InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Methods of the Heart ❯ The Sound of a Kiss is Not... ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Yes I’ve returned. I’m still working hard at classes but!!!! I got a B- in an important class. Go me! Go me! Yeah! Yeah! Okay enough of that. Wow! So many reviews. I think I’m gonna cry. Even though I have much homework to do, I knew I had to get the next chapter out for you guys ASAP. Don’t worry. My whole month of summer break will be coming up eventually. Until then, just bear with me. I know you’re all going to be so mad at the end of this chapter. I swear I’m working on it. Keep reviewing; if you do, I promise to chain myself to my desk!


Chapter Ten: The Sound of a Kiss is Not...


Sango went back to sleep until morning. When the first light broke through the trees, Miroku woke her and picked up Uyeda. By then, Sango’s foot felt well enough that she could limp along with the help of a stick.

Miroku let Uyeda rest the whole way back. After all, he’d been through a lot last night, not to mention the strict talking-to from Kagome that still lay ahead. The kid needed all the sleep he could get.

Kagome was the first to greet them when they arrived, pushing past tables and chairs. “You’re finally back! Thank goodness. I was so worried! Inu-Yasha was just about to go looking for you. What took so long? You were supposed to be back hours ago. Oh, Sango! You’re hurt!”

Sango could barely keep up with the younger woman, she was talking so fast. “I-I’m fine. It’s nothing.”

Before Sango had even finished stammering her sentence, Kagome was already inspecting her ankle. “Is Uyeda alright?” Deciding Sango and her ankle weren’t in immediate danger, Kagome got to her feet and started to inspect the child asleep on Miroku’s back.

“He’s fine. A few cuts and scrapes and one long, scary night.” Miroku glanced over his shoulder. “Hey, wake up. We’re back.”

Uyeda rubbed his eyes and looked around. “We’re back here.” He frowned. “This isn’t my village.” Miroku set him down on the ground.

Kagome wasted no time in her mother hen routine. “No, it’s not. And you know why you can’t go back there.” She sighed. Kagome never liked explaining to children that their homes were gone. Still, he could have gotten hurt much worse. And that wasn’t saying anything of Miroku and Sango.

“Uyeda... Why did you run away? It could have been so much worse–”

At some point Inu-Yasha had appeared, carrying a little girl who looked just like Uyeda with him. “And look at Sango and Miroku! Ya better be real grateful to ‘em for riskin’ themselves just ta get ya back safe.” He put the child down, muttering darkly, “And yer sister was worried you weren’t coming back. Ya wanna leave her all alone?”

The little boy’s head fell. “I’m so sorry.” He looked to his sister. “I just wanted to get your medicine, Cho. Hey, you’re not sick anymore!” He smiled a little.

“Yeah! Lady Kagome can make medicine. She made me all better!” The round-faced child tugged her brother’s arm as she pointed to Kagome.

“But–” He turned to Kagome, confused. “Where’d you get the berries for it? They only grow in our land... I thought.”

“Cho had them.” Kagome smiled. Though she knew she’d have to get more eventually, there were still quite a few and it was impressive that such a young child had thought that far ahead.

Uyeda looked back to his sister, who was grinning from ear to ear. “Mama put some of the berries in a jar and gave ‘em to me before she hid us in the empty floor. I gave ‘em to Miss Kagome when I started to cough just when you left. She made me all better.”

He gave a weak smile. “That’s good.” He leaned in a little closer, though Sango and Inu-Yasha still heard him. “But I wanted to get the treasure box too. I’m sorry, Cho. I should have got it when you told me to.”

“Treasure box?” Inu-Yasha shook his head. “Listen, here food’s more important than gold. And even if ya don’t got either we ain’t gonna make ya leave.”

“Not that kind of treasure.” He sighed, having been caught in a white lie. “It’s a box we hid under the ground near the temple. It’s full of our special things. It had Mom’s picture in a locket and Dad’s medal.”

Cho sniffled, but tried not to let it show. “T-That’s okay... W-we don’t... need those things anymore.” She looked up at Kagome with held-back tears. “Right?”

Kagome frowned. What could be done about this? Uyeda couldn’t go by himself. Sango’s ankle was still hurting. And Kagome had to treat her, plus she had medicines to make. No, they just couldn’t spare anyone right now. She took a deep breath. Truth and reality were too cruel for children to be forced to comprehend early, especially two children who already lost so much. “Cho... We–”

“Hey, Uyeda. Which direction is your village from here?” As he said it, Inu-Yasha crouched down low, offering the child a ride on his back.

