InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Friends: It Should Work ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Inuyasha and Co
Kagome wandered down into her kitchen and poured herself a big glass of sorrow. Even if she told Inuyasha about what really transpired between Kikyo and herself, he would never buy into it in a million years. He was just stubborn like that.
She had to think through this and confront Naraku by herself. She would tell him a thing or two about messing with her! She would also let him know that she didn't care for Inuyasha like that, even though it was a lie, to get him off her case.
Then she would move on to Kikyo. Boy was the bitch going to get what she deserved and more, and Kagome was going to make positive of that.
Those two people, Naraku and Kikyo, were easy to deal with. It was the half-demon upstairs that caused her to stop in her tracks. She didn't know how to handle that part of her problem.
She just couldn't get over the fact that he didn't believe her! Kagome beat her fisted hand onto the table angrily to get out some rage. It was not only maddening that he didn't trust her but hurtful. How could he be so cruel to take Kikyo's word against hers without a second thought? It was just screwed up!
No, it wasn't screwed up really. It was a reminder of the cold, hard truth that Inuyasha was in love with Kikyo and not her because he drank up her fountain of lies without a second thought.
They are dating, so I guess that accounts for some of it, but why can't he trust me as well? That jerk! Kagome thought bitterly as her fists clenched tighter and tighter.
The tingling sensation in her nose was a sign of tears, and she didn't want to cry, so she locked her jaw in a natural reflex to help block the flow of salty water.
“Kagome …” Inuyasha said softly from behind the girl standing with her hands on the kitchen counter top for support. She was leaning forward against the sturdy structure with her head cast downward and hair falling around her face like curtains, hiding her face from view. When she didn't respond, Inuyasha moved closer and called her name out again with worried curiosity.
“What are you doing down here? Did you finish cutting?” Kagome spoke harshly to him after the lump in her throat was dissipated and her voice could be trusted.
“You were taking a long time, and I wanted to see what the hold up was. Is that a crime or something?” Inuyasha responded, undeterred by her hostility.
“I wish it was.” Kagome murmured bitterly before turning to face him. “As you can see, I'm just standing in my kitchen.”
A tense silence followed that Inuyasha decided to break with a question to add on to the tenseness.
“We need to talk. What happened with you and Kikyo?”
Kagome rolled her eyes and grunted incredulously. Haven't we already had this conversation?
“Look, there is no need for me to tell you, Inuyasha.”
“Well, why the hell not?”
“You wouldn't believe me if I told you!”
“Try me!”
“Fine! Kikyo lied to you! There, I said it. Do you believe me?”
Inuyasha looked at Kagome with a serious stare. He didn't know what to believe anymore.
“Well what -”
“Inuyasha, she pulled me into the janitor's closet and said some things to me that I didn't like, but I kept my cool and didn't hit her. In fact, the first time I even made a move to hit her was when you stopped me. So whatever she told you was a giant lie.”
Inuyasha nodded his head slightly only as a sign of hearing her words, but one question still played on his mind. What had they talked about?
“Kagome, what did the two of you say?”
Kagome thought about if for a second before conjuring up her answer.
“She told me to stay away from you. I guess she feels threatened by my presence.” Kagome didn't bother telling the part about her liking him or that Naraku was involved because, while he wouldn't believe the latter, she didn't want to give him a chance to believe the former.
“Why would she feel threatened?” Inuyasha questioned, and Kagome shrugged convincingly in return even though she knew full and well why.
Kikyo was worried about Kagome disrupting her and Naraku's sadistic plan, but she was going to make those worries a reality.
“Let's just,” Kagome sighed loudly, “let's just finish that project and not talk about this anymore. Deal?”
Inuyasha responded with a nod and they ventured back upstairs to finish their job.
Kagome's mother returned to the house to find the two still hard at work on their school work and she was proud of her daughter for putting forth so much effort that she decided not to bother them the entire night. Instead of checking on her daughter when it was time for bed, she went into her room and went to bed when night came.
