InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blood ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Author's notes:
NEW NOTE! Sorry for the multiple updates guys! My computer was having a freakout and I was trying to fix the weird formatting. Next chapter will be up as soon as I'm done with it!
Sequel to my story Nightwalker. If you haven't read that story yet, I suggest you do if you don't want spoilers or if you want to make sense of this story better. If you don't care, well, I hope you enjoy yourself anyway.
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, nor do I take credit for Romiko Takahashi's genius. I'm not that good at marketing.
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REVIEWERS: This chapter is dedicated to Unistar and Splendid Goddess for their awesome reviews! Thanks guys! I needed those! That being said, this is a loooong chapter, but since the prologue was so short, I thought I would reward my two reviewers with a little special something.
@UNISTAR: You have a lot of questions about Inu/Kag's relationship. Don't worry, keep reading and you'll see!
@SPLENDID GODDESS: Thank you SO much for your kind words. You're review was like a birthday present for me! ^_^
Warning: Lemon in chapter. Don't read if you don't like.
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Chapter One: Reunion
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She had been sitting alone, reading, until the two of them burst into her room, bleeding and covered in sweat. She stared at them with wide eyes, taking in their bruises and injuries. “What in the…Chase, Narek, what happened to you two?”
Chase whipped some blood off his forehead and tried to speak, but he took a heavy breath instead. It was Narek who spoke first. “We were ambushed.”
“By whom?” She crossed the room and began to inspect his wounds. Gashes and blue marks covered his body and red welts covered his arms and legs. “These are horrible; who did this?”
“We don't know.” Said Chase. “I didn't recognize anyone who attacked us. They moved faster then usual.” Chase covered his mouth as he coughed. His hand came away red with blood.
She came to stand next to him and placed her hand on his neck, a very difficult thing to do since he was so much taller then she was. “You shouldn't talk. It looks like you have some trauma in your neck.”
She turned to look at Narek with narrowed eyes. “You two look like you barely escaped with your lives. And your wounds should have closed by now. What happened? Tell me everything.”
“Lucy,” Narek panted, “those nightwalkers that attacked us, they already had the scent of blood coating them, nightwalker blood. They came at us and kept hitting us in the chest…”
Lucy's red eyes darkened at Nareks words. She saw him give her a questioning look before she gestured for him to continue.
“They didn't even feel pain. We had no choice but to kill all of them just to keep ourselves alive.”
Lucy didn't speak for a while. She looked at Narek's wounds and then turned to Chase. “I want you two to stay here until those injuries heal.” Lucy walked over to the door and then faced Narek once again. “You said they kept trying to hit you in the middle?”
Both men had large gashes on their chests. Narek in particular, was sporting a nasty red slash right above his breastbone; the wound was starting to fester with puss. “Can you tell me how they tried to come at you?”
Narek glared at her suspiciously. “Is there something you know that I should be aware of?”
Lucy waved her hand at him. “I can't tell you until I'm sure of the situation. Stay here.”
“Where are you going?”
“I'm going after Xander. Then, I think I'll pay a visit to an old friend.”
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Kagome walked into the large mansion and took a long sniff. The scent of her family came from all over, and she knew she was at their home. Though the house was quiet, she knew that her family members were off somewhere. She walked through the house, looking around. The family's taste in furniture had not changed. She noticed the mahogany chairs and the tables with intricate carvings, the Victorian sofas, and the black curtains with red embroidery. She wondered into the sitting room and smiled. Inuyasha walked in behind her and said hello to the woman sitting by the fireplace. She was lean and beautiful with black hair tied high into a tail and shining red eyes. “Welcome back.” She said to Kagome. Then she glanced at Inuyasha coldly. “You're in trouble.”
Inuyasha clicked his teeth. “I didn't do anything the old tightwad wouldn't have ordered me to do, Kagura.”
Kagura's disapproving expression didn't change. “You're still in trouble.”
“Trouble?” Said the child in Kagura's lap. “Yes, Taiki,” coed Kagura, “uncle Inuyasha is in a lot of trouble for leaving without orders.”
Kagome came closer and knelt down till she was eye level with the child. “Oh, this is Taiki. I haven't seen you since you were a baby!” She smiled. The boy turned toward his mother and clung to her nervously.
Kagome shook her head. “You don't remember me huh?”
“This is your aunt Kagome, Taiki. She's Inuyasha's mate.”
