InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Methods of the Heart ❯ Fate Happens When... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello all! Welcome to my second published fic. I've decided to join the vast world of Inu Yasha alternate universes. with much sarcasm Because we all know there aren't enough of those! feels like one of the masses u_u; I promise to try to make it original for you, my dear readers. Still, if you hate me for contributing to the AU world, feel free to flame me. I probably deserve it. My fic is also Sango/Miroku centered with some emphasis on Inu-Yasha/Kagome and the rest of the standard pairings. Rated R for some future citrus-y situations as well as much blood, gore and bad language.

Summary: Naraku is the warlord king of a vastly growing kingdom. His favorite form of entertainment is the pits, where slaves fight to stay alive. Among these slaves is a woman called Sango, a fierce warrior trying to save her brother. Meanwhile, a distance away, there's a camp of rebels led by Inu-Yasha with Miroku as his second. One night, these rebels decided to raid the fortress these pits are kept in. Who should Miroku meet but a lovely young woman chained up for disobeying?

Author's Notes: Every demon in the show Inu-Yasha and the group fight works or will work for Naraku in some way. Several times though, I borrow the name of a demon and an appearance but I change personality and character. As a firm believer in characterization I apologize in advance. I feel I had no choice in doing so. Partly because I'm terrible with description but also because I don't believe in adding bit characters that don't appear in a show, for fear if them being flat as boards. At this point I should probably just stop ranting and let you read.

But first!! The phrase PRIMA NOCTE is used. It literally means first night. Are you paying attention? Because this is important! It was part of European law that allows a noble man to sleep with any woman he wants, regardless of what she wants.


Chapter 1: Fate Happens When...


Sango snarled from her curled-up position near the wall. She spat out blood and got to her feet. That was foolish of her, she realized, to let her guard down like that, granting her opponent a chance to bull rush her into a wall. Perhaps she was just starting to believe in the invulnerability that everyone boasted she had more and more. Or maybe she was just in too much of a hurry.

The crowd roared and cheered and even booed. Whether it was because she'd fallen or because she was getting back up she didn't know, nor did she care. She held her hiraikotsu in front of her for a shield, determined to be more careful this time. Her best shot would be to wait for him to reveal his weakness to her.

The solider was clearly human, but he had been given power. Naraku was definitely trying to get the bidders to bet lots of money on her for odds that were clearly not in her favor. Perhaps tonight he intended for her to lose and die.

He'd be in for a surprise when he died instead.

Three years she had been stuck in this hell hole. Three years of fighting to stay alive and the only one thing in world she cared about safe. Three years of sweat and blood and murder in these sick games to the death to avoid being made part of someone's harem. True, she could have run by now. Naraku was powerful; he had to be, he was a warlord and a king who controlled a great deal of land. But she was strong enough to get away. She'd done it twice.

Her little brother, Kohaku, however, was young and not very strong. Naraku knew she would not leave him. That's why the young boy was locked in the dungeon, away from sunlight; it kept Sango in place.

This would be the last time, though, Sango had vowed. The soldier rushed at her and doing so made a mistake.

He had a broad sword and raised it high–and left his chest open. Sango pulled a dagger from her boot, abandoned the giant boomerang she'd been hiding behind, and rushed at him, slashing him across the chest. The man faltered, having both been wounded and caught off guard. He dropped his hand to his chest on reflex but held on to the broad sword.

If he'd dropped it completely then he'd be dead at Sango's hand before he'd ever reached the blade. But as it was, a broad sword cannot be held one-handed, so it swung down to his side. Like a black blur in the arena, Sango rushed at him again, this time running the keen edge of the dagger along his dangling arm.

This time, he did drop the sword.

Taking a moment to carefully aim her weapon, she lifted the sharp dagger over her head, ready to cut out his throat. His blood splattered all over her face a when the slash was made, killing the soldier instantly.

The crowd cheered for her victory but she didn't hear it over the roar of the blood rushing in her ears. She swung her hiraikotsu over her back as she brandished the dagger. Looking up, she scanned the crowd until her gaze fell on Naraku's private box. He glared down at her.

With speed almost like a demon's, she jumped up and grabbed the rim of the arena, back-flipping into the crowd. She ran past everyone, blade at her side. Along the sides of the arena, guards who had figured out where she was heading immediately moved to stop her. One tried to jump her, but she got out of the way. Two grabbed her arms. She twisted and moved and they fell into the pit.

She was only a few more feet away. The guards were trailing behind her, trying to stop her, but there was no way anyone could reach her before her hands were drenched in Naraku's black blood.

