InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Unwanted Guest ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, Sango or any other of Rumiko Takahashi's wonderful characters
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The day went by very fast, and with the exception of Inuyasha and Kagome arguing, it was quite enjoyable.
They arrived at their last class of the day and Kagome was greeted by a familiar wolf demon named Koga.
“Hey Koga, I know you're behind me.” Kagome spoke in a bored tone as the wolf demon tried to sneak up behind her and frighten her.
“I hate those priestess powers of yours! I'll never be able to sneak up behind you or scare you!” Koga sulked.
“Shh! Koga don't broadcast it!” Kagome tried to prevent Inuyasha from hearing, but it was too late.
“So that is how you knew I was a half dog demon.” Inuyasha finally understanding, “You're a priestess.”
“Who the hell are you!?” Koga stood in front of Kagome in a protective manner.
“What does it matter to you?” Inuyasha retorted with a growl lacing his words.
“Just shut your mouths and sit down!” Kagome ordered.
“Make me.” Inuyasha taunted.
“Are you still angry at me?” Kagome questioned in a sweet, sarcastic voice, “I didn't know that book hurt you that bad, but then again you are weak.”
“I am not weak you idiot, I just don't hit girls, but since you aren't one, I'll be able to hit you.” Inuyasha smirked.
“Are you calling me a guy?” Kagome seethed.
“If the shoe fits …” Inuyasha started.
“I can't believe you! You are such a jerk! I bet you had no friends from the school you came from because you're such a jerk!” Kagome yelled.
The class was coming in the room now.
Inuyasha didn't retort or smart off to her after this remark; he only started at the floor with a pain stricken frown assaulting his usually, well … arrogant face.
She saw that her last comment must have struck a nerve with him so she didn't press it anymore.
To top it all off, she actually felt … guilty about making him feel sad.
Kagome sighed, “Look Inuyasha, we can't keep fighting if I am going to be showing you around the school, so can we just start over and forget what happened?”
Kagome held out her hand for him to shake in a truce.
Inuyasha looked at her as if she was crazy and then laughed. “No way, not after what you did to me in Mrs. Ajewski's class.”
Kagome was burning inside. She had tried to ask forgiveness of this jerk and he just laughed in her face!
The whole class was staring at Kagome as if they had never seen her before.
They couldn't believe that Kagome, one of the toughest girls in school, was apologizing to someone.
They all stared to see what was going to happen next.
Inuyasha was thinking this should serve well for the revenge he wanted. He just laughed some more and waited for Kagome's response.
“You are such a jerk! I wish I never had the displeasure of laying eyes on you!” Kagome took her seat, still fuming, and to make matters worse Koga sat down beside her.
Koga loved Kagome and proclaimed it in front of a bunch of people last year, but the feelings weren't mutual. Kagome had even tried to explain that to Koga … a lot. Though he never stopped trying to win her heart, and she was getting tired of his persistence.
“I feel the exact same way, you idiot.” Inuyasha said as he sat down, giving Koga a growl for sitting beside of Kagome … before catching himself, that is.
`I don't care who sits beside that idiot' he told himself, but he really did; he just wasn't sure of why he would care.
Kagome did her best to ignore Koga, but it was hard. She was also confused by the looks Inuyasha was giving Koga; it was almost like he was jealous of him.
`He wouldn't be jealous of Koga because that would mean that he … liked me.' Kagome thought about this and found that she liked that idea.
`Oh no, come on girl, you don't like that jerk!' she tried to tell herself but it didn't seem to be working.
When the class was over, she and Inuyasha headed off to detention.
“Hey Kagome, where are you going?” Koga asked as he ran to catch up with her and Inuyasha.
“Detention.” Kagome answered in an exasperated tone.
“I am too, what did you do?” Koga asked her.
“Sango and I snuck out of detention yesterday after we got into that fight with that boy and we have to make up for it today.” Kagome explained.
“Oh … and why is he going with you?” Koga asked while growling at Inuyasha who accepted the challenge and growled back in return.