At eleven o'clock at night, Kagome started yawning repeatedly and slapping her face to keep herself awake. She and Inuyasha didn't speak much because the waters between them were still a bit rocky, but Kagome wasn't as mad at him as she was before. He never let her know if he believed her story, but he never told her he didn't either. That was enough for her at the moment because once she had proof to back up her claims, she would show him and everything would be fine. Their friendship would return to normal.
All she had to do was take care of Naraku and then Kikyo. That would solve the problem, but she wouldn't do this alone. Of course she could ask Sango and Miroku - after making him swear not to tell Inuyasha - for help in completing this task.
Kagome's eyes fluttered sleepily, trying in earnest to open. The sun was gently nudging her with it's warm rays, arousing her sleeping form. With eyes still closed, she realized she slept on her neck wrong because when she attempted to shift its position, it hurt. Not to mention her butt was feeling numb and her back ached like her neck. She had never slept so bad in her life: her bed must bear some unseen grudge towards her to grant her such displeasure.
Finally, with one forced movement, her eyelids uncovered her eyes and she squinted in the morning light. Only then did she realize she was sitting against her bed and her pillow was … moving rhythmically up and down like it was breathing.
“What the …” Kagome queried clumsily, her mind still dysfunctional from sleep. She picked her head up slowly, careful of instigating anymore unneeded ache, and massaged her neck with a rigid hand. What was she doing in the floor anyway?
She glanced slowly back at her bed and her mouth dropped open, a small gasp escaping her lips. Inuyasha was sitting beside the spot she had been asleep at moments before. He was the pillow!
The small, barely audible gasp which had sliced the room's ambient silence courtesy of Kagome caused Inuyasha to stir slightly. Kagome's mind just couldn't fathom the situation. She had fallen asleep on Inuyasha's shoulder. Last nights events were fuzzy to her mind's eye, but she deduced they both must have fallen asleep while working on the project.
Her focused changed to the tri-fold board on the ground. They had finally completed that part and all that was left was the typed paper. She smiled to herself. There was no way Mrs. Ajewski could fail her this time.
Inuyasha stirred enough to attract Kagome's attention but not awake. She studied his sleeping form and had to stifle a laugh. There was red construction paper stuck to his forehead and the glue stick was attached to his long, white hair. Kagome didn't think it was that hard to put the lid back on, but Inuyasha proved her wrong.
Smiling slightly, she inched over to Inuyasha and stretched out a delicate hand which retrieved the paper from his forehead. Tossing it behind her, she began to untangle the glue stick from his hair. It was stuck fairly well.
Her hands were becoming sticky and Inuyasha's hair was attaching itself to her too. She was becoming entangled as well. Accidentally jerking her fingers too hard, Inuyasha startled awake and stared at Kagome stupidly.
Inuyasha abruptly realized that she was sitting right beside him and jumped up. Unfortunately, Kagome went with him, and since Inuyasha didn't know that Kagome was stuck to him, his balance was thrown off. Inuyasha toppled backwards onto Kagome's bed and Kagome fell on top of him.
“What are you doing?” Inuyasha asked with a gruff, morning voice that was not yet ready to be used.
Kagome laughed awkwardly. How to explain this? She had no idea.
“I was trying to get this glue stick but now I'm stuck.” She lifted her hands to show him, a wad of his hair moving with her.
“Idiot, now what are we supposed to do.” Inuyasha asked angrily. An awkward silence pursued in which they recognized their incriminating position. Heated blushes flamed their faces red, and they instantly jerked their eyes away from each out of embarrassment.
“Kagome, are you alright in there, sweetie?” Mrs. Higurashi called out and her footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs.
Kagome's eyes widened. What would her mother say if she knew Inuyasha had spent the night? She could not let that happen.
Throwing Inuyasha a desperate look, she wrestled as hard as she could to free her hands. Only one was set free, but it was enough for her at the moment. Jumping up off of Inuyasha and unintentionally pulling him with her, she stood there in a panicked stillness. Now what?
