasha on his back and Kagome draped over him.  

They lay there for a seemingly interminable span, grinning widely as panting subsided and breathing gradually slowed to normal levels.  They basked in newfound completion, in every sense of the word.  The other aspects of their relationship had been largely repaired, but this final step had thwarted them until now.  Finally, after months of awkwardness and unyielding distance, they were whole again.  They were complete.  

Fatigue hit Kagome in a rush; this amazing day had left her physically and mentally drained.  She slid off of her lover and snuggled up to his side, already half-asleep.  Inuyasha smiled and kissed her temple, grabbing the blanket at the end of the bed with a toe and pulling it over them.  Then he draped his arm over her possessively, tucking her head under his chin and tangling his legs with hers.  With the woman he loved safely enfolded in his embrace, and her soothing scent so close to his nose, it was not long before he joined her in blissful slumber.  

* * *

Yamashita Yori strode purposely down the long, dimly lit corridor, each impact of his impeccably polished black dress shoes reverberating loudly down the passageway.  His master preferred the dark, a habit which perfectly matched his personality.  Usually, Yori didn’t mind going into his master’s chamber, but today he had bad news.  He hated being the bearer of bad news.  

Pausing briefly outside the huge cedar wood doors, he took a deep breath and pushed his way inside.  Green lighting cast an eerie glow around the sprawling complex of rooms and chambers that served as his master’s private quarters.  Today he found his master in his study, peering over unknown documents at his desk.  

“What isss it, Yori?” Taichimaru inquired, his slight accent on the second word revealing his heritage.  Sueosoroshii Taichimaru was a serpent through and through.  He was cunning, cold, and willing to choke the life out of whatever poor creature stood in his way.  But he was also ambitious and charismatic, and had a way of drawing people and power to himself.  Yori had served as his second in command for over forty years, aiding him in his various pursuits, some legitimate business, others a little shady, and still others outright treasonous.  In that time, Taichimaru had become one of the wealthiest youkai in Japan, and also one of the most controversial.  It seemed everyone had a strong opinion about him, whether it was devotion or disdain.  Unfortunately, most of the sitting members of the High Youkai Council were of the latter group.  But all that was about to change.  For the past year, the two of them had been working tirelessly, aligning the various stars needed to turn their grandiose plans into a glorious reality.  Today, their implementation of that vision of the world had suffered a major setback.  

“I’m sorry, sir, but the group of youkai you sent to retrieve Higurashi Kagome failed.  They were all killed.”  To Yori’s everlasting surprise, his master didn’t pound his fist into the desk, or even curse quietly.  Instead, he merely smiled, leaning back in his chair and steepling his fingers together.  

“Excellent.”  (3)

“E-excuse me, sir?” Yori stuttered.  “I don’t understand.  I thought we were going to bring her in and make her tell us where the remainder of the Shikon no Tama is.”  

“Please, the Shikon no Tama is but a trinket compared to the power this girl possesses.”  

“But I thought—”

“You don’t need to understand, Yori, only obey.  Trust me.”  

Yori studied his master for a moment, then nodded emphatically.  He would follow Taichimaru to the ends of the earth.  He was sure his master was working toward their mutual goals, even if he would not share all the details.  Snakes were naturally secretive creatures, and over time Yori had made peace with the fact that his master would not share everything with him.  It was in his nature.  

“I never told you how I knew about Kagome, did I?” Taichimaru asked, to which Yori shook his head.  Grinning, his master rose from the chair, striding to the bookcase.  Instead of taking a book from the shelf, however, Taichimaru reached here and there, touching or pulling several different texts.  Yori wondered what he was doing until there came an audible click, and suddenly the entire case began slowly sliding into the floor.  A small room was revealed, lit by a single clear bulb, a rarity in this part of the complex.  The walls were painted white, and in the center of the room sat a single chair, holding the room’s lone occupant, a small girl.  Her hair was even paler than the walls, and she wore a traditional kimono of the same shade.  Two flowers decorated her hair, one on each side of her head, their presence conflicting with the blank, emotionless expression on her face.  But by far her most striking—and chilling—feature was her eyes.  The irises and pupils melded together, both blacker than darkest night, and her gaze sent an ominous shiver through him.  This girl was the single creepiest person he had ever met.  

“Ah, Kanna,” Taichimaru greeted the girl easily, walking right up to her.  (4)  “How are we today?”  After a short silence, during which the girl didn’t so much as move a single muscle, Taichimaru chuckled and turned to address his confused subordinate.  “She never replies to that question.  But I suppose over time I’ve grown used to her little quirks.  I’ve known her longer than you, after all.”  

Now that got Yori’s attention.  It was surprising enough that he had never met the girl, despite Taichimaru’s affinity for secrecy, but just what was she?  He knew of no youkai in existence which aged that slowly, at least during childhood.  Combined with the general aura of lifelessness about her, it led Yori to believe that this girl was no normal youkai.  