Focusing on her target, she stopped in place for a mere second, grabbing the giant boomerang from her back and throwing it at Naraku before continuing forward. It didn't hit him, but that was never her aim. As intended, the boomerang crashed into the floor, and Naraku was forced out of his seat and back a few steps.

Sango jumped up out of the crowd and into his private box. Her pace slowed as she walked towards him, staring at him as a predator does when it corners its prey. Had she not been so blinded by revenge and bloodlust she might have seen that Naraku didn't look the least bit worried. Each step she took with the haughtiness of knowing that her escape was near. More than that; she wanted her image to be the last thing Naraku remembered before he died.

A few more feet from him and she raised the blade, preparing to stab it through his black heart. But as the blade was brought down a hand wrapped around her wrist, stopping its path just inches from Naraku's body.

Sango turned to see Kagura, Naraku's personal assassin and occasional bodyguard, holding her hand back. It was Kagura who had snatched defeat from her victory. Surprise flooded her; it was well known that the wind witch wanted Naraku to die, and yet she was defending him.

Sango had made the mistake in her surprise of turning around to face the woman. A mistake she didn't realize until she felt a dull pain at the base of her skull and the world went dark.

As she slumped over, unconscious, three guards rushed in to the rescue. Naraku shook his head. He had paid good money for truly incompetent men. At least they died well and could carry out tasks. "Take her to the cell and prepare her to be punished," he instructed. They nodded quickly, making sure to chain Sango's hands and ankles, and dragged her off down the hall.

"She's a lot of trouble to you. One can't help but wonder why you keep her around." Kagura frowned at the mess made by the boomerang. She would have to give up her chair and stand so that Naraku could continue watching his precious fights.

Naraku chuckled bitterly. "She makes a lot of money. Life may be cheap but warriors are not. Besides, she makes a terrible whore." Indeed, he'd tried to sell her body five times and all had either turned away from her scarred body or had certain appendages nearly bitten off.

"Kanna told me she is part of a prophecy that could mean the end of you. Wouldn't it be smarter to kill her?" Kagura always liked testing how far she could push Naraku.

Naraku responded by touch a small gem in his hand and Kagura fell to her knees, clutching her chest. "Don't question me, Kagura. Keeping her alive and where I can keep an eye on her is the best way to handle anyone doing away with me. This way I control her. Much as I control you."

Kagura was on the floor desperately trying to draw in breath, Naraku standing over her. This was the scene that Tsuki no Seiryuu, a well-known snake demon with a notorious reputation, slithered into. He looked mostly human at the moment, though he was known to have other forms. "Naraku-sama. Forgive my intrusion but I was wondering.... How much would a night with that fierce woman cost?"

Naraku released his tight grip on the gem. Kagura coughed and choked, desperate to get air in her lungs. "Are you saying you are interested? I should warn you, she's not afraid of using her teeth."

Tsuki smirked at that comment. It was as though he wanted to hear it and had expected no less. "I want to break that fire in her eyes."

Naraku grinned, just barely. It would seem he had found someone who could finally tame the little shrew without fear. And it would be a fitting punishment for her rebellion... Not that she was going to get away without any lashings. "Lets talk."


Sango looked around when she woke up. She was in a large, stone room, a few floors below the arena. She banged her fist as best she could, considering her hands were chained. How could she have forgotten Kagura? When she'd planned this escape she'd remembered to account for the witch's presence. But when she'd faced Naraku, all she could remember seeing was red.

She was chained to a large metal rack, one she was familiar with. She would be beaten here, she knew that. She was always beaten here for doing things Naraku considered wrong, or sometimes just because he was mad.

Her shirt had been removed already, leaving her only in the bandages of linen she used to tie back her breasts. Several different whips had been set out and to the side. She must have really pissed him off this time. She smirked. Good. Next time she wouldn't screw up. Next time she'd kill him. He could beat her black and blue but unless he killed her, she would either find a way to kill him or he would have to let her and her brother go. No other options.

She began pulling on her chains, testing them, trying to decide how far she could pull away. Maybe she could even get free. There was a bright flash of light and the shadow of a woman against the wall.

Sango turned her head, but she couldn't quite see. It didn't matter; she didn't need to look to know who entered. Naraku only trusted one person to beat his slaves: Yura.

The door shut again and she had to blink a few times to readjust to the darkness of the room. "Well. Well. Well. You must really like it here to come back for so many repeat visits."

