InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Michinaranukoi ❯ Chapter Three - Aggrivation And Aggitation ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello! This chapter is dedicated to AkaiKurai, for her incredibly long, and insightful review!—thank you so much! I really, and truly appreciate all the reviews! I try to read, and reply to every single one, but… sometimes I don't get to it for a few days, so please forgive me! Something that AkaiKurai has mentioned… Yes. Sesshoumaru is definitely in for a surprise. Think about it; he really didn't know what to expect from her. She is Shiga's little assistant person from her design studio… she was recommended by Shiga, and liked to a certain degree by her. To Sesshoumaru, that is frightening. That is what you probably are going to want to look for. Sesshoumaru will be pleasantly surprised, and Kagome too. Remember… she still isn't sure of Rin, and is expecting somewhat of a brat. Just a few things I wanted to mention! Alright…

—Ai, S. I.

(`Illicit Love Affair')
Shizuka Ishimaru
Chapter Three

"When the tree waves, wind is stirring."

— Chinese Proverb

* * *

Kagome was speechless. This little girl right in front of her appeared to be the cutest, sweetest looking thing she had ever seen. She was just a little girl… not yet even ten most likely. Kagome smiled, trying to meet the quality of one the little girl was portraying. She was simply adorable. She was wearing a little orange and red checkered skirt, with the occasional green circular loops in the corners of the checker squares, and a knitted white sweater, with big green buttons.

Kagome was instantly smitten. She looked up at Sesshoumaru, her face now a light shade of crimson, as she began to blush. She felt so stupid! Sesshoumaru must be so proud of his little girl! She looked perfect! Kagome could tell right away that the little girl was all pleasantness, simply by her demeanor. She was easy going, friendly, and had the cutest, brightest smile she had ever seen.

Things where looking good. She was going to be watching this adorable little thing. Cute girl, amazing house, good pay… hot Dad…

All those things where good… but the minus was, she had a bitchy Mother—not to mention it was her boss. Urgh. Right now she would give anything to plunge herself into the ocean of covers on her big comfortable, plushy bed. It always seemed to be able to erase all of her bad thoughts, and fears. It made everything once doubted seem okay. It was a weird occurrence, actually. She could come home from work, as frustrated as ever and simply lie down in her bed for a while, and then go on her way as if nothing had ever been wrong. Beauty sleep… its beauty sleep that does the trick. No one ever feels bad when they are beautiful…

Sesshoumaru appeared to be less than impressed with anything. He had a look of arrogant indifference on his face, and wasn't looking very friendly. Rather… cold and distant, to speak the truth. She bit her lip a little bit. That wasn't supposed to be that way! She and Sesshoumaru would have to get along for a whole week, so… why should he act so ridiculously mean, or… indifferent? She tried her best to regain composure in her thoughts. She cleared her throat, and averted her attention back to the adorable little girl. “Ahem… so, your name is Rin, eh?” The little girl nodded excitedly. “Ah… I am Kagome.” The little girl simply smiled brightly, and swayed back and forth, as she gazed at Kagome. “Er… um… oh, never mind.” Kagome was getting gradually exasperated.

The little girl wasn't talking! No matter how she worded the question, it would sound rude. Don't you speak at all? No… that simply wouldn't do. Especially not with Sesshoumaru, and she would feel terrible if she did anything to upset this angelic child.

Sesshoumaru gently brushed his hand over the little girl's shoulder, and bent down to whisper something in her ear. The little girl nodded excitedly, and made a frantic reach fro Kagome's hands. Kagome blushed, and stood up from the sofa. What on earth is going on? Oh… please tell me it's all positive. No—wait, perhaps they are taking me to the torture chamber! Oh gods, kill me now… Kagome pouted a bit, her eyes widened marginally, before Rin stopped dragging her, and paused in front of a closed door. “What's this?” Kagome breathed aloud. Sesshoumaru appeared behind her and spoke; “It's your room… unless you prefer to stay in mine…” He whispered with a slight mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Kagome nearly screamed… the nerve! Thank goodness though, for the little girl. She opened the doors, and led Kagome into a very beautiful room. It was simple, but nice. Upon first sight, you would notice the tall, canopy bed, with the pink bedding, and a few lavender pillows accenting it. Then you would see at the foot of the bed, there was a rather large maple wood chest. Next to either side of the bed, where two white painted tables and a few crystal tiffany lamps, adorning them nicely. There was a large window on the east wall that looked out to the street, where she had plain view of her car, and the hill that led in the direction of where her house was situated. The walls where painted in a very pale green, and the heavy curtains that where drawn back from the window where the same pink as on the bedding, with a few details of purple orchids on them, near the base.

