InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Culmination ( Chapter 63 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.


Kagome floated in nothingness, drifting aimlessly in a pitch black world.  Only by blinking could she tell her eyes were open.  Where am I?  How did I get here?  She tried to remember, but thinking was difficult.  So difficult, in fact, that she was sorely tempted to surrender to the invisible currents and hang passively in this void.  She closed her eyes, allowing herself to be pulled down toward blissful unconsciousness.  Sleep was so much easier than thinking.

A vision flashed through her mind, causing her to open her eyes again.  What was that?  If it was an image, it was blurred; she had only been able to make out colors.  Red, and silver.  There was some significance to those colors, or perhaps in the way they combined.  Another image flickered in her mind’s eye, this one adding a new color to the mix.  Amber…

Moving on impulse alone, she folded her arms under her bosom, as if supporting some invisible object.  She could almost feel the weight, and if that wasn’t confusing enough, her nipples tingled.  That sensation should have frightened her, but she found it oddly comforting.  Why did imagining the color amber cause her to react this way?  No…not this particular shade of amber.  A darker hue, one with a very different significance than the first.  Two shades of amber, one old, one new.  Where had she seen them?  Why did they seem to mean so much to her?  

She heard a sound, though not with her ears.  It was joyous and innocent, the delightful resonance of an infant’s laughter.  She looked down, and a new image appeared to her, this one much clearer than those previous.  Izayoi.  Her baby, whose eyes glowed with that second shade of amber.  How could she have forgotten?  And as for that other color, the one which more closely resembled molten gold…


Her soft whisper sparked an avalanche; everything came back to her in a torrent.  And suddenly, she was able to answer her original questions.  She was trapped deep inside herself, a prisoner in her own mind.  Her attacker—probably this Taichimaru whom Kenji had spoken of—had possessed her body, locked her consciousness away in this dark, featureless oblivion.  And he was no doubt at this very moment using her body for some insidious purpose.  

Kagome gathered her wits and marshaled her resolve, determined to fight for control of her mind.  Her first effort yielded a small field of white light, barely large enough for her to stand in.  But it was a start.  She pushed further, but the darkness bore down, threatening to overwhelm her.  Fighting desperately, she barely managed to keep the small part of herself she had won back.  But it was hers.  She rested, preparing for the next attempt.  It would be slow going, but she didn’t care.  No matter how long it took, she would reclaim her mind and body, and drive this evil from her being.  She only hoped her possessed form wouldn’t do anything she would regret in the meantime.  

* * *

“Kagome, kill him.”  

Only lightning reflexes honed by years of combat saved Inuyasha from being split down the middle.  There had been absolutely no hesitation in Kagome’s attack; she really was trying to kill him.  A chill coursed through him, sparked by some nameless shadowy emotion.  It was not fear, per se, though he did worry about failing his wife and himself.  No, this was something far more intrinsic, a deep-seated revulsion at being assaulted by a loved one.  Incomprehensible pain rose within, threatening to cripple him, but he pushed it aside.  This thing was his Kagome in body only.  Her mind, her spirit, these were trapped on some other plane.  She was attacking him solely by the will of another.  The thought gave him comfort, allowed him to remain calm as he stared into those unblinking crimson eyes.  He settled in, preparing for the most important battle of his life.  Kagome withdrew her claws from the pavement where they had become embedded, gazing blankly at him.  Then she launched herself forward again.  

She came in low this time, swiping for his leg with her right hand.  He sidestepped, then flung his head back to avoid the slashing uppercut she threw with her left.  She came back with her right, aiming straight in for his torso, claws blazing with pink energy.  He parried the thrust with his left, continuing the motion into a spin that put him behind her.  She rounded on him, coming on relentlessly, her attacks a blur of arms and claws.  Inuyasha ducked a sideways swipe at his neck, then reared back and punched her squarely in the gut.  He would not bring his claws to bear against her, but he hoped body blows would at least slow her down a little.  The attack barely phased her; she swung viciously at the extended arm, catching it and drawing blood.  Inuyasha retreated backwards again, but this time Kagome seemed to hesitate just slightly before following.  

“Kagome, snap out of it!” he tried.  No response.  Words were apparently not going to work.  