“I first met her seventy years ago,” his master continued.  “She was wandering alone in the woods outside my family’s estate north of Ise.  I started talking to her, asking questions, and her answers were always short and to the point.  She said things that were fantastical, too impossible to be true, but I was intrigued.  So I kept her around.  Then, about eleven years ago, I read an article in the paper.  It was just a short little culture blurb about a beautiful shrine in the middle of Tokyo, owned by a family called Higurashi.  That’s when I remembered what Kanna had said all those years ago, and everything clicked into place.  Kanna, why don’t you tell Yori the name of the priestess who helped slay your former master Naraku five centuries ago.”  

“Higurashi Kagome.”  

“And where was she from.”  

“Five hundred years in the future.”  

“And how did she get to the past?”  

“Through a magical well.”  

“And how do you know all of this?”

“I saw it in my mirror.”  

“The one you lost five centuries ago?”  (5)


“And why didn’t you tell your master Naraku any of this?”

“He did not ask.”  

Taichimaru laughed gleefully.  “You see, Yori?  This Naraku must have been a moron of the highest caliber.  He had such an amazing source of information at his disposal, and he created her, but he lacked the intelligence to use Kanna to her full potential.  I only wish she still had her mirror.  (6)  But alas, we make do with what we have.  Kanna has been invaluable to me, and everything she told me has proven correct.  Higurashi Kagome being an incredibly powerful hanyou-miko was the last statement I needed to confirm.  So, Kanna, I thank you.  We will create a better world because of your contribution.”  

The girl did not react, only continued to stare at Taichimaru with those same lifeless eyes.  

“But I doubt you really care much about that.  So, Kanna, tell Yori what it is you want the most.”  

“To die.”  

“And have you told me everything you know about Higurashi Kagome, Naraku, your actions in the past, your—”

“There is nothing else,” Kanna declared in that same chilling monotone, but the fact that she cut Taichimaru off showed Yori something about her.  This girl really did want to die.  Taichimaru’s lips curled in an evil smirk.  

“Then I shall grant your wish,” he replied solemnly.  In the next instant, Kanna’s severed head rolled on the floor, her body collapsing in a heap.  There was no blood, and as Yori watched her pale skin turned to ash, fanning out across the room with the faint gusts of air from the ventilation system.  Just before her face dissolved, he thought he caught a glimpse of the smallest upturn at the corners of her lips, but the tiny smile might have been just his imagination.  

“Let no one say Sueosoroshii Taichimaru does not reward those who serve him,” Taichimaru said, exiting the chamber without a glance back.  He strode past Yori, who was still staring straight ahead, reliving the last few moments of Kanna’s life.  He’d seen his fair share of death these last forty years, but that was perhaps the most unsettling end he’d ever witnessed.  Taichimaru’s cackling broke him from his musings, and he shook his head, feeling slightly nauseas.  He appreciated his master’s ambition and intelligence, but not his sense of humor.  Fortunately, in the great plot they were both embroiled in, such a thing was not required.  

Name definitions (courtesy of
Kouken – means “guardian,” ( as stated above.  Also, did anyone notice how ‘ken’ appears in both his fake and real names?  Pretty clever, huh?  *toots own horn*
Kenji – “study” and “two” (chose this one because it sounds cool and is kind of a “friendly” name)
Taichimaru – “taichi” means “thick, big” and “one” (keep the hentai jokes to yourselves, please).  I added “maru” to youkai it up a bit, like Takahashi did with characters like Juroumaru.  
Sueosoroshii – “ominous” (  Not quite as obvious as Naraku (“hell”), but with a family name like that, you’re not likely to play the good guy very often.  Plus it’s long and hard to pronounce, which smacks of aristocracy.  
Yori – “trust” (I wanted a short and sweet name for a subordinate)

(1)  Japan’s population is over 130 million, so a few hundred thousand youkai is really not that many.  They live long and have had hundreds of years to increase their numbers, which explains the size of the population.  
(2)  If I remember correctly, Inuyasha is about a hundred in this story (including the 50 years pinned to the tree).  So compared to him, Kenji really is just a kid.  
(3)  Sorry, but I couldn’t resist the Mr. Burns-ism.  Release the hounds!  
(4)  Remember during the battle with Mouryoumaru, when Kanna fell into the river and was washed away?  All of you thought I’d forgotten about her, didn’t you?  Nope!  There was a reason neither Sesshoumaru nor the Inu-gang found her afterwards, and she just seemed to vanish into the wilderness.  
(5)  I looked back, and Kanna doesn’t carry her mirror when she holds the baby.  So the only ways she would get it were if Naraku gave it to her or she pulled it out of thin air, neither of which happened in this story.  Kanna hasn’t seen her mirror for five hundred years, is what I’m getting at.  
(6)  I seem to remember Naraku using Kanna’s mirror to spy on Kagura during her “escape.”  It makes sense to me that she could see other things as well.  But of course Kanna wouldn’t volunteer the information without prompting, which is why she never informed Naraku of the truth behind Kagome’s presence in the feudal era.  

A/N – Is that champagne I hear popping and fizzing?  Honestly, I feel like celebrating a little bit.  Fifty chapters, and a long-awaited lemon to boot.  Can I get a “Huzzah!”
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