Well… this room would do alright for the time being. Only one week. She could survive a week, surely… right? She looked back to the doorway, where Rin came in very excited, carrying one of her huge suitcases in a near frenzy, throwing them all near the foot of the bed, by the chest. Sesshoumaru sighed. “I suppose she is somewhat pleased by your presence. She is not well liked by her Mother.” He said, quietly. Kagome bit her lip, feeling slightly saddened for the girl's sake. “Why not?” Kagome asked, feeling rather bold.

“Oh… I don't know. She is a strange woman… a rather large pain in the neck on most days. She really doesn't want much to do with the girl. It's partially because she once had the opportunity to be a model, but when she became pregnant her from and shape changed gradually. It's ridiculous, and absurd how people view a woman in that way. It is expected of all models to nearly have no shape in general. She qualified for that for a while. After she had Rin, she had a better figure, truthfully. She really didn't want a child though. If she had it as she liked, I would be sterile. Fortunately, though… that's not the case…” He said, as he gave her a mischievous look from the corner of his eye.

She nearly fainted. What on earth has happened to him? What a bastard. Poor Shiga. Yeah, I feel for her daughter. I wish they got along better… but her husband—there is really no explanation for him. What pain in the neck! Or… so it would seem. He was rather the playing type, and she did not like it at all. She doubted he held any real meaning to his words, but none the less… it was a bit unnerving to think that she would have to spend an entire week in the very same house as someone who would be continuously making these highly odd sexual remarks to her. In fact, it was rather frightening. She really didn't want all of this… especially not from a married man—not to mention the one that was married to her boss! Urgh! All the horrible troubles that would arise, if she would be one to find out about this! Shiga would undoubtedly assume that there was something going on, because according to her… Sesshoumaru didn't do much of anything, besides working, buying things for Rin, buying more furniture for his house, and making business phone calls, or meeting with international business men who where highly influential in world trade, and commerce.

This could prove to be a real problem. Rin came bounding in the room again, carrying the last of Kagome's bags, and jumping with it, happily on to Kagome's bed. Rin slightly glared at Sesshoumaru, who was looking rather intently at Kagome, as she gazed around the room. Sesshoumaru caught Rin glaring at him, as well at a slight shooing motion that she made with her hands, as in a signal to dismiss of him. He sighed, and closed the door as he walked away. Rin smiled happily, and giggled. “Are you here to watch me?” She asked inquisitively. Sheesh… yeah, and looks like someone needs to be watching over your Dad as well… Kagome thought feeling rather depressed, and cornered.

“Yeah.” She replied, lacking in much enthusiasm. “Hn. So, Kagome… do you like your room?” asked the little girl in a cheery voice. “Kagome smiled slightly. Yes, the room was very nice, and more than adequate. “Yes. The room is lovely. Who picked it out for me?” She asked, in a thoughtful way. “Umm… I think my father did that.” Rin said, trying to sound as sure as possible. She didn't think her Mother would allow anyone to stay in that room. That room contained priceless antiques, and fine golds, silvers, and weapons. Those things where all nicely concealed beneath the wood boards of the floor, that has the tatami mats covering it… thankfully. There just happened to be an opening to a cellar beneath this room. It was placed there, because Shiga liked to keep some of her more personal things out of sight. She kept many of her family heirlooms, and more prized possessions down below. It was a place also, that she created some of her own art pieces. Rin was once told by an artist at the studio that her mother kept a painting down below that had been embellished with gold, and silver powder. It was supposed to be a painting of a lake, with a moon suspended just barely over it, with a star that looked to be falling from the edge of the crescent. The gold and silver dust where said to have made the water gleam like a real one might. The silver was used for moonlight. This painting could be worth a lot of yen, or so Rin was led to believe. Well… if it truly has gold and silver in it…

Kagome sat on the edge of the bed, and pushed down on both sides of herself. Well… it's rather comfortable, I must admit… although, I still highly prefer my own. She thought to herself. The girl Rin was most pleasant, and very sweet, and kind. She wasn't unruly, or a brat, like Kagome had suspected was a possibility for her to be. But no… instead, she was the pinnacle of perfection in a child. How could Shiga possibly not love this child?—not only that, but her own!