She wounded him several more times over the next frantic minute, including a neat slash across his cheek.  None were serious, but all drove home the point which was rapidly becoming obvious—if he kept this up, he wouldn’t last much longer.  Kagome was nearly his equal in terms of speed and stamina; his only real advantage over her was his combat experience.  But that advantage was largely neutralized because he couldn’t hurt her.  It was all he could do just to stay alive.  She was ruthless in her onslaught, never stopping for more than a moment, easily absorbing his tentative counterpunches.  He needed to deal with the root of the problem—that smirking bastard Taichimaru, who was still standing there watching them.  But his current opponent clearly had no intention of allowing that to happen.  It was a similar situation to the one he’d found himself in fighting Kajimaru in the mountains.  Only now, he was without Tetsusaiga.  

No!  Kagome had brought Tetsusaiga, hadn’t she?  Yes!  There it was on her hip.  Inuyasha’s mind turned with the formulations of a plan, even as his wife’s claws tore new cuts in his skin and came closer and closer to dealing a severe wound.  He ducked a particularly vicious swing and took off running, Kagome hot on his heels.  He sprinted toward the side of the warehouse, then leapt and planted both feet on the wall, launching himself back toward his pursuer.  Kagome was clearly caught by surprise; Inuyasha grabbed her before she could raise her defenses, trapping both arms at her sides.  He tackled her to the ground, rolling with her as she struggled and snarled like a feral cat.  He held her back against his chest, not daring to reach for Tetsusaiga until she was more under control.  When she suddenly stilled completely, it seemed like the perfect opportunity, but he knew something was up.  

He both felt and saw his wife explode in miko energy, the pure light pulsing through his body.  Yet, he felt no pain, nor suffered any ill effects.  He grinned despite the seriousness of the situation; even though Kagome was being manipulated by another, her miko powers still recognized him.  It further encouraged his hope that she was still in there, fighting to reclaim herself.  

“So you are still immune to her miko energy,” Taichimaru observed casually from across the warehouse.  “All the more reason to kill you now.  Or perhaps you will murder your wife to save yourself.  Tell me, Inuyasha, what is the value of your own life?”  

Inuyasha made no response, refusing to rise to the bastard’s taunting.  It was an incredibly stupid question, anyway.  Taichimaru clearly had no one in his life he would sacrifice himself for; he valued his own life above all others, and held it worth preserving at any cost.  Someone like that could never understand.  Meanwhile, Kagome was still lying relatively pliant in his arms, ostensibly stunned, so he took the chance to reach down to her waist and draw Tetsusaiga from its sheath.  He made sure not to transform it for, as expected, Kagome resumed her thrashing as soon as his fingers touched the sword.  Inuyasha rolled onto his side and pushed her across the floor, putting just enough space between them to avoid being hacked to pieces as she spun and slashed vengefully at him.  Those claws still passed far too close to his face for comfort.  

He scrambled to his feet and dashed off again, slipping Tetsusaiga into his obi.  He would draw it when he had to; he needed all of his mobility to dodge the she-banshee at his back.  He jumped up to the sidewall again, but this time sunk his claws into the surface and climbed swiftly up a story or two.  Kagome savagely tore a hole in the wall where he’d just been, her momentum carrying her through to land outside with a muffled thud.  She had probably expected him to repeat the same move he used last time, but he made it a point not to be too predictable.  That was another advantage he had going for him; Kagome’s higher brain function appeared to be limited.  She was functioning on a very basic level, so advanced combat tactics would probably escape her comprehension.  And now, in the few seconds it would take her to recover from her error, he had an opportunity to fight his true enemy.  

He pushed off from the wall, somersaulted in mid-air, and launched into a dead sprint as soon as his feet hit the ground.  Drawing and transforming Tetsusaiga in mid-stride, he unleashed his sword’s power.  

“Kaze no Kizu!!!”  

Cutting waves of energy lanced out toward his foe.  Taichimaru had been caught utterly flatfooted, unprepared for his prey’s lightning-quick strike at his person.  He could only watch in horror as the devastating maelstrom approached.  Even as his leg muscles tensed to fire, he knew he would not be fast enough to escape.  This was the end.  All of his plans, his grand schemes…where had it all gone wrong?  The great Sueosoroshii Taichimaru, defeated by a lowly half-breed.   Such an ignominious demise for one of youkai society’s most brilliant—

Something impacted him from the side, sending him sprawling to the floor.  Inuyasha’s attack ripped past, vaporizing the person who had saved his life.  Even now, Taichimaru felt no gratitude for his fallen servant; Yori had merely done his duty.  And now, it was time for him to do his.  

