InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ A Change Of Heart ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and company.
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Kikyo deposited the pretzel-filled bowl into the hands of a random guest and strode across the pool house floor, weaving in and out of people she barely knew. She checked her phone for missed calls, frowned deeply and stalked upstairs for some quiet.
Inuyasha's absence had made her look bad. She'd had to lie to all her friends and say he caught cold and couldn't come when she really had no idea where he was. This unusual occurrence worried her. She had, of course, returned to Inuyasha for the sake of Naraku's master plan, but she did like him. Inuyasha was a good guy, and he made her feel like a better person.
When they first met at their old school, Inuyasha was so cold and disconnected from everything. He was handsome though, and when Kikyo saw that he liked her, she decided to have some fun. He was easy to manipulate with the right amount of pleading and tears, his outward ferocity a mask for his truly kind heart.
The hatred she had for Kagome stemmed from pure jealousy. She wanted Inuyasha all to herself. She recalled Kagome and Inuyasha, looking like a happy couple, strolling around the fair the first night she'd returned to him. Inuyasha already liked Kagome back then (she could tell by the way he'd acted), but that had been a minor hurdle to jump.
So when Naraku had told her over the phone about Inuyasha moving on, she'd wanted to show him that no one (especially Inuyasha) ever got over her a hundred percent. While proving her point, she would also be repaying Naraku for previously helping her, and that was why she agreed to follow the orders of a sadistic demon.
But sometimes, when Inuyasha and her were together, she'd have random failures of confidence when she caught the distracted look on his face. Was he thinking about her? She'd always spout some question about her own beauty or tell him how amazing she was to make sure he realized how good he had it as “Kikyo's boyfriend.”
She checked her phone again - nothing. She sat in the dark bedroom on the edge of a bed, her conscious resuming a practice it usually saved for just before sleep. She felt horrid and ugly. All her past and current wrongs haunted her as she sat there, wondering where the hell Inuyasha could be and why he'd left her alone at her own party. This disappointment did not sit well with her - a person who always got her way.
The phone rang in her hand and she flipped it open quickly, expecting an apologetic Inuyasha to fume at on the other line.
“I finally got Kagome to agree. Get your driver ready,” said Naraku.
Kikyo's shoulders slumped. “Just like that? She didn't put up a fight at all?” Her skeptic tone brought forth a laugh from Naraku.
“You can get anyone to do anything with the right persuasion.” The gloating triumph in his voice resonated badly with Kikyo.
“And how did you persuade her?”
“Let's just say she values Inuyasha more than her job as priestess,” he answered coolly.
“Wait a minute, Naraku! You said Inuyasha wouldn't get hurt! You said all you wanted was Kagome! You said -”
“I say a lot of things, Kikyo, to get what I want. I needed you to separate Kagome and the half-demon to weaken her defenses so I could steal the jewel. I needed you to call Kagome's attention elsewhere to more trivial matters. With her mind and heart full of conflicting emotions, I thought her powers would diminish enough that I might take my prize. It didn't work. And do you want to know why?” His venomous voice stung her into fearful silence.
“You failed me, Kikyo. Inuyasha and Kagome haven't been as separate as you thought. What happened to that short leash and overall control you promised me? Inuyasha confronted me earlier today - apparently, he saw us together and knew something was up. His finding out was not part of the plan, but I decided he might as well know it all. He didn't even flinch at the nasty names I called you and I thought Inuyasha was doing well in keeping his cool, but once I let slip what I had in store for Kagome, he really lost his temper.
“Seems to me he cares for her more than his own girlfriend. But I'd hate my girlfriend too if she had used me as a pawn in another man's game. So yes, Kikyo, I did say before that all I wanted was Kagome. But you screwed up and plans have changed. You're lucky I was able to use Inuyasha to get Kagome to comply, but if you mess up again, no amount of luck is going to save you.”
His threat struck heavy and she squeezed her eyes shut, imagining the painful punishment she'd get for her next wrong move.
“Where is he?” whispered Kikyo hoarsely.
“Is that genuine concern I hear? Surely you aren't worried about your lapdog?” His sick laughter froze her heart mid-beat and she clutched the phone tight against her ear. “Get your driver to pick Kagome up and bring her to my place. Do this and I'll consider your debt paid.”
The phone went dead and the buzzing filled her ear.
Debt … she thought regretfully. She never should have called in a favor from Naraku, she never should have pleaded with him to save her from a rightful expulsion.
He had too much control over her, and she was nobody's puppet! Angry now, she stole from the room and fled down the stairs.
Miroku and Sango stood off in a corner, talking frantically and searching the room with their eyes. The murderous glances she received upon stopping in front of them were nothing compared to the look Naraku was going to give her before he punished her severely. But if she didn't tell the truth now, who knew what condition Inuyasha and Kagome would be in by tomorrow. Things had gone too far and out of her control.