Kagome chuckled when Taiki faced her and tilted his head to the side as though he were examining an abstract piece of artwork. “Kagome, like the game?”
“That's right. Oh you're so cute, you look just like your daddy.” Taiki blinked at her. It was hard to believe that this shy, angelic child was Sesshoumaru's son. He had his father's silver hair and golden eyes, but his face lacked the cold harshness that belonged to the head of her family. Instead, he looked at Kagome with bewilderment. “Kagome…”
Kagura smiled and encouraged Taiki to shake Kagome's hand. “So how old is he now?”
“Eight.” Kagura replied.
Kagome felt that she should have been surprised, but she wasn't. Nightwalker children aged much slower then human children did. Though Taiki was eight years old, his physical appearance looked like that of a three year old. In fact, Kagome herself still looked the same as she did ten years ago, but since she was a human born nightwalker, a nightwalker who was once human, she would never physically age beyond the age of her appearance: twenty.
“Have you seen anyone else?” Kagura said. “They'd be glad to see you've returned.” Kagome stared at Kagura's face. The same stoic, composed and intelligent face she'd seen in the past was now warm and welcoming. Did having a child change her no-nonsense demeanor?
“By the way, Inuyasha.” Kagura said suddenly. “Sesshoumaru demanded that you go to him when you return. You have a lot to explain about your sudden disappearance, not to mention that you've missed what was discussed in the last meeting. I suggest you get moving before you make him even angrier.”
Kagome shook her head. Kagura hadn't changed that much. Mother or not, she was still nightwalker queen. She was every bit the same intelligent and capable woman she was ten years ago.
“Tch. Fine, I'm going.” Inuyasha sighed. “Hey,” he gestured to Kagome, “go say `hi' to the others. Otherwise, they'll get pissy at me for not telling them you were here.”
Kagome waved as Inuyasha left the room. Kagura stood and nodded to Kagome. “Go. It's about time I put this little one to bed.” As she left the room, with Taiki holding her hand, the child turned around and said, “Bye-bye Kagome.”
Kagome smiled as she left the room and walked down the hall. Now that the false nightwalker king was dead, nightwalker children were no longer in any danger of being killed. She remembered the day when Inuyasha had visited her, telling her that Sesshoumaru and Kagura's son was born. Kagome didn't know the details since she had been living in the human world, but, apparently, Taiki was the one of the first nightwalker child in almost two hundred years. It was hard to believe that Sesshoumaru was a father. The head of her family was cold and authoritative, but, looking at the way that Taiki behaved, Kagome had no doubt that he was a very loving dad.
Nothing had changed much in the family as far as Kagome knew. In the past ten years, members of the family would visit her from time to time and tell her about embarrassing or funny experiences, but no new major development, other then Taiki's birth, had been mentioned. She had been away from the family for so long and she wondered if she had grown apart from anyone in the family in all that time. How much had changed, she wondered. Was everyone in the family the same as she remembered? No sooner had the thought crossed her mind when she heard a familiar voice coming from the lounge.
“Don't make fun of me! You two can go around, shaking your boobs like no problem. Me, I have no sex appeal whatsoever!”
Kagome covered her mouth, trying to keep her laughter quiet, as she inched toward the open doorway. Inside, a young, thin girl with chin-length blond hair, who was wearing the most colorful outfit Kagome had ever seen, was glaring at two other women. One of them was slender and fair skinned, with long, black, curly hair, and green eyes that put emeralds to shame. The other woman was tall and curvaceous, with long, wavy, golden hair, and kind, brown eyes.
“Oh come on Claire, there are men who are attracted to body types like yours.” Said the woman with golden hair.
“Yeah, freaks who like lolitas. There's just one thing about being stuck in the body of a fifteen year old. My boobs will always be flat!”
“An A cup isn't that bad.”
“Shut up Natalia. Oh you can gloat, you're boobs are second only to Rukiya's and Lilliana's perfect c cups. Bitch, I hate you.”
The woman with said “perfect c cups” rolled her green eyes.
“Even Kagome's breasts are bigger then mine!”
Kagome couldn't help it. She walked into the room and asked, “Just what started this whole breast tirade?”
Instantly Kagome stumbled backward as the young, colorful girl tackled and squeezed her. “Kagome! I missed you!”
