InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mi Confesion ❯ Mi Confesion ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It had been a few months since Kagome had been dumped, though she was still feeling pretty gloomy. Yumi had been trying to convince her that she desperately needed a pick-me-up, and Kagome had finally agreed. She was a bit confused as to how she ended up in a salsa class with high-heeled dance shoes and no partner, however.
“Come on, Kagome, you could at least try instead of standing on the side lines. It's fun!” Yumi beamed as she was led across the floor by her partner.“That's easy for you to say, you have someone to actually dance with!" <i> I feel like a fool enough already, never-mind dancing by myself</i>. Kagome bit her lip. Yumi did seem like she was having fun, and Kagome knew she should use this opportunity to take her mind off of things. Just three months ago Inuyasha told her that while he cared for her deeply, he felt they would be better off as friends. What he had really meant was, "I'm leaving you for Kikyo." She couldn't bring herself to call him after that. She knew she needed to get over him and move on, but how? Salsa class certainly wasn't what she had in mind, but dancing with a cute boy might help her to stop dwelling on the past. The problem with that though, was that there were no cute boys for dancing with. <i>I guess I'll just wait and see if someone wants to swap out at some point...</i> Just as she was on the verge of completely gnawing her lower lip off from all the anxiety, she felt a strong hand on her shoulder. “Excuse me?”“OH!” Kagome jumped, throwing her hands up as she turned to see who had pulled her from her reverie, only for one of her hands to meet firmly with their face. “Oh, I'm so sorry! You startled me.”Pinching his nose with one hand, the young man put up a hand as if to say `It's all right'. He shook his head slightly and then began a second time. “No, it was my fault entirely.”As Kagome pulled her attention away from his potentially broken nose and focused on the rest of his face she was suddenly aware of how attractive he was. Unfortunately she was also becoming aware of the red color that was finding its way to her cheeks. While she scrambled her brain for excuses to run she noticed that he was holding out his hand toward her.“I was going to ask if I could have the next dance?” “Eh? Oh no, this is my first time. I don't really know how to dance all that well.”“That is all right. I can teach you.” His amber eyes were intense and Kagome soon found herself getting lost in them. They seemed familiar somehow, yet new and exciting, almost dangerous. Before her brain could give her body a `Warning! Bad Decision Ahead!' alert her hand was in his and she was in the middle of the dance floor. She gasped as she felt his hand on her waist and her mind caught up to reality. He pulled her close to him as he felt out the music and took her right hand in his left. He looked down and saw the terror in her eyes, causing him to smirk. “Closer. Your hips should be against mine.” The pink color that accented her cheeks became a few shades darker as he stretched his long, slender fingers down from her waist and pulled her closer yet again. “Now, follow my lead. When I step toward you, you step back.”Kagome tried to answer, but when she opened her mouth nothing escaped except for a small squeak. She nodded instead, and as he stepped forward with his left leg she stepped back with her right as she had been told. Her hips tilted to accommodate his long stride, the inside of her thigh brushing against his. <i>This feels so dirty! But boy this is fun...wait, what am I thinking? Stop that, Kagome!</i> As they stepped back together she noticed her new-found partner was giving her an odd look. “What?”“Is something wrong?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.“No, not at all! I just never realized this style was so…personal.” She laughed nervously.He smirked again, and this time instead of feeling nervous she was excited to see what happened. She let out a shriek in surprise as he bent his body around hers and dipped her low to the ground. His long silver hair fell around her and his grip around her waist tightened. In response to the sudden change in her center of gravity, one of her legs came off the ground and extended high in the air. Kagome looked up and became aware of her suggestive position, and she blushed again and chuckled lightly. Her partner wasn't laughing though. His eyes were serious and he abruptly brought her back to a standing position. “You are better than you give yourself credit for. We should arrange to have private lessons together.”“Really? I didn't know they did that here.”“They don't.” He nonchalantly slipped a business card into her hand and began to walk away as she fumbled to read it. “Wait! That's it? You're leaving?”He looked over his shoulder and she followed his eyes to the card in her hand. When she looked back up he was gone.“Who was <i>that</i>?” Kagome nearly fell over at her friends' inquiry for she hadn't realized Yumi was standing next to her for the past minute and a half watching as the mystery man walked out of the dance studio. “Eh? Umm….” Remembering the card that he had placed in her hand, Kagome looked down in hopes of at least finding a name. “Sesshoumaru.”“Wow. You two looked great together! And he gave you his number? Are you going to call him, Kagome?”The last bits of their conversation caught up with Kagome as she tried to piece everything together. <i>Private lessons. His address and number. Really pretty hair.</i> “Am I going to call him?”“Well, are you?”