Kagome's mind drifted briefly to Sesshoumaru. He was a strange one. Asking all of those personal questions, without so much as flinching! How could he do such a thing? Had he no shame? Kagome shook her head and groaned… only to realize that Sesshoumaru was once again standing in the door way with one of his eyebrows raised as if he where disapproving of something. “What?!” Kagome snapped. “Oh… I suppose nothing, but then… why again exactly are you making those terribly annoying nasal sounds?” He asked. Ooh… she caught a slight twitch on the corner of his mouth. So he thinks he's funny, eh? Well, well, well… “Nasal? Well, I never thought of it that way. Would you prefer me to gag? After all… when certain thoughts come to mind, there are only so many reactions a person can have, physically, I'm afraid at least.”

Well… she was quick. That was good. But… she was setting such a bad example in front of Rin! What would Rin think of this impossible woman from her mother's office, just coming in one day, and then constantly getting the upper hand?! No… he couldn't let her see this… not with all of the shame that would come from it! No! Never!

Sesshoumaru grinned in a devious manor… We shall see WHOM is quicker, I suppose… “Well, Miss Kagome… if you are always going to be constantly thinking of me, then perhaps you should practice moaning.” He said nearly immediate to her comment… despite all of the thinking that elapsed interlude. Kagome's mouth dropped open, nearly hitting the floor. Whoa… if only he knew just what he was saying… ha. He thinks he is just getting at me… whoosh. That's actually a good thing, compared to the truth… She blinked a few times, before looking up at him and growling. “Hey! Don't you go around and constantly be saying stuff like that to me! Ms. Shiga is right! You are a bastard!” She hissed.

Rin's eyes widened with horror, and she covered her mouth. Ooh… this wasn't going to end up good. She slowly backed out of the room, and when she came to the doorway, she ran as fast as she could to get away. She had seen situations like this for far too long… she really had no interest in seeing the same thing occur with her father, and her caretaker.

Sesshoumaru glared angrily at Kagome, as she slowly recalled to herself that Rin looked terribly frightened as she was leaving the room… Hm… I wonder what was the matter with Rin? And then somewhere in the dark recesses of her mind she recalled what had just occurred there a moment ago… Oh god… he is going to kill me! She nervously looked at him. He slammed the door shut behind himself, and began to slowly step forward towards her. The look on his face reflected sheer evil. She could have sworn for a moment there that she could see fire burning in his eyes.

“So, is that what you think then, Higurashi?” Kagome gulped… “I—I… um…” “Answer me woman!” He demanded, lowering his voice dangerously. She could feel the hairs on the back of her neck begin to stand straight up. Regardless of that she had thought of him earlier… the only thing that she could describe him as now was frightening as death. He most likely would have her dead by now… if it wasn't for his obvious control over his temper at the moment. “I'm sorry Mr. Heisa! Forgive me! I was speaking out of line I—“ He grabbed her rather roughly by the collar of her shirt and bent down to glare into her eyes… his face so close to hers that his breath raked across her face.

“Don't ever speak to me on such terms again.” He warned. Kagome quickly nodded, nervous as ever. This guy had a temper. That was starting to become obvious. Another thing that she would have to deal with… oh sigh.

She was feeling rather angry, instead of being her normal calm self. She wasn't really in the mood to do anything, and now with her always being mercilessly harassed by Sesshoumaru and now his horrible temper. Even though he didn't do anything, she was certain that if she would have said one more word that he would have. His patience and how much he could withhold were left hanging on the edge.

Sesshoumaru backed up from her, and gave her one last rather disappointed look before walking out of the room, and closing the door.