Kagome hugged her back and said, “I missed you too Claire, but what's this about my breasts?”
Claire let her go and grabbed Kagome's chest. “Hey!”
“It all started,” Claire said, ignoring Kagome's distress, “when I asked Natalia if she wanted to have babies anytime soon and she said she didn't want to share her breasts with anyone other then Christiano. I make one comment about having more then enough of a boob to share and she starts making fun of me for being flat. Bitch.” Claire squeezed Kagome's chest. “And you, with your almost c-cup boobies…damn it, my mosquito bites don't even compare.”
“Yeah, but breasts aren't everything. At least you won't have any back pain.” Kagome said.
“Says the girl who has boobs that can actually bounce. That's it, I give up.” Claire let her go and slumped back down in the large sofa she had been sitting in before Kagome walked into the room.
“Well, now that she's finished.” Natalia rose from her seat to welcome Kagome. As soon as she let go of Kagome, she said, “So how's the sex life? If Inuyasha being good to you?”
Kagome blushed. Natalia and her mate, Christiano, were the biggest perverts in the family. Every time Natalia had visited her in the past ten years, she would always have something to say about how wonderful her mate was in bed. She'd then pummel Kagome with uncomfortable questions about how things were going with Inuyasha. If Inuyasha suddenly decided that he wanted kids, if things were working well in the bedroom, there wasn't a single thing that was sacred for Natalia but Kagome would be lying if she didn't admit that she liked Natalia's carefree and sisterly attitude.
“Nat, can't you say something less intrusive?”
Natalia turned toward the other woman and glared at her. “It's not like I can ask you about your naughty bits. You have no mate, in fact, I'm willing to bet that you've never had sex in your life and you're over a hundred years old! You're so frigid! You need to go out and get laid, Lilliana. A lifetime of celibacy can't be healthy.”
Lilliana shrugged. “I never found anyone that interests me.”
“It's not about interest!” Claire said. “It's about getting rid of those goddamn urges. I don't know how you do it! I go NUTS in the summer, and I want to pounce at the first male I lay eyes on. You, oh you have no libido whatsoever. I've never even seen you flirt!”
“Speaking of which,” Natalia said, “I wish Christiano was back from guard duty. It's so hot, I think I'm going to go out of my mind! I hate the summer. Any moment I'm away from my mate, I'm going crazy.”
Kagome couldn't help but feel her heart rate speed up at Natalia's words. She knew that summer was a nightwalker's natural mating season. During her first summer away from the family, in the human world, she either wanted to do one of two things: the first was to fill up her bathtub with icy cold water and just stay there, the second was to find Inuyasha and tackle him to her bed. The heat was enough to drive any nightwalker wild. Their body heat was already so warm that any access heat irritated them and the only kind of extra heat that nightwalkers liked, was the heat of the opposite sex. Luckily for Kagome, Inuyasha was also going out of his mind. The moment he stepped into her room that first summer, Kagome had spent the rest of the night with him in her bed.
“How the hell do you take this heat?” Kagome was brought back from her thoughts by Natalia's voice. She was staring incredulously at Lilliana.
“A cold bathtub is all I need.” Lilliana replied.
Natalia hit her playfully on the shoulder. “Why don't you go out and meet someone. With your `perfect c-cups…'”
“Oh shut up,” said Claire.
“…you'd have no problem finding someone to bone.”
Lilliana looked down at her hands, which were folded in her lap. “I just want to be with someone I really care about. I don't just jump into things like you do.”
The solemn look on Lilliana's face spoke volumes for Kagome. Her whole life, Lilliana had loved, and hated, only one person and he had been their enemy. She'd fallen in love with his kindness as a child, but the man she knew changed when he became a nightwalker. It seemed like, to Kagome at least, that Lilliana didn't know how to love anyone else. Her first love was tainted by hatred and anger. It was no wonder she would have trouble finding anyone else. Lilliana must have noticed the look on Kagome's face because she said, “What? Don't you feel the same way?”
Kagome nodded. It wasn't like she hated Inuyasha, but, as far their relationship went, Kagome wasn't sure just where they stood. Sure, she never regretted becoming his mate, but, at the time, she knew she didn't love him. Yet, now…Kagome wasn't sure. She cared about him that was for sure, he was her friend, and a great lover in bed, but as far as an emotional connection, Kagome didn't know if it was strong enough to be considered love, especially since she didn't know what love felt like. She'd never been in love before. Sure, in the past ten years, he'd visited her from time to time and told her how things were going with the family, but his political job had kept him away, and Kagome, enjoying her freedom at the time, didn't have a problem that his visits were so short. But in that time, whenever she'd meet him, they would talk or mate, but only for a little while; it didn't feel like they had gotten any closer.
