InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ There's More Than One Way to Skin A Weasel ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co
Rumiko Takahashi is their awesome creator
The trio had everything figured out down to the last detail. They knew how and when they were going to uncover Kikyo's lies and make Inuyasha believe them, but there was one last problem: where? Where were they going to do this?
That fact alone was holding them back. They had to have a place, one that Kikyo would be willing to enter. One where Kagome could accidentally bump into her in and force a confession.
Where, oh where could their plan be executed?
“One for you, one for you, one for - no, you're not cool enough,” Kikyo retracted her hand and the invitation it held from a boy wearing glasses which had broken and he'd obviously done a home job of fixing them. A nerd right out of the movies with the tape on the nose bridge and all.
Kikyo was passing out exclusive invites everywhere around school. All the athletes and cheerleaders were given the first ones. Now she was going around to the other popular population that wasn't involved in sports; the ones whose popular status was based on clothes, relationships and other superficial things.
They were officially coined the “Airheads” when Kagome and Sango spoke of them. Kikyo fit the description perfectly, but they used other words when describing her.
When Kagome reached the table occupied by Miroku, Sango and Inuyasha, she was surprised to see invitations with their names on them. She knew Inuyasha would be going, but she doubted the invitation would be extended to them and especially not herself. Kikyo hated her without a doubt.
“And, of course, I couldn't forget about Inuyasha's,” Kikyo paused, giving her overly-sweet and false voice a short rest, “friends.” She gave a preppy giggle at the end, completing the innocence with perfection.
Kagome, however, saw straight through the act and didn't return the fake favor. She didn't even respond at all. Pulling out her chair, she took a seat, glancing briefly at the envelope to her left before eating.
Miroku and Sango muttered insincere thanks and the conversations began one after the other about various topics of interest.
Kikyo finally interjected herself into one of the conversations, changing the subject completely.
“So about my party, it's for no other reason than to have a party. It's not my birthday, in case you were wondering, so don't bring a present,” Kikyo began.
I wouldn't give you a present if you paid for it, wrapped it yourself and gave it to me to bring, Kagome thought, you stupid ho.
“It isn't formal, so dress casual,” continued Kikyo, unaware of her audience's disinterest.
They were implementing the age-old technique: smile, nod and say “yeah” or “uh-huh” whenever deemed appropriate. It was the bad listener's secret to staying on the speakers good side. Sadly, it didn't always work on the teachers, but in Kikyo's case, it was fine because she only lived to hear herself talk.
Kikyo's words were nothing more than “blah, blah, blah” to Kagome's ears. She was busying herself with her lunch, not talking to anyone. She was trying to think of a place where they could catch the filthy Kikyo-rat and expose her for what she really was.
Her eyes roamed over the slanted, curly, elegant script of her name on the outside of the invitation envelope in sparkling, silver ink. Was there even such a thing as silver ink, she wondered. I guess you can get anything if you're rich enough.
Kagome gasped audibly, causing the entire lunch table - Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango and Kikyo - to look at her oddly.
“What?” asked Inuyasha curiously.
Kagome blushed, realizing her blunder, and said, “Nothing, don't worry about it.”
She couldn't think up a lie quick enough.
“Well you had to do that for a reason,” insisted Inuyasha.
“I don't have to have a reason,” retorted Kagome, “for the things that I do.”
“Well I want a reason,” continued Inuyasha.
“I don't have to give you one,” smirked Kagome.
“Really now,” finished Inuyasha.
“Yeah,” countered Kagome.
They glared at each other, and then Kagome started laughing and Inuyasha smiled. I love the sound of her laugh, he thought to himself.
“Anyway,” interjected Kikyo, queen of interruptions, “Inuyasha, I was wondering what you thought about my new outfit. Do I look great or what?”
Inuyasha looked at her briefly and stifled a chuckle because he heard what Kagome had just muttered under her breath. Calming himself, he responded suavely, “You look gorgeous, babe.”
Kagome gagged on the inside. She still couldn't stand the couple actions those two participated in.
“I'm going to take my tray,” spoke Kagome as she stood up, “be right back.”
She headed over to the lunch ladies at the tray drop-off area and handed over her empty plate. While she was waiting for the lunch ladies to turn around and acknowledge her outstretched hand, another arm was extended beside hers and it held two trays in its strong grasp.