Inuyasha swore under his breath at the latest turn of events, cursing the stupidity of the brainwashed idiot who would sacrifice himself to save someone like Taichimaru.  But he kept coming, now closing in on the serpent youkai who was rising to his feet.  He raised Tetsusaiga over his head and brought it down as hard as he could, his aim to chop his enemy in half.  This time, however, Taichimaru was ready.  He drew a sword from his obi and held it aloft, using both hands to support it as Tetsusaiga slammed into the sword with a loud clang.  His arms shook with exertion, but he managed to stop the huge blade’s forward momentum.  A crack appeared in the center of his katana, but it likewise held.  

Inuyasha again cursed his failure, and wanted nothing more than to rectify it.  But his time was running out; he could already hear Kagome’s footsteps rapidly approaching from behind.  In all likelihood, it would take more than the two seconds he had left to kill Taichimaru.  So he decided to settle for the next best thing.  Removing his right hand from Tetsusaiga’s handle, he struck out with it, aiming for a very specific place on Taichimaru’s torso.  The youkai shuffled back, so Inuyasha only managed to grab the front of his robes, but it was enough.  The hanyou wrenched the cloth, tearing it violently.  And from the tattered fabric fell his true target—the red box Taichimaru had flaunted earlier.  Inuyasha snatched it out of the air and, careful to avoid accidentally pushing the button, crushed it in his hand.  Now Taichimaru no longer held Kagome’s life in his hand.  If and when his wife broke the possession spell, she would truly be free.  

Inuyasha had no time to savor the victory; his non-visual senses screamed at him to move.  He dove to the side, but not quick enough to avoid a nasty gash in his lower back courtesy of Kagome’s claws.  She came at him with renewed vigor, keeping him on the retreat and off balance.  Inuyasha stumbled back, managing to dodge her powerful strikes by a combination of luck and skill.  A particularly dangerous one forced him to block with Tetsusaiga, but Kagome folded her fingers into a fist at the last instant, and the tremendous impact knocked Inuyasha back and sent the sword flying from his hands.  He fell to the floor on his back, gazing up to spy Kagome pouncing on him, both hands raised for the kill.  Thinking quickly, Inuyasha recalled a move learned decades ago in his childhood and not used since.  He raised his leg and placed his foot in Kagome’s stomach as she descended toward him, using her own momentum to flip her over his head as he fended off her slashing claws.  His forearms took quite a beating, but at least his head was still attached to his body.  

His reprieve was short-lived.  Kagome landed gracefully in a crouch, and wasted no time in launching herself toward him again.  Inuyasha refused to dodge this time; doing so was getting him nowhere, and would surely get him killed soon.  He needed to restrain Kagome; maybe if he could grab her again he could reach out to her through their bond, help her break the spell.  Besides, he was just so tired of running.  

Her right hand fortunately came at him in the same way it had already come dozens of times this evening.  He snatched her wrist out of the air with his left, then did the same with his right when her left hand slashed at his opposite side.  Now he had both her main weapons neutralized, and his intention was to twist them around and grab his wife around the torso again.  This time, he would not let go until he got through to her or she killed him.  

But Kagome was faster.  She smashed the top of her head against his forehead, the devastating crack of bone on bone reverberating through his skull.  He dizzily felt her grab him by the collar and slam him to the ground.  He lifted his head just in time to see her right hand, claws glistening in the dim light, streaking straight at his heart.   

* * *

Kagome continued to struggle inside her mind, frustrated at the lack of progress she was making.  In her bleakest moments, she faced the real possibility that the darkness would overwhelm her before she ever liberated herself from its control.  But she refused to give up; she would continue fighting as long as she was able.  Then she felt it, a new presence, one she recognized immediately.  Inuyasha.

Where are you, Kagome?

I’m here, Inuyasha!

Where are you?

Here!  Right here!

Please, come back to me, Kagome.  

I’m trying to, Inuyasha, but—

Come back.

I’m trying!

Please…let me see your eyes once more before I…

Before you what?  Inuyasha?  Inuyasha!