“You have to hide!” she shot at Inuyasha who returned her anxiousness with a dry look.
“If you haven't noticed, stupid, wherever I go you follow because you had to go get your hands stuck in my hair.”
“Oh just shut-up! If you hadn't made such a commotion, my mom wouldn't be on her way up here right now!”
“You know what, Kagome, you're -” Inuyasha was unable to finish his sentence because Kagome covered his mouth with her usable hand.
“Shh!” Kagome hushed, sensing her mom was outside of her door by now.
“Kagome, breakfast is ready. Why don't you and Inuyasha come on down?”
Kagome would have fallen to the ground had she not been stuck to Inuyasha. Her mom had known and hadn't been angry. It hadn't been like Kagome had planned for him to stay over, so she must have realized the accident and decided to let it slide.
Relief washed over her. She wasn't in trouble, and her mom didn't think any different of her.
Inuyasha peeled Kagome's hand off his mouth and held onto her wrist unconsciously for a few seconds longer than intended. “Can we please get untangled now?”
“Oh, right. How attached are you to your hair, Inuyasha?” Kagome asked discreetly, her eyes having caught the pair of scissors on the floor behind them.
Inuyasha followed her obvious gaze. “We are not cutting my hair, so think of something else.”
“Fine, why don't we just go in my bathroom.”
“You mean, you want to take a shower with me or something?”
“You've been around Miroku way too long.”
“The longer you're around someone, the more you become like them.”
“Inuyasha, we need to stop spending so much time together then so my IQ will stop dropping.” Kagome said playfully.
“Hey, if any one is causing a decrease of intelligence, it's you.”
“Who got glue stuck in their hair?”
“Well who got themselves stuck in that glue?”
“Shut-up!” Kagome countered, splashing water on him from the sink she was filling with water.
Inuyasha recovered and splashed water at her. When their water fight was through, they returned to the task at hand.
“What kind of glue is this crap?”
“'Extra strength and stick' glue, supposedly,” Kagome read aloud from the label. “Okay, almost … almost … there! We're free!”
While they were separated, Inuyasha's hair was a sticky mess. Kagome couldn't stop from laughing.
“You're welcome to use the shower if you want. I mean, unless you want to come to breakfast looking like that.”
“I didn't think you'd want me to stay anyway, considering how angry you were with me.”
Kagome frowned; why had he brought that up? Did he not want to stay or something?
“Do you want to go home then?” She asked coldly, turning away from him.
“Well, no, anything is better than Sesshomaru.”
“Oh, so we're a last resort. Second pickings, huh?” She caught herself before she said “I'm” in place of “we're.”
“Why do you make everything so difficult?”
“The same reason you do!”
“And what reason is that?!”
“I don't know, you tell me!”
Kagome sighed. Why was she doing this? She didn't want to fight with him, but it came naturally. They always seemed to fight whenever they got together. She figured that he and Kikyo never raised their voices.
“Look, let's not do this. I hate fighting with you, Kagome. Let's just be friends.”
“Yeah … that would be for the best.” Kagome sounded in an empty voice. She should just forget her feelings and let Inuyasha be happy with Kikyo. After all, if he was happy, then she should be happy for him. It would be the right thing to do.
“I guess I'll get out of here so you can take a shower. There is just a regular bar of soap in there so you don't have to smell like my flowery shower gels.” Kagome laughed softly as she walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.
She didn't have any `boyish' shampoo or conditioner, so if he decided to wash his hair, he was out of luck.
She laughed quietly to that too. She could do this. She could just be friends with him. If it went on like this, everything would be fine.
A/N: I grant all those who wish to chase after me in an angry mob with pitchforks and flaming torches permission to do so. I'm not going to apologize since I do that in most all of my previous a/n's.
However, I am going to do my best to see this story through to the end. To do that, I'm going to need the help of my readers. When you see I haven't updated in a while, leave a review telling me to get out the next chapter (in the nicest way possible please).
Thanks for all my reviews and hope you enjoyed.