InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Methods of the Heart ❯ Life Better then a Dream ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Congratulations to Sakura88 for being my 100th reviewer! Let's give her a round of applause, people! For a prize, in the sequel to Methods of the Heart, hereby known as Methods of the Mind, a little character she made will be making a guest star appearance. Yay!
Wow. Thirteen chapters... One more chapter to go and I'm done.. That chapter is almost complete. Doesn't it sound great? I won't put in my final words yet. I'll save that for the next chapter. If anyone is interested I've made a forum to this fic in which I offer updates, chat with people, and if you're really good I might let you peer into the future! *smiles* Go and visit sometime! Please?
Not much else. Standard disclaimers.
Warning: This story contains explicit consenting adult material. If you are offended by such or are underage, please do not read.
If you're neither... you know where to find the good stuff. Enjoy!
Chapter Thirteen: Life Better Than a Dream
Shortly after Inu-Yasha had dragged Miroku off to who knew where, there had been several shouts of pain and Inu-Yasha yelling out the occasional `Damn you!' and `Get back here!'. Kagome told Sango to pay no attention and, borrowing the older woman's strong frame, the two gathered herbs Kagome needed from the area.
Later in the evening Inu-Yasha informed Sango that Miroku was no longer her vigilantial. He explained she didn't need one anymore - but he'd be her big brother if Miroku gave her any more problems. It was implied that he would be `big brother' even if she didn't say anything. It was something of a comfort to Sango, but an already black and blue Miroku felt a cold shiver run down his back, in spite of it being a warm day.
Sango thought that this would mean her freedom would be uninhibited from then on. But apparently Miroku's suggestions still carried enough weight to prevent her from going on raids. As soon as everyone left for the next raid, Inu-Yasha informed her that she was too tired and someone needed to stay with Kagome, so she couldn't go now and was better off not thinking of volunteering.
This time wasn't so bad, though. People talked to her - well, the men did, anyway. Some of the single women seemed to be giving her the cold shoulder.
One `accidentally' bumped into her, knocking over the water the gladiator had been bringing to Kagome. “Watch where you're going!” With an upturned nose the girl `hmpf-ed' and walked away.
Frowning, Sango took what was left of the water to Kagome. “I'm sorry. I spilled some.”
Kagome nodded. “I saw. Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault.” Taking a sip of the crisp liquid with a ladle, she wiped her forehead, returning to her medicinal crafts. “Don't pay any attention. She's just Miroku's f-“ The priestess's hands froze when she realized her slip of the tongue. Oh how she wished she could recall the words but it was too late for that. She glanced at Sango, whose expression had noticeably darkened.
“Miroku's... what?” Sango frowned, her gaze leaving no room for argument. Either Kagome would tell her, or she'd go ask the other girl and she wouldn't be nice about it.
Kagome sighed. “One of his former girlfriends. She's just being petty. It was over for almost half a year before you arrived.”
Kagome half expected a fight to start - it's what Inu-Yasha would have done - but instead Sango just frowned, quite sullen. “Oh.”
“Hey, what is it?” Kagome pushed her work aside, turning fully towards Sango, even going so far as to place a hand on her shoulder.
Sango wrung her fingers together. “He left her. After they'd been together. Didn't he?”
Kagome blinked, wide-eyed. She'd wondered if they're had been any meaning as to why Sango and Miroku had been gone so long. But when they had returned it had seemed like they were at a distance. Kagome thought they had been fighting but now it made a little more sense. She nodded. “He did leave her afterward, yes. But it's not the same.”
Kagome leaned back, looking out over the horizon. “I've known Miroku my whole life. You know he's never been serious about anything? Only his own life and he hides his feelings about that well. You're the only one I've ever seen him relentlessly pursue. The only one I've ever seen him stop joking around for. You matter to him.”
“Really?” Sango put her head on her knees, arms crossed in front, a small, sheepish smile tugging at the corner of her lips. For a moment Kagome forgot who among them was older and who was younger.