“Inu-Yasha?” Kagome’s eye widened in mild shock. While it wasn’t unheard of, acts of kindness on Inu-Yasha’s part were still rare and usually reserved for Kagome.

He just looked at her with serious, golden eyes. “Kid... If I don’t take you back to yer home to get this treasure box thing of yours, ya gonna stay put or are ya gonna keep running away?”

Uyeda’s response was ducking his head down and looking at the ground.

“That’s what I figured.” He looked to the little girl on his left.

“Besides.... yer gonna need more berries from the area for medicine sooner or later and Uyeda knows which ones ta pick, dontcha?”

Suddenly perking up, Uyeda nodded enthusiastically. “We’ll get lots of berries. I know right where to find a big patch.”

In a flash of red and white they were gone.

“Well...” Kagome turned back to Sango. “I have to make more medicine for Cho for the next couple of days. But I’ve got an herbal wrap that should help that ankle–if you stay off it for a few hours.”

Sango mock-grumbled. “Fine. Fine.” Her lips curled up into a grin. She knew she shouldn’t. She was getting too relaxed here... But this place just seemed to grow on her. And she couldn’t seem to stop it.

She didn’t want to.


Sango part was given two choices for the remainder of the day; she could sit up with her foot propped up in front of her or she could lie down–with her foot propped up. At least she was in Kagome’s hut, which wasn’t very far from the kitchen area and had a rather nice view of the mountain.

Her ankle was wrapped in comfrey leaves, which Kagome would change in between massaging Sango’s calf and making medicine for Cho, as well as for many others. Every time it was changed, Kagome would ask Sango to flex her ankle to see if it was still sore. Eventually it didn’t hurt anymore, though Kagome left the wrap on. She said she wanted it to set for a night.

The disadvantage, however, was that since Inu-Yasha was gone, Sango, being immobile, took his place as the food taste-tester. And Kagome brought her lunch and dinner – both huge.

She wound up sleeping on and off again most of the day.

She didn’t know when Inu-Yasha had returned, just that she woke up to the sound of him and Kagome talking. Either they didn’t notice she was there in the room with them or didn’t know she was awake. At any rate they went on talking without even giving her a glance.

She knew she should have made some noise or let them know she was there and awake, but she could bring herself to do it. Something about the sound of crickets outside and warm glow of a few lanterns seems to scream for silence... So she lay there in the corner, listening and watching as they stood in the center of the room, cut off from the world outside.

“Uyeda and Cho looked pretty happy to have their memories back.” Kagome glanced outside, though the children were long since gone.

“Yeah well... Uyeda better not lose it again. Took forever to find.” Inu-Yasha scratched the back of his neck. He would never admit it but it had felt good, seeing the two children smile, knowing that he had been a hero.

“It was a really nice thing to do.” She ran her fingers through his hair, letting her fingers brush past his ear.

Inu-Yasha looked at the ground, trying to hid the slight blush he could feel on his cheeks. “I only did it so he wouldn’t run away again.” Even as he said it his eyes fell to his sword, his inheritance from his father: his treasure.

Kagome smiled, hugging her love tight. “Thank you, Inu-Yasha. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

He smiled down at her. “You’re happy. That’s what matters.” Lips met with no hesitation or thought of anything else. The kiss was soft as down and hotter than a balmy night. Kagome and Inu-Yasha just fit together so right.

When they start pulling each other closer, Sango turned her head to face the wall, her face crimson. They had forgotten completely about her. She tried ignoring it at first but she could still hear them. She needed to make a noise, something to let them know she was there.

Was that a moan just now?

Then, as if to save her from a perceivably inescapable situation, Miroku walked in. “Is Sango here? It’s getting late and–oh. Sorry.” He grinned.

Kagome straightened out her clothes, which, while still on her, weren’t quite fitting her where they were supposed to. “Oh! Sango! I forgot!” She looked in the corner, where Sango was strewn out, leg still propped up.

Inu-Yasha just glared at Miroku. “You do these things on purpose, don’t ya?”

Miroku looked at him like a cat that had caught a canary. “She’s my sister, Inu-Yasha.” And he left it at that.

Sango thought it would be easier on everyone if she just pretended she hadn’t seen anything, so she shut her eyes and stilled her breathing, as if asleep.

“Sango?” Kagome shook her shoulder gently.