But he was gone, his presence fading.  Kagome felt a wave of fear.  But far from overpowering her, it reinvigorated her spirit, caused her to redouble her efforts.  Now, buoyed by the renewed connection with her soul mate, and bolstered by his strength, she began pushing the darkness inexorably from her mind.  It resisted, but she was not to be denied.  She surged forward, not stopping until the light had purged all the blackness from every corner, and her world went white.  

Kagome groaned, regaining consciousness as if waking up from a very deep slumber.  But she was herself again; her lungs breathed, and her heart beat in her chest.  Her skin was damp and clammy, probably from sweat.  She sensed that her body had gone through quite an exertion recently.  The one other thing she noticed immediately was that she was in her husband’s familiar arms.  He held her tightly, and she almost smiled before her other senses started to come back.  One powerful odor in particular roused her immediately to full alertness—Inuyasha’s blood.  

She picked her head up as her eyes shot open, focusing on her husband’s face.  He was lying motionless on the ground, his eyes closed.  His face was frighteningly pale, and without delay she set about searching for the wound which was the source of the thick scent of his blood in the air.  Nothing could have prepared her for the sight that greeted her when she panned her gaze down his body.  Her hand…protruding from Inuyasha’s chest.  

She screamed.  

* * *

Inuyasha drifted, floating toward a mysterious void.  His final act in the world of the living had been to grab Kagome and call out to her through their bond.  He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he had heard her respond.  It was over now; he could no longer reach her.  His last regret was that he had not seen her eyes once more before the end.  The end…dying, leaving Kagome, was his biggest regret.  But maybe oblivion wouldn’t be so bad.  He would get to see his mother again, at least.  And since he didn’t have much choice in the matter, he would try to make the best of it.  

A sudden, bloodcurdling screech jolted him.  It was an utterly despairing, mournful cry, and it pulled at every protective fiber of his being.  He felt a stabbing pain in his chest.  That seemed odd; dead people didn’t feel pain, did they?  But the sensation was persistent, and agonizing.  It brought clarity and wakefulness to his clouded mind and finally, once he realized what was going on, encouraged him to open his eyes.  

There was Kagome, hovering over him and weeping bitterly.  Her eyes were closed, but he could easily tell she was back to normal.  Thank the Kami.  He also had no doubt she was crying over him.  And there was a good reason for her to do so, or so he thought.  But why was he still here?  Wasn’t he dying?  It took a major effort to lift his head even for a second, and he nearly cried out at the additional flourishes of anguish it sent coursing through him, but it granted him a very revealing glance at his torso.  He grinned wryly, feeling like a complete fool.  Kagome’s hand was buried in his chest, the right side of his chest.  She had missed his heart.  

There were few places on his body where a piercing blow would result in instant death, but his heart was one of them.  Sesshoumaru had nearly struck it three years ago, and Kagome had done likewise today.  But she had missed, even though he was absolutely positive her aim had been perfect.  Through some piece of luck, or some deep-seated recognition on her part, her strike had shifted just enough to his right to avoid a fatal blow.  He preferred to think it was the latter, but they would probably never know for sure.  He was just happy to be alive.  Breathing was a challenge, a symptom of his shredded lung, but his hanyou blood would heal it in time.  He had survived worse wounds in the past, or at least some that were equally as bad.  At least this time there was no exit wound, as Kagome’s hand had not penetrated all the way through his torso.  His other cuts and scrapes were not life-threatening.  He would recover from this; he would live.  

“Inu…yasha?”  Kagome’s voice was barely a whisper.  Tears streamed down her cheeks, but her watery eyes held desperate hope.  “Y-you’re alive?”

“Keh,” he croaked.  He wanted to say more, maybe something like ‘a little flesh wound like that could never kill me,’ but his tortured chest wouldn’t allow it.  It was incredibly painful to draw breath, let alone talk.  Fortunately, Kagome seemed to understand his monosyllabic response.  The corners of her lips curled up just slightly, and she dried her eyes, sniffling to stop her tears.  

“Oh, Inuyasha.  I’m so…so…,” she trailed off, unable to express how sorry she was.  How ludicrous was this, to have to apologize for nearly killing her husband?  She didn’t even deserve to speak to him!  How could she ask for his forgiveness?  From Inuyasha’s perspective, she didn’t have to.  