“Yes.” Kagome grinned. “And I think you care about him too.” She watched Sango duck her red cheeks down. “It's okay. It's been a long time since either of you cared about someone, am I right? You help each other with that. It makes for a good match!” Kagome had, at some point picked her work back up, and now she continued to chatter about Miroku when they were kids and teens while her hands worked.
Sango, on the other hand, was letting the words sink in. It HAD been a long time since she'd cared about anyone this much. She had fought next to him and watched over him. She'd let him see her scars and know her fears... let him watch her cry. She thought of Miroku's kindness and concern. How he cared for her and she realized...
She DID love him.
Kagome paused, looking out at the view. “Where are they?” She shook her head, throwing her mind back into her work. “Leave it to Inu-Yasha to be an hour late on simple raid.”
Sango's head whipped around to look at Kagome, then her eyes darted back out to the path down the mountain and in the distance. That was true. They were late. Why were they late? She wished she were there so she could keep him safe. But she wasn't.
“Hey, Sango! Where are you going?” Kagome giggled, getting to her feet. Sango looked back up the mountain to the younger girl and realized that she had started walking towards from where he was supposed to arrive.
Sango blushed. “Er. Nowhere.” She scratched the back of her neck. “Why do you think they're so late?” She walked back up to Kagome's level, only once glancing over her shoulder.
Kagome frowned. “No idea. It could be anything.” The priestess caught Sango's worried stare. “Don't worry about him. Inu-Yasha may be mean to him a lot but they're really good friends.” Kagome smiled. “I think Inu-Yasha learned how to worry and protect people from Miroku.” Sango raised an eyebrow. “Because Miroku used to protect me when we first met Inu-Yasha.”
Sango grinned. “Really? What was it like when you first met him... Inu-Yasha?”
Kagome blushed. “Well. He was really mean. Kikyo had him under a spell that would only let the person she chose as her successor release him but it would also bind Inu-Yasha to that one's command.”
Sango nodded. “I wondered about that spell.”
Kagome continued, “He was really gruff at first. He didn't like people much and he really hated me. But... I started to like him. That made Miroku so mad.” Kagome laughed at the memory. “He told me I could do so much better then Inu-Yasha. He said—“
“Kagome!” A soldier came running through the crowd. He stopped in front of her, taking a minute to catch his breath. “Inu-Yasha sent me ahead.” He heaved a few times before continuing. “He said I'm to bring you at once. We messed up. They expected us and the ground was very well guarded. So many got injured. And KILLED! Even Miroku—”
But for both women that was enough. Sango put her arm around Kagome, helping them both quickly down the path and down the mountain. Sango wanted to run there but it would be pointless if Kagome weren't with her.
Some ten minutes later they were finally closer to the troops at the bottom of the hill. Inu-Yasha rushed forward and hugged Kagome. “Are you all right?”
Kagome nodded. “Where do you need me?” Inu-Yasha picked her up and ran towards the back lines.
Sango imagined that was where the injured had been put. She started to search the crowds, trying not to be too obvious about it. Finally, biting her lip, she gave up and ran to the back. “Miroku?”
She saw someone cover a body and froze. It couldn't be him. Miroku couldn't… He wouldn't... It wouldn't be fair. She hadn't even gotten to tell him she-
She reached for the sheet.
“Sango, there you are!”
The shroud dropped from her fingers and she turned on her heels. There was Miroku before her, his head bandaged up. She wanted to hug him but her pride wouldn't let her feet move.
It wasn't the response she wanted to give, which may have been why she gave it. “You jerk!” She punched him on the arm. “I thought you were dead!”
Miroku rubbed her shoulder, putting an almost `pout-y' face. “This is how you treat your friend when he's been mortally wounded?” Hamming it up, he sniffled a bit as he pointed to his head.
Sango rolled her eyes. He continued to look at her with puppy-dog eyes until finally she chuckled. “Okay. What happened?”
Miroku scratched the back of his neck. “It was stupid. We should have gone to get food sooner. Naraku must have known we were running low and would be coming soon. It was a really one-sided fight. We barely got anything.”
He sighed. “Probably means we'll have to bargain with Kouga for food again. I can see the look on Inu-Yasha's face now.”
