InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Feelings Arise ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kagome or Sango or Miroku … etc.
Kagome and Sango were lost and had no idea what to do. That was until Miroku walked up to Sango. “Hello Sango, I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my partner for this project.”
“A simple `will you be my partner' would have sufficed.” Sango sighed before looking to Kagome who gave her an urging smile. “But I will be your partner. Oh, and Miroku, any funny business and I'll break your arm.”
Miroku gulped at this threat but continued to smile. “You don't have to worry Sango. I promise you no funny business when we are working on the project.”
Sango snorted in disbelief and crossed her arms stubbornly. “Yeah whatever, your promises mean nothing to me.”
Miroku was about to reply but Mrs. Ajewski commanded everyone to sit down. “Now, please raise your hand if you don't have a partner.” Kagome placed her hand in the air. `Maybe I can work by myself …' she inwardly wished.
“Eh, Kagome doesn't have a partner. Now who could have seen this coming?” Mrs. Ajewski smirked; she had definitely seen it coming. “Well anyway, it seems you will have to work by your—yes Miroku?”
“Inuyasha doesn't have a partner either Mrs. Ajewski.” Miroku had the innocent voice perfected. Inuyasha and Kagome glared angrily at the grinning fool.
“So it seems … Inuyasha and Kagome will be partnered up for this project. The due date is still uncertain but I'll give you an estimate of about four weeks.” Mrs. Ajewski scribbled down the names of who were partners with whom so she would know on the presentation date.
`Well Kagome seems to be taking this fairly well …' Sango thought as she stared at the silent girl beside her. `Or maybe she doesn't believe it. After all, ignorance is bliss.'
“I can't believe I got partnered with you … Miroku is going to pay.” Inuyasha complained for the twenty-third time that day … but who was counting.
“I swear, I you don't give it a rest … I mean it's not like I'm diseased or something. Ah, it's going to be so hard to keep my promise!” Kagome cried out in anguish.
“What … promise?” Inuyasha queried the girl suspiciously.
“Eh, did I say promise ... what I meant to say was, um, that it's going to be hard to keep my … look, it's a bird!”
“Where … hey, wait a second.” Inuyasha chased after Kagome and blocked the doorway just as she was about to walk through.
“Ok, so what if I said promise. It doesn't concern you.” She made to pass him, but Inuyasha just shifted to block her path again. “It obviously does concern me and if it concerns me I have a right to know.”
He crossed his arms and a cocky smirk covered his lips. Kagome muttered something along the lines of `egotistical jerk' before telling Inuyasha to move. “Or what, you're nothing but a puny human.”
Kagome was about to punch him but … `Remember your mom and the promise you made her. Hitting Inuyasha isn't worth your mom losing her job.' She took a deep breath and unclenched her fist.
Shoving Inuyasha out of the way she entered the classroom and took a seat. Inuyasha followed slowly and soon realized that he would have to spend this class with his least favorite acquaintance, the wolf.
And to add wood to the fire, he was sitting with Kagome. That just made his agitation worse. Not only is he in the same class but he just has to be all over her.
Growling warning to those in his way, he quickly strode over to the idiot and her lover. “Hey you, I need to talk with this idiot about a project so back off.” He grabbed Kagome by the arm and pulled her—with protests on her part and Koga's—all the way to the back of the room to take the only available desk.
Looking at the boy with agitated eyes, she commanded him to explain. He rolled his eyes in return saying that he had an idea about the project, but he had lost it. The truth was he never actually had an idea. He just wanted to get her away from that blasted wolf because … hmmm, he didn't really have a reason behind his actions. The one his conscious played was no where near correct, he did NOT like Kagome like that!
The girl in question only sighed; she didn't feel like arguing with his pertinacious self during their last class of the day. It would make detention very hard to handle. Not that she couldn't handle Inuyasha if she wanted to, it was just her promise constricted her ideas.
Inuyasha glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and Kagome noticed he did this a considerable amount of times. She found herself glancing at him continuously just to see if he was looking at her.
She was getting weird thoughts in her mind about how beautiful his deep mesmerizing amber eyes were and she began inwardly wishing that his hat would dissipate so that she could see his cute ears once more.
Realizing that she had been staring at him for longer than intended, she quickly averted her eyes to another object though all her thoughts remained on him.
`What is this boy doing to me … I didn't think it possible to hate someone so much and then turn around and … what is going on!?'
The girl sighed as class began, but not so much that it was noticeable. She didn't want to become one of those girls who sighed about all the time and were hopelessly in—what was she thinking! How could her mind be saying such things? How could it betray her like this?
It's not your mind that you say has betrayed you, but it is your heart. You won't be able to fight this like you can with people. It is not something you can prevent. You, however small, are beginning to like this boy more than a friend. Her conscious lectured her and she put on a scowl. Now her conscious was betraying her.