“Hm?” The older woman rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Late. Miroku will take you back, okay?” Sango nodded, pushing herself to her feet, careful not to put too much weight on her ankle. Not that she couldn’t; she’d just rather let it heal completely. “You can take the wrap off in the morning, okay? And try to keep that leg up.”

Sango nodded again, limping out after Miroku and back to where she would sleep tonight. Away from where Kagome and Inu-Yasha apparently wouldn’t be sleeping for a long time.


The next day, Sango’s foot didn’t hurt at all. She could walk on it and it felt fine. She ate breakfast next to Miroku and across from Kagome and Inu-Yasha, who kept whispering to each other while sharing food. At one point, Kagome tried to kiss his cheek but missed and caught his lips.

Sango got up, meal in hand, and retreated into Miroku’s hut to finish there. It was just too awkward for her. They were so lovey-dovey. It was sweet, in the kind of way that made her want to roll her eyes. It wasn’t like she hadn’t seem them like this before... But their kiss seemed permanently burned into the back of her mind.

“Are you okay?” She hadn’t stormed off, but Miroku could tell something wasn’t quite right with her.

“I’m fine. I-” She gave the monk a wry grin. “I was awake last night... when they started kissing.”

Miroku grinned. “I take it you saw them, then?” She didn’t look at him, just nodded.

“Yeah, those two are like that sometimes.” He shook his head, grinning as he sat down across from Sango. “For weeks at a time they’ll be all over each other. Even if Kagome is pregnant. It used to get on my nerves too.”

He shrugged. “I’ve just learned to ignore them.”

Sango sighed. “It’s not that. It’s just... They’re always kissing. And for some of the smallest things. I don’t see how anyone can enjoy kissing that much.” She shrugged. No. It just didn’t make sense to her.

Miroku smirked. “Kissing’s fun, Sango. It feels good.” He had to admit he was amazed. He knew she spent time in the whorehouses, but she’d gotten out unscathed and still young. So undoubtedly, after that she would have had someone she liked to–No. Wait. Why would she? She was a runaway slave.

A slow grin spread across Miroku’s face as it began to dawn on him. “Sango, have you ever been kissed before?” She was so innocent and yet not so at all. Her hands were stained with blood, human and demon alike. She was willing to die for anyone or anything she believed in. Yet it was becoming more and more clear; her heart was still that of a little girl’s. She understood almost nothing of men and women.

Miroku was becoming fascinated at how unbelievably inexperienced she was. He grinned at her with arrogance born of pride; he’d found a secret of hers.

Sango flushed in anger at the inference. “Hardly! I’ve been kissed before. Lots of times!” She didn’t know if she liked where this conversation was going. It reminded her too much of all the forced kisses she had received during her brief ‘stay’ in the brothels. Anyone who ever dared to kiss her usually ended up with a bloody tongue, which led to her getting a slap in face but at least it wouldn’t be tried twice. No... What could possibly be good about kissing? “Several men that Naraku tried to sell me to would-”

Miroku took her hand, cutting off the rest of her statement, and grinned at her lightly. “Sango. There’s a difference between kissing someone and having them press their lips against yours so that they take pleasure from it.” He scooted himself closer her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “A kiss is so much more than that. May I?” He dropped her hand back down to her lap as he lifted his to hover just a whisper above the curve of her shoulders. A chivalrous gesture meant to show Sango that should she say no, he would stop immediately.

She looked him over quietly for a moment, debating if this were a wise idea. Some part of her, the part that had died with her mother and came to distrust men in whorehouses, told her this could only lead to disaster... yet... She trusted Miroku... and part of her… well, she wasn’t completely against it.

She gave a tentative nod of her head and he gently placed his hands on her shoulders.

At first, he just stared into her eyes, unblinking. It was as though he had a million questions on his mind and those brown depths held the answer to each one, like he wouldn’t stop asking, stop gazing, until he had every answer he desired. The look on his face as he stared at her was beginning to make her feel naked, as though he could see past her skin and scars, past her quickening heartbeat, to the tiny sparks she felt deep inside herself, starting to spread across her and making her feel lightheaded.

One hand slid up to cup her check and this thumb lazily dragged back and forth across her lips as he continued to look into her eyes. Her lower lip started to quiver under his touch. She didn’t understand. He’d barely touched her and yet she felt like her skin was tingling hot.