Sango giggled. “Something like, `We don't need any food from that stinking wolf.”
Miroku laughed. “And then Kagome will tell him, `Do you want us to starve to death?'” This incited a fit of laughter from both of them.
“Hey, we can hear you, ya know!” Kagome and Inu-Yasha were apparently not far away.
Miroku cleared his throat. “I have a surprise for you.” Sango gave him her best `Do I look like I'm five years old and should get excited over some little trinket that was stolen?' look. Miroku grabbed her hand. “Trust me. You'll like this. I had it sent ahead, so it should be back at the hut by now.”
Sango mock sighed, following along. She did pull her hand back from his but not right away.
On the road up she'd wondered what stupid gift he'd stolen for her. When they got to the hut he insisted she close her eyes. Leading her in he waited another moment. “Okay. Open them.”
Sango gasped. How on earth had he managed this? And to sneak it up here... it must have taken at least three men to get by with her noticing. One thing was for sure. He was right. She did like it. “Hiraikotsu…” Her fingers ran along the giant bone boomerang, tracing the lines, remembering how it had felt to wield it. It was like having an arm reattached.
Miroku nodded. “You said it was your favorite weapon. They had six. I didn't think they'd notice if one went missing.” She still didn't say anything so he walked up closer behind her. “You don't like it?”
She turned around and kissed him. It stunned him for a moment but he quickly caught up to her, kissing back. It still amazed him just how passionate a person Sango could be. He grinned against her mouth. He ran his fingers through her hair, smoothing it away from her face.
The kiss was fiery and sweet. Miroku's arms wrapped around Sango, wanting to pick her up. He squashed the impulse. It was hard not to touch her. But that was what she wanted. But she'd kissed HIM - but that didn't mean this wasn't just a lapse in judgment or some kind of thank you. But that— He suddenly took note of the calloused, feminine hands in his clothes.
He grunted against her mouth, one hand sliding under her derriere and lifting her up. She made a small noise of surprise but not protest. He set her down on the mat on the floor, lying on top of her. His hands dove into her clothes without a second thought, and she was already pulling off his robes.
Miroku pulled back a bit. “Do you want this?” He panted as he spoke.
Sango was flushed from her forehead to her neck. It was happening so fast. But she couldn't think of any sensible or reasonable rationale to stop this. Even her conscience wasn't nagging at her - which should have been frightening, but it truly wasn't. She dragged her thigh up and down the inside of his leg. His reaction vaguely amused her as he almost whimpered, licking his suddenly very dry lips. “Can you really stop?”
Miroku's gaze pinned her with a hunger that would swallow her whole if she simply did that one more time. His teeth grazed her neck, trailing to her ear then down to her shoulder. One hand stroked the side of her breast. “Tell me - is it okay?”
Miroku was many things. A thief of objects and hearts. But this he would not be accused of stealing. He nipped somewhat harder on her neck, causing a primal gasp to emerge from her throat and her body to arch against him.
“Ngh. Y...YES!” Her fingers clawed along his bare back. Spontaneously, she kissed him, tongues and lips twining and clashing against each other, battling for control. He pulled back first, slipping her out of her shirt. On a whim her hands dove into his shirt, which hung open in the front, and up to his chest, feeling the hard muscle under soft smooth skin. Her fingers splayed across him, her curiosity growing.
He groaned, causing her to look up. He was watching her as if mesmerized by her seemingly ingenuous touch. The look made Sango's emotions mix with a heady combination of embarrassment and pride.
She pulled back but he grabbed her hands and pulled them around his neck. “Don't stop.” He bent down and she thought he was going to kiss her again, but instead he nipped at her shoulder, slowly working his way down.
When his tongue teasingly touched one hardened nipple her fingers twined in his hair, pulling him closer. His hands traced up and down her thigh like they had the first night but this time his hands had purpose to their teasing, pushing her skirt up inch by inch.
It all seemed to happen so fast and yet too agonizingly slow. His lips captured and sucked on a single offered nipple. Her hands pulled at his shirt, trying to focus long enough to pull the garment in question off his body.