As if reading her thoughts, Natalia said, “Oh I know that look. That's the, `I do want someone I care about, but I don't know if I do' look.”
“What?” Kagome said. “How did you?”
“I felt that way myself you know. Back when I met Christiano for the first time, I changed him into a nightwalker only because I felt sorry for him.”
“You never told me how the two of you met.” Claire said suddenly, leaning forward in her seat. “What happened?”
“Let's see, it was 1917 and I was walking in Brazil at the time. I found Christiano in an alleyway. He was beaten half to death. I'd tell you how that happened, but he refuses to tell me just who attacked him and why, even to this day. I felt so sorry for him and I knew he was going to die soon and…”
“Details, details!” Claire whined. “I want to know how you two horn-dogs fell in love!”
“Okay, okay!” Natalia huffed. She looked at Kagome and winked. “The first three years, oh we hated each other. He got on my nerves with his nonchalant attitude. Not to mention that he was negative toward everything! I don't know what happened in his human life, he never talked about it, and I didn't ask, but I felt that his sarcasm and negativity was not appreciated, nonetheless.”
“Oh I remember that.” Said Lilliana. “He was annoying back then.”
“So how did you fall in love?” Kagome asked.
“Well, we were sex friends for a long, long time.”
“I should have known.” Claire mumbled.
“I didn't know if I loved him, but eventually, in the bedroom, he started to open up, and we started to get along. I don't know how or when it happened, but soon, there wasn't anyone in the family I cared about more. It took a few years, but I just knew one day, and he felt the same way. So when the both of us became one hundred and we could finally mate for good, we got Sesshoumaru's blessing.”
“And the pair of you have been the biggest perverts in the family ever since.” Kagome said.
“You got that right.” Claire said. They all laughed. When the laughter began to die down, Natalia leaned in toward Kagome and whispered in her ear. “Trust me. You may not know now, but when it happens, you'll know, you'll feel it. And I know it will happen. I've seen the way he looks at you, he wouldn't look at you that way if he didn't care. Caring comes first, love comes second.”

Kagome blinked at Natalia and she opened her mouth to speak but Natalia added, “Just wait for things to happen naturally, they always do.”
Before Kagome could retort, a man walked into the room and said, “What's so funny?” He was tall, with broad shoulders, black hair, tanned skin and grey eyes. Natalia squealed and ran to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “Chrissy, you're back.” He made a face. “I told you not to call me that.”
“Oh come on Christiano,” Natalia whined, “you know you like it.”
“Yeah, in the bedroom, not here.”
Claire clicked her teeth. “Whoa, too much information there.”
Christiano ignored her and stared at Kagome. “Welcome back.” He said.
Kagome nodded. “How've you been?”
“Good. I'd be better if it weren't for all the guard duty I'm getting.”
“Guard duty?”
“Yeah, with all the attacks going on, each of us has been put on guard duty. We alternate every few hours.”
Claire whined. “It's my turn next. I hate getting the daylight shift, but at least I get to guard with Bill and not Albier.”
“So are things really as bad as Inuyasha said?” Kagome looked from Claire to Christiano. “How often are these attacks happening?”
Christiano sighed. “I don't know. The details are still vague. The attacks seem to happen at random and we haven't figured out a pattern yet, but Sesshoumaru has warned us to be cautious.”
“You know,” Claire said. “I have been itching for some action in the past ten years, but I wasn't expecting to be called back to the main house because of something like this.”
“What do you mean?” Kagome said.
“To be honest.” Lilliana began. “The only family members who were in the main house, this one, for the last ten years were Inuyasha, Rukiya, Sesshoumaru, Kagura, and Taiki. Most of the other family members would come and go every now and then, but most of us lived apart. We were all called back as soon as these attacks began happening.”
“I see.” Kagome replied.
Claire stood and walked toward the door with her shoulders slumped forward. “I better get to guard duty before Bill gets pissed at me for being late again. It's almost sun up anyway.”
