InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mi Confesion ❯ Ingenuity ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

About an hour and a half had gone by and Kagome was starting to feel light-headed from all the sake she had been enjoying. “I think I'd better switch to tea before the room starts spinning,” she joked as she watched Sesshoumaru grab another piece of unagi. Slowly he brought it over to her mouth. Without warning he started to move his hand from side to side, watching her struggle to follow.“Hey! No fair, I'm nearly three sheets to the wind. Just give it to me already!” Both of her hands shot out to ensnare his. Forcefully she pulled the unagi into her mouth, taking his thumb and index finger with it. When she began to suck all the flavor off his fingers, using her tongue so as not to leave any food remnants behind, she looked up to discover a somewhat shocked, somewhat humored look on his face. She made quick work of his thumb, but was still busy with his finger when she was startled by the sudden appearance of his other hand under her chin. Drawing her face up to his, he leaned in as he slowly drew out his finger from its heavenly prison and bent down close to her face. Her eyes were wide and beautiful, surprised but not scared. “Despite your best efforts, you missed some.”Just as he began to lean in, the shoji opened and the woman server stepped in to the room. “Your bill, Sesshoumaru-sama.”