Yura shook her head, picking up one of the whips. Sango could hear the woman behind her, testing them out, deciding which one to use. "I heard you tried a little assassination attempted this afternoon. Many of us were cheering for you, actually. Me, I don't care. I like this job. And Naraku always gives me my pick of the hairs from the dead. Now, after we're done here... Hmmmm.. Maybe a nice crimson for your lips..."

There was silence for a moment. Sango became tenser. What was Yura doing? Why hadn't the whip been brought down on her back yet? True, Yura liked to make the ones she whipped suffer first. But it wouldn't work on Sango anymore and Yura knew it.

Sango was getting tenser by the minute. She heard movement and Yura appeared in from of her... With lipstick? "Hmmm. This should be good." She smiled with false sweetness at Sango. "You're finally going to lose your virginity, Sango. Aren't you happy?"

"WHAT!?" Sango shook her head. It had to be a joke. Yura had to be messing with her. Naraku knew Sango would find SOME way to stop anyone that dare try.

Sango didn't realize Yura had walked back around her until she felt the slash of the whip across her back. She howled in shock, clinging to the chains around her wrists, then bit her lip as hard as she could. She knew she couldn't get away but it relieved the burning, stinging pain on her back as Yura brought down the whip again and once more. She would not make another sound. She was prepared now.

Yura was still talking. "I AM a little pissed off by it though. I have to be careful with you. Can't just beat you senseless like I'm used to. Naraku said just to whip you until you pass out. If I were you, I'd hurry."

Sango could barely make out the words over the pain coming from her back. She was starting to lose count of the lashes she'd received.

"It's really hard finding that fine line with you. But then again, it's because you're so strong that Tsuki no Seiryuu became interested in you. You should feel honored. It's not every day that a demon of any real power decides to lie with some bratty human."

Yura spat out the last words, bringing down the whip several more times. Sango could just barely feel the blood oozing down her back past all the stinging sharp pains.

Yura growled under her breath. "Can't you just pass out already? I'm starting to get mad."
The hair demon continued to lash the slayer again and again. Blood washed down her back, flowing down her spine like a river, but she could barely feel it.

Yura stopped every few whips and applied make up. Sango was determined to stay awake. If she did, then she wouldn't be used in some demon's bed. But she was losing track of time and of herself. How many lashings did the next one make? How long had she been down here? Maybe if she was too anemic or... something... Anything. This was Sango's last thought as darkness took hold of her.


Naraku walked down the elaborately decorated hallway, guiding Seiryuu to the room that held Sango, unconscious and chained. "So we have a deal, then? Fifty of your best men for this?"
"Yes. Yes. I can spare fifty. She's about worth it. You did say she's untouched, right?" The monstrous snake demon shifted his form to appear human, but with scales.

"Yes. I know your taste for virgins. And though you like her spirit, personally, I'd be wary of it and keep her chained. She's strong for a human, let alone a woman. And don't break her. She's worth more to me alive. Any other damages, I expect to be reimbursed." The two demons stopped just outside of the room where Sango awaited her prima nocte. "Just out of curiosity... You aren't a thrice-cursed man, are you?"

"No. Why do you ask?" Seiryuu started to open the door.

"No reason. Just a question I ask some-"

BOOM! A loud crash came from what sounded like the southeastern wall. The area was known to be heavily guarded, for it lay next to the storage pit. Naraku frowned deeply. He knew only one person so bold, so moronic and so arrogant to try and attack him, and head-on, no less.
"Inu-Yasha." Naraku cursed, heading towards the disturbance.


Some distance away, a hanyou in a red outfit with long silver hair trailing after him like the wind walked through a freshly blown hole in the southeastern wall. The guards on the top had been knocked off or sucked up by the priest in the black robe just behind him. He shook his head, seemingly unimpressed and unhappy about this whole situation. The rest of the small army they had brought came charging in as soon as the way was made safe. They began grabbing at food and clothes and whatever else was needed. Some were human, so were youkai. All had one thing in common; a hatred of Naraku.

Miroku, his second, sighed. "Inu-Yasha. We're doing more harm than good this way." He frowned, stepping forward again, looking around the large fortress. There wasn't much to see; it was late. Already fights and riots had started. Guards had come.

But Inu-Yasha's men knew what to do. It was because they were so well trained Miroku wasn't worried about them. This wasn't their first time raiding one of Naraku's fortresses, especially not this one.

"Feh. You have your opinion, I have mine. We need to eat, ya know." Inu-Yasha started off, already set on picking a big fight, maybe even drawing out Naraku.

Miroku shrugged, starting to walk off in his own direction. "But we don't really change anything. Naraku will just redistribute."

"He says as he walk off towards places where the women are kept. Keh."