“We should get going too.” Natalia said to Christiano. “Oh, now what do you have in mind?” Christiano replied.
“Ugh, get a room.” Lilliana sighed. Natalia stuck her tongue out at her. “You don't know what you're missing. A mate's blood is better then any other.” Then she looked at Kagome. “Spend the night with me tomorrow? We have a lot of catching up to do.”
Kagome nodded and Natalia and Christiano left the room. When they were gone, Lilliana came up to Kagome and gave her a hug. “Did you enjoy your freedom?”
Kagome smiled. “A lot. I'm going to miss it.”
“Don't be gloomy. Being with the family doesn't mean you won't have your freedom. When there's no danger, we all get to branch out anyway.” She looked toward the door, as though she were looking for someone who might be listening in. “But I will admit, I'm glad that you went back to live your live the way you wanted.”
Lilliana nodded and left the room, but not before telling Kagome to see her tomorrow. “After you've said `hi' to everyone of course.”
Kagome sighed happily. The family hadn't changed, with the exception of Lilliana, who seemed much more at peace then she had in the past. She walked out of the room and bumped into another family member. He was a boy, with sandy color hair and he smiled mischievously to Kagome. “So how was the human world? Boring huh?”
Kagome laughed. “Only when I had nothing to do.” She hugged him. “Have you been behaving Albier?”
“No he has not.” Said another nightwalker. Unlike Albier, who was short and childlike, this man was tall, bald and muscular, with several piercings and tattoos: Bill, Claire's elder brother. “Nice to see you, Kagome.” He said.
“What do you mean I haven't been behaving?” Albier glared at Bill. “I've been on my best behavior! In fact, I haven't bugged Claire once while I've been babysitting.”
“Babysitting?” Kagome arched an eyebrow.
Albier smiled. “Yeah, whenever Kagura is busy, I watch after Taiki. Little squirt seems to like me a lot. I guess it's because I'm the only one in the family that looks like a child.”
“He follows him everywhere when Kagura or Sesshoumaru aren't around. Calls him `onii-chan' and all that.” Bill said.
Kagome laughed. “The kid is still learning English. It's a good thing most of us know Japanese otherwise I'd go nuts.” Albeir said. “Anyway, I'm off to bed and Bill here is off to guard duty. Don't mean to be rude Kagome, but I'll see ya tomorrow.”
Kagome nodded and said goodbye to Bill and Albier. Once she was alone, Kagome yawned. The sun would be rising soon, bringing the heat with it. For the first time that night, Kagome felt tired. The journey from Japan had been longer then she thought. She wasn't sure where Inuyasha's room was, but she followed his scent to the second floor and walked into the room that had his scent all over it. Kagome laughed when she entered. It was just like Inuyasha. He never had many personal belongings in the room and she doubted he stayed there much to mess it up. In the middle of the room was a king-sized, canopy bed with red, satin sheets. Kagome removed her clothing and climbed on top of it. The entire bed smelled like him.
Why was it so damn hot! Kagome rolled over on the bed and growled. The sun was rising, and she already felt that it was at least seventy degrees. “Damn heat,” Kagome said. She felt her fangs throb in her mouth, felt her body heat rise and her skin flush. Her heart was beating fast and Kagome rolled around in the sheets, damning the season for being so hot. She wished that Inuyasha would hurry up with his meeting or whatever.
The sound of the door opening snapped Kagome out of her light doze. She looked toward the large window, which ran from the ceiling to the floor. Though the curtain was drawn, she could see daylight beyond it. The sun was already up. She looked toward the door and saw Inuyasha standing there with his hand on the knob. “Sorry, didn't mean to wake you.”
Kagome glared at him and pulled the bed sheet over her head. She'd finally gotten to sleep too! She felt the bed dip from when Inuyasha got on top of it but she tried to ignore it and get back to sleep. But a sweet scent reached her nose and Kagome lifted her head from the pillow to stare at Inuyasha.
“You're bleeding.” She could see a small cut right above his collarbone.
He shrugged. “Sesshoumaru was pretty pissed at me for leaving without telling anyone. A lecture would have been enough, but, since he's king, the bastard feels like he needs to set an example.”
Kagome wasn't so sure that leaving without notifying the family was stepping too much out of line, but the smell of his blood, combined with the heat, was making her head dizzy. “Cover that up will you.” She snapped.
Inuyasha smirked at her. “You want to bite me.”