His fingers grazed her already moist center and she gave out a strangled cry, tugging hard on the shirt until there was soft tearing sound. Sango gasped but Miroku just chuckled, throwing off the shirt and continuing to stir her body to life with his touch.
She was only dimly aware when he started to move, shifting his weight to lean on one elbow that he'd placed at the side of her head. His stimulating hand remained in place, but the rest of his body shifted so that his head was level with hers again. She felt a delicate nudge at her thigh as one knee pushed between her easily parted legs.
It was followed by another and the feeling of Miroku shifting much more evenly along her body. He murmured softly above her, his hand coming up by her head as he kissed her, grunting into the kiss. The position they were in did not occur to her until she felt his clothed hips grind into her heated core.
A savage rumble erupted from his throat as his eyes glazed over. Sango pushed back against him and he made the sound again, this time covering her mouth with his own. Suddenly feeling very daring, Sango reached for his pants, working off the last piece of clothing between them.
A series of gasps and moans from her lips broke into their kiss as Sango's thighs flexed and involuntarily shook along his bare hips. Miroku pulled away, both their hearts beating impossibly fast. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, panting uneven hot breaths against her ear. Unable to resist, he nipped the lobe with his teeth. “Ready?”
She looked him in the eye, her hands reaching out and taking his, fingers twining with one another. “Yes,” she said, and nodded her head. There was no regret or hesitation in her voice as she spoke. Miroku claimed her lips once more before driving into her in one swift stroke.
It didn't really hurt, as Sango had been threatened with since she was twelve. It was uncomfortable for a second and then it felt like something shifted in her, leaving a slightly raw feeling that was quickly fading.
The whole time Miroku kept as still as he possibly could while being buried in her to the hilt. He occupied himself with kissing a line along her neck just under her jaw. “Are you okay?” he asked finally.
She nodded. “It's not that bad.” Miroku nodded once, leaning over to nuzzle her breast gently, his body beginning to move inside her. She gasped, her back arching, and again he asked he if she was all right. “It... It feels-“ Words escaped her but none were needed. He moved in her again with renewed vigor, kissing her again, tongues rubbing and dancing around each other as their bodies were.
She felt the heat growing stronger still, her voice crying out each moment with a sound more intense than the last. She was rewarded with panted grunts from deep in his throat calling out to her. Her legs wrapped around his hips, pulling closer.
“Miroku!” Her back arched, her whole body ridged. Everything in front of her eyes shattered in a brilliant white light, leaving just a surging pleasure burning from her abdomen to the rest of her body.
He wrapped his arms around her, still moving, sweat beading on his forehead. “I'm here, Sango.” And with one hard thrust more he followed her.
The next couple of days were rather forlorn in the encampment. Everyone was hungry; Kouga couldn't come to trade for at least two weeks, leaving them with barely meager rations. Miroku and Sango kept their relationship an open secret. Kagome knew, and some kids had caught them kissing once.
Inu-Yasha had found out from Shippou (which also explained why the pair had been taking quite a number of baths lately) but had been too hungry and overloaded with other concerns to do anything to Miroku about it. Then one afternoon Inu-Yasha informed Sango that she would be leading men into the next raid. The hope was that if they attacked quickly, Naraku wouldn't be expecting them.
Miroku stood at the door frowning as he watched Sango attach and adjust weapons and armor. He wanted so much for her to stay here. If they were attacked again she could be hurt, but for whatever reason she had been very insistent on coming along. “There's no way I can talk you out of this, is there?”
Sango pulled on her boots. “No. I have to do this.”
“That's not true.” Miroku grabbed her arm, forcing her to stop what she was doing and trying to urge her to look at him. “He's not there, you know.” The `he' in question meaning, undoubtedly, Kohaku. After all, he must have asked her if that was why she wanted to go about ten times so far.
Sango pulled out of his grasp and attached a sword to her waist, then put a dagger in her boot. “I know.”
“Then why?”
“Because.” She frowned. “This is what I know: fighting, weapons, moving my body. I'm not going to sit by.”