Kagome tilted her head up and to the side; Inuyasha stood tall beside her.
“I heard what you said back there,” he prompted, “you know, about Kikyo's outfit.”
Kagome's eyes opened wide and she laughed nervously. Her gaze found his ears, Damn hearing.
“Yeah, about that,” began Kagome, “I just said it without thinking.”
Kagome didn't look at him. She felt ashamed of herself. It wasn't the worst thing she could have called her, but she figured Inuyasha was not happy about it.
“Well, as much as I hate to agree with you on anything,” Inuyasha spoke without looking at her, “she does resemble a fire truck.”
Kagome's shocked eyes and mouth opened large, and she turned to face Inuyasha with an incredulous look. “I thought you said she looked,” Kagome paused before imitating him in her best deep man voice, “gorgeous, babe?” She added on the pet name to further her point.
Yeah, well,” Inuyasha handed his and Kikyo's trays over to the cafeteria workers who had finally decided to do their job, “as her boyfriend I am supposed to say things like that.”
Kagome handed off her tray as well. “Then you lie to her all the time?” Maybe even about liking her, Kagome thought with hope.
“You're making me sound bad,” Inuyasha glanced at her, “babe.
“Save your pet names for your pet,” Kagome grumbled darkly. She didn't want to be associated with Kikyo in any way.
“Kagome,” spoke Inuyasha with a serious tone Kagome didn't like, “why can't you just get along with Kikyo for once. I don't know what your problem is, but she's being nice to you. She even invited you to this party without me having to ask. You, Miroku and Sango should be happy.”
“What, happy that she thought of us? She only did it because we're friends with you,” she said quietly trying to keep the spite out of her voice.
Kagome looked at Kikyo's outfit once more. Black stilettos and skin tight, faded jeans with holes splattered everywhere. She also wore a dark red, skin-tight v-neck which dipped way below what dress code allowed.
Flashy weasel! thought Kagome with a sharp edge.
Kagome walked beside Miroku who was beside Sango on their way home from school. Inuyasha would be leaving right about now with a blood-sucking leech named Kikyo attached to his arm.
She had just finished explaining her idea and they were thinking it over rationally.
“We were thinking the same thing. It would be the perfect place to corner Kikyo and have her reveal her bitchy-evilness,” said Sango as they crossed the street and reached the large tree.
“So it's settled then? Everything's going to happen at the party?” queried Kagome.
They stopped under the tree to finish talking before they split up, a heavy silence settling between them like a thick shadow.
“Commence the operation! We're going in - Jason Bourne style!”
“Shut-up Miroku.” Sango punched him in the arm for his lame sentence.
Kagome sighed, “You're so stupid.”
“No, seriously, I've got this spy gear thing. We can get her confession on tape.”
The girls eyed him on the verge of laughter.
“You mean you have some spy gadget, for real?” Kagome couldn't grasp the idea of Miroku buying those cheap toys.
“It was a mail in offer.”
“Yeeeaaahh, okay then. You just keep on eating your cereal,” teased Sango.
“You owe that cereal our success, Sango.” Miroku's serious features and voice sent the girls reeling in high-pitched giggles.
Kagome padded barefoot across her room and over to her closet. She slid back the door and stepped inside, craning her neck for a particular box.
It was perched on the highest shelf and standing on her tip toes barely sufficed for recovery. She peeled back the lid and checked the existences of the objects inside.
One specifically held more value than the other trinkets. She carefully retrieved it, gingerly handling the frayed, rope-like band of a necklace. A single, mystifying sphere was the only decoration.
Kagome meandered over to her bed, plopping down and positioning her legs like a pretzel. She held the spherical, pink ornament level with her eyes, staring at it intensely.
The pink swirls appeared in motion. The resemblance of a crystal ball always wriggled its way into her mind, which would make her the fortune teller.
This jewel was responsible for her troubles as far as she was concerned, and she had to concern herself. It was her duty.
A/N: So here's the chapter!!! Hope you like! (sorry for the wait ~ I was just sorta in a rut where I didn't have the passion to write this story but I'm out of it now)
Reviews would be great!!!!!!
Thank you for reviewing the previous chapter. Reviews are great reminders that help me remember to update and they remind me that I'm not writing something that no one is reading. I like readers!! AND REVIEWS!