“S’okay,” he whispered.  “Not your fault.”  

Kagome so badly wanted to argue with him, but she bit her tongue.  Her top priority now was Inuyasha’s health, and he clearly wasn’t up for a prolonged conversation.  Inuyasha’s priority, on the other hand, was still Kagome’s safety, and there was one thing he needed to check on before allowing her to take care of him.  

“Where’s Taichi—?” he asked, choking on blood before he could even finish the bastard’s name.  

“He’s gone,” Kagome replied after a quick scan of the warehouse.  “There’s no one here.”

Inuyasha grinned at that.  So the coward tucked his tail between his legs and ran instead of taking Kagome on fairly.  Too bad; she would have purified his ass to a crisp.  

“Um, Inuyasha,” Kagome hedged nervously, and Inuyasha knew the next words out of her mouth were going to be unpleasant.  “Should I…take my hand out?”  

He grimaced at that, but nodded reluctantly.  They both knew his body would limit the blood loss so he didn’t bleed to death, and her hand needed to come out sooner or later.  Damn, this is going to hurt like a bit—

Searing pain erupted in his chest, and this time he could not hold back his anguished cry.  He quickly stifled himself, putting his focus into getting his breathing back under control.  He coughed up plenty of blood, but was eventually able to settle into a rapid, agitated rhythm with his intact left lung.  Getting enough air was difficult, but he could just manage with one lung if he stayed calm.  Kagome removed her kosode and pressed it to the wound, helping to control the bleeding.  He might have lectured her about running around in nothing but a bra if he had the energy.  Right now, all he wanted to do was sleep, but that was a bad idea.  He needed to stay awake until he and Kagome were safe.  

“Kagome!  Inuyasha!” a new voice called, intruding on their peace.  

“Kenji?” Kagome responded.  “What are you doing here?”

Kenji ignored her question, kneeling by Inuyasha’s side and inspecting his condition.  “He needs medical attention.  Come on, I know a youkai doctor on this side of town.”  

“No,” Inuyasha replied with difficulty.  “The well.”  

“The well?” Kagome repeated.  “But why, Inuyasha?  We can get you better treatment in this time!”  

Inuyasha shook his head.  They needed to go back the feudal era.  Sure, he had destroyed Taichimaru’s transmitter, but the bastard was still out there, and he could probably make another one.  Kagome would not be completely safe until she was in the past.  They had to go through the well and not return until Myouga had purged her blood of the devious ‘compound.’  Unfortunately, his injuries prevented him from explaining all that at the moment.  He settled for a plea he knew would work.  

“Please…trust me.”  

Kagome again wanted to argue, and once again bit her tongue.  She didn’t like it, but she was sure Inuyasha had a good reason for wanting to travel to the feudal era.  If his life were truly in peril, she would tell him to shut up and take him to Kenji’s doctor.  But as that was not the case, she was willing to defer to his judgment.  

“Would you like help moving him?” Kenji offered.  Kagome shook her head; she would carry Inuyasha.  She would do her best not to jostle him, but on her back was probably the most comfortable way for him to travel.  

“We’ll escort you to the shrine,” Kenji declared.  “And we’ll watch your family while you’re gone.  You don’t have to come back until Inuyasha is fully healed.”  

“Thank you.”  

“Tetsusaiga,” Inuyasha mumbled softly, eyes closed.  He was on the verge of losing consciousness, a condition which oddly dulled the pain in his chest.  Kagome quickly located the sword across the floor and moved to retrieve it, slipping it into the sheath which was still at her hip.  With Kenji’s help, she gingerly lifted Inuyasha so he was draped over her back, his arms locked loosely around her neck.  She grabbed him under the knees and stood, finding his weight easy to bear.  Inuyasha grinned drowsily against her shoulder.  I yelled at her the last time she did this…

The rest of the evening was a blur to Inuyasha, as he wavered along the borderline between consciousness and sleep.  Kagome somehow got him to the shrine without really jostling him or causing him much more pain.  She leaned him up against the well house and went to retrieve Izayoi.  He managed to stay on his feet, but only by resting heavily against the wood.  If not for the support, he knew he would fall flat on his ass.  Kagome came out wearing the baby carrier her mother had purchased, securing Izayoi tightly to her chest.  Inuyasha had questioned the usefulness of the device the other day when Mrs. Higurashi brought it home, but now it was proving quite handy indeed.  Kagome would need both hands to lug his ass out of the well on the other side.  