Kagome fell backwards and sighed as loudly as she possibly could. She was tired, and now she was confined to this place for a week. It was like being under house arrest. Simply miserable… and today was only the first day! How pathetic was that?! She sat up slightly, and picked up her purse. Right now, she needed to call her mom for some reassurance. She picked up her cell phone, and began to dial. She waited a few minutes, before she heard the tone. She could hear the phone ringing off the hook at her mother's house. “Hello?” “Hi… is this Souta? This is Kagome.” “Oh! Hey Kagome… yeah, it's me. What's up?” “Nothing much…” She groaned. “Uh… yeah.” “Oh, alright. I made this very stupid agreement while I was partially asleep. I agreed to watch my boss' daughter for a week… but worst of all, I have to watch her at all hours of the day, and I am not allowed to leave their house until the week is up. To make matters even more impossible—if possible—I am stuck here with her awful husband, who is mean, and scary, and has this awful temper, not to mention the fact that he is always making sexual inclinations towards me, even though it is just simply to embarrass me. I don't like it. It's not right, and I am really confused on what to do. I told him he was a bastard earlier, and he nearly took off my head. So… there you have it.” “Wow. That's all?” Kagome groaned. Stupid… “Souta… please, is mom there?” “Uh… nope. Her and gramps both went to the fish market about an hour ago.”

Kagome sighed. “Alright. See ya Souta.” “See ya.”

Kagome placed her hand on her forehead, and collapsed backwards onto the bed again.

If today was uneventful, then she had never in her life experienced one. So many things… both emotional and psychological. It was all covered. She found herself wishing to be back in the less than inviting presence of Shiga. At least they now agreed upon a lot more, and their perspectives on certain things where beginning to become frighteningly similar. Odd, how these things came to be. A day like this, all because she just had to answer the phone, while she was half asleep. She could kick herself for that. Time to pay the consequences, I guess. Hmph. I suppose it is time to show Sesshoumaru that I am not going to take his torture any longer. He will probably attempt killing me, but… at least I will die honorably. But… I simply will not have him harassing me like that… it isn't nice, and if I have to, I will deal with it in another way And that was her resolution.

She would put an end to things… but all in due time. Tomorrow. Tomorrow must be a better day. But, for now everything was fine. She yawned slightly as she crawled backwards and slid into her bed. From behind her door, she could hear Sesshoumaru quietly talking to Rin. He was instructing her on something. She could also smell the delightful aroma of dinner. Sesshoumaru must also have a chef. How interesting. It smelled of garlic, and herbs… tomato? Mmm… she breathed in deeply. Even though she longed to go taste the wonderful meal… she knew that there was really no use in it all. She wasn't all that hungry, and she didn't want to have to look him in the eye. She would be a much happier person if she could get some rest, to think things out.

Forgetting her hunger, she leaned onto the wonderfully soft pillows with the tassels, and drift off into a pleasant sleep, in which no phone calls, no boss… nor baby sitting requests would interrupt her.

* * *

End Of Chapter Three…

3,100 Words…

Hey! I updated a day late, and I am sorry! Please forgive me. You see… it's all due to the fact that my Aunt came to visit, and she has a lever 3B breast cancer. Every moment that I have to spend with her is precious to me. It comes before my writing of any fiction. So… back to the point, here is the next chapter! To answer some questions; Sesshoumaru seems a little OOC? Well… this is AU, you must remember, and as far as I am concerned… any Sesshoumaru pairing at all could be considered OOC. After all… where in the Anime is it IN character?! But no… he isn't really OOC. I am working up to something, but you have to be patient. Remember this; he is trying to harass her mercilessly, because Shiga likes her. That is the main, and only reason at this point. Also… the minute she saw him in the door, she began checking him out. He found this as a nitch to work with… and he is. It gets the results he wants from her, and he is entertaining himself immensely. Also… another reason why he is so contained is because Rin it there. You must remember that too. He wants to keep her from having to witness all kinds of that stuff.

So… there you have it!

I will try to reply to all of my reviews in a decent amount of time… but, to get thins chapter in, I have been up all night, and am in a desperate need of sleep. Thank you for reading!

The schedule for this fiction is; 20 reviews… you get a chapter the very same day the 20th review shows up in my inbox (I check my e-mail daily).
If not? Well… then I will update once a week.
So, there you go! It's up to you!! Next update scheduled for next week.
If I don't get at least one review, then you will wait two to three weeks.

Ai, Shizuka
Read • Rate • Review!