“Traitor!” Kagome whispered loudly and Inuyasha eyed her strangely with an eyebrow raised. She smiled to fend off any questioning and gave a guilty laugh before turning her head away from him.
Class began to let out and Kagome gave an astonished gasp. How had class gone by so fast! She rose from her chair just as Inuyasha did. He grabbed her arm as she began to walk away.
“Is there something wrong with you? You've been very strange during class today.”
“Why the sudden interest? I'm just peachy, but while we're on the subject it would make me feel better if you let go of my arm.” His touch made her feel strange, a good strange though. That was why she resolved it best to get his hand off her arm quickly. “You've been acting strange too. What's with all the glances you've been giving me?”
Inuyasha dropped her arm and squirmed under her question. Why had he been side glancing at her all through class? But then again, why had she?
“Feh, I'm guessing it to be the same reason you kept looking at me.” Kagome raised a finger to argue, but dropped it to her side before storming angrily out of the room.
Inuyasha was about to follow when Koga blocked his path. “Look, you better stay away from my Kagome or else I won't go easy on you.”
Inuyasha growled back with much intensity. No one threatened him and got away with it, especially this scrawny wolf. “What if I don't stay away from her?”
“Then I'll just have to teach you a lesson in what belongs to me and not to you.”
What was he blabbering on about? Kagome didn't belong to him! “Kagome does not belong to you. She doesn't even like you.”
“Oh and why should I believe a dog?”
“Because if you touch her again, I'll hurt you. That's enough reason for me.”
“Are you two a couple or something?” Koga eyed him suspiciously.
Inuyasha thought about this for a moment before answering with a cocky smirk. “Yes.”
Koga growled deep within his throat and lunged at the hanyou. Inuyasha simply stepped aside. He had fought with much stronger opponents than this wolf. Why work up a sweat?
“Stay away from Kagome.” Inuyasha bit out before leaving the wolf in the room by himself. Everyone, including the teacher, had left when the bell rang.
As he walked through the doorway, he came face to face with Sango, Miroku and to his horror, Kagome. His cool exterior dissipated as he met her gaze. “H-how long have you guys been standing there?”
“Long enough to hear most everything.” Miroku answered with a perverted grin plastered on his face. He looked over at Kagome to see that she was staring at him.
“Inuyasha, did you really mean what you said in there?” At her question, he looked at the faces of Sango, Miroku and then finally Kagome. He wasn't about to say yes in front of all of them. So he lied. “Feh, no way. I was just trying to get that wolf angry. I didn't mean a word of it.”
Kagome glared angrily at him before filing off to the cafeteria for detention. Sango and Miroku shook their heads having earlier held a conversation over just this topic while in their last class of the day.
Sango and Miroku had arrived late to class and were forced to sit together at the only open desks. Miroku was just fine with the arrangement and secretly so was Sango, but she couldn't tell the lecher that. She complained a bit before deciding that her point was made. “I sure hope Kagome will be able to hand having Inuyasha as her partner. Why did you suggest that to Mrs. Ajewski?”
“Well someone had to get them together. Do you remember how Inuyasha let Kagome touch his ears without that much complaint? Do you remember how I told you that he bit me for just pointing at them?” Sango nodded, understanding where he was going. She had the same suspicions with Kagome and she needed to confirm them.
“Well, I do believe that he likes Kagome.”
“Yeah, and I think Kagome likes him too.” Sango added with a smile. “I think we should get them together because otherwise they will drive me crazy.”
Miroku nodded in agreement. “And speaking of love, someone in this very room has just that for me.” Sango began to fret; he couldn't be talking about her, could he? “See that girl over there; she's been waving at me all class period.” The boy pointed to some girl at the other side of the room.
Sango clenched her teeth. He was going to die. The bell rang to dismiss class. “Grrr Miroku!!!” Sango growled with intensity before chasing him through the halls.
He tried to save himself. “I was only joking! You're the only woman for me!” This only quickened her pace and anger. `The things I get myself into.' Miroku cursed inwardly as he ran down the hall, Sango not far behind.
During detention, Kagome stayed far away from Inuyasha and once it ended left quickly with Sango, the boys slowly following after them.
Naraku pulled out his cell phone as soon as they had left. “Hello babe, this is Naraku. I need a favor ... yes, it concerns the boy I told you about … you know the plan and I expect it without any flaws. This will be the perfect torment for her and him, eventually.”
Hanging up the phone, his voice hardened and his eyes turned cold. “You had better not fail me, Kikyo.”
A/N: I would have updated a lot earlier, but I was banned from the computer. I hope you like the chapter and I don't know when I'll be updating again, but I'll try not to take long. Thanks for the reviews!!
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