Izayoi fussed, instinctively alarmed at the scent of her father’s blood.  He soothed her with a few words, and she quieted down once Kagome turned her so she could see him.  He spied Mrs. Higurashi watching them anxiously from the porch, and waved to her as Kagome helped him inside the well house.  The next thing he knew, he was inside Kaede’s hut, and the elderly miko was bandaging his wounds.  Finally, after what seemed like ages, she let him lie down and fall asleep.  

* * *

Waking up was like slogging through thick mud; it was extremely difficult and he felt like crap when he finally got there.  He stifled a groan, blinking his eyes open.  The inside of Kaede’s roof came into focus, and his memory returned to him.  Tentatively he tried to inflate his injured lung, then scrapped that idea with a hiss of discomfort.  His chest still throbbed, and he had to concentrate on controlling his heartbeat so his body wouldn’t demand more air than he could inhale.  Judging by the light streaming through the doorway, it was sometime in late afternoon.  He had been asleep for the better part of a day.  And he felt much better for it; his hanyou body was already repairing the damage done during the battle.  But he would definitely not be moving from this futon today, or probably tomorrow for that matter.  Except to attend to normal bodily functions, of course.  Speaking of which…  He rolled onto his left side, grimacing in pain.  This was not going to be fun.  

Before he could move any further, he noticed Kagome sleeping a short distance away.  She was leaning against the wall, breathing slowly and soundlessly with Izayoi doing likewise in her lap.  She was an absolute mess.  Damn, she looks as bad as I feel.  Her hair was disheveled and matted in places, and her upper body was wrapped in a blanket.  The bloody kosode was balled up in the corner.  There were purple bags under her eyes and track marks on her cheeks; she had probably cried herself to sleep a few hours ago.  He doubted she had left his side since bringing him here.  

He sighed; of course she felt guilty.  He would feel the exact same way if their roles had been reversed.  He could tell her it wasn’t her fault until he was blue in the face—which wouldn’t take much to accomplish at this point—but she would not even begin to forgive herself until he was fully recovered.  So he would try to get well quickly.  He hadn’t always been the best patient in the past, with transgressions including going out to see a certain dead miko while he could barely stand.  But this time he would do everything he was told in the interests of healing, both for himself and for Kagome’s emotional well-being.  He certainly wouldn’t complain about anything.  

But as for right now, nature was calling urgently, and he knew he needed to get outside before he made a mess of himself.  Pushing himself up onto an elbow, he winced as his wound partly reopened.  Kagome stirred, roused by the fresh scent of his blood.  She opened her eyes and stared at him for several moments, a mixture of emotions flitting through her chocolate orbs before they settled on annoyance.  

“Inuyasha, what are you doing?” she snapped, frustration born from fear coloring her tone.  “Lie back down!”

“I gotta take a piss,” he replied, speaking slowly and softly out of necessity.  The very fact that he could string a handful words together was an improvement over last night.  

Kagome reached for a pot and thrust it at him, and he stared at it incredulously.  

“Oh, you gotta be freakin’ kid—”

“Just use it!”  

Inuyasha sighed again, then took the pot.  In a few minutes, his business was concluded and he was lying down on the futon again, quite breathless.  He had muttered about it, but now he was glad Kagome hadn’t let him go outside; he probably would have passed out on the way.  As for his wife, she was kneeling closer to him now.  He quirked an eye at her, taking in her miserable posture and the nervous fidgeting of her hands.  It was obvious she wanted to do something, but hesitated for some reason.  After studying her for a moment, he took a guess, lifting his head and thereby granting her permission to place her knees under it.  She immediately did so, though her hands remained stiffly by her sides instead of caressing his face and ears as they normally would.  That, and the fact that she thought she needed his permission in the first place, meant they needed to have a serious talk.  


“Don’t apologize,” he ground out roughly, more due to his own discomfort than any animosity he felt toward her.  Immediately the smell of her tears assaulted his nose, and he mentally berated himself for not being more sensitive.  

“Kagome,” he tried again, much gentler this time.  “You have nothing to apologize for.”  