Miroku came up and hugged her from behind. “I'd rather know you're safe.”
Sango shrugged, not pulling away from his grasp; not wanting to. “And I'd rather know where you are.” This caused Miroku to frown but Sango waved her hands. “That's not what I meant.”
Miroku shook his head. “It's all right. I understand. You feel the same way about it.” He kissed the top of her head, letting her go. “Be careful. And just because Inu-Yasha is trusting you with a command position doesn't mean you have to put yourself in danger just to-“
She put a finger on his lips. “I know.” She smiled, picking up the giant boomerang behind her and strapping it to her back. “Don't worry. I can take care of myself.”
Miroku sighed, finally giving up. He walked out first and down to the troops, knowing she'd follow later.
Usually, when the brigadiers got this desperate for food, they'd raid Naraku's main fortress, which was usually more than overstocked. They couldn't this time. Granted the food and goods from the farms were being shipped there in aberrant frequency, but it was also VERY heavily guarded at the moment. Naraku wanted to lure them there. That meant a trap. It had taken a lot of scouting and the use of some `internal contacts' as Miroku put it, but they'd found a fort where at least a third of all goods would be shipped before they were sent on their way.
That was their target.
And while its guard was lighter than the fortress's, it was still well armed. So a battle plan had been devised. They would split up into three groups. Miroku would take the soldiers best with ranged weapons and draw the men to the rear wall. Inu-Yasha and his troops would then sweep and take out the remaining front guards and work to the back.. Then Sango and her men would follow, finishing the security and grabbing everything worth anything.
The plan went off without a hitch. First Miroku's group fired from the trees. The guards ran to the back to hold the wall. Then Inu-Yasha cut a path and his troops stormed inside, Inu-Yasha at the lead. Finally Sango and her men stormed in as she screamed a battle cry, rallying everyone inside. They had overrun the place in no time.
But once inside it was as though the place had been abandoned; save for the guard no one else was around. However, beggars couldn't be choosers so Sango sent her men out to start finding food, gold, material goods, anything they could carry, and bringing it back. She herself also started looking around, seeing if anything was hiding somewhere and making sure they were secured for the moment.
Sango frowned, looking around. Though it was like the placed had been abandoned, there wasn't much security and no real sign of a trap. She looked through room after room, deciding she should probably nab some things too if they were going to eat tonight.
She stepped into one house and started looking around. There wasn't anything too important - a few pots that looked like they might have been worth something and some silver that was lying around. Then something caught her eye.
Sango pushed aside some things on a table to uncover a small blue stone on a chain.
She shook her head. It couldn't be. Kohaku was definitely not here. There would be nowhere to put him that was safe, no way to keep him here and nowhere to hide him…
“Then what is this doing here?”
She picked up the little bobble. It was something that Sango had given Kohaku before they were separated. She gave it to him to remember her love. He hadn't put it on, just in his pocket. But it had been some time since she'd last seen it. Maybe it wasn't the same. Or maybe he'd dropped it and it just wound up here. It had no blood on it. The chain wasn't broken.
She held it up to her eyes, looking closer. A strange symbol glowed within the middle of the pendant. Gingerly Sango slipped the necklace around her neck. She looked at herself once in the mirror, then unsheathed her sword and walked out.
“Hey, hurry up already! We're gonna take everything we can and get the hell outta here!” Inu-Yasha directed men carrying cartloads of bounty to the gate.
Miroku stopped in front of him. “Hey, Inu-Yasha, have you seen Sango?”
“Feh. How should I know where she is?” But Miroku just frowned. The half demon shrugged. “Haven't seen her. She can't be far though.” The dog demon put his nose in the air, trying to sniff her out. Then there was a scream from one of the men. “Crap! I shoulda known!” Both men ran towards the source of the scream.
It was too shocking for words. Sango stood above one of the soldiers, blood dripping from her sword. She'd laid the flesh on his arm open to the bone; the loot he'd been trying to carry had spilled to the ground. Her eyes were glazed over and the pendant around her neck glowed in an unearthly light. It was a charm. It had her mind.
It was Naraku.