"Now, Inu-Yasha, I'm merely trying to help poor lost souls–"

Inu-Yasha cut him off, "Yeah, into your bed." He growled, smelling the blood of a certain demon he wanted dead. "Naraku's nearby. Be ready to pull out when I say so." He smirked.

But Miroku was already gone. Inu-Yasha frowned. He knew Miroku too well. Whenever they went on these raids the priest followed his 'divining rod' to the nearest pretty girl and brought her back with him. True, Miroku would usually help them get their lives back, but they always left from his side with broken hearts.

Inu-Yasha shrugged. He had a certain warlord demon to kill.


Seiryuu paused outside the door after Naraku ran off. He looked back and forth between the two. Granted, they were under attack, but he'd paid for the woman. It's not like his men were in danger. These were clearly rebels after Naraku. No. He was in no danger. Still...

Seiryuu waited another few minutes to see if Naraku would return or not. But when the man in question still didn't come back and it seemed the rebels were moving to invade the main quarters where Seiryuu himself was at the moment, he decided he was at least safer inside the room.

Once there his eyes fell upon the scarred girl, unconscious on the bed. She had several bandages on her back, more to cover the wounds then to actually attempt to repair them. Her face had been painted, in pretty reds on her lips and golds on her eyes. She had been dressed in fine silk and lace. It was an interesting contrast with the small scars on her body. Granted, one had to look hard to know what to see, most of the scars being old enough that they had probably stretched out as her body grew. But the large scar on her back was clearly visible, even with the bandages.

Seiryuu smirked. "Well my dear. Naraku may be under siege but I really hate to keep a lady waiting." He sat down next to her, looking her over. He could wake her, which would be fun. But if she was as dangerous as Naraku said, perhaps he shouldn't. Seirryuu pulled down his pants just enough, getting ready to please himself before she woke completely. He'd wake her in between, when it was too late to stop him, and that way get the best of everything he wanted. He couldn't wait to hear her pathetic pleas for him to stop, to watch her submit to him as she realized what was really happening to her.

He climbed over her, feeling her skin and its rough bumps in places. Perhaps if he had not been so enthralled in his latest conquering to come, he would have heard the door opening just a crack. He leaned into to kiss Sango when a large metal staff crashed into the side of his skull.
He blinked. When his vision cleared he saw a man in dark robes head for his new woman. Seiryuu broke from his human skin, changing to the form of a large demon snake, with human arms and no legs. "That's mine!" he hissed, moving to bite Miroku whole.

Miroku jumped back, pulling off the rosary around his hand. "Kaze ANA!" A large black hole opened in Miroku's right hand. The hole drew in air rapidly and then everything else that wasn't nailed down. Seiryuu clawed at the floor as the air void pulled him in but there was nothing to take hold of.

Miroku frowned at where the demon used to be. "Vile demons that chain women up and beat don't deserve life. You're just lucky I was in too much of a hurry to kill you slowly."
He looked Sango over again. She was beautiful, clearly one of Naraku's harem, and from the look of the scar on her back, a little spirited. She would be punished for the demon's death if she were left here.

Miroku nodded. "Guess I've got no choice but to do the right thing." With a slightly devious grin he picked her up, chains and all. He imagined the key was probably on the demon, making both long gone.

Miroku couldn't help but smirk a little as he walked out with the woman in his arms. He imagined what would come next. He would take her back to camp and teach her how to live again, free of Naraku. And she, of course, would be ever so grateful. She would undoubtedly thank him however she saw fit. And he, being the humble gentleman that he was, would gladly accept her gratitude with open arms.

Just then a flash of red caught his attention, pulling him from his little daydream.

Inu-Yasha frowned at him. "There you are. Picking up more souvenirs from the brothels, I see. Feh. Leave her."

Miroku shook his head. He wouldn't see her hurt further than she was. "Forget it , Inu-Yasha. She's in bad shape already. Do you want to think about what they'll do to her if we leave her here of all places?"

"Bah. We don't have time to argue about this. Come on, you imbecile." Inu-Yasha turned to jump out the window onto the ground fifteen feet below. The jumps was nothing to him. Miroku, on the other hand... Well, it would be easier if he were alone... Or if she were awake.

Inu-Yasha called back to him, "If she slows ya down, don't think I'm stopping for you."
Miroku smirked, readjusting his grip on Sango. Maybe she would slow him down, but it would be worth it. He jumped down, landing heavily and having to press his fist on the ground to maintain balance. When they got back to camp he'd have Kagome tend the wound on her back.

Then he'd start the real healing process.

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