“Are you talking about Inuyasha? Oh, I have to show him around school because he is new and he also has to go to detention for not getting in his seat.” Kagome glared at Inuyasha while Koga continued. “So you aren't going out or anything?”
“No we are not!!” Kagome and Inuyasha yelled at him, “What gave you that idea?” Kagome asked.
“I don't know … so are you doing anything this weekend?” Koga asked hopefully.
“Look Koga, I don't want to go out with you, ok.” Kagome said as they made it to the detention room.
“Why not Kagome?” Koga pleaded while Kagome ignored him.
“Would you quit whining, you're giving me a headache and besides she said no.” Inuyasha felt an unexplained happiness at Kagome's answer to Koga, but it confused him terribly.
`Could I like her?' he thought as Koga gave him an angry stare as they entered the room.
“I also don't see why you would want to go out with her in the first place; she's nothing special to look at.” Inuyasha added with a smirk.
Kagome was about to make him eat his words, but someone came barging into the room and they were extremely furious.
“I can't believe he did that!” Sango came in the detention room fuming.
“What's wrong Sango?” Kagome asked.
“That sleezeball, Miroku is what happened. He groped my but!” Sango all but screamed.
“He did what?!” Kagome said disbelievingly.
“It was about time for him to try something lecherous, I'm surprised he waited that long.” Inuyasha laughed.
“What do you mean dog boy?” Sango asked in a disgusted tone as she directed her attention to Inuyasha. “You mean he's always like that?”
“For one: yes he is, and for two: how do you know that I am a half dog demon? Are you a priestess too?” Inuyasha was getting tired of this.
“You told him?” Sango looked incredulously to Kagome, “No, Koga let it slip.” The girls glared at Koga and then Sango told Inuyasha that she wasn't a priestess.
“Then how did you know?” Inuyasha asked.
“I was raised in a family of demon slayers.” Sango shrugged.
“Oh,” Inuyasha sighed.
Miroku walked in sporting a red hand-printed face. “What?” he said to the angry faces of Kagome and Sango.
“You know very well `what', you pervert!” Sango said as she and Kagome took their seats.
Miroku took his seat alongside of Inuyasha and Koga took a seat near Kagome, much to her dismay.
They all waited for Mrs. Pulami to come into the room. Inuyasha and Miroku busied themselves by talking to one another like Kagome and Sango did.
Since Koga currently had no one to talk to he just sat there, staring at the ceiling. He was currently trying to count the number of dots on the ceiling tiles. He had reached 28 dots when the teacher finally made her presence known to his sensitive hearing and smell, and another person that was sure to get an unwelcome greeting from Kagome and Sango.
He was about to warn them of the mysterious other person but they were already walking through the door and Kagome and Sango had defiantly noticed the person when their outburst shook the whole school.
“What the hell are you doing here?!” They both yelled, causing the other occupants of the room to react by placing their hands over their ears.
Kagome noticed that Inuyasha threw his hands over the hat that adorned his silver head, but she would deal with that mystery later because right now she had a bigger problem, the person at the front of the room that had decided to grace them with their presence, the person she hated most in the world, a person by the name of …
A/N: I haven't updated in so long and I am sorry. I just haven't determined the direction I'm going with this fic. I did have an outline but now I have more ideas and this will change the whole plot! This is very frustrating but I hope to have all this worked out soon.
Plus I don't really have anything else I could be doing, I have no extracurricular activities or anything outside of school so you think I would have all the time in the world to get this done, but something always seems to draw me away from my fan fictions.
I promise to buckle down and get this outline finished or close to done so that I can get these updates out faster and I really want to make the chapters longer too. (but I can't promise you when I'll get this done … lol)
THANK YOU ALL MY AWESOME REVIEWERS! Ya'll make me want to do a happy dance because ya'll care enough to review my story and you actually like it! it makes me feel happy so I will do a happy dance! Yay!
Well, now that you've read this chapter you can review it for me. Lol. It's just a thought …