Finally he broke his hypnotic stare by blinking once, erasing the look of inquiry as he leaned in closer to her. She thought he was finally going to kiss her but instead he brushed his lips across her chin, her cheek, the side of her face, her nose, wherever he could. She closed her eyes, murmuring something Miroku couldn’t make out. Her cheeks were flushed and every breath caught in her throat. She clearly was struggling to keep her breathing even as he rained kisses all over her face.

Miroku looked down at her, a small smile across his face. He would be the first to kiss this beautiful woman; at least, the first to really kiss her. He kept his face just above hers, absorbing every detail from the smallest freckle to the color of her skin. He wanted to take in the smell of her hair and the feel of her breath against his cheek before finally quelling the silent desire to cover her lips with his.

Though he looked at her for only a mere moment, Sango was starting to wonder what was taking so long. Her chest felt tight, smoldering in a way that she knew he had kindled. With a slightly impatient whimper, her eyes fluttered open.

Her eyes widened, caught off guard, as Miroku gently grazed his lips across hers, soft and sweet. The touch of his lips on her own was so light it was almost as if by accident. Until, that was, he kissed her again, the same way. And again. And a fourth time. She was melting from all the gentle attention he was lavishing on her.

The touch of his mouth on her own made her lips tingle. She had never felt such a simple kiss so intensely before. The feel of his lips caressing hers satisfied the need he’d awakened in her to be kissed, and yet at the same time it sparked to life a thousand other cravings for unnamed, unknown things.

Miroku let his feather-light kiss caress her one last time, before sharply angling his head, lifting her jaw just a little higher as he moved so quickly, and yet so slowly, to descend on her. Sango made small inaudible noises deep in her throat that Miroku somehow perceived. He responded with a deep grunt of enjoyment, pulling her head closer to his. His kiss seared at the corners of her lips as he started to move his mouth against hers, his tongue rubbing at her lip, seeking access, desperate for her permission.

His answer was granted when she moaned into his mouth, parting just slightly. It was enough for him and he slid his tongue against her teeth, tracing along her lip and then along the inside of her cheek. She gasped, suddenly starved for this new feeling. Their tongues danced, fighting against each other again and again.

Miroku sucked, lightly, on her tongue when she parried back against his kiss. She tasted like chocolate and honey. Like springtime and fresh rainwater. She was everything he expected, yet nothing like what he thought. All he knew at that moment was he had to have more. Without his noticing his kiss went from gentle questing to raging demand.

Miroku finally released her from his kiss. They were both breathless, flushed and hearts pounding. Sango made a soft noise of disapproval at the absence of his warmth. She had been flying just a second ago and now she felt like she’d sunk into the ocean.

Miroku didn’t even hesitate. He didn’t kiss her this time; instead his mouth sought out neck, sucking gently on the fresh skin. She tilted her head back, allowing for better access as his lips trailed up to her ear, tracing the shell with his tongue, flicking it a couple times. “Miroku!” she gasped out his name. Miroku groaned, suddenly pushing her backwards, his hand sliding up her shirt, feeling the soft skin on her side.

Sango tensed immediately at the feeling of his weight crushing her backwards. She wanted to scream; her whole body was trembling; images flashed before her eyes of being shoved down on beds, men trying to use their body weight to force her into the mats and keep her down.

It was a betrayal worse than any other. This was Miroku. She knew he was a womanizer. She knew every woman he brought back to the camp he’d slept with... But she never thought he’d try to force her... like they did. So it was more out of pain than instinct that she reflexively pushed him off her, kicking him in the stomach as she did.

Miroku looked at her, disoriented and shocked. He couldn’t believe he’d let himself lose control like that. He had only meant to kiss her once and be done with it. If she hadn’t stopped him he would have… It would have been wrong. Even if she’d let him, it would have been wrong because he would have made her want to.

While he was sorting out his thoughts, Sango took his surprise and silence as anger, anger at being stopped, at her.

“This is all you want me for!” she screamed, her fist balled at her side as her other hand gripped her shirt tightly. Her head went down and she tried to stop herself from crying.

Miroku shook his head, reaching out for her. “No. Sango, I-” He never finished his sentence as the fist at her side met with his chin at high speeds.

“BASTARD!!!” Miroku stared at her again, dumbfounded, rubbing the red mark on his face. Sango got to her feet, still a little shaken both by anger and something else she didn’t want to dwell on.

Only once she got outside did she let herself cry.

Meanwhile, inside, still clutching his cheek, Miroku moved to lie on his back. What the hell had he just done?