“I have a confession to make!”
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Inuyasha … Inuyasha … Inuyasha … Kagome trekked across the lawn in a daze.
Inuyasha's in trouble … what'll I do … I can't give it to him …but if I don't …
She saw Miroku and Sango through the sliding glass door and wrenched it open just as Kikyo joined them in the corner. Kagome barely noticed those around her as she raced forward and took Kikyo to the ground without warning.
She punched and scratched and screamed and cursed while Kikyo and her wrestled on the floor. “You deserve to die, you uncaring, heartless bitch! I hate you! I hate you!!!” Kagome couldn't quell the hot tears any longer which burst forth in her anger. Kikyo pushed Kagome off and scrambled away, panting and sore. “I hate you …” muttered Kagome softly, covering her face in her hands while sobs shook her small frame.
“Kagome, what's wrong?!” Sango crouched down to comfort her friend and Kagome cried even louder.
“I need to go home. I have to - I have hurry. I don't have much time.” Kagome quickly rubbed her eyes dry and rose.
“Much time for what? Kagome, you're freaking me out,” admitted Sango.
“Naraku gave her a deadline,” interrupted Kikyo from the floor. “If she doesn't meet Naraku in time, then Inuyasha will …” she broke off unhappily.
“Like you care. Its all your fault anyway,” sneered Kagome. “C'mon, guys, let's get out of here.”
“You're right,” said Kikyo as she stood up, “It is my fault. But you have to believe me when I say I didn't know things were going to turn out like this.”
The three glared at her sincerity and began walking away. Kikyo followed them out of the pool house and grabbed Miroku by the arm to stop them in the front yard. The loud, ear-busting music inside which had concealed their fight and argument, was muffled by the closed door.
“Please, listen to me, Miroku! I know you already know that Inuyasha took the wrap for my act of violence at our old school. But what you don't know is that Naraku was the one who orchestrated Inuyasha being pegged for it. I asked him to help me out since my father would have disowned me had I been expelled from another school. Ever since then, Naraku said I'd have to repay him one day. Well, he called me to come here and be Inuyasha's girlfriend again.
“He said that some girl named Kagome and him were becoming close and that he didn't want Kagome to be happy or something. It worked out nicely because I didn't want anyone else to have Inuyasha but me. I swear to you I didn't know Naraku was after anything else, Kagome! I would never want a demon like him to have it. I only wanted Inuyasha! You have to believe me!”
“You are despicable. How could you treat Inuyasha like that and still think you deserve him?” responded Miroku to further shame her.
“What's he after then? What don't you want him to have?” queried Sango with a hard edge.
Kikyo, without answering, looked right at Kagome, causing Sango and Miroku to glance expectantly at their friend.
“The Shikon Jewel,” said Kagome, “he's after the Shikon Jewel.”
“But … it was destroyed hundreds of years ago. Dad told me so,” said Sango, not understanding.
“Remember that box you took from my closet and I freaked out and grabbed it? The jewel is hidden inside and I've been protecting it ever since my grandfather died.”
“But that's impossible! I would have detected its presence. You live beside Inuyasha and his older brother! They would have said something or done something to get it. This doesn't make sense,” continued Sango.
Kagome shook her head. “The barrier is strong enough to conceal the jewel's aura. But somehow, Naraku found out.”
“Don't look at me,” shrugged Kikyo when all eyes turned on her.
“You can't give it to him,” stated Miroku absolutely and Kagome responded, “I know. But Inuyasha … I have to save him.”
“I don't mean to be pushy, but if we want to have any chance of saving him, we better get moving. Naraku doesn't like to wait and I'm supposed to take you to his house once you've retrieved the jewel,” said Kikyo once the trio had fallen into pensive silence.
“You're helping too?” demanded Sango and Miroku. Kagome was already shaking her head in refusal.
“I'm tired of following Naraku's orders. I want Inuyasha safe too,” assured Kikyo.
Sango, Kagome and Miroku exchanged wary glances while Kikyo called her driver to come pick them up.
“Fine,” agreed Kagome reluctantly, “but if you're screwing with us, Kikyo, I swear I'll make you regret it.”
A/N: Helloooo? Anybody still out there? Lol, thanks for reading this newest chapter and thanks for keeping up with this story. Man, it's taking me forever to finish! I'm really sorry about my slowness. Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but my chapters got numbered wrong when I tried to replace other chapters with edited versions. It bugs me but I'm afraid to mess it up even more so I'm not going to fix it.
So you've read (hopefully unless you just skimmed to the bottom) and now you should review ~ please tell me what you think and I promise I'll update faster this time. But first I want to see if anyone is still reading this … : )