She shook her head sharply, clearly not wanting to hear that.  “It’s my fault.  I shouldn’t have let him put the spell on me.  I should have broken it faster.  I should—”

“Stop, Kagome.”  

For several moments they sat in silence, broken only by her occasional sniffling.  

“You could have killed me, Kagome,” he said after awhile, causing her to tense underneath him.  But he continued; she needed to hear this.  “I was sure you were going to stab me in the heart.  But you didn’t.  You missed, and I lived.  I don’t think that was blind luck.”  

She said nothing for a long time, just crying softly and gazing contemplatively at his chest.  Finally he reached up and brushed a tear off her cheek, cupping it warmly.  She leaned into his touch, resting her palm on top of his.  And that was how Kaede found them an hour later, still giving and receiving comfort, basking in love and relief.  

* * *

Inuyasha moaned as he sank into the cool water of the river.  He had promised to keep his chest dry, but this was still totally worth the trip out here.  It was now three days since the battle in the modern era, and he was starting to feel like his old self again.  Kagome seldom let him out of her sight, and remorse was still her dominant emotion most of the time, along with a healthy pinch of self-loathing, but she too was ever-so-slowly beginning to act like herself again.  He tried to keep things light between them, to bring out her playful side every so often.  She had most definitely not been playful when he first expressed his desire for a bath, and had only assented on the condition that she be allowed to come with him.  

He was somewhat surprised to hear her disrobing behind him.  Maybe she was planning to wash his hair for him?  That sounded very appealing.  But he did not expect her to carefully wrap her arms around his torso and embrace him from behind.  Her breasts pressed against his back, and she nuzzled his neck with her cheek.  And suddenly Inuyasha knew why she had decided to join him naked in the river.  Her cues were subtle, but they were there, clear as day to one who knew her intimately.  It was apparent that she was not going to push it, but that didn’t render her desires any less palpable.  Protective instincts rose within him, the urge to soothe, to comfort his distressed mate.  She needed this, perhaps to reassure herself that he was truly alright, and still loved her.  He could not deny her.  

Turning slowly in her arms, he met her gaze briefly before leaning in to kiss her.  She responded instantly, fueled by desperate sorrow and need, forcing her tongue past his lips.  Soon their moist appendages were tangling together, as hands moved hungrily over bare skin.  She forgot herself briefly and jostled his wound, but he pulled her closer, biting her lip playfully in retaliation.  Heat burgeoned between them, chasing away the coolness of the water.  Finally Inuyasha withdrew, urging her toward the bank.  He spread his haori on the grass and laid her down upon it, just staring down at her in awe for a few moments.  She matched his expression, equally captivated.  

He made love to her slowly, the only speed he was currently capable of.  But it was incredibly passionate, and exactly what both of them needed.  Their bodies pressed intimately close, legs and arms wrapped around each other.  Their lips only parted when they needed air, and otherwise danced together in a perfect complement to what was going on down below.  

He didn’t last long in his weakened state, and Kagome didn’t even come close to climaxing, but it just wasn’t about that.  She cuddled up to his side afterwards, and he could sense a new tranquility in her.  And when he saw her smile—not grin, but truly smile—for the first time since the battle, he knew everything was going to be alright.  

* * *

Kagome sighed happily as she stepped out of the well house.  Inuyasha wrapped his arm around her, and they both took a moment to gaze at the Higurashi household.  It had been more than two weeks since they’d last set foot on this side of the well.  After Inuyasha had recovered, they had journeyed to Totosai’s cave, finding Myouga there as hoped.  The flea had successfully purged the mysterious compound from Kagome’s blood, apologizing profusely as he finally recalled the sinister taste he had noticed in her blood all those months ago.  So grateful was Inuyasha, that he didn’t even hold the oversight against his vassal.  For once, Myouga was not flattened, even when he snuck a taste at his master’s neck.  Inuyasha did, however, make it clear that such a courtesy would not be extended again.  

So here they were, back where it all started.  Kagome was sure her mother was dying to see them again, and they both wanted to know what was being done about Taichimaru.  For once, Inuyasha was satisfied at the prospect of never having to face an enemy again.  More than anything, he wanted his family, including his in-laws, to be safe.  