“Shut up.”
“You may have learned to handle those urges in the last ten years, but you're not very good at hiding your desire are you?”
Kagome's eyes darkened from blue to black and Inuyasha laughed. “You're just asking for it aren't you.” She huffed.
He leaned toward her. His scent and body heat was so close, Kagome couldn't help but take in a long breath of air and the scent of his blood was intoxicating. Damn nightwalker men and their alluring scent! Before she could stop herself she crawled into his lap, wrapped her arms around his shoulders and bit into his neck. She felt him stiffen but he didn't pull away. Instead he wrapped his arms around her waist and waited.
Kagome felt her head spin. It had been so long since she drank from him. The saying was true: a mate's blood is unlike any other and when Kagome finally pulled her fangs from his neck, she couldn't help but release a content sigh. She pressed her body closer to his, clinging to his heat. Her skin was already shining with sweat since the room was so hot and she panted furiously.
“Fucking heat.” Inuyasha sighed. Kagome felt his hand sliding from her waist to her lower back. He nuzzled her ear with his cheek and Kagome found herself running her fingers through his long, straight, silver hair. She sighed as his hands found her bottom. Four years of celibacy was too much, she found herself thinking as his hands slid to the underside of her thighs.
“Mmm. So damn hot.” She said, pressing her breasts against his chest. He took her reaction in stride, guiding her lips to his for a kiss. His tongue teased hers and Kagome pushed Inuyasha down into the bedding, running her hands over his chest as he reached for her hair and began running his hands through it. She moaned as he tugged softly on her long, black hair and rewarded him by rubbing her breasts against his chest again.
Inuyasha groaned from under her and his hands slid from her back to grab her thighs and part them. He then reached for her core, sliding his fingers inside of her. She let out a yelp, breaking their kiss and pressing her check against his chest, moaning as he thrust his fingers in and out, in and out. And then she felt his other hand find her womanly jewel and roll it between his thumb and forefinger. Kagome screamed and arched her back. The heat in her core was rising again, higher then a fever this time. She whined when Inuyasha pulled his fingers out of her but let out a shocked cry when he flipped them over.
His mouth found one of her breasts, his tongue circling the nipple, while his hand began to thrust inside her again. Kagome arched her back, gasping, and moaning. She felt his other hand go under her back, supporting her, and yet, at the same time, letting him take more of her into his mouth and letting his hand dive deeper into her body. She let out a delighted moan when he bit down softly on her nipple and thrust his fingers into her at the same time. The slippery feeling of his tongue on her breast and the feeling of his fingers inside her was enough to make Kagome scream from the heat and the rush of a climax, but it seemed like he wasn't finished with her.
He placed her back against the bedding as his tongue slid from her breast to her stomach and still downward till he was resting between her legs. Kagome lifted her head to peak at him as he lifted her butt. “What are you…A-AHHH!”
Her head feel back against the bed and her hands clutched the sheets the moment Inuyasha slid his long tongue inside her. One hand rubbed up and down her thigh while the other teased her core, opening her body up for him to stick his tongue deeper into her. Kagome clenched her teeth, trying to keep herself from screaming as he rubbed her weakest spot with his tongue. It was all she could take not to scream like a mad woman. Fire erupted inside her as a typhoon of pleasure sizzled it's way from her core to all over her body. The heat rose higher and higher the faster he pushed his tongue into her soft flesh, until Kagome couldn't take it anymore. She buried her hands into Inuyasha's hair the moment another climax gripped her.
She lay there gasping, watching him sit up. He looked down at her as he licked his fingers, staring at her with golden eyes that were filled with lust. She watched as his eyes slid from her face toward her breasts, then her stomach and then her legs. It was still too hot! Then Inuyasha reached for her and she grabbed his arms, pulled him down, and climbed on top of him with her thighs straddling his hips. She heard him groan when she reached for his heated member. She then kissed him as she positioned herself above him, and then moaned as she brought herself down on him.