And it appeared they were about to have that question answered.  Kenji leapt down from the roof to meet them; it was clear he and his buddies had taken seriously his promise to watch over Kagome’s family.  

“Hello again,” he greeted warmly.  “Feeling better, Inuyasha?”

“Keh.  Anything interesting happen around here?”  

“There were no attacks on Kagome’s family, if that’s what you’re asking.  In fact, I don’t think we have to worry about that anymore.”

“Why is that?” Kagome inquired.  

“Because Sueosoroshii Taichimaru has been…taken care of.  Can we go inside?  I believe we have much to discuss.”  

“Kagome!  Inuyasha!” her mother called happily from the front door, having obviously overheard their conversation.  “Thank goodness!”

Grinning, Inuyasha and Kagome walked toward the house to meet her.  They had a lot of catching up to do.  

* * *

Sueosoroshii Taichimaru took another sip of his brandy, swirling the liquid aimlessly around his glass when he was finished.  The bottle sat half-empty on his desk.  It was just enough to take the edge off, not intoxicate him.  To help him forget his recent failure, and his loss.  His study, as well as this massive building he owned, seemed…empty without Yori around.  He dismissed that sentiment.  Yori had served him for more than forty years; it was simply going to take a little while to adjust to a new second-in-command.  But he would find a new lieutenant, and he would come up with a new plan.  He had hundreds of years left to live; there was no way the world would escape his ambitions.  

The sound of footsteps in the hallway broke him from his musings.  Damn that secretary!  I tell her I want to be left alone, and she lets somebody right in.  Sighing, he got up to greet his visitor.  Whoever he was expecting, it was most certainly not the person who actually opened the door and strode into his study.  


“Hello, Sueosoroshii.  It’s been a long time.”

“What the hell do you want?” Taichimaru snapped, not liking the smugness he could practically see rolling off the inu-youkai.  That attitude on this man was very dangerous.  Taichimaru regarded Sesshoumaru as one of the few youkai he was incapable of handling.  Kagome could have defeated him, but that was obviously not an option anymore.  

“I have come to take care of some unfinished business.”  

“Really?” Taichimaru drawled, feeling his lips curl into a smirk at the memories of their past history.  “You’ve said that to me before, if I remember correctly.  And yet, I somehow always manage to slip through your fingers.”  

“This time we have solid evidence.”  

“You’ve had ‘solid evidence’ before, witnesses even.  Yet the Council always seems to believe me.  What makes you think they’ll take the word of a couple half-breeds over mine?” Taichimaru taunted, not even noticing his slip-up.  It could have been questioned how he knew the witnesses two were hanyou, but Sesshoumaru saw no need for that.  

“I do not.”  


“I said I do not think the Council would have taken the words of the hanyou over yours.”  

“T-then how can you be so damn smug?!” Taichimaru demanded, getting nervous.  

“Because you forgot about one thing,” Sesshoumaru explained slowly, enjoying every word.  “One very simple thing that even the most mindless imbecile would have considered.  A fortunately-placed security camera, located outside the garage entrance to Yakamura Warehouse, Number 24.  It did not catch much, but it recorded enough evidence to condemn you.  The decision of the Council was unanimous.  Here is an order for your execution,” the inu-youkai stated, pulling a piece of parchment from his robes and dropping it onto the floor at the condemned man’s feet.  

Taichimaru gulped, mentally running over his preparations for the Yakamura fiasco.  With a sinking feeling, he realized that he’d never contemplated whether the owners had installed security cameras to guard against theft.  How ironic that a purely human invention would seal his fate…  No!  He refused to die here!  He had too much to accomplish!  

“And I suppose the Council sent you to kill me?  Do you ever get tired of doing their dirty work, Sesshoumaru?” he mocked, as if derision would save him.  Honestly, he didn’t know what else to do.  Then Sesshoumaru did something that sent an unearthly chill down his spine and caused sweat to pool on his brow—he smiled.  

“To the contrary.  I volunteered.”  

Taichimaru took off running, sprinting past Sesshoumaru and bursting through the huge double doors into the hallway.  Sesshoumaru could hear his prey’s frantic footsteps and heavy breathing echoing down the long corridor.  He shook his head.  Even at the end, he has no honor.

Sesshoumaru gave pursuit.  In one quick slice, it was all over.  

A/N – Just the epilogue to go!  
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