When he was fully seated inside her, he groaned into her mouth. She began to bounce above him, her hands on his chest. Her body warmed up delightfully again. This time, her blood carried the fiery ecstasy all over her and the pleasure only increased tenfold when Inuyasha grabbed hold of her hips and thrust up every time she went down. He threw his head back and howled the moment she sped up her movements. She could feel his claws digging into her hips, but she didn't care. She moved faster and faster and felt him do the same as he thrust up harshly inside her. Her body burned with the heat of the pleasure he created inside her and she fell against his chest, running her tongue over his well-sculpted skin. She heard him growl and grip her hips harshly, as he began to thrust upward with such force, it was like a spear of unbelievable pressure and ecstasy was stabbing her over and over, deliciously making her body so hot that the actually temperature of the room seemed cooler in comparison. She screamed, biting his shoulder and moving her butt down on him when he forced himself up into her. His grunts came louder and louder in her ears the faster she went down. And then he let go of her hips; he wrapped his arms around her waist and moved his upper body till he was sitting with her bouncing in his lap. One hand went back down to her hips to keep her body moving down on him while the other pressed her breasts closer to his chest.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her lips against his and tightened her legs around his waist as he made her ride him. The fire that was building inside her was going to burst like magma erupting from a volcano. She kissed him desperately, not wanting to breath, not wanting to do anything but feel his hard heat moving inside and his chest against her skin. He growled furiously, and soon he was pushing himself into her so fast, she let out a scream as a whirlpool of heat and pleasure sizzled all over her body.
It was increasing faster then a hurricane and the slippery friction of where their bodies were joined only added to the heat and, at that point, she would have given anything for it to being cooling again. As though he heard her silent wish, Inuyasha slammed his hips against hers one final time so hard that Kagome broke away form his lips and screamed into his shoulder as her body exploded with an inferno of pleasure.
She rested her head against his shoulder for a while, gasping, listening to his harsh breathing as he came down from his climax and feeling the wet warmth of his seed inside her. As she was catching her breath, she felt his arms around her back and she nuzzled her cheek against his shoulder, sighing out of contentment. Inuyasha fell back against the bed, with her on top, still gasping from their release.
When Kagome's voice returned to her, she said, “That was…”
“Yeah I know…” Inuyasha sighed.
“Four years is way too long.”
She felt his chest rise when he took in a long breath. “Then next time, don't wait that long to give me a sign that you need it.”
Kagome raised her head to look into his face and retort but she had seen that he was already sleeping. Strange, Kagome thought, he never fainted after sex before. Usually she was the one who would go off to sleep. That was until Kagome felt another presence in the room. She grabbed the blankets, wrapped them around her naked upper half, and looked around the room. It was coming from the window. She reluctantly pulled herself off of Inuyasha's body and reached for her clothes, intent on killing whatever was there. Once she was dressed, she reached for the curtains. Suddenly, someone came into the room and Kagome flashed to attack, but her claws stopped inches from the intruder's face.
“You.” Kagome said. “What are you doing here?”
The young girl smiled at Kagome and then looked around the room. “Smells like you two were fighting not making love.” She said.
Kagome blushed. “Shut up. Why are you here? If Inuyasha sees you-”
“He won't. I've put him under a trance so he won't wake up.”
“Trance? Another one of those freaky powers you have that I don't know about? What do you want Lucy?” Kagome said impatiently.
“Straight to the point as usual. You never change.” Lucy sighed.
“Well, I'm in a really bad mood. It's bad enough that your visits are always at random, when I'm not ready to see you, but this time you just had to come in during the worst possible moment.” Kagome groaned, but then Lucy narrowed her eyes and stared at Kagome as though she had uttered some kind of blasphemous phrase. “I'm not here to intrude on your love making. In fact, I got here shortly after the two of you had finished and I didn't see a thing. I came here because I must speak with you.”
“Yes now, Kagome. While I still have time.”
Kagome looked back at Inuyasha. He slept peacefully, too peacefully, as though someone was forcing him to stay still and keep his breathing even.
“I won't hurt him.” Lucy said.
Kagome glared at her. “I know you won't, but when will he wake?”
“After I'm finished talking to you. I can't have him wake up and see me now can I?”
Kagome sighed. “All right, let's go.”
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Author's notes:
Ugh, it's been forever since I wrote a lemon, I feel so rusty. This is not one of my best, but I guess it'll have to do. Anyway, I hope this answer my reviewer's questions and I hope you enjoyed meeting the family again. This chapter is so damn LOOOONG!
Once again, thank you Unistar and Splendid Goddess for you're wonderful reviews, this chapter and this lemon is dedicated to you for keeping my confidence up! And please pardon the spelling errors, I'll get to them later.
